™ ~ WHAT YOU WFOR EASY REFERENCE^ LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Radio Features Pelt Jeweler." bankrupt, may ap- Today’s pear. prove their claims, elect a trustee, examine the bankrupt and _Rental*_ TU18DAY, JANUARY 1» (Central Standard Time* 33 transact such other business as Shoe Repairing 63 1\ M. unless indicated. and station to Apartments Programs lists subject rhanfe. may properly come before such (0y Tka AaaoeUtttd Prut) 1:10—Crime Club—Aim WXTZ WOWO meeting. WON KMOX KMBC: Oreh.— APECIA 2-room southeast ev- 4*4.3—WEAF-NBC—*60 /©*> Dated January 18. 1932 PRICES Apartment, Only WBCM KSCJ W.VAX KFH KFJF #n Shoe furnished. 120 00 Mo—Hvmn ting — Alao KSTP WSM IRA WEBSTER Repairing erything per KTRH KDTL KLZ Men’* Half month. ▼SB — Soles and Heel* 15c Telephone U63W VIM WJDX KOA KOIR • 40 "The thagew" — Aten WXTZ Referee In Bankruptcy. Ladies' tiS£rA,is® J®y—ai*» wtam wdaf WBRO WpgL* WOWO WFBM WBBM Half Soles and Heel* 50c WIBa WTMJ 1-19-11-4283 • KSTP WEBC WDAT WCCO KMOX WIBW KFJF KRLD Oenuine Heels* ONE. two, or three room furnished KFTR WOAI Ooodyrar WKT KTRH KDTL KLZ Guaranteed Work — — MONITION In the United State* Dm- and Materials apartment, oarage. 1223 Adams. §•*8 Goldbergs Alan WTAM WWJ 1:10 — Ohllhret Oreh. — Aim WOgr trtet court for the Southern district Stebbina Saya— Only KTW WXTZ WBCM WI>OP WREC WLAO {WENR:WOC Hospital Shoe Shop WHO WOW WDAF wtmj WNOX WBRC WDSli WISN WOWO of Tessa. The United States of Amer- *_U187 K8TP WSMB ica vs 295, more or less 100. lb *ackt Oppo Mkt. Next to Plata WHASW8M WMC WSB WOL WFBM WBBM WCCO KSCJ Sq_ 2-ROOM APARTMENT. 315 N. W ▼BAP KPRC WKT KOA WMT KMOX KMBC WNAX WIBW 100. more or lea*. 25 tb. sack* 8. Hotel — Brownsville — T:00 — Elizabeth. 120 00 Sanderaon and Crumlt Alao KFH KFJF KRLD KTRH KTSA more or lean. 100 lb drum* 6. more per month, every- WTAM WWJ KTW KSD WOC WHO WACO KDTL KLZ or le*a. 25 lb drums of *'Ptantg*rd", thing furnished. WM WOW WDAF KSTP WEBC 1:40—Jaek MIHer-Alm WBCM WREC No 787 In obedience to a “Warrant of M*-Marw and Bob-Alao WTAM WOC Myrt a rut Marge—On 1 WXVZ Seizure to me directed in the above WHO WDAF WHAS WSM WMC WBRO; FOR RENT: 3. 4. and 5-room apart- WLAr WBBM WCCO KMBC WNAX entitled cause. I have seized aud W«4B WJDX tak- ments, decorated and KFH KDTLKLZ en the newly newly BOO—Mualeal WTAM into my possession following- Magaaina—Alao 10:00— — furnished, and under new man- WW.I WLS WOW Sing Croaby (Repeat) Only described property, to-wlt• 293. more Livestock_ KSD WOC WHO WQST WBCM WLAP WDOD WREC WDAF WTMJ WEBC WDAY KFYR or less too lb sack* 100. more or less. agement Valley View Apartments. WNOX WBRC WDSU WISN WHAS WSM WMC W*R WSMB WLAO 23 lb sacks. 