BULLETIN OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA VOL. 71. PP. 1729-1754, 7 FIGS. DECEMBER 1960 BERMUDA: A PARTIALLY DROWNED, LATE MATURE, PLEISTOCENE KARST BY J HARLEN BRETZ ABSTRACT During Pleistocene time, the Bermuda Islands repeatedly underwent partial inundation and re-emergence. The land areas were continuously attacked and reduced by rain and ground water but repeatedly renewed, during times of submergence, by deposition of marine limestone and by contemporaneous additions of shore-born and wind-transported carbonate sand, now eolianite. Soils formed under subaerial conditions are now buried be- neath later deposits and constitute important stratigraphic markers. The igneous founda- tion rock appears to have been exposed during some low marine stands, and the former shore lines seem to be recorded by submerged terraces. The major karst features are largely below sea level, and they must date from times of continental glaciations. Previous writers have assigned eolian accumulation to times of Pleistocene low sea level and soil-making to times of interglacial high sea. Both conclusions are held to be er- roneous. CONTENTS TEXT Figure Page Page Navy and Air Force modifications of the Introduction 1729 shore line 1730 Acknowledgments 1732 2. Bermuda Islands with the adjacent Dunes and eolianites 1732 banks 1733 Paleosols 1736 3. Diagram of section at Whalebone Bay, Ber- Caves 1741 muda Islands 1735 Origin of the interior basins 1744 4. Diagram to show contrast in soil record on Correlation of soil-making and dune-building uplands and lowlands, Bermuda with Pleistocene eustatism 1746 Islands 1736 Conclusion 1752 5. Diagram of Shore Hills type section, References cited 1754 Bermuda Islands 1737 6. Diagram of section north of Biological Sta- ILLUSTRATIONS tion, Bermuda Islands 1740 Figure Page 7. Diagram of section in Black Watch Pass, 1. Outline map of the Bermuda Islands before Bermuda Islands 1749 INTRODUCTION pletely submerged in the cavern-contained salt water. The curvilinear fingers constituting the Figure 1 suggests that reefs may enclose the Bermuda Islands enclose or nearly enclose larger tidewater-filled areas; however the almost 60 square miles of sounds, reaches, geological evidence indicates (1) that Bermuda harbors, and bays, approximately three times of today is only a skeleton of a once-continuous the total land area. Bermuda's land rock is carbonate land area, (2) that evisceration on a nearly 100 per cent calcium carbonate and so remarkable scale by rain and circulating ground permeable that the surface of every land-locked water has occurred, and (3) that during epochs swamp and pond is at sea level, and the con- of growth interrupting the solutional attack, tained water is salt or brackish. There is no the coastal margins of the island tract have running water except in gutters and on con- been built up. creted catchment areas, and almost no fresh Most of Bermuda's above-tide rock is calcium ground water. Ten enterable caves have sea- carbonate eolian sand, sufficiently indurated to water pools (maximum depth 80 feet) whose serve as building stone and to constitute the levels vary with the tide. Large, apparently sea cliffs which dominate the shore lines. Rows unaltered stalagmites and stalactites are com- of hills of this eolianite characterize all the 1729 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/71/12/1729/3441833/i0016-7606-71-12-1729.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 1730 J H. BRETZ—BERMUDA, A PLEISTOCENE KARST 'rape Bay 'Elbow Bay FIGURE 1.—OUTLINE MAP OF THE BERMUDA ISLANDS BEFORE large islands of the group and consistently Solutional reduction occurred uninterrup- parallel the coasts. Dune forms still survive tedly as the land area increased from Pleisto- among the younger hills, although somewhat cene eustatic lowering of sea level and as the reduced by rainwater solution. Calcium carbon- coastal regions thus were shifted into presently ate, carried down into the dune sand, has submerged areas. It was during such times of caused the induration. prominent emergence that the soils formed Despite the widespread cementation, the terra rossa regoliths which, because of later high indurated eolianite contains many pockety sea level, were buried under eolian accumula- masses of friable, even loose, sand which have tions to constitute the conspicuous red paleo- been protected from downward-infiltrating sols. The paleosols thus largely record con- calcium carbonate by densified overlying tinental glaciation, whereas the eolianites material that appears originally to have been a record interglacial high sea levels. surface crust, although now deeply buried. The solutional caves of Bermuda, products of Prompt cementation at the very surface of former ground water and now partially drowned an accumulating body of eolian sand is further in sea water, date from times of widespread evidenced by palmetto-leaf impressions in lee- emergence, as do the huge solutional depressions slope dune bedding. Also the lack of blow-out presently flooded to constitute most of the concavities is evidence that