;• • - - / . r :•* A V k B A C ® D AILT CnOOLAIION far the MoBth of FM rvaiy, IMS • r C r K W tim m B m m Hmitfoei ^ 5 , 5 3 5 fU r ^ odder tealgM; Jtoeedey Btanber of AnOt Boreaii iiatttb p fitfr fd r and conttnoed cold; tkiag tern* of dreolBtloii. pei'ature.. WodDeedigr« VOL. U ., NO. 140. (CteMlfled Adverttdng on Pace 10.), SOUTH MANCHfiSTEIL CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1932. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS HINDENBURG WINS; Off on Canoe Trip From Washingrton to Mexico .V V • WETS LOSE IN HOUSE X v-r-x -X vix W jv.v-: A MUST RUN AGAIN '—V ’/»} ..... --------------------- ^ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'yy BY VOTE OF 227-187 Akhongh Seven IHiHion Votes ■ (XUK GALORE- First Vote Oo ProhibitioD Re­ Eastman Kills Self; NORESDITSIN vision Held In Twelve Hy-IsCerlainofElecfion^ LINDBERGH CASE Noted Camera Maker Years Puts Members On Rochester, N. Y., March 14— (AP)— George Eastman, 77, Record For Or Against; Berlin, March 14.—(AP) —Presi­ From Many Parts of Nation millionaire manufacturer, phil­ Philanthropist dent Paul von Hindenburg, who anthropist and big game hunt­ Wet Vote Larger Tban missed re-election yesterday by Come Stories of Infant er, shot himself to death today 169,752 votes although he ran near­ in his East Avenue home here. Many of Tbem Expected. ly 7,500.000 ahead of Adolf Hitler, Dr. Audley D. Stewa(rt, an­ consented today to run again on the Being Seen Bot They All nouncing that Eastnlan had second ballot, April 10, and his elec­ shot himself after putting all Washington, March 14.—(AP) — tion was regarded as a certainty. Prove To Be False. side, said Eastman left this The House of Representatives voted Hitler polled 11,338,571 votes but note: 227 to 187 today against taking up he ran behind in all but three of the Legislation designed to turn back 35 election districts. The outcome j Hopewell, N. J., March 14.— (AP) “To My Friends: was regarded by many as a repudi­ : —Another promising line of inves­ “My work is done. Why control of liquor to the states. The vote, putting the members on ation of Gerpian Fascism which he tigation into the kidnaping of the w ait?” represents. Mexico-bound—in a canoe! Paddling out upon the choppy waters of the Potomac river. Harreld Regan record for the first time in 12 Lindbergh baby turned into, a blind Hitler said this morning the 2,- and Leo Brees are pictured above, at left, as they left Washington in their frail craft at the start of their Dr. Stewart was Eastman’s years oq prohibition revision, was alley today, the thirteenth day since long, peril-fraught voyage. At the right you see the intrepid pair (Regan, left) as they pacxed their ceinoe personal physician for many on whether to discharge the judic­ the child was taken from his crib, for the journey. years. iary committee from jurisdiction over the Beck-Linthicum resolution and the only word of optimism Dr. Stewart said that while for amendment of the 18th Amend­ came from one of the underworld Eastman, in iU-health for many ment. sources that have had a hand in the years, apparently had recover^ It was forced under the liberalized seaurch. CUS ULRICH HURT to a degree that was very en­ Democratic rules by 145 petitioners York, Penna., police announced MOHICAN HOTEL ANNEX after the measure, sponsored by they had dropped their Inquiry into couraging to his friends. “He both Democratic and Republican an osteopath’s story that a patient INAUTOSMASHUP apparently was in such a men­ wet blocs, was defeated in commit­ had appesired in his office with a tal state that he shot himself George.Eastman,^ tee by 14 to 6. 'The petitioners baby and forced him to telephone DESTROYED BY FLAMES numbered 76 Republicans and 69 a ransom demand to Col. Charles A. after sending all his friends Dem ocrats. Lindbergh. from his room.” Two of the foremost Democrats, The optimistic note was sounded Skull Fractured In West A moment after they depart­ the shot and returned to find Representatives Rainey cf Illinois by Abraham H. Kesselman, attor­ Over 1200.000 Damage OVER 200 LAWYERS ed, said Dr. Stewart, they heard him dead. and McDuffie of Alabama, the party ney for Salvy Spitale and Irving floor leader and whip respectively, Bitz, the two men commissioned by Hartford Crash Early Yes­ voted In favor of the dischaige mo­ Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh to act Caused By Fire In New tion. as ^eir agents in negotiations with APPEAR IN COURT terday Morning. The 187 votes commanded by the imderwbrld sources. Limdcm’s Famous Hostel­ KREUGER’S SUIGDE SHIP HITS REEF; anti-prohibition forces was larger, Kesselman, who obtained the ac­ even than many of them expected. quittal of Spitale and Bitz last week Early estimates of their strength in a Brooklyn court, where they ry-Firemen Overcome. That Many Claimants Also In Gustave O. Ulrich, Depot Square CLOSES EXCHANGES A U ARE RESCUED ranged from 160 to 180. were tried in a liquor case, an­ restaurateur, is in St. Francis hos­ nounced that his clients had been in pital, Hartford, suffering from a DISCUSSION STARTS Paul oon Hindenburg Washington, March 14.