.. USCF ess ~l e Vol. V Mooday, Number 6 Official Publication of The Unltecl States (bessfecleration November 20, 1950 HARTL,EB WINS TRI-STATE JUNIOR TO DIETZ BIG ENTRY SEEN TAUTVAISAS WINS PO$itio" No. of} Poririo" NIJ. 46 O. Bernstein vs. J. CapablanCi A. Kotov vs. E .Kolma OHIO WINS TEAM FOR TEAM TOURN'Y FACTOR MEMORIAL Moscow, 1914 Cnchoslovakla, 1950 Glenn Hartleb, USCF Member The Biennial U. S. In lercoUcgi. Povilas Tautvaisas, for mer 'Lith- Secretary, from Erie, Pa., won the ate Team Championship will be unn ian master, who recently ccle­ fifth Tri·State Tournament at the held at John Jay lIall, Columbia br:Jted his arrival in the USA by Seneca Hotel in Columbus, Ohio University, New Yo.-k; and ad- winning lhc Boston City Champi­ over November 11 and 12. HarUeb, vance notices indicate a larger cn· onship, placing second in the Mas­ who placed fourth in the U. S. try than any time in the past with sachusctls Stale Championship Open Championship at Omaha in more teams from the middle west and twenty·fifth in the 120 play­ 19.:1:9, took the 'I'ri·Slate tiUe by to contest the supremacy of the er U.S. Open, took the Factor :Me­ winning five straight games. Thus. Eastern seaboard. morial Tournament in Chicago Bill Byland, also from Penn· The Intercollegiate Team Cham- with a S.2 score, drawing with sylvania, had to be content with pionship is jointly sponsored by Dahlstrom and Michelson, and los· fourth place this year alter win· the Intercollegiate Chess League ing to Ncdvcd. Kimball Nedved ning the 1949 event. Ahclld of By· of America an d tbe United States also score 5-2, but lost the atl-im· land were .lim Schroeder, present Chess Federation, and the tourna· portanl playoff game to Tautvai­ Ohio State Champion, and A. Nas· ment will be directed by John D. sas. In the regular rounds Nedved vytis, also of Ohio. French of Harrisburg. Pa, Entries, drew with Posehel and Hahlbohm, With Paul Dietz, winner ol the including accomodations for visit- while losing to Dahlstrom. 1949 U. S. Intercollegiate Champ· ing teams in Columbia U frat Third place was a 4lh-2% tic ionship, entered, there was little houses, will be handled by Rhys between Paul Poschel and Burton doubt about Ul e Junior title. Dietz Hays, 430 West 116th Street, New Dahlstrom. Poschel lost to Taut· won with 4·/h, conceding n draw to York. N. Y.; and the deadline for vaisas and Michelson and d r e w Finish It The Clever Wayf r~ leat or Ohio. entries is December 20th. The with Nedved. Dahlstrom. Herman In the team matches, where tournament will be played during Hahlbohm was filth with 3·4, while l COlJtincted by Edmund Nash Penna fielded only a four·man the Christmas wcck of December E inar Michclson, George N. Leigh. w.'hln a~~d m~1 0~0't: 5I bUtiGn. 'IJr thl. colum n 10 Edmund N•• h. 1530 21th PI .o.. 8.E •. tellm to the eight·man teams of 26-30, 1950. ton and Robert Herwitz shared ~ POSITION No. 45 Wliite resigned after Black's first move. Position Ohio and West Va., Ohio topped USCF Director Rhys Hays is sixth with 2-5 each. I No. 46 should afford some interesting moments in solving. In the with 14 wins and 2 draws, West chairman of Tournament Commit- The Factor Memorial Tourna· garrw. White ni.'l:tcd alter a: series of seven ched~IJ, in the pn:>ee.tIJ · Virginia was second with 5-1 L tee. consisting of Donald V I ..}e s mcnt. sponsored by the Chiellgo sncrificing his tV \O Bishops. while Pennsylvania had 4-12. " Box scores in next issue. (Columbia Un iverSity), secretpry; City Chess League, was one of the Please turn tOl Page Seven for so lutions. Joshua Gross (Vice·president Nfw strongest to~ rn am~ n ts hel~ in re· Jersey State Chess Fede ration);, E. cent years In Chicago With two JOACHIM TAKES .. ,i. .;. -:' ...:\... .... ,,\. (Sc'- .....+.n-y-i;rl:en::C;~ ..... - ~VI".nt:} ~..:.-;;·."'11'l Chamlnv" "~ :." .-te Chess League of America); Hahlbohm and Michclson, former JJ 'fm'J;;' ~-;; -50 Cverff eke"" plaffer ) SEA TTL!: TItLE Eliot Hearst (CHESS LIFE colt llIinois Slate Champion in Poschel For !..he third time Charles K. umnist). and for m er Trans-Mississippi T THIS time ~hen people are beset by so many cares and worries J oachim, a former champion of Vi· A the relaxatio of chess is a great help to those who can enjoy it. enna, has captUred the Seattle City CCNY is expected to defend its Champion in . Dahlstr0':1, w h i I e Chess can be an in l.uence to combat the restlessness of youth, to enter· title as team champion; and teams Nedved. Herwltz and Leighton rep­ Championship with 5lh·* in a 6- tain many hospital patients to give relief to some of those suffering round Swiss. Playing careful, solid, are expected from NYU, Colum· resented the youn~e~ group of from the tensions inflicted by the times. For the promotion of chess bia, Rutgers, Yale, Harvard, Brook· pla~e.rs gradually gammg local rec· and sometimes brilliant chess, con· it is necessary to hllve the support of all those interested. The United ceding a draw to G. S. PatteJ'Son, lyn, Cas e (Cleveland), Yeshiva ogmtlon. Stales Chess Federation should have more money if its program is to be (NY), Temple, Chicago, Michigan Michelson gained the pr~e f!,r the runner·up. Patterson, scoring carried out effectively and this money should be raised by the sup­ S.l, dl"Cw with Joachim and Don· and a number of other C<llleges, in- the best·played game lor hiS VIC, port of many and not through a few large contributions or by increasing cluding possibly several Cana<!ian tory o~er Poschel. The tournament aid Seiter. Glenn Muller was third the burdens of those already supporting its activities. with 4-2, losing in the final rounds institutions. was directed by A. Kaufman and Therefore, we appeal to you as chess·playeJ'S to support the p.ro· Tcams are urgcd to bring their played at &kart Park, ~hrough the to Patterson and J oachim after gram of the USCF according to your ability and willingness to back leading the van most of the way. own clocks; all other chess equip- courtesy of M.r. Bardme, super­ your faith in chess with deeds. R3ther than set a definite sum, such ment will be supplied. visor, who provided adequate play· as a general raise in dues, the USCF would prefer to trust its future ing facilities. program to the generosity of its membeJ'S in giving what they can af­ LESTER CAPTURES Surprise of the tournament was ford. BIENNIAL the playing of Nedved, who in plac· NEWB'YPORT OPEN Be the gift hi:;: or small, the need for it is urgent, for the USCF Orlando Lester of - Portsmouth, INTERCOLLEGIATE ing ahead of Poschel, Dahlstrom, must set its budget for the coming year according to what funds it has H3hlbohm and lI{ichelson astoun· N.H., commuting bravely week by TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP available earliel' j,} 1951. So do not hesitate, but act loday. Whether isbed thc wiseacres who had not w("'Ck, captured the annual New· December 2(NO, 1950 that budget will be liberal enough to cover all the USCF program or buryport (Mass.) Open Champion· foreseen such an event. He led will dcmand a drastic retrenellment, depends on you. John Jay Hall, until the seventh round when the ship conducted by the Newbury­ Wc have great faith in the chess-players of America and in their Columbia University loss to Dahlstrom threw him into port Chess Club with s-o score, New York City, N.Y. unwillingncss to see the promotion of chess suffer by that un-American leading all the way. Second place a tic for first. Dahlstrom started diseasc of malnutrition. Sponsored by Intercollegi3te very poorly but took 4%: out of wenl to Gordon Herndon with 3lh· Chess League of America 3nd GEORGE E. ROOSEVELT 1* . Tied on points for third were tile last 5 points to stage a recov· Chairman United States Chess Federation, C. Waterman, Gene Riel and B. ery, while former State Champion USCF Finance Steering Committee for cuslody of the Harold M. Paul Poschel was handicapped by Gould with 3·2 each. Co"t,ibutio". mtry 1M s~"t to: EJ",,,,J 1. Tru"J, 1'r~"fu,er , lZ869 St'<1lh",o,~ A .."., 3 siege of pneumonia in mid·lourn· PhiJljps Trophy, emblematic of ON,oit 37, Michig<1". Chuh $OO,,/J b" ",,,d .. jN1y"bl .. to: Tht Unitcd St<1tu ChtJI ment. Collegiate Team Championship F~drr ..tiot!. GREATER CHICAGO of USA. ----- LEAGUE STARTS Seven round Swiss te3lJl. CHESS ADMITS PROBLEMISTS VIEW tour nament for teams of four LEAGUES START With an upset victory by West players; open to any college NO DIFFICULTIES THEIR PROBLEMS Suburban over Austin Chess 31f~· IN CLEVELAND 2Y.: the Greater Chicago C h e s s team in the Western Hemis· D. M. Le Dain in his chess coJ· At an informal meeting of chcss Wit h 11 teams the Cleveland League inaugurated its season. It Uffin in the Montreal Gazette pub· phere (Canadian teams espec· problem composers. and solvers of Club Leagut' is ready for action , was a blow to Austin, twice win· ially invited.) lishes the fact that Gus Hogben the New York area. the promotion· while th e Cleveland Industrial of Bronte, Ont.
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