VoluDle 33 no. 18 Lundi Ie 21 lIlars 1994 Race for Internationals place prez heats 3rd overall! Michele Ermuth Alex E. Limion up The Glendon Internationals finished off their season with a Overall, the team finished third place winoutof16teams,withBethunecomingfirst and Stong with 6 wins and 2 losses: the ThethreeofficialcandidatesrunningforpresidentofGlendon second. Internationals scored 23 goals and College Student Union are: Andy Straisfeld, Jonah Bergbusch, and -allowed only 10. Rookie goalie Ed Beres. They were all asked to make submissions; the results Monday, March' 7, the to the third goal - Glendon won in KathiePersaudwas amazing ineach appear on page 4. Glendon team battled their way a 3-2 struggle. game. The top goal scorer, Isabelle through the quarter finals against Unfoitunately, the Interna­ Pappalaudo, should be There is also one unoffi­ care plan, b) opt-in capability for Osgoode Hall. The score was tied tionals were not as lucky in the congratulated as well. cial candidate for president ­ part-time students. 2. Abolish all at the half, then Osgoode scor~d semi-finals against Bethune. The The Internationals thank Michael F. Jursic. Mr. Jursic is executive salariesonthepremisethat halfway through the second. With girls played well but were head coach, Jonah Bergbusch (and runningas a "write-incandidate". inept future politicians should not only a few minutes left in the play, outmanoeuveredby the otherteam assistants Brent, Ron3Id, Marcello To vote for a write-in candidate, get paid to be politicians-in-training Isabelle Pappalaudo tied the game. 3-0. & Garry) for being·an excellent the voter must write in the candi­ 3. Abuse ofpower -I promise to do Both teams fought their way The Internationals rallied coach and picking up from where date's name, draw a box beside as little aspossibleandcollectmy $5 througb·2 overtimes and the game back in the consolation finals on Bassam Abou Nairn leftoff. It was his name, then check the box. grand, and I promise to travel to as wentintopenalty shots with Dawn Monday, March 14, beating his technicaldrills, spirit, andcircle What's -Mr. Jursic's many conferences as possible with Cox, Linda Urbisci, and Isabelle Bethune'sB team, the Hellbags by drills that helped finish the season platform? "I originally started the dual purpose of site-seeing and Pappalaudo taking them for 1-0. Isabelle Pappalaudo scored on such a high note! Here's to next witha 15-pointplatfoffilcovering drinking with thelocal bikecouriers. Glendon. There was no need to 0 Glendon's only oal. ear! all aspects of student life at 4. I promise to attempt to tear down unnecessary body, andthatthe stu­ "Moreover, I intend to call dent's time and money.... I'll get Glendon. I now have only 4 the student council piece by piece dent's money can be better spent intofocus thefact thatstudentpoli­ the secretaries to type my essays." points: 1. Opt-out capability for from the inside out on the grounds elsewhere. tics everywhere are a waste ofstu- full-tim~studentsfrom thehealth- thatitisanineffectualandcompletely Financial aid:, L'ouragan Rocb Voisine Income-contingent - a'T.I.oront 0 •••'" loan test pilot fails Dominique Marcotte Pour ceux et celles qui l'attendaient, Roch Voisine debutera represente 4 disques platines. En G. Bruce Rolston une tournee dans I'est du Canada des Ie mois d'avril. En fait, pour plusd'etre maitrede ceremonie ala les inreresse(e)s, les dates et les villes retenues pour latournee sont soiree des "Prix Juno", il est en TORONTO (CUP)-A pilotprojectfora "user-pay"student Quebec, du 7 au 10 avril inclusivement; Montreal du 14au16 avril nomination pour "L'AIbumde loan system has had almost no takers, Ontario government officials inclusivement; ensuite Ottawa, Ie 20 avril seulement et pour l'annee: I'II always be there", "Le admit. terminer, Toronto au MASSEY HALL les 27 et 28 avril. meilleurvocaliste" etpourfinir, "Ie meilleurvendeur, albumfrancopho­ Theprojectwas supposed versities. La feuille de route decet grandes les portes de la France. ne pour l'album 'Europe Tour' ". to test an "income-contingent" "Idon'tthinkit'lltell us much artiste canadien de renommee Depuis ce, temps, il ne cesse Pour ceux et celles' qui loan system, where students pay at all," said Jamie MacKay, an On­ intemationale est tres impression­ d'accumulerles succes au Quebec seraient interesse(e)s aaller voir back the loan according to the tario Ministry ofEducation spokes­ nante. Roch Voisine estoriginaire et en France. Roch Voisine en concert, les billets amount they earn after gradua­ person. du nord du Nouveau-Brunswick. 1.