US006061061A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,061,061 Conrad et al. (45) Date of Patent: *May 9, 2000 54) COMPUTER SYSTEM WITH GRAPHICAL 2693810 6/1991 France. USER INTERFACE INCLUDING SPRING LOADED ENCLOSURES OTHER PUBLICATIONS 75 Inventors: Thomas J. Conrad, San Jose; Yin Yin tiMy“M ft WindowSTM 7 User’sSer's Guide.Oude, MiMicroSOIL ft UorporaC Wong, Menlo Park, both of Calif. “Screen Dumps from Microsoft WindowsTM v3.1.” 73 ASSignee: Apple Computer, Inc., Cupertino, Microsoft Corporation, 1985-1992, pp. 1-10. Calif. Jeff Johnson, et al., “The Xerox Star: A Retrospective,” Computer, Sep. 1989, pp. 11-27. * Notice: This patent is subject to a terminal dis- Brad W. Myers, “Window Interfaces, A Taxonomy of Win claimer. dow Manager User Interfaces.” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Sep. 1988, pp. 65-83. 21 Appl. No.: 08/889,719 “Automatic Window Management Mode.” IBM Technical 9 Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 35, No. 4B, Sep. 1992. 22 Filed: Jul. 8, 1997 (List continued on next page.) Related U.S. Application Data Primary Examiner-Crescelle N. dela Torre 63 Continuation of application No. 08/482,186, Jun. 7, 1995, Attorney, Agent, or Firm Blakely, Sokoloff Taylor & Pat. No. 5,680,562, which is a continuation of application Zafman No. 08/076.253, Jun. 11, 1993, Pat. No. 5,583,984. (51) Int. Cl. ................................................ G06F 15/00 57 ABSTRACT 52 U.S. Cl. ............................................. 345/340; 345/348 A new behavior in a graphical user interface allows the user 58 Field of Search ..................................... 345/340, 326, to open and close enclosures, while dragging an object. 345/348,339, 347, 344, 345, 346, 349, When the user pauses, gestures, or rolls over a hot Spot on 351, 156, 157, 163 top of an icon or text representing a closed enclosure, a temporary window for the closed enclosure is “sprung open’ 56) References Cited to allow the user to browse inside the enclosure and possible U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS open another enclosure contained within the temporary window. This proceSS can be carried on throughout a hier Re.4,555,775 32,632 11/19853/1988 AtkinsonPike ........................................ ................................. 345/1653 archy of windows as the user browses for a destination 4,653,020 3/1987 Cheselka et al ... 345/344 window for the drag operation. 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"a associal CPU ENCOSURE INSTR MANAGEMENT MEM WINDON a MANAGEMENT 5 SPRUNGLIST WINDOWLIS g-- DISPLAYSYSEM 6,061,061 Page 2 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS OTHER PUBLICATIONS 4,831556 5/1989 Oono .................................. 345/341 Richard Mander, et al., “A Pile Metaphor for Supporting s: s tal. - - - - ii; Casual Organization of Information, CHI 1992, Mar. 5, 5,008,8532Y-- - 2 4/1991 BlyCaO et Cal. a ...... - - - 3, 1992, pp. 627634. 5,040,131 8/1991 Torres ............... ... 3-5,352. Notebook Tabs as Target location for Drag Drop Qpera 5,060,170 10/1991 Bourgeois et al. ... 345/342 tions.” IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin vol. 35, No. 7, 5,107,443 4/1992 Smith et al. ............................ 345/331 Dec. 1992, p. 207. 5,140,677 8/1992 Fleming et al. ........................ 345/348 “Inside Macintosh: Overview, AppleTechnical Library, Ch. 5,202,828 4/1993 Vertelney et al. ... 707/530 6, Dec. 1992, pp. 107-130. 5,305,435 4/1994 Bronson ............ ... 34.5/351 Maria E. 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U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 1 of 15 6,061,061 13 11 MOUSE/ 1 2 MOUSE BUTTON KEYBOARD 10 CPU SPRING-LOADEDENCLOSURE INSTR OR 14 MANAGEMENT MEM WINDOW MANAGEMENT 15 16 DISPLAY CONTROL SPRUNGLIST WORK VIDEO MEMORY WINDOWLIST MEM 19 FIG. 1 U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 2 of 15 6,061,061 2 54 o o - 53 57 56 () or as a FIG. 2C FIG. 2D U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 3 of 15 6,061,061 FIG. 2E U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 4 of 15 6,061,061 2 o & 53 - - CD 52 2.22 A AS A. FIG. 3E U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 5 of 15 6,061,061 SPRING LOADED ENCLOSURE MANAGEMENT 103 CURSOR LOGIC POSITION (SPRUNG star LOGIC (TOP) (SPRUNG RECORDS) 100 104 WINDOW DRAG MANAGEMENT LOGIC LOGIC (DESKTOP WINDOW (s" 101 (CURRENT WINDOW) (WINDOWRECORDS) (LAST WINDOW) (CURRENTENCLOSURE) TIMER 102 DRAWER MANAGEMENT 105 LOGIC (THRESHOLD) (CURRENT DRAWER) FIG. 4 U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 6 of 15 6,061,061 NO||WOOT10NO EdÅL ÖNEdO SNOOI|M. NOOI? NOOIZ NOOI9 SWMÖNEdO/EHEHM NO||WOOTNO10 HINdOLXMSNOOI LE'O MOGNIMA MOONIMI(SNOOI) MOGNIMZ(SNOOI) MOCINIM(SNOOI)9 dO!|<---WOONIMX dOIXSEQ(SNOOI) U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 7 of 15 6,061,061 600 IS MOUSE BUTTON NO DOWN2 YES DRAWERSTUFF F.G. 2 602 S CURSOR OVER NO HANDLE OTHER OBJECT? CLICKS YES 604 S NO BUTTON STILL SELECT OBJECT DOWN YES - CREATE GRAY OUTLINE AND ATTACH TO CURSOR 606 - LAST WINDOW. CURRWINDOW 607 IS NO FINISH DRAG BUTTON STILL DOWN FIG. 13 YES DRAGOVER WINDOW 609 FIG. 7 FIG. 6 U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 8 of 15 6,061,061 FROM BLOCK 607 700 701 DOES WINDOW CURRWINDOW. END DRAG LAST WINDOW FIG. 10 IN WINDOW FIG. 8 LAST WINDOW CURRWINDOW 705 704 706 IS DOES CURRWINDOWNES CURRDRAWERNNO CLOSE ISA DRAWER7 CURRWINDOW CURRDRAWER NO YES 707 CURRDRAWER - CURRWINDOW TO BLOCK 607 DRAGOVER WINDOW FIG. 7 U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 9 of 15 6,061,061 FROM BLOCK 700 800 801 CURRWINDOWNYES NDRAWER CURR DRAW; FIG. 11 802 IS CURSOR OVER NO ENCLOSURE YES TIMER = 0 803 LAST ENCL = CURRENCL 804 805 DOES NO DOES LAST ENCL = CURRENCL TIMER = 0 YES 807 DOES NO TIMER - O TIMER = 0 808 YES SPRING OPEN 809 TIMERHAS EXPRED WINDOW F.G. 9 NO IN WINDOW TO BLOCK703 FIG. 8 U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 10 of 15 6,061,061 FROMBLOCK 808 CREATE SPRUNG 900 RECORD 901 902 903 IS YES SAVE WINDOWSIZE WINDOWIS AND POSITION IN CLOSESPOW OPEN2 SPRUNG RECORD OPEN WINDOW 904 CENTEREDABOUT CURSOR 905 906 S WINDOW OFF YES MOVE WINDOW THE SCREEN ONTO SCREEN 907 S YES 908 WNET09 RESIZE WINDOW SAVE WINDOW REFERENCE IN 909 SPRUNG RECORD PUSHSPRUNG RECORD 910 ONTO SPRUNG STACK TO BLOCK703 SPRING OPEN WINDOW FIG. 9 U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 11 of 15 6,061,061 FROM BLOCK 700 1001 1002 IS LAST WINDOW YES CLOSEDRAWER A DRAWER AND (SLIDE IT SHUT) SLD OPEN NO 1003 DOES LAST WINDOW NO - TOP2 FROM BLOCK 1301 POP TOP OFF OF SPRUNG STACK ASEP)'ES RESIZE TOP CLOSETOP REOPEN TOP DOES 1OPNEED TO BENES REOPENED TO Bgk703 WINDOWEND DRAG TO BLOCK 1300 FIG. 10 U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 12 of 15 6,061,061 FROM BLOCK 800 1100 IS CURSOR WITHIN THRESHOLD OF DRAWER ? SLIDE DRAWER OPEN ONE NOTCH TO BLOCK 802 FIG. 11 U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 13 of 15 6,061,061 FROM BLOCK 600 1200 IS BUTTON STILL YES DOWN NO 120 1202 IS CURRDRAWERN YES CLICKIN NO CURRWINDOW TITLE BAR NO YES 1203 CLOSECURR DRAWER 1204 S CURRWINDOW NO A DRAWER YES OPEN DRAWER 1205 /NM TO BLOCK 602 FIG. 12 U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 14 of 15 6,061,061 FROMBLOCK 607 IS WINDOW SPRUNG STACK END DRAG EMPTY FIG. 10 TO BLOCK 600 FIG. 13 U.S. Patent May 9, 2000 Sheet 15 of 15 6,061,061 1401 6,061,061 1 2 COMPUTER SYSTEM WITH GRAPHICAL SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION USER INTERFACE INCLUDING SPRING The present invention provides a new behavior in a LOADED ENCLOSURES graphical user interface which allows the user to open and close enclosure windows, while dragging an object. When This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/482,186, the user pauses, gestures, or rolls over a hot Spot on top of filed Jun. 7, 1995 now U.S. Pat. No. 5,680,562, which is a an identifier representing a closed enclosure, a temporary continuation of application Ser. No. 08/076,253, filed Jun. window for the closed enclosure is “sprung open' to allow 11, 1993 issued as U.S.
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