MAY 1970 60c ORDER ANY OF THESE SELECT TITLES ON OUR MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. WE PAY POSTAGE. CLAY AND GLAZES FOR THE POTTER HANDBOOK OF DESIGNS AND DEVICES STEP-BY-STEP CERAMICS by Daniel Rhodes. Two complete books by Clarence Hornung. Over 1800 by Jolyon Hofsted. In this complete in- in one! Fundamental details on both sketches of basic designs and variations troduction to ceramics, the beginner CLAY and GLAZES make this book a including the ctrele, line. scroll, fret, is led through all of the basic clay "must" for every hobby-craftsman, stu- shield, snow crystals and many more forming and decorating processes. dent, teacher and potter. $7.50 useful svmbols. $2.00 There are special sections on the Pot- CERAMICS AND HOW TO DECORATE ter's Wheel, Glazing, Firing a Kiln, THEM Buildin~ Your Own DESIGN MOTIFS OF ANCIENT MEXICO by Joan Kiln, Decorating B. Priolo. Mrs. Priolo gives de- Techniques and Raku. $2.50 by Jorge Enciso. A compilation of 766 tailed descriptions and illustrations of examples divided into geometric, na- dozens of decorating techniq.es and NATURE AS DESIGNER tural and artificial forms. Includes de- shows how to use them. $6.95 signs based on flowers, birds, fish, hu- by Bertel Bager. This unusual and man figures, etc. 170 pages. $2.50 KILNS: DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION stimulating book presents a treasured collection & FIRING of plant life which demon- ENAMELING ON strates in a unique and very effective METAL by Daniel Rhodes. Everything you need way the beauty of form in nature. The by Oppi Untracht. Step-by-step photos to know about kilns -- setting up, forms will suggest an infinite number firing, various are used to describe fundamentals on types of kilns -- is de- of shapes and textures for pottery. An through to newly developed experi- scribed and demonstrated in this first outstanding gift selection! $14.50 mental styles. This complete guide is a complete book on kilns. Over 100 major contribution to enameling. $7.50 drawings and photographs. An out- MAKING CERAMICS standing text. $10.00 by Lis and Hans Lundkvist. This text demonstrates some of the simplest meth- WE PAY POSTAGE [ MOSAIC TECHNIQUES ods of handling and shaping clay. Con- J by Mary Lou Stribling. This unique tents include forming pieces by hand book gives a glimpse of the tremendous and with the potter's wheel, decorating potential of mosaics as a medium for with glazes, recipes for glazes, making CREATIVE CLAY DESIGN personal expression, and will stimulate by Ernst Rottger. A wonderful aid to plaster molds, casting, firing, construct- the curiosity ~f beginner and profession- ing a wheel, and directions f•r bnildln~ those who are learning and those who al craftsman alike. $6.95 are teaching others how to explore the a raku kiln in the baekyard. $4.95 creative possibilities of clay. $5.50 CERAMIC SCULPTURE SELLING YOUR CRAFTS by Betty Davenport Ford. The auth~r by Norbert N. Nelson. In a concise, CERAMICS leads the reader to a high level of pro- step-by-step presentation, this book by Glenn G. Nelson. A new, revised and fessionalism in the design and technique leads you through the actual stages enlarged edition of a favorite title. An of an ancient craft. Animal, ht,man, necessary to sell successfully what you outstanding handbook for potters and plant and abstract forms. $5.50 produce. Such diverse channels of sales teachers. 331 pages, hardcover. $8.95 as wholesale, retail, mail order and POTTERY: FORM AND EXPRESSION specialty markets are covered. $5.95 by Marguerite Wildenhain. A truly CERAMIC SCULPTURE beautiful book! Magnificent pictures ol METAL ENAMELING by .John B. Kenny. Contains over 1000 the author at work and of ancient and by Polly Rothenberg. The emphasis in photos and sketches covering all phases contemporary pottery. An outstanding this book is on new methods of enamel- of the sculptor's art. A valuable aid for gift selection for potters. $9.95 ing and new applications of the age-old all craftsmen. $9.95 techniques. Many of these unusual ex- POTTERY & CERAMIC SCULPTURE perimental projects have never before THE COMPLETE BOOK OF by Herbert M. Sanders. A new, thor- een published. Especially important POTTERY MAKING oughly revised edition of Mr. Sanders' for the beginner are the step-by-step il- by best seller, Ceramics Book. Completely lustrated project instructions. $6.95 .John B. Kenny. The "best seller" in up-dated the ceramic field! Step-by-step with new material, including photo section on how to build a BERNARD LEACH: A POTTER'S WORK lessons cover all of the pottery-making potter's wheel. Excellent for beginners. $1.95 Introducti(m by .