local anchoring by sounds, harbors, bays, and reaches of the little dune vegetation did not give rise to associated archipelago. Cavern collapse accompanying local erosional concavities on windward slopes solutional reduction of these areas, plus and further supports the argument for prompt marginal eolian upbuilding, explains the nearly cementation of Bermuda dune sand. or quite enclosed marine water bodies. The Bermuda dunes are coastal dunes which Differentiation of the stratigraphic elements did not migrate from their feeding grounds, the of Bermuda has been based on paleosols, shore lines. Therefore eolian accretion as disconformities with basal conglomerates, recorded on the present islands occurred only at mineral content, topography, and invertebrate times of high sea level. fossils. No one criterion ranges through the Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/71/12/1729/3441833/i0016-7606-71-12-1729.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 INTRODUCTION 1731 ISLAND NAVY AND AIR FORCE MODIFICATIONS OP THE SHORE LINE entire column, and that "column" is about as H. A. Lowenstam and I, who worked together far from a conventional "layer cake" succession in the area, are unable to accept Sayles' forma- as are Pleistocene sections in the northern tional ranking of the three uppermost eolianites United States. separated by two accretionary soils. We accept Sayles (1931) has made the outstanding only the Harrington as a record of an interval contribution to Bermuda's geological history of soil-making under conditions of repeated, to date. Sayles' stratigraphy contained four but minor, carbonate-sand contributions.1 eolianites separated from each other by three Both physically and chemically, accretionary soils and from an underlying marine limestone and residual soils are very different products of by a fourth soil. Beneath this limestone was a subaerial exposure. Accretionary soils in section fifth soil, then another marine limestone, and are simply iron- and/or carbon-stained short below that a fifth eolianite. Some of the names linear portions of an eolian carbonate sand and he used were redefined from earlier authors, commonly contain more land-snail shells than most of them were new. The list is as follows: does contiguous unstained eolianite. They record limited vegetated tracts in protected Present soil places which received occasional additions of Southampton eolianite wind-blown sand. Residual soils2 are deep-red McGall's soil (accretionary) Somerset eolianite 1 Lowenstam has stated orally, without specific Signal Hill soil (accretionary) details, that in 1957 he found a marine member Warwick eolianite above Pembroke eolianite and beneath a St. St. George's soil (residual) George's soil in Spencer's Point cliff. This item will Pembroke eolianite be commented on later. 2 Because they contain small quantities of calcium Harrington soil (accretionary) carbonate blown in during soil development and Devonshire marine limestone also a small fraction of material not derived from Shore Hills soil (residual) limestone, they are not wholly a residuum of Belmont marine limestone weathering. R. V. Ruhe prefers not to use the term Walsingham eolianite "residual" for them. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/71/12/1729/3441833/i0016-7606-71-12-1729.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 1732 J H. BRETZ—BERMUDA, A PLEISTOCENE KARST to chocolate-brown clays and loams with no that summer on such problems. R. V. Ruhe snail shells and little lime other than "rootlets" was persuaded to give a few weeks in 1957 to a made by later infiltrations. They commonly study of Bermuda's pedologic problems which rest on a surface of solution-made pinnacles and Lowenstam and Bretz were not competent to pockets (soil lapies) whose relief may be several handle. Funds for Lowenstam's work were feet. provided by the California Institute of Tech- The Bermuda Islands constitute less than 10 nology; Bretz had a National Science Founda- per cent of the carbonate-covered summit of a tion grant; Ruhe had a grant from the Penrose truncated volcanic cone whose rock has been Bequest of The Geological Society of America. reached in several drill holes. This calcareous Rune's pedologic study of Bermuda's paleosols platform is highest along its southeastern was done in collaboration with his colleagues margin where it is rudely outlined by the J. G. Cady and R. S. Gomez of the Soil Survey islands. The northern margin of the elliptical Laboratory, Soil Conservation Service. Ruhe's platform has but one tiny land mass, North manuscript is being prepared for publication. Rock (Fig. 2). Lowenstam's contributions on stratigraphy, Today, the submerged platform is a great paleontology, and submarine topography should shoal or lagoon nowhere more than 60 feet deep see publication before long. and averaging much less. During glacial times, it undoubtedly became emergent, just as DUNES AND EOLIANITES undoubtedly the marine limestones, now as Sayles' happy invention of the term "eoli- high as 100 feet A.
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