Odonatologicalabstracts 1971 provided. It is mainly based on Dr. Asahina’s 1965 account. — ( Abstracter's DE CASTRO (2418) TEIXEIRA, R M., 1971. note: As is apparent from the photographs conhecimento da fauna the have Contribuiçâo para o accompanying paper, some spp. odonatolôgica de Rio Grande do Sul. been erroneously identified: Fig. 13: Anax [Contribution to the knowledge of the parthenope Julius, not ”A. guttatus”; — Fig. odonate fauna of the Rio Grande do Sul], 16: probably a teneral Gynacanthajaponica, stated as — 17: Arqs Mus. nac. 54: 17-24. (Portuguese). — only "Gynacantha sp.”; Fig. (Pontificia Univ. Carolina, Porto Alegre, probably Aeschnophlebia anisoptera, not RS. Brazil). "Planaeschna sp.”; — Fig. 18: Ictinogom- An annotated list is of ”1. — 19: given 16 zygopteran phus pertinax, not rapax”; Fig. and 24 from the Rio Leptogomphus perforatus, not ”L. sauteri”; anisopteran spp. — 20: Grande do Sul, Brazil. Some of the taxa Fig. Tholymis tillarga, not "Epitheca listed identified the — 21; are to genus only. sp."; Fig, Zyxomma petiolatum, not "Somatochlora dido”; — Fig. 28: Rhyo- (2419) LAI, Y.L., 1971. An introduction to the themis variegata, not "Hydrobasileus cro- Odonata of Hong Kong. New Asia College ceus”; — Fig. 35: Orthetrum pruinosum Academic Annual 13 (Sept. 1971): 1-48. neglectum, not ”0. testaceum”; — Fig. 41: (Chinese, with Engl. s.). — ( Biol. Dept.. probably subadult of Trithemis aurora, Univ. Sei. Centre, Chinese Univ. Hong not "Sympetrum imitans”; — Fig. 42: Kong, Smalin. Hong Kong). probably Brachythemis contaminata, not The history of odonatology of the crown "Sympetrum striolatum”;— Fig. 56: Mnais traced colony of Hong Kong is from 1854 to mneme, not ”M. earnshawi”; — Fig. 66: present. The fullest and most authoritative Prodasineura autumnalis, not ’Tndoneura the account of fauna is that by S. Asahina delorosa”; — Fig. 71: Agriocnemis femina (1965, 33: The — Kontyu 493-506). present oryzae, not "A. lacteola”; and Fig. 76: is and paper based on the previously published Ceriagrion latericum ryukyuanum, not data and made ”C. stated the on extensive collections by coromandelianum" as in the Department of Biology, New Asia captions. It is certainly unfortunate that the have College, Chinese University of Hong Kong, synonyms and/or identifications not the taxonomist brought together during several yrs in been checked by anexperienced New Territories, Kowloon and in the Hong prior to publication, though the biological the Kong Island. In all, 56 spp. are described, notes are certainly among very few sofar which 22 the in hence among are new to Colony. published Chinese, they might Special attention is being paid to their inspire other Chinese workers to undertake habits, reproductive behaviour and life more systematic work in thefield ofecology, histories. A list of the 77 bionomy and behaviour ofthe Chinese complete spp. spp.). hitherto recorded from Hong Kong is also 228 Odonatological Abstracts 1975 szitakôtô (Odonata) faunâjânak elemzése. (Analysis of dragonfly [Odonata] fauna of (2420) NANAO, J., 1975. Anax parthenope Julius. the North-East-Plain of Hungary). Acta Color Nature Ser. 10, Kaiseisha, Tokyo. 11 + biol. debrecina 13 (Suppl. 1): 93-118. — — 32 pp. (Japanese). (Publishers' address; (Hungarian, with Engl, and Germ. s’s.). 4 Kaiseisha, 3-5, Sadohara-cho, Ichigaya, ( Weszprény u. 1/4. HU-4028 Debrecen). Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. 160, JA). A faunistic review and an analysis of the A book on the life history and biology ofthis faunal composition of selected areas in the northeastern H sp. It is written for children and it is ungarianPlain are presented, exceptionally richly illustrated with high and methods of earlier faunistic surveys are qualitycolour photographs. — (Abstracter's critically discussed. note. The Japanese title runs "Gin-yamma”, meaning a "silver colour aeshnid”, i.e. Anax (2424) DÉVAI, G., 1976. A magyarorszâgi szitakô- parthenope Julius). tô (Odonata) fauna chorolögiai vizsgâlata. (The chorological research of the dragonfly [Odonata] fauna of Hungary). Acta biol. 1976 debrecina 13 (Suppl. I); 119-157. (Hungar- ian, with Engl, and Germ. s’s.). — du (2421) CAILLIÈRE,L., 1976. Problème repéra- (Weszprény u. 4 1/4. HU-4028 Debrecen). ge des proies chez les insectes carnivores,à la The Hungarian odon. fauna is classed in- lumière des observations recueillies chez the to following chorographic groups: deux larves d’odonates Calopteryx splen- Holomediterranean (23.8%), Pontomediter- boltoni dens (Zygoptère) et Cordulegaster ranean (20.6%), Westsiberian (22.2%), Si- (Anisoptère). Colloques int. Cent. natn. berian (14.3%), Pontocaspian(9.5%), Atlan- Rech. scient. 265: 227-239. (With Engl. s.). tomediterranean (4.8%), Adriatomediter- — (Dép. Biol. anim., Univ. C. Bernard. 43 ranean (1.6%), Mongolian (1.6%) and the I elements. Bout. l-nov.