8 more or less. 100 lb Palm Blvd WOWO WFBM WON WCCO KSCJ MILK W9J T'JDX KTHS KVOO KPRC WOAI drums and 8. more or less. 25 lb, GOATS—fresh giving fine WMT KMOX KMBC KLRA WNAX '* IWKT KOA KSL drums, of Plantgard For the causes milk—sell for caah or time, or trade — WIBW KFH KFJF KTRH KTSA ALONSO fur- SsSO Voorhaaa* Oreh. — Alan WTAM now for APARTMENTS, well KDYL set forth In the libel pending In citrus trees. Moss Store, Point WWJ KTW' KSD WHO W'OW KLZ nished. close in. Corner 6th and WOC 10:IS—Barlaw Aim WXTZ the V 9 District Court for the South- Isabel. Highway. WDAF WTMJ KSTP WEBC WSB Symphony— Will WLAP WREC WBRC WISN WOWO ern District of Texas, at Brownsville. Levee, phone 839. V190 ▼BAP WKT WOAI KOA KSD KSCJ WMT KMBC WNAX WIBW Texas. I herebv give notice to all per- 0 00— Danes Hour—Alao WTAM WWJ - KTRH KTSA WACO sons claiming the said described 50 WENP. KSD WOC WHO WDAF KSTP KFH KFJF Poultry Supplies PITCH APARTMENTS, modern, KDTL KLZ above mentioned articl** of Plantgard tWFAA KSD WTMJ WF.BC WDAY well location, reas- — furnished, good — er knowing or having to KFYR W!BA A HAR WSM WMC W SB 10:10 Oleen Oreh. Alan WBCM When the plumbing ! anything say FOR SALE: 100 while WREC WBRC: Merten Dewney (Be- why the same should not be condemn- ghorn onable. Phone 558. W23 .WAPI WSMB WJDX KPRC WOAI pullets, p. e iWKY KOA peat)—Only WOWO WGN KDYL KLZ springs a leak—When ed and forfeited and the proceed* laying, Payne strain. — — 00 (10:00— Marian Harrie-Alao WWJ KSD 10 4S Olaen Oreh. Alan WXTZ j thereof distributed according to the 11 each. Cameron County Chick- NICELY FURNISHED duplex. 3 jW’IS WLAP WBRC WISN KSCJ WMT an electrical fixture re- ? prayer of the libel, that thev be and fries. La Peris. Texas. W13 rooms, choice neighborhood, reas- KMBC WNAX WIBW KFH KTRH ,10:1V— Alice Jay lR«peat>—Only WE NR appear before the said Court to be onably priced Call 24 or 183. WH KSD W'OC WHO wow WHAS WSM WACO KDTL KLZ fuses to work—When held In and for the Southern District CHICKS 8 cents jWMC WSB WAIT WSMB WJDX \i :0O— Siaala Oreh. Alan WLAP WISN of Texa* at the United States Court up; Australorps. KSCJ WMT KMBC WNAX BEAUTIFUL APARTMENTS for •KTHS WFAA KPRC KOIR KG HD WCCO the car refuses to budge ! Room In the Cttv of Brownsville on 12 cents; special eariv order dis- — WTRW KFH KTRH KDTL KLZ ip:»0J- Oanny-e Oreh. Ala.. KTHS the 12th day of 1932. at count, rent by the sea shore Electr.e — — February. 10 We guarantee the WWJ WENR KOA KSD WIBA 11:10 Dance Oreh. Alan WSPP —When furniture be- livability ▼TjL o'clock on the forenoon of that day. of our chicks for three lifhts. Cook and heat with gas. Hot 11:0B— Vallec WISN WCCO KSCJ KMBC WNAX week* Send Ralph Kirbery; Oreh.— If the same shall be a day of Jurisdic- and coid water Winter surf Alao WWJ KSD WOC WHO WOW WIBW KFH KRLD KTRH KDTL comes a bit worn—con- for literature Poultrv bath- tion. otherwise on the next dav of Galloway WSM WDAF WTMJ KFTR WSB ing In warm Gulf water. Fishing 3S4.S—WJZ*NBC—760 I jurisdiction thereafter, then and there Farm, Falfurrias, Texas. V181 KTHS KOA sult the Business Ser- anJ hunting Reasonable rates Only — WLW WENR to a claim for the same and 11:10 — 9:15—Hall's Orth.