— (AP) — “indirect contact” with the kidnap­ New London, March 14.—(AP)— Legal Fight 0?er Wendel fracture of the skull and loss of ers and that as soon as they clear­ Acknowledgement that afiti-prohi- blood as the result of an automo­ 500,000 votes for Theodore Duester- ed up a few details in connection Fire believed to have started in the Swedish Parliament Declares Another Vessel Near By bitionists lack the strength In Cot- bile accident in West Hartford early berg the Nationalist 'candidate, with the case here ahd in New York kitchen destroyed the annex of the Millions. gress to force submission of a state- yesterday morning in which Dr. would go to him on the second bal­ Qiey would hurry to Detroit. There, Mohican hotel, traditional g^athering control amendment, even should lot, but the Nationalists gave no in­ Thomas A. Kimberly, well known Brief Moratorium After Takes Off Passengers and the attorney said, they hoped to place of Yale-Harvard crew race they win on today’s test vote, was dication they would switch as a Hsirtford dentist, lost his life. Mr. make im portant prog^^ess— perhaps fans, last night and forced many New York, March 14 —(AP) — made today by Representative La party from Duesterberg to the Ulrich’s condition, while for a time even effect the return of the child. Approximately 250 lawyers and an Guardia (R., N. Y.), opponent of guests to abandon both that struc­ regarded as extremely critical, is Match Kins^s Death. Crew Near Bermnda. Fascist chief. Kesselman quoted Blt^ as saying the dry laws. Germany chose the path of mod­ ture and the main building. equal nundnr of claimants in the now believed to hold out some hope that the 20-month-old boy was alive Six firemen, including a deputy He said success in the roll call to ‘ eration in giving the bulk of its estate Ifila Von B> Wendel ap­ of his recovery. bring the Beck-Unthieum horns rifle and safe. chief were in a hospital today after Btorkhf^, Martfix 14.-r-(AP Hamilton, Bermuda, March 14.— vote to the old '.eld jnjmhal and Official Stsftement peared in S^urrogate’s (Dourt today ' y- AtWinsted Meeting )—A amendment up for consideration - only Hitler’s'^determinanon tb 'fi^ t being overcome by smoke. eph- R. Norman Sohwandcopf, head of dition of Milton Snosky, 20, a volun­ to file objections to the prob^e of Mr. Ulrich, Dr. Kimberly and two bri^ moratorium following' closely (AP)— The Canadian National “depends on the turn out.” The it out to the end prevented the ver­ the New Jersey state police, at first teer, was described as critical. her will leaving her estate of up­ other men, Martin Reiger, a Hart- on the suicide of Ivar Kreuger, steamer Prince David lay hard vote was expected to be com|fleted dict ^ the voters from execution in the eariy afternoon. considered the York angle of the Diuring the five hour blaze the wards of $70,000,000 to charity. despite the constitutional provision (Continned On Page S.) Swedish match king was extended aground today on a coral reef case sufficiently important to as­ flames swept from the second floor Due to the illness of Surrogate “We’ve done our work and there that if no candidate gets a clear to business interests by the Swedish twelve miles off St. George’s where sign two investigators. He declined of the eight story annex to the roof. James A. Foley, the hearing was is nothing to do but vote,’' La Guar­ majority on the first vote a second presided over by Richard Cummins, Parliament today and first applied she struck in a fog yesterday morn­ dia said. “Even If we have a ma­ ballot must be held, to be won by to say exactly what had developed Hundreds of gallons of water poured into the building by all the city’s chief of the law department, and to Kreuger’s own concerns. ing. The passengers and crew were jority on the discharge motion, the candidate who gets the most at York, limiting himself to the fire apparatus, supported by equip­ John A .’Killoran, chief of the pro­ The match king, director of one of taken off and put ashore safely there’s no hope of enough votes to votes. comment that one of the new leads JUSTICE CARDOZO carry the amendment.” in the investigation ran “between ment from neighboring towns.
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