ONE DAY NATIONAL LEVEL WEBINAR ON ROLE OF COLLEGES IN PREVENTING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Organised by C. P. & Berar E. S. College, Nagpur In association with Centre for Women’s Studies, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur & We 4 Change Organization, Nagpur C. P. & Berar College, Nagpur in association with Centre for Women's Study, R.T.M. Nagpur University and 'We 4 Change' Organization organised a one day Webinar on *Role of Colleges in Preventing Violence against Women* On *27 July* 2020 @12 noon on Zoom app. Chief Guest was Dr. Nilesh Bharane, Addl. Commissioner of Police, Crime Branch, Nagpur. Prominent speakers were Dr. Shruti Tambe, H. O. D., Sociology Dpt., Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune and Renuka Kad, Programme co-ordinator, Vikas Adhyayan Kendra, Mumbai. Chief Organisers were Dr. Sneha Deshpande, H. O. D., Centre for Women's Study, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. Dr. Milind Barhate, Principal, C. P. & Berar College, Nagpur. Organizing Secretary was Dr. Rashmi Paraskar, Co-ordinator, Women's Cell, C. P. & Berar College, Nagpur. सी.पी. & बेरार कॉलेज, नागपुर आणि सᴂटर फॉर विमेन स्टडीज, राष्ट्रीय संत तुकडोजी महाराज नागपूर वि饍यापीठ आणि िी फॉर चᴂज संस्था यां楍या संयुक्त वि饍यमाने आयोजजत िेबबनार- रोल ऑफ कॉलेजेस इन विव्हᴂटटंग व्हॉयलन्स अगᴂस्ट िूमन टिनांक 27 जुलै 2020 रोजी िपु ारी 12 िाजता संपन्न झाला. या िेबबनारला िमुख पाहुिे 륍हिून डॉ नीलेश भरिे, अप्पर पोललस आयुक्त, गुन्हे शाखा हे लाभले होते. शाळा, कॉलेज आणि पोलीस िशासन लमळून वि饍यार्थया車ना समुपिेशन, मागगिशगन क셂न सुरक्षित िातािरि कसे ननमागि क셂 शकतात हे तयांनी सविस्तर सांगगतले. तसेच मटहलांसाठी पोलीस िशासनातफे राबविण्यात येिाऱ्या योजनांची माटहती शुभिा संख्ये, पी. आय., भरोसा सेल, यांनी टिली. िमुख िक्तया डॉ. श्रुती तांबे, समाज शास्र विभाग, साविरीबाई फु ले वि饍यापीठ, पुिे आणि रेिुका कड, विकास अध्ययन कᴂद्र,मुंबई या लाभल्या होतया. या िेबबनारमध्ये 1700 पेिा जास्त लोकं सहभागी झाले. यात िामुख्याने िाध्यापक, परकार, िकील, एन. जी. ओ. मांबसग ि वि饍याथी सहभागी होते. कायगक्रमाचे िमुख आयोजक डॉ. स्नेहा िेशपांडे, एच.ओ.डी., सᴂटर फॉर विमेन्स स्टडीज यांनी िास्ताविक टिले. डॉ. लमललंि बारहाते, िाचायग सी.पी. अँड बेरार कॉलेज यांनी समारोप केला. डॉ. रश्मी पारसकर यांनी आभारििशगन केले. YouTube link: https://youtu.be/fdw_0Da_VvM Media coverage: https://www.nagpurtoday.in/webinar-on-role-of-colleges-in-preventing-violence-against-women-on- july-27/07211318 Timestamp Name Name of Institution Mobile Number Experience as an N.S.S. OfficerAre you N.S. S. Officer of yourGender College? Mail id 20/07/2020 18:38:59 Dr. Rashmi Paraskar C. P. & Berar College, Nagpur+919552229292 Professor Yes Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 18:39:23 Dr. Arvind Sovani C.P. & Berar College 9823105883 Professor Yes Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 18:40:02 Dr. Rashmi Paraskar C. P. & Berar College, Nagpur+919552229292 Professor Yes Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 18:55:17 Malini Nair Dr.D.Y.Patil ACS College Pimpri Pune 982312298218 Professor Yes Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 18:58:14 Dr. Ashok K. Mande C. P. and Berar E. S. College Mahal, Nagpur9373244962 Professor No Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:00:04 Dr. Dhananjay Balwant PandeC. P. & Berar E. S. College, Nagpur 9423069696 Professor No Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:02:46 Sakshi Gurnani Dr. D. Y. Patil ACS College , Pimpri 9235600007 Student No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:03:20 Shubhada Deshmukh Amhi Amchya Arogyasathi 9168655693 Member of an NGO No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:04:06 Deepali Bhowate L.A.D&S.R.P College for Women , Nagpur9422818155 Professor No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:04:19 Dr. JAYA GOLATKAR C. P. & BERAR E. S. COLLEGE 9422821103 Professor Yes Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:06:08 Moumita Paul Dr. D. Y Patil arts commerce and science7896231428 college Student No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:10:12 Tanya NMIMS INDORE 8930073506 Student No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:10:40 Prashant Shende Dr. AMBEDKAR COLLEGE 9067505133 Student Yes Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:11:16 Dr. Nishant Arun Tipte C. P & Berar E. S College 9371170089 Professor No Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:14:23 Tulika Sahay NMIMS 7340867967 Student No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:16:00 Sau Alka s.IndapawR C.p. Berar college Tulshi Bag Mahal Nagpur8459123669 Professor Yes Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:17:38 Santosh Govind GangurdePatkar-Varde College Goregaon (W),Mumbai9821560920 Professor No Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:19:42 Prerana Ratnaparkhi C.P.& Berar College, Nagpur. 