£ demier grand coup de sont en vente a tous les comptoirs tion. If successful, the income Student loan officers at uni­ II a fait des etudes de niveau Roch Voisine, c'est son album en TicketMasters etau Roy Thomson contingent loans would be used versities across the province did not collegial a Quebec et a termine un anglais. L'arriveedeRochVoisine Hall. Depechez-vous, les, billets to make students pay for a larger receive information on the program baccalaureat aOttawa. Sacarriere ­ surIe marcheanglophoneetaitbien s'envolent rapidement: a Quebec, share of their education costs. until November. a debute a Montreal, il y a 5 ans. orchestree et les resultats ne se lesbilletspourles4 representations The pilot program was -"I would say the majority of Son premier succes, la chanson sont pas fait attendre. Son album, se sont vendus en 3 heures et a supposed to give out 1,000 loans studentswouldhavefigured outhow Helene, l'a propulse ausommet "I'llalwaysbe there", a dejaatteint Montreal plus de 5000 billets ont to students at Ontario universi­ to finance their education [by No­ des palmares et lui a ouvert toutes Ie cap'des 400,000 ventes, ce qui ete vendus en 1 heure. ties. It offered $2,500 to any vember], especially those in fourth student who was not eligible for year," said Karen Takenaka, student rows the money. The difference to's fmancial aid manager, David qualify for the loans. normal Ontario student loans. aidmanagerfor Ryerson University, between Ie loans and regular as­ Sidebottom, also criticized the de~ "The governmentdid them­ But as of last week, no which has no students who received sistance is that if a student's in­ lay in the start of the program. selves in by making the parameters more than a few dozen students income contingent loans. come after graduation does not Sidebottom said the province too narrow," Sidebottom said. "It had received one ofthe over 150 Unlikeregularstudentsloans, reach a certain level, part or all of should have expanded those eligi­ was only for those who didn't loans of$2,500 each setaside for income contingent loans collect in­ the loan is written off. ble. He had identified only 140 qualify for student aid at all." students at Toronto's three uni- terest form the day the student bor- The University of Toron- students atU ofT who would even Printed on 700% recycled and recyclable newsprint Lundi Ie 21 mars 1994 PROTEM 2 Pro Tem is the weekly bilingual and independent newspaper ofGlendon College, founded in 1962 as the student publication ofYork 2275 avenue Bayview University.En plus de sa gratuite Pro Tem est Ie seul journal bilingue en Ontario. Les opinions et les faits emis par les signataires n'engagent Toronto, Ontario qu'eux-oleme, et non I'equipe editoriaJe. Les articles sous-entendant des propos ditTamatoires, racistes, antisemites, sexistes ou homophobes PROTEM M4N3M6 ne seront pas publies. The deadline to submit ads and articles is Thursday at 5 pm. Meetings are on Tuesday at 5 pm. Nos bureaux sont situes dans Ie Manoir Glendon, local 117. Editorial and Advertising: 487-6736 ou 487-6821. Tirage: 3000 exemplaires. Editorial Board Redacteur des nouvelles Entertainment editor Production Copy editor Collaborateurs Nathalie-Roze Fischer David Laliberte Nathalie-Roze Fischer Simon Marchand poste vacant Nike Abbott Lorraine Hill Chantale Sajo Patrick Bullard Patrick J. Mimeault Martin Dumais David Laliberte News editor Sport editor Typesetter Advertising Manager Michelle Ennuth Alex E. Limion Alex E. Limion Etienne LeBeau Marika Kemeny Russell Milon Suzanne Rinks Domini~ Marcotte Russell Milon MarlaineLindsay Todd cDaniel Christina Oberli CUP/Opinion editor Photography editor Advertising Manager Distribution Christine Paul Lorraine Hill Poste vacant Etienne LeBeau Stephan Do G. Bruce Rolston Heather Steele L----~_. EDITORIAL._- . I - Dear Co-Operative, Nonne Okay~ so I voted"No"inthe referendumaboutthe cafeteria's cut classes in favour of the social . non-smokingpolicy. Howcanyoublameme? I figured thatifthecaf. aspectof"University";. (i.e. hangin,8 was non-smoking that the Pub would get the spiU-over crowd, and out all day in the caf and doing hence the shot in the arm that it needs to stay in business. stupid things like, oh, ~y, setting legitis things on fife) I speak for those WhatI didn'tfigure on was Well, needlesstosay, Ihave who are bored by the juvenile Ouracademicyearquicklydwindlesaway. It'scrunchtime: that the type of people who since changed my stance. Perhaps activity ofthat minority who feel it course notes to copy, essays past due. frequented the car s smoking area this kind ofbehaviour does belong theirrighttoactin whatevermanner belonged there. Last Thursday, I in high-school, and not in they please, however childish. All 200 pages to go before the library closes - no time to read! No was sitting in the Pub enjoying my university, and, by extension, this I ask is that the .university find time to panic! coffee and a bit of adult kind of behaviour belongs in the someplace other than the Pub for Nonne legitis (You need not waste time on this week's conversation with· some friends, caf. (sorry 'boutthat Mr. Salem...). this annoying minority ofstudents editorial if the case be so I hit the books - get to work!) when I looked overto see someone For many students at Toronto tohang out.
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