San Francisco FOGHQ UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISC VOLUME 87 NUMBER 3 WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1990 GRANT POSTPONED DIFFERENT FACES, SAME GAME BRUNO NORMAN KIMBERLY KAUER tditor-in-chiet News Edilor Under much contusion and debate. Earlier ihis month u grant offered to ASUSFappointcd several new officers io USF in I98X, for the strengthening of fill lhe many open positions on Senate cross-cultural awareness within thc Uni­ Wednesday, September 12. versity community, was postponed. Thc Senate approved Kevin Mullin, Funded by thc James Irvine Founda­ Liberal Arts and Science representative; tion, thc University was awarded a Malcolm Boris, Treasurer; Tania Atkin­ S6(X),(KX), three-year grant to develop son, Electoral Governing Board Chair; programs and strategies for recruiting and June Espaldon, International Stu­ minoriiy faculty and students, as well as dents Association representative. supporting minority community and out­ The Interview Committee had recom­ reach programs. mended the same person for Liberal Arts The grant, which is given in increments and Science representative who had lost of SI00,000, had laid dormant for more in the election for the same position lasl than two years as such problems as ad­ semester. Vice President and Chairman ministration changes and the finalizing of ofthe Interview Committee Marc Majors thc 1989-1990 budget delayed the use of was questioned as to why a candidate was the funds. This past summer the funds given the Interview Committee's approval • Kevin Mullin (right) and Malcolm Boris were among the candidates were used in an Enrichment Program for even though the candidate's constituency appointed to the Senate last week. minoriiy high school students and cur­ disapproved. Majors responded, "We [the made, decided to proceed without refer­ riculum changes for this fall semester Interview Committee] had to pick the Programming Advisor, Majors was in­ ence to thc ASUSF Constitution. When thai were taken up by faculty members. most qualified candidate, il wasn't a formed of thc correct procedure on the asked why lhe treasurer recommendation Fay Bower, who was allocated control popularity vote or a question of if we Monday prior to the Senate meeting. was made, Majors replied, "I was misin­ According to Foghorn sources, Cindy of the Irvine Grant, is Coordinator of liked thc person." formed. L. Senate. Advisor .IpU IIoliL- Duncan, A.-^Uuuu Vice President I 'diversity Planning and Director of In­ Thc recommendation for treasurer was mc thai a uansferred GPA was transfer- of Student Development and Bill Clark, stitutional Research, responded to the a candidate who was nol academically able." Senate Advisor both ran grade point news of lhe postponement by stating,"lhcy qualified. President Peter Saari questioned Charles Skinner, University Evaluator, average checks and gave approval to all didn't believe thc Universily embraced Majors about the recommendations. He said, "Transferred GPA's are only used of the Interview Committee's candidate lhe project and a loi more faculty involve­ asked why the candidates had even been for admission decisions, ihey arc not recommendations. ment was needed." considered and interviewed. Majors, applied to thc cumulative University Neither of thc candidates in question "All thc universities arc going to have knowing the problem prior io the Senate GPA." were approved by the Senate. to deal wilh this type of situation. Thc meeting when recommendations were According to Katie Hansen, ASUSF number of mulli-cultural demographics is growing and especially in California," stated Bower when asked if USF was alone in responding to minoriiy needs on PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE VISITS CAMPUS the higher education level. "By the year STEVE KERRY 2000 minorilies shall dominate in this Associate Editor stale." When asked if lhe Universily should Candidate lor USF President, Rever­ ing additional full-time faculty, therefore professors lo lake a more active role in consider hiring minorities for open fac­ end Michael Garan/ini S.J., presented lightening iheir course-load lor current University activities and allot more lime ulty positions. Bower responded, 'If you himself to the University Community on faculty members, Fr. Garanzini was re­ lo publish, research and become scholars look al our faculty wc need to be more Thursday September 13, 1990. Thc first ceptive to lhe idea bul, only if thc faculty s in their respective fields. "Faculty need lo diverse even to relied our current student oflwocandidatestovisii,Garanzinicomcs emphasis remained in thc classroom. Hc gel more involved in thc lives of students body, women professors as well." and al Saini Louis, I am allowed to do from Saint Louis University where hc is added that at Saint Louis University thc Father President, John Lo Schiavo, that," said Garanzini. currently a professor in the Department full-time faculty