|. P. Hodin. This latest techniques. Clays, glazes, firing, plaster, book by Mr. Leach covers 55 years of etc. 242 pages. $7.50 MAKING POTTERY WITHOUT A WHEEL his work from 1911 to 1966, showing by F. Carlton Ball and .]anice Lov.os. photographs of his pots and sketches CERAMICS FOR THE ARTIST POTTER This comprehensive and richly illus- from his notebook that he feels are rep- by F. H. Norton. The most complete trated book covers every phase of hand- resentative of each period, including book on the subject, from choosing the building and decorating clay pieces. No raku, stoneware, slipware, salt-glaze proper clay to putting the final touches book has covered the subject of texture ware, and enameled porcelain. $10.00 on a piece, all clearly explained. Ce- and form more effectively. $9.95 THE WORLD OF JAPANESE ramlcs at its best! $9.50 CERAMICS A POTTER'S BOOK by Herbert Sanders. This handsome CERAMIC DESIGN by Bernard Leach. Now in its tenth book illustrates the forming and deco- by .John B. Kenny. Complete instruc- American edition, this book is a must rating processes and the unique tools tions for methods of forming and dec- for every potter and student of ce- used by the potters of Japan. Includes orating ware are given, with step-by- ramics! It deals with Japanese raku, glaze formulas, glaze color charts, and step photos to guide the designer along English slipware, stoneware, and Ori- American equivalents of Japanese the way. Contains appendix, list of ental porcelain. $8.75 glaze compositions. Has slipcase. $12.50 materials, recipes, and glossary. $9.95 m I m " " " "OrdoTForm we 7. ,os oqo STONEWARE AND PORCELAIN BOOK DEPARTMENT Box 4548, Columbus, Ohio 43212 by Daniel Rhodes. Describes techniques and materials used in high-flre pottery. [] Rhodes--Clay & Glazes $7.50 [] Kinney--Glass Craft $7.50 [] Leach~Potter's Book $8.75 Includes sections on clay bodies, glazes, L~ Enciso--Des;cjn $2.50 [] Parmelee--Glazes $8.00 [] Hoisted--Ceramics $2.50 colors, textures and decoration. $7.50 [] Unfracht~Enamel;ncJ $7.50 [] Hornung--Deslgns $2.00 [] Eager--Nature $i4.50 [] Rottger~reative Clay $5.50 [] Priolo~Ceram;cs $6.95 [] Lundkvist GLASS CRAFT [] Nelson--Ceramics $8.95 [] Rhodes~Kilns $1O.O0 ~Making Ceramics $4.95 by Kay Kinney. The complete book on [] Kenny--Sculpture $9.95 [] Stribling--Mosa;c $6.95 [] Nelson--Selling Crafts $5.9S fusing, laminating and bending glass. [] Kenny~Pottery $7.50 [] Ford--Sculpture $5.50 [] Rothenberg Basic techniques, step-by-step projects [] Norton--Artist Potter $9.50 [] Wildenhain--Pottery $9.95 --Enameling $6.95 and a "Glass Clinic." $7.50 [] Kenny--Desicjn $9.95 [] Sanders--Pottery $1.95 [] Leach--Potter's Work $10.00 [] Rhodes--Stoneware $7.50 [] Ball & Lovoos~Pottery $9.95[] Sanders--Japanese $12.50 CERAMIC GLAZES by Cullen W. Parmelee. This invaluable NAME reference book completely covers glaze ADDRESS making. Includes formulas and batch recipes for glazes. 314 pages of techni- CITY STATE ZiP cal information. $8.00 I enclose [] Check [] Money Order. [Ohio residents: add 4% Sales Tax} m z ~ - o ~- ~ G ~ Mi ~.. ° 1 c,-~ ,& : ~ # : . ~ . m =< l,~<_.~.~ <<=I ~Imil~ll~l~t<l!~li~ "• ~; -<--- -<. I "~ .~.'=" ,_- i='_.= ~,.:=®°l<=: Om u i. e[ a. ~. ~: U,I "T" I-- 0 : < ~ ~ z 1 -'8 = =o . ~ > .... ! ~.~~-~ :~E 0 :~ 0"~ . --~m~o- o<~ .,.0 ~I~~' 0.-:~,.~- {!~ .- -~ ~ o ~ " ....." - ~. ~". 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"* } w o w_. < :E D " -''I! i 13 >" >" ~Io~ >-! ~,~,-~,~ z.=_,, ; uu = w~ r=~ ¢"~ <<' ~..< - _mN~'..)- ~lu¢=:.- u ~ ,,..~.;, ,~.~=~ =< --= " _= o x ~'- =®' i fi o..; -w~W" ~8<~::-:E - i- • >.~ ~Z.<m ;u~z~ J~- _1- " < < "= " 8 8 --' May 1970 3 .... Fire on Cone 6 2194°F. Command Ceramichrome takes the worry out o/firing. We've denwnstrated this with the hand thrown piece of of noted stoneware art potter, Frank Matranga. Finished in our textured glaze, it was fired to Cone 6, 2194 ° F. The other original using the same glaze, fired to Cone 06, 1816 ° F. As you can see, both pieces fired perfectly. Choose from over 200 fully proven glaze and underglaze colors. Each is designed to perform perfectly anywhere within this unique firing range, Cone 06, 1816 ° F. to Cone 6, 2194 ° F. Now the school potter can take advantage of the artistic qualities of Ceramichrome glazes on their creations whether wheel thrown or sculptured.
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