-l9l7, F-69 Villeurbanne). Eremial (1.6%) group of faunal The and of the techniques physiology prey C. A detection in C. splendens and boltoni are (2425) DÉVAI, G., 1976. magyarorszâgi szitakô- analyzed. The habitat, prey spectrum and tô (Odonata) fauna fenolôgia vizsgâlata. the predatory behaviour are essentially (Phonological study of the Hungarian different in the 2 The ofC. boltoni spp. mask dragonfly [Odonata] fauna). Acta biol. can be projected in several directions, while debrecina 13 (Suppl. 1): 159-203. (Hungar- that of C. splendens operates in the sagittal ian, with Engl, and Germ. s’s.). — The detection in the former plane only. prey (Weszprény u. 4 1/4. HU-4028 Debrecen). sp. is effected by mechanoreceptors(located On the basis of approx. 7000 data the the while in C. boltoni the the on legs and antennae), phenology of majority of Hungarian tactile and visual involved. is cues are spp. analysed statistically, and 6 phonolo- The gical groups are proposed. available (2422) DfiVAI, G„ [Ed ], 1976. Research in the evidence on the time-distribution of the and the chorology phenology of dragonfly larval stages is still insufficient for a (Odonata) fauna of Hungary. Kossuth statistical treatment. Debrecen. 203 in Univ., pp. (Title Hungar- ian, Engl, and Germ.; published as Acta biol. (2426) DfiVAI, G„ G. BODNAR & P. BENEDEK, debrecina A 13, Suppl. 1). 1976. szitakotok (Odonata) magyarorsza- The volume represents a collection of papers gi elofordulasi adatainak elemzese. (An listed in OA Nos. 2423-2426; the contents analysis of the faunistic records of dragon- there is neither table is trilingual, but a flies [Odonata] in Hungary). Acta biol. other text common preface nor any debrecina 13 (Suppl. 1): 9-92. (Hungarian, the 4 dealt with. — connecting topics with Engl, and Germ. s’s.). ( Weszpreny u. 4 1/4. HU-4028 Debrecen). (2423) DfiVAI, G., 1976. Az fiszakkeleti-Alfold A critical review is given of the Hungarian Odonatological Abstracts 229 faunistic records (approx. 10.000 records in (2429) HORIE, S., T. MIYAMA & K. SAEKI, 55 related 65 and the papers, to spp.), 1977. Occurrence of enterococcal species of distribution of all is 6 km spp. mapped (6 x Insects. J. Food Hygienic Soc. Jap. 18 (4); grid). Their frequency of occurrence and 382-386. (Japanese, with Engl. s.). — (Tokyo distribution, as well as the shortcomings of Univ. of Fisheries. 5-7. Konan 4-chome, the traditional faunistic discus- surveys are Minalo-ku, Tokyo. JA). sed. From 37 of 89 insect samples collected in and Tokyo, Japan, neighbouring areas between July and Dec. 1974, enterococci 1977 were obtained by use of the azide esculin method in numbers of !03 -l0 8 agar plate /g CRUC1TTI, P. & P. GIOM1, 1977. Primi included of (2427) insect. The 37 samples 11 spp. reperti odonatologici per Laghi di Fusine Lepidoptera, 7 of Orthoptera, 8 of Coleopte- Boll. Soc. ent. ital. (Friuli), 109 (4/6): 89. ra and 3 ofOdon. 79 strains ofenterococci so — Sei. the (With Engl. s.). (Soc. romana nalur., isolated were studied by means of Via Fralelli Maristi 43. 1-00137 Roma). following tests: fermentation of mannitol, Coenagrion puella, Aeshna juncea. Anax sorbitol, arabinose. glycerol, melezitose and imperator and Sympetrum flaveolum are melibiose, liquefaction of gelatine, nutritio- number small listed from a of alpinepools in nal requirement of folic acid, reduction of the vicinity ofthe Lago Superiore di Fusine, triphenyltetrazoliumchloride, and growth in Western Julian Alps. Friuli, Italy. It is stated 0.04% potassium tellurite. 51 strains from 30 that the Fusine lake the first represents insects were identified as Streptococcus certain of A. in the from locality juncea faecalis var. liquefaciens, 15 10 insects Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Autonomous Region as S. faecalis and 13 from 8 insects as S. — (Abstracter's note'. A. juncea has been faecium. The majority of isolates of S. recorded for the first time from the area by faecalis liquefaciens and S. faecalis agreed G. Tacconi Boll. Assoc, [1888, agrar, exactly in their biochemical test pattern with 5: further references friulana, VI, 10-16][for the typical organisms of human origin. By B. cf. Kiauta, 1969, Atti Mus. civ. Stor. nat. contrast, all the isolates of S. faecium Trieste 4: while 26, 177-247], a large deviated in one or more biochemical of this has been described population sp. properties from typical S. faecium. from a close vicinity ofthe present locality in listed in Nos. the papers OA 49 and 1842). (2430) MALZ, H. & H. SCHRÖDER, 1977. Fossile Libellen - biologisch betrachtet. P. & C. 1977. (2428) GALLETTI, RAVIZZA, Note Osnabrücker naturw.Mitt. 5: 33-59. — sull’entomofauna acquatica del corso medio- ( Forschungsinsi. Senckenberg, Sencken- inferiore del Po: Odonata. Rc. Accad. Sei. berganlage 25, D-6000 Frankfurt I, GFR). Milano Lett., (B) III; 89-100. (With Engl. From the Jurassic limestone of Solnhofen, s.). — ( Via Monte Generoso 2, 1-20155 least 24 ofmesozoicodon. have GFR, at spp. Milano). been described. It is argued that the high The odon. fauna (larvae and imagines) ofthe number of fossil reflects the diversified spp. middle-low course ofthe Po River, northern ecological conditions of a Jurassic tropical studied 1973-1976. In all, I Italy, was during swamp. 11 photographs and drawing of 8 20 spp.
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