J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.32.3.233 on 1 June 1969. Downloaded from J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1969, 32, 233-235 Hypopituitarism with paranoid psychosis: a description oftwo cases S. A. W. DISSANAYAKE AND D. M. LEIBERMAN From Bexley Hospital, Dartford Heath, Bexley, Kent The association of psychiatric disorder with endo- chronic ward. He was querulous, abusive, and unco- crine disturbance is well recognized and has been operative, and had bouts of aggression. He was uncom- extensively described in the literature, particularly municative, but was often noted to speak or gesticulate in relation to thyroid disorder. Nearly 100 cases apparently in response to auditory hallucinations. After several years his general health began to deteriorate, the of myxoedema with psychosis have been described delusions were less systematized, hallucinatory responses since the Clinical Society of London reported mental diminished, and he became inert. changes in myxoedema in 1888 (Logothetis, 1963), and it is fairly frequently seen in clinical practice. FAMILY AND PERSONAL HISTORY There was no family Less commonly reported is the occurrence of history of psychiatric disorder. He had been a skilled psychosis as a complication of other endocrine factory worker until his admission to hospital. He was diseases-notably, Cushing's syndrome, Addison's married with no children. His premorbid personality Protected by copyright. disease, hyperthyroidism, and hypopituitarism. showed no abnormal features. in of a case in Simmonds, his original description PREVIOUS MEDICAL HISTORY In 1926 he had been involved 1914, made passing reference to the inertia charac- in a lorry accident and sustained a fracture of the maxilla teristic of hypopituitarism. Sheehan and Summers and hard palate, a part of which was removed at (1949) gave an account of psychiatric symptoms in operation. After this he seems to have suffered a decline their survey of 143 such cases. Marked mental in general health, though he continued to work. The torpor was observed in 59 cases, with loss of drive decline seems to have accelerated after his collapse in and initiative, lack of interest in friends and relatives, 1946. After his admission to Bexley Hospital he had and no desire to return home from hospital. Other numerous investigations for what appeared to be an psychiatric symptoms, excluding those observed intractable anaemia, both in Bexley and at a teaching hospital. No cause for his mild anaemia was found. He when patients were approaching coma, were noticed was diagnosed at various times as having anaemia, in 22 cases. They stated that there were commonly nephritis, and once as having cardiac failure. He was delusions, but that mania was rare. Blau and Hinton latterly transferred to an infirmary ward for yet another (1960) described a patient with hypopituitarism who investigation of his anaemia, when his external appear- developed a psychosis with memory loss and dis- ance, with a pallor not commensurate with his degree of orientation after recovering from a coma. anaemia, smooth skin, wrinkled face, absence of body http://jnnp.bmj.com/ hair, and atrophic genitalia suggested the possibility of CASE HISTORIES hypopituitarism; this was confirmed. CASE 1 Mr. W.H.S. died, aged 69 years, in 1966. In INVESTIGATIONS Haemoglobin was 9-6 g/100 ml.; 1946 he had collapsed in the street and had been admitted MCHC 38 %. Glucose tolerance curve was fiat, to a general hospital for a time. Shortly afterwards he fasting 84 mg, maximum 104 mg/100 ml. Urinary steroids: began to lose his body hair. In 1950 he began to complain 17-hydroxycorticoids 05 mg/24 hr. After metapyrone for two the were 1 of interference with his body by others, and expressed had been given days levels 11 mg/24 hr, on September 26, 2021 by guest. delusions of persecution. He maintained that two people 4.5 mg/24 hr. This indicated a lack of adequate response. were playing with his genitals after putting him to sleep, After ACTH had been given for four days the levels and believed he was being sprayed with disinfectant. He were 6-6 mg/24 hr, 14 7 mg/24 hr, 23-2 mg/24 hr, 28-2 was admitted to Bexley Hospital, Kent, on certificate on mg/24 hr. This response was adequate. 