OPEN SEAS working for the oceans IJmuiden Pan Cypriot Association of Fileyeurs des Leigh & Southend Fishermen Professional Fishermen Hauts de France Fishermen IRISH ISLA N D S M A R INE RES O URCE ORG ANISATION Mersea Island Thanet Queenbourgh Fishermen Fishermen Fishermen p l a t e f o r me d e la pe tit e p ê c he a r tisan a le f r a n ç ais e ElEctric 'pulsE' fishing: Why it should bE bannEd April 2018 ELECTRIC 'PULSE' FISHING: WHY IT SHOULD BE BANNED | April 2018 2 ELECTRIC 'PULSE' FISHING: WHY IT SHOULD BE BANNED | April 2018 3 80 catch are discarded. In comparison, gillnetters targeting s e the same species in the same area discard around 6% of s Vessels engaged in n 60 e so-called “research” their catch. c Illegal KEy findings & conclusions i l licenses f 40 ▪ The electric current causes such violent, uncontrolled o r Most fishing nations in the world have banned electric fishing, and so has the EU. However, it has been authorising the e convulsions in fish and experiments show that 39 to 70% b 20 use of electric current to capture wild animals through a derogation regime since 2006. Not only does this unethical m of large cod are left with a fractured spine and internal u way of fishing damage our natural world, but electric fishing also threatens the productivity of the ocean and directly N Legal bleeding after the shock. 0 licenses destroys jobs in the fishing sector. 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 ▪ Survival rates measured for several discarded species 22 licenses 2010 2014 +20 licenses +42 licenses were very low, especially for undersized specimens. Below you will find a briefing on how a set of scandalous and untransparent public decisions came to be made and ▪ The use of electricity in salt-water results in the production that have already had dire consequences for the sea and for livelihoods in small fishing businesses. Banning electric ▪ When summoned by media to provide explanations about of harmful chemicals such as bleach. fishing has therefore become not only an environmental and socio-economic necessity but also a fundamental test of licenses, Dutch Minister Carola Schouten recognized that democracy. Can the European institutions be trusted to defend the general interest against the pressure exerted by no research had been conducted aboard vessels: "when A false claim private interest groups? it became clear [in 2014] that our scientific research on ▪ Saying that electric trawling is good for the climate is pulse fishing had not yet begun, the Commission approved blatantly false: electric trawlers only catch 450 grams of Europe prohibited electric fishing in 1998 to protect juvenile fish © BLOOM 2018 a third round of exemptions".* fish per litre of fuel consumed, which is virtually the same and the future of fishery resources but in 2006, under pressure ratio as regular beam trawlers (420 grams of fish per litre). from the Dutch fishing industry, the European Commission Scandalous subsidies ▪ In contrast, artisanal gillnetters targeting the same species proposed, out of the blue and against scientific advice, to ▪ Since August 2015, at least EUR 5.7 millions of public in the same area catch up to 3 kilos of fish per litre of fuel. authorize the use of electric current to catch fish in the North Sea subsidies have been allocated to the development of under a derogation regime. As a result, the Dutch trawl industry the industrial electric fishing fleet in the Netherlands, A direct social threat was able to claim millions of euro in public subsidies to equip including EUR 3.8 millions (67% of the total) from the ▪ Artisanal fishers from all over Europe stand united against vessels with electrodes. These super-efficient electric trawlers European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), including electric fishing because it directly jeopardises their are not only jeopardizing the health of marine ecosystems but for research that was never conducted. livelihoods in the North Sea and elsewhere, should it be the livelihoods of thousands of sustainable fishers in the UK, ▪ Previous subsidies granted from 2007 to 2015 under the permitted in other European waters. France, Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. "European Fisheries Fund" (EFF) cannot be calculated ▪ Even in the Netherlands, many fishers including shrimp North Sea area where electric 'pulse' fishing exemptions can be granted. Today, through the Technical Measures Regulation, European because the Netherlands have not made the file available trawlers find the courage to speak up against electric fishing. institutions have a chance to put right what looks now like that 20 additional licences be delivered in December publicly despite legal obligations. ▪ Because using electric current threatens ocean a political, financial and social scandal. The