CITY OF GLOUCESTER CABINET Meeting: Wednesday, 9th July 2008 at 18.00 hours in Committee Room 1, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester Membership: Cllrs. James (Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture), Gravells (Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Housing and Health), Llewellyn (Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources), Morgan (Cabinet Member for Environment), White (Cabinet Member for Heritage and Leisure), Williams (Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods) and Whittaker AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members and Officers are reminded that at the start of the meeting they should declare any known interest in any matter to be considered, and also during the meeting if it becomes apparent that they have an interest in the matters being discussed. 3. MINUTES (PAGES 1 - 8) Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 5 June 2008 4. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (15 MINUTES) 5. PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS (10 MINUTES) 6. FORWARD PLAN (PAGES 9 - 14) To approve the Cabinet Forward Plan (July – November 2008) MATTERS FOR KEY DECISION 7. ROLL FORWARD OF THE CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY (PT07078A ) (PAGES 15 - 72) Report by the Cabinet Member for Environment MATTERS FOR REFERENCE TO COUNCIL 8. DRAFT FOOD SERVICE PLAN 2008 - 2009 (ES20810) (PAGES 73 - 96) Report by the Cabinet Member for Housing and Health 9. LOCAL AUTHORITY BUSINESS GROWTH INCENTIVE SCHEME (RMD200810) (PAGES 97 - 104) Report by the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources 10. GLOUCESTERSHIRE LOCAL AREA AGREEMENT - 2008/11 (RMD200812) (PAGES 105 - 210) Report by the Leader of the Council. (The Gloucestershire Local Area Agreement document is available on the Intranet and in the Group Rooms as it is too large to reproduce with this agenda) OTHER EXECUTIVE DECISION ITEMS 11. COUNCIL TARGETS FOR BUILDING A BETTER GLOUCESTER - CORPORATE PLAN 2008 - 2011 (PC200809) (PAGES 211 - 230) Report by the Leader of the Council 12. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS 2007/2008 (RMD200811) (PAGES 231 - 254) Report by the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources 13. SECTION 106 MANAGEMENT (PT25068C) (PAGES 255 - 268) Report by the Leader of the Council (Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture) 14. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY (PC200808) (PAGES 269 - 288) Report by the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods 15. PUBLIC SERVICES EMPLOYMENT PARTNERSHIP (PAGES 289 - 308) Report by the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources MATTERS FOR INFORMATION/MONITORING 16. REPORT OF THE LICENSING TASK AND FINISH GROUP (PAGES 309 - 508) Report (with Appendix G only attached with this agenda) by the Chair of the Licensing Task and Finish Group (Appendices A to F2 to this document are available on the Intranet and in the Group Rooms as they are too large to reproduce) MATTERS FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION OR REPORT 17. CITY COUNCIL RESTRUCTURE - PROPOSALS FOR PHASE 2 (PC200810) (PAGES 509 - 548) Report by the Chief Executive CABINET ADVICE ON THE EXERCISE OF OFFICER DELEGATED POWERS MATTERS OF URGENCY MINUTES FOR INFORMATION None at this time. CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS FOR KEY DECISION 18. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To consider the following resolution : “That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the following item of business on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public are present during consideration of this item or these items there will be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972.” Agenda item 19 Description of Exempt Information Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) (Paragraph 3-Schedule 12A) 19. LEASE OF LAND AT ST OSWALDS PARK TO TESCO (RMD200810) (PAGES 549 - 552) Report by the Leader of the Council (Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture) This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 Agenda Item 3 CITY OF GLOUCESTER CABINET Thursday, 5th June 2008 PRESENT : Councillor Paul James, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture Councillor Andrew Gravells, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Housing and Health Councillor Debbie Llewellyn, Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources Councillor Steve Morgan, Cabinet Member for Environment Councillor Martyn White, Cabinet Member for Heritage and Leisure Councillor Kathy Williams, Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods Also in Attendance Julian Wain, Chief Executive Phil Staddon, Corporate Director of Regeneration Gary Spencer, Head of Legal Services APOLOGIES : Amanda Wadsley, Corporate Director of Strategy and Development 4.0 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Kathy Williams declared a personal interest in items relating to the County Council as a Member of the County Council. 