9673306638 Professor No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:20:42 Debopriyo haldar Nmims Indore 8777732545 Student No Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:21:35 Astha Aggarwal NMIMS, Indore 9911207547 Student No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:22:28 Jitesh Janardhan MeshramB.P.National.institute Of Social Work Hanuman9823757779 NagarStudent Nagpur Yes Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:25:09 Varsha Bharne GTHSC warora 9511903077 Professor Yes Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:28:40 Nikita batham Dy. Patil college of arts commerce and 8793734486science Student No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:30:24 Dr. RAMESH DHONDIRAMVaidyanath RATHOD College, Parli Vaijnath Dist.9922224511 Beed Professor No Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:30:43 Dr. Suhaskumar Ruprao PatilGovernment College of Education CTE9822228571 Yavatmal Professor No Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:31:34 Mrunal sakpal D.y. patil college of arts commerce and7387864512 science Student Yes Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:34:21 Dipa J Madavi B P National Institute of Social Work Hanuman8766922782 NagarStudent Nagpur No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:36:06 Aravind Dattatreya Joshi C. P. & Berar College Tulshibag road Mahal8275282541 NagpurProfessor Maharashtra No Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:36:48 Dr. Reeta Sontakay C. P. & Berar College 9422827547 Professor No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:39:12 Dr.Vinod Balasaheb GaikwadVaidyanath College Parli-Vaijnath 9423324891 Professor No Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:39:35 DR.AMITA AGRAWAL C.R.D.A.M.P.G COLLEGE GORAKHPUR9455058119 Professor Yes Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:40:58 Dr Chandrashekhar KumbhareChintamani Mahavidyalaya Ghugus Dist8308648837 ChandrapurProfessor 442505 Yes Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:43:01 Dr. Vinod Dongarwar C. P. & Berar E. S. College Nagpur 7083847545 Professor No Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:43:27 Dr. Anuradha Khade Late N. P. Waghaye College Lakhani Dist-Bhandara9975313192 Professor Yes Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:44:05 Urmila Salunkhe Akshara Centre 9324567009 Member of an NGO No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:45:15 Dr Neelima Deepak Raut Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Arts and Commerce9975053743 CollegeProfessor Nagpur Yes Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:45:44 Rekha Prakashrao Zilpe Chetana Vikas Wardha. Maharashtra. 9970428403 Lawyer No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:46:07 Rekha Prakashrao Zilpe Chetana Vikas Wardha. Maharashtra. 9970428403 Lawyer No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:47:39 Dr.sunil kumar Singh gautamSMRD.P.G.COLLEGE.BHURKURA.GHAZIPUR9451892140 Professor Yes Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:48:22 Dr. S. K. Pandey St. Columba's College, Hazaribag, Jharkhand7488461424 Professor Yes Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:48:23 Dr. Yogita Kashinath SanapDr. PDKV, Akola 7588884559 Professor Yes Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:49:19 Salunke Vaibhavi Anand Pune University 7972973769 Student No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:50:51 Kumari Bharti Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag, Jharkhand9471356232 Professor Yes Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:51:06 Pradip Bharat Jankar University of Mumbai 9987459573 Student Yes Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:53:58 MOHINI R. PATIL DR. D.Y. PATIL ACS COLLEGE, PIMPRI,9172748491 PUNE. Student No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:54:08 Pradnya shaligram wanmaliFule Ambedkar college of social work ,Gadchiroli9420511803 Professor Yes Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:55:32 Ms. Naina Bharat Turkar Smt. Radhadevi Goyenka College for Women9405689925 Akola Student No Female nainaturkarakola@ gmail.com 20/07/2020 19:57:52 Vilas Ghode B.P.National Institute of Social Work 9422601170 Professor Yes Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:58:01 Vilas Ghode B.P.National Institute of Social Work 9422601170 Professor Yes Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 19:58:10 Vilas Ghode B.P.National Institute of Social Work 9422601170 Professor Yes Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 20:01:06 Miss Monali Kisanrao ChavanRDG College for Women Akola 8408872280 Journalist No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 20:01:07 Prof .Mrs.Zeenat khan Smt.RDG college,Akola 9421892717 Professor No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 20:07:29 Dr Pradeep Randiwe Shri lemdeo Patil Mahavidyalaya Mandhal9860469779 Other Yes Male [email protected] 20/07/2020 20:12:23 Premlata Madhukarrao ChandanDr.PDKV,Akola 9657725714 Professor No Female [email protected] 20/07/2020 20:16:21 Kalidas Sitaram Wadme B.
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