European 2010 under the guise of "scientific research". ▪ Public funds have thus been used to equip illegal fishing productivity and a whole fishing sector, electric fishing Commission and EU Members States have a moral duty to ▪ In 2013, the European Parliament rejected an increase in vessels for a prohibited fishing method that is only has been banned in many countries around the world. follow the European Parliament's enlightened position in the number of electric trawlers. Nonetheless, in 2014, the authorized through a legally unfounded derogation regime ▪ China, which used it in the 90s, banned it in 2000 because favour of a full ban on electric fishing, as voted on 16 January European Commission ignored the Parliament's position resulting from scandalous political decisions, against of its serious harmful effects on biodiversity. 2018. The ban voted for by 402 to 232 votes would protect and used a subterfuge to satisfy the Dutch lobby at all scientific advice. The development of electric fishing contradicts small-scale fishers from a grab of resources by industrial costs: 42 additional exemptions were thus granted to the ▪ Taxpayers money should be used to steer European Europe's own principles of applying the precautionary fishing lobbies. It would encourage the most environmentally- Netherlands against scientific advice by STECF, yet again, fisheries to social and environmental sustainability, not to approach and ecosystem-based management and friendly fishing practices, protect jobs and regional economies, as part of a "pilot project". satisfy powerful industrial lobbies whose operations are ensuring equitable access to marine resources to all and demonstrate to citizens that decision-making in the EU is ▪ As a result of these political manoeuvres, most current leading small, family-owned businesses to bankruptcy and fishers as laid out in the Common Fisheries Policy based on scientific, social and economic factors and not on Dutch licences are illegal. If the Netherlands were to jeopardizing the socio-economic balance of the fishing (CFP) as well as going against the EU’s international the special pleading by powerful interest groups. comply with the law, only 14 electric 'pulse' trawlers would sector. commitments to end overfishing and destructive be operating in 2018, instead of 84. Illegal exemptions Unacceptable impacts fishing practices. Under the guise of research ▪ The first exemptions granted for the year 2007 went ▪ Electric trawls remain bottom trawls, i.e. high-impact Fishing in the EU should, according to the CFP, be against the explicit advice from the Scientific, Technical ▪ In 2015, the International Council for the Exploration of fishing gear that is dragged along the bottom and damages conducted according to the highest environmental and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF). the Sea (ICES) warned that the current number of vessels marine habitats. and social standards (habitat impact, selectivity, ▪ These initial derogations benefited from yearly renewal was a "commercial fishery [operating] under the guise of ▪ Additionally, the electric current used by 'pulse' trawlers catch to fuel ratio, employment, etc.), and fishing under TACs & Quotas Regulations for 2008 and 2009. scientific research". jeopardizes the integrity and future of marine ecosystems by opportunities should be allocated according to these ▪ In 2013, the 1998 Regulation was amended to include the ▪ Under pressure from revelations made during our impacting both the hatching of eggs and survival of juveniles. guiding principles and objective criteria, as required principle of exemptions in the law, allowing Member States campaign, Dutch scientists, fishers and government ▪ Electric trawls are utterly non-selective: 50 to 70% of the under Article 17 of the CFP. to equip up to 5% of their beam trawl fleet with electrodes. officials have finally admitted that the conversion of the * Schouten: Brussel gaf zelf toestemming voor vergunningen pulsvisserij. 27 March 2018. Available at: https://nos.nl/artikel/2224621-schouten-brussel-gaf-zelf-toestemming-voor- ▪ In parallel, the Dutch government obtained from Council Dutch fleet to electricity was commercially-driven. vergunningen-pulsvisserij.html ELECTRIC 'PULSE' FISHING: WHY IT SHOULD BE BANNED | April 2018 4 ELECTRIC 'PULSE' FISHING: WHY IT SHOULD BE BANNED | April 2018 5 ElEctric 'pulsE' fishing: an illEgitimatE but lEgal Why it should bE bannEd construct Europe is faced with a 'Frankenstein' case, i.e. a problem we have created entirely The economic model of the beam trawl fleet is extremely Further tricks vulnerable because of its structural dependency on fuel. for ourselves: electric 'pulse' fishing'. Electric fishing, which is forbidden in most In 2008, the European
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