—Also Interpose Simon a Oreh. Alan WWJ a few minutes from Brownsville, WENR KSD WEBC WSM WSB KOA KWK WREN KOIL vices Classifications 22 to make their allegation* tn that be- BABY CHICKS—First hatch Jan- 6 10— To — W'JZ U paved Del Mar Incor- KSD Announced Cham jj half NIL TOOMBS S Marsha! uary 18th. R. I. Reds. Barfed Rocks. highway. * — *5—Back of the News Alan WCKV to 34 in The Herald Southern. District of Texas Bv H R White porated. Dei Mar, p. Q Texai U137 348 6—WABC-CBS—860 WREN KOIL WIBA WDAT KFYR Jefferd* Deputy. 1-19-lt—4287 Wyandottes. and White KOA Leghorns. We are the hatch- WXTZ KTBS WI8 KLO ICOIR KOHL Classified Section. only ii:15—BinaCroaby—Alan 7:00— Voters Service—WJX Chain i .VAN SICLEN-3 and 8 rooms iWTAQ KRLD KGRS WACO WCSC fry in the Valley who disinfect all 7;J0—Marmama* — Also WL3 WREN V. Kaltenborn—A.m WXTZ chicks for white furnished. 130 per month and up KOIL KOA KSL diarrhoea. Custom WFBM WBBM WCCO KMOX KMBC Phone 65 or 518W U86 7:45—Siatara of the Skillet — Also WLS hatching. Cameron County Chick* iWJSV; Southern Oreh.—Only WGST A Real Guide Announcements WDOD KWK WREN KOIT. KSTP WDAY eries. La Ferta. W34 W.N'OX WBRC WODX; David WIBA KFYR KVOO WBAP KPRC Business Service* MAY-DAY Pumtshed Apartments Oroach — Only WBCM KSCJ WNAX WOA1 WK V —Modem, KFH KFJF KTRH KTSA WACO cool, clean, convenient. 1:00— Dumcnt'a Orch. — Alao WMAQ Here you will find the <6:46— Merton — Best location Zerotone. hot water Downey Alan WXTZ KWK WREN WJR NOTICE TV rWLAP WDOD WRKC LAC WNOX 8:30—Greet Personalities — Alan WJR name, address and C. garage, reasonably priced. 138 WHRC Mr. W Morgan, advertising 24 I WDSL WI8N WFBM WCCO WLW WENR KWK WREN KOIL Dressmaking Merchandise solicitor, is not in my employ and Washington. Phone 111 KSCJ WMT KMOX KMBC KLRA 9:00— Russ Cslumbe—Also WJR WCKY phone number of the ^mmmmM WNAX WIBW KFH KFJF KRLD ] is not authorised to represent me. KWK WREN KOIL 64 .KTRH KTSA WACO 9:15—"Th# Raven'—W.1Z Chain firm whose business it A. Tex. Rooms 7:00—TWe B. Wilmot, Mission, • Club—Alan WGST WXTZ 9:30—Clara, Lu and Em — Also WJR 54 For Sale Miscel. jWISN WFBM WGN WCCO KMOX WCKY KYW KWK WHEN KOIL is to take care of these j Publisher, Valley Business Direc- to WARM clean rooms at the Plata. — Dressmaking KMBC; Joy a Oreh. Onlv WBCM — ,9:45— Paris Ni-ht Llfa Alao WCKT tory’ W113 Weekly. 62-50 to 85 00.VI78 KSCJ WNAX KFH KTRH KTSA KYW KRKN KOIT. little inconveniences. WACO FOR SALE KDYL 10:00— Amo* 'n' — W.MA'J Measure, Designing — Andy Crvly — 5 Lott and Found DESIRABLE ROOM ,7:15 Lyman’s Band Alan WGST WENR KWK WDAF KOIL WTMJ CITRUS TREES with every WXYZ WRKC ivrisi WFBM WON convenience.
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