1 August 1950. After admission he continued to express Serum PBI was 0 5 zg/l00 ml. Tri-iodo-thyronine pronounced delusions of a persecutory nature about the resin uptake with ratio 0-87. Serum cholesterol 241 mg/ staff and other patients. Although it was noted at the 100 ml. time that his appearance suggested possible endocrine Radiograph of the skull showed no evidence of erosion disorder, this was not pursued. He was treated as a case of pituitary fossa, or of previous trauma. of 'paraphrenia' and eventually was transferred to a Psychological tests gave a verbal I.Q. of 100, and 233 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.32.3.233 on 1 June 1969. Downloaded from 234 S. A. W. Dissanayake and D. M. Leiberman Performance 85. There was no evidence of impaired characteristic appearance led to a diagnosis of hypo- memory or confusion. pituitarism, and investigation revealed that he had an intrasellar craniopharyngioma. He was given replacement TREATMENT AND PROGRESS After the diagnosis was therapy with thyroxin, cortisone, and testosterone. From established, the patient was started on replacement 1963 he was given only thyroxine, and his medication therapy with cortisone, thyroxine, and testosterone. appears to have been irregular. There was a remarkable improvement in his general condition, as he gained 28 lb. in weight, and became INVESTIGATIONS Haemoglobin was 12-8 g/100 ml. active and more alert mentally. However, the delusional MCHC 35%, BMR -29%. A glucose tolerance curve ideas persisted and efforts at rehabilitation were was flat, fasting 70 mg, maximum 100 mg/100 ml. unsuccessful. A course of trifluoperazine failed to effect Urinary steroids: 17-hydroxycorticoids 10-7 mg/24 hr. any improvement. After metapyrone for two days the levels were 8-4 mg/ The patient died suddenly of cardiac infarction on 24 hr, 9.7 mg/24 hr. This showed a lack of response. 29 December 1966. Post-mortem examination revealed After ACTH had been administered for four days they atrophy of the thyroid, testes, and adrenal cortex. The were 11*7 mg/24 hr, 31*2 mg./24 hr, 34-6 mg/24 hr, pituitary was a flattened disc 1 cm x 0-8 cm x 0-2 cm. 21 6 mg/24 hr. This showed an adequate response. The The macroscopic and microscopic changes were compat- tri-iodo-thyronine resin uptake ratio was 0-44. Serum ible with hypopituitarism of long duration. The appear- cholesterol 390 mg/100 ml. ance of the stump of the stalk suggested a possible Radiology showed a marked enlargement of the traumatic causation. pituitary fossa with erosion of the posterior clinoid processes, suggesting a pituitary tumour. CASE 2 Mr. N.E., aged 61 years, was first seen as a On perimetry there was no evidence of visual field psychiatric patient in June 1966 at a domiciliary con- defect. sultation. The patient presented in a bizarre manner with his head shaven, naked to the waist, and covered TREATMENT AND PROGRESS He was treated as an in- with ointment. He insisted that he was covered with patient in Bexley Hospital for three months and sub-Protected by copyright. crawling insects which were creeping over his body and sequently on an out-patient basis by substitution therapy biting him. In an attempt to convince the somewhat with cortisone, thyroxin, and methyltestosterone. When sceptical psychiatrist he vigorously scraped his head his psychosis failed to respond, trifluoperazine was added. with a razor, washed the shavings in a saucer and He made slow but steady improvement punctuated with demonstrated them as insects. He had at one time applied a few minor relapses and now has a remission lasting liquid insecticide to his face and scalp, producing a several months. He has resumed his home life, looking severe dermatitis, and had stayed locked indoors pre- after his aged mother. occupied in searching for the pests. He appeared to be auditorily hallucinated, hearing clicking noises made by DISCUSSION the insects. He believed a queen parasite had entered his body, had multiplied rapidly, and that her removal would result in a cure. He gave the dimensions of the insects in The symptoms of hypopituitarism are due to the fractions of an inch, their multiplicity of colours, and the effect of lack of trophic hormones on the target rate of reproduction. He showed no evidence of intellec- organs, especially the adrenal cortex and the thyroid. tual impairment, memory loss or confusion. The illness The commonest cause is post-partum necrosis of the was of recent onset, not more than of two months' anterior pituitary (Sheehan's syndrome). Less com- duration. He was unwilling to enter hospital and was mon are non-functioning tumours of the pituitaryhttp://jnnp.bmj.com/ admitted later on an order when his condition at home and neighbouring structures, injuries to the base of appeared to be deteriorating. the skull, infection, granulomata, and simple cysts. The interesting features of the first case are the FAMILY AND PERSONAL HISTORY There was no family history of psychiatric disorder. He left school at 16 and aetiology of the hypopituitarism and the duration of worked as a motor mechanic until the age of 49 when his the syndrome. It seems most likely that the head endocrine disorder was first diagnosed. He ceased work- injury sustained in 1926 caused either direct damage ing owing to physical deterioration, and remained at to the pituitary or a secondary ischaemic necrosis re- home helping his mother and pursuing hobbies.
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