arc responsible for only announced lhe postponement in a open of Education. Fr. Garanzini is also pres­ three courses a semester which enable lhe Catherine Ncumayr of lhe Admissions letter to thc Universily, which stated,"lhe ently serving on thc USF Board of Trus­ Office asked for his opinion regarding Casey Paul Scott Foundation has suggested and thc Uni­ tees. the role ofthe USFcurriculum. "The core versity has agreed that additional projccLs Fr. Garanzini spoke todifferent forums curriculum is lhe heart of the university should be postponed until such time as representing the faculty, students, staff because thc College of Arts & Sciences is new campus leadership, in concert with and alumni, followed with a question/ at the heart of the university. Thc core is thc faculty at large, can develop a clear answer session. The student forum was what broadens people's minds, it is what and comprehensive plan for making USF attended by approximately 30 students introduces people who are going lo be an effective multi-cultural educational from the undergraduate, graduate, and businessmen and women, nurses, educa­ community. We are assured that once thc law programs. Fr. Garanzini spoke on the tors, lawyers and leaders to some of lhe blueprint has been developed, the Foun­ need to strengthen the undergraduate broadest ideas that any intelligent human dation will consider how best to be of program and thc College of Arts & Sci­ being should be concerned with and also assistance to thc University in meeting ences. He also spoke on the University's lhe kind of intelligent human being a those objectives need fora Provost/Academic Vice Presi­ Jesuit Catholic Education wants," said The Father President also suggested dent position, to fall direcdy under the Fr. Garanzini. that the University does not need a grant president. When asked to comment on the candi­ "...to spark us to change." But LoSchiavo The candidate supported USF's com­ date, ASUSF President Pete Saari said, also staled lhat as USF and lhe state of mitment to NCAA Division I athletics. "Although hc lacks in administrative ex­ California changes lo the growing minor­ Hc cited a strong athletic program as an perience, Fr. Garanzini was very and open ity demographics that the University will excellent tool to "Fill up lhe Freshman to students ideas and opinions, which is respond appropriately. Class." encouraging." When one USF studeni suggested hir- NEWS -V ^* ^MMk. ffi ^idBMb. Sfta-AWh. fl-fflWfe-wB ^ftMNbb £$,*-# One Arrested CalsnciB*m|P fV7-f '"• •''• W '• • I ' *' -riff' •" *<fjW- '•• f'••' Party Out of Control • I i i l « • i II III u > 11 ll l in II III i l> a uni UC Fifth Floor Renovations Overlooked NIKKI BURROWS KIMBERLY KAUER September 19 News Staff Nev*/s Editor Arc you ready to get away from it all? Plan to spend the weekend of September A fight at a Zcia Beta Tau (ZBT) party The University Center will soon be going Fr. Clark replied by saying that il is up lo 211-23 on retreat in the Sierra foothills. broke out lasl Friday night leading to sev­ through renovations, all except for lhe fifth thc Office of Business Affairs. "I wish This year's first Applcgalc retreat guaran­ eral injuries and one arrest. lloor. Thc fifth floor offices, which arc the someone would do something wilh lhe liflh tees lime lo relax, lime lo talk, time to Thc party was hosted at an off campus home of faculty offices, have been tempo­ lloor, bul we jusl don't have the resources," reflect and lime lo wander lhe country location. No one is commenting on exactly rarily located since their inception in lhe late said Fr. Clark. "There is just no money in side. Sound good? Register in ihe Canpus how ihe fighl was started. Although the light 1960s. The plan is lo someday relocate my budget and whai goes in ihe budget is Ministry Office in Lower Phelan. More began inside, it spread outside to thc street those offices in to a new building. nol up tt) mc." info? Call Campus Ministry al 666-6582 Quickly Public Safety and the SFPD be­ According lo Bill Clark, Director of Siu­ Bill Nuuing, Vice President of Business came involved. A lew sludents started to idcn t Leadership Programs and Outreach and Finance, said lhal "everyone is just September 19 scuffle with Public Safely and lhe SFPD. In Services, thc offices come under the budget pointing lingers at themselves." "Carmen The University of San Francisco is the sail lie. i( is alleged lhat one sludenl of Fr. Clark, Vice President for Academic Jordan-Cox's goal is lo move lhe liflh lhx>r pleased lo announce free Wednesday reached for a Public Safely officer's gun. It Affairs. 'The offices arc considered to be offices," said Nulling. "Il doesn't make sense evening lectures on Asian An, presented was thai student who was later arrested for academic space, they arc nol covered in lo pul money into offices thai will be moved, his role in thc light al Parina Lounge, Universily Center.
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