Mrs. Al Lerberg Concordia Collece 101 po * THE CONCORDIAN VOLUME LVI THE CONCORDIA COLLEGE. MOOR HEAD. MINNESOTA. MARCH 12. 1965 No. 23 Augenstein Returns for Graduation Dr. Leroy Augenstein, who gregations will participate in Ridge National Laboratory, Oak was a Faith in Life speaker last this service. Ridge, Tennessee. Dr. Wollan is September, will be this year's Dinner will be served in the a 1923 graduate of Concordia commencement speaker. Dr. Commons from 12:15 to 1:15 and is the son of the late Profes- Augenstein is chairman of the p.m. All students and as many sor Thomas C. Wollan, a profes- department of biophysics at guests as possible will be ac- sor of mathematics at Concordia Michigan State University. commodated. for many years. Again special Dr. Augenstein received his Commencement exercises in music will be provided by the B.S. degree from the Univer- Memorial Auditorium begin at concert choir and band. sity of Chicago, his M.S. and 3:00 p.m. with the address by Three hundred and thirteen PhJD. degrees from the Uni- Augenstein. An honorary de- students, including those who versity of Illinois. His profes- gree of Doctor of Science will met graduation requirements in sional experience includes be conferred upon Dr. Ernest O. December, will receive their di- work with the Brookhaven Wollan, a physicist at the Oak plomas. National Laboratory, the Atomic Energy Commission and the United States Science Exhibit at the Seattle World's C-400 Recruits Seniors Dr. Leroy Augenstein Fair. He has edited and writ- Opportunity to participate in a unique venture of alumni sup- ten books on biology and ra- port is rapidly closing for 360 of Concordia's students. Since appli- diation. cation to the Contingency C-400 Club must be submitted prior to Commencement activities be- graduation, seniors will soon lose the chance to share in the devel- Chapel Choir Offers gin May 1 with a senior con- opment of Concordia College through this far-reaching and mo- cert recital at 2:30 p.m. in mentous avenue of support. Memorial Auditorium. Senior Contingency C-400 is a venture designed to maintain the music students will perform senior's contact with Concordia, to provide for continued co- Area Concert Series with members of the Fargo- operation between students