5.0 MINUTES 1. The Minutes of the meetings held on 16 April and 21 May 2008 were taken as read and signed by the Chair. 2. Matters Arising The thanks of the Cabinet were conveyed to Councillor Lise Noakes for all her work over the past year as Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources. 6.0 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (15 MINUTES) 1. Kay Powell of 27 Bathurst Road, Gloucester, GL1 4RR asked a question to the Cabinet Member for Environment regarding the continuing problem with fly-tipping on the Tredworth Allotments at the end of Hartland Road. She advised that she had reported three incidents in the last week and asked when the CCTV camera promised two years ago, was going to be installed. 1 Page 2 CABINET 05.06.08 The Cabinet Member for Environment advised that he was not aware that CCTV had been promised to be installed in that area. He agreed to look into the matter and respond in writing to Kay Powell. 2. Kay Powell of 27 Bathurst Road, Gloucester, GL1 4RR asked a further question to the Cabinet Member for Heritage and Leisure. She advised that although it was good that Parry Field was to have money spent on it for the first time in 20 years she was concerned that money had been withdrawn from the White City Adventure Playground. The Cabinet Member for Heritage and Leisure advised that he would respond in writing. Note: A letter was subsequently sent to Ms Powell which confirmed the following: The only funding allocated to the White City Adventure Project I'm aware of was from the recent Big Lottery Play award. They have received £5,000 for improving the play bark surfacing. I believe the White City group are encountering resource problems but the City Council (Parks or Streetcare) would not have revenue funding to support their staff. The money for Parry Fields has come from; £15,000 from section 106 contribution from Barnaby Rd site. This can only be used for publicly accessible built facilities not for revenue funding. £60,000 Play area refurbishment capital budget. £20,000 from Sports development fund applied for by local community group and funding from Community Counts. 3. Terry Haines advised Members of the problems at the Blackbridge Athletics Club. He informed Councillors that 18 members had been lost to Clubs outside the city and that a break-in had caused the loss of £6000 of junior athletic equipment. The Athletics Club was now unable to hold competitions at the Blackbridge track. He asked if the Cabinet Member was prepared to take representations on the use of the Blackbridge Athletics track for competitions? The Cabinet Member for Heritage and Leisure advised replied that he was holding a meeting on 17 June 2008 with Officers to review use of the track. Following that meeting he would know the way forward. He agreed to take representations from Mr Haines prior to the meeting. 4. Barry Leach, Chair of City Centre Community Partnership, asked “Is it the City Council’s intention to develop a city-wide public art strategy as suggested in this document? Also – side by side with this, the views of the City Council would be welcome on the idea that a post of City Public Art Officer should be created at the earliest opportunity. Such an Officer could not only help ensure future sustainability of public art in Gloucester but also aid community 2 Page 3 CABINET 05.06.08 involvement in the development of vibrant public art throughout the city – an important element in social and economic regeneration.” The Leader of the Council responded that the ‘Place for Arts’ had been adopted by the URC and much funding was being put into it. He could give no commitment to the creation of an Arts Officer post but agreed to explore this with partners. The Leader of the Council agreed to respond in writing to Mr Leach. 7.0 PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS (10 MINUTES) There were no petitions or deputations. 8.0 FORWARD PLAN The Cabinet Forward Plan (July – October 2008) was approved. 9.0 POLICY FOR DEALING WITH TRAVELLING PEOPLE IN GLOUCESTER CITY (ES20807) The report by the Cabinet Member for Housing and Health sought approval of the policy for dealing with travelling people in Gloucester City. In accordance with Government Guidance the County Council (in partnership with the Police) produced a Protocol for managing unauthorised traveller encampments. This Guidance was then presented to all District Councils with a request to agree the principals. To date the County Council and all of the Gloucestershire District Councils (except Gloucester) had signed up to the Protocol. The Head of Legal Services had advised that the Protocol should form part of an overall policy dealing with a range of issues relating to the traveller community. The Cabinet Member for Housing and Health advised that the Council had always been swift at dealing with unauthorised encampments and he had been assured that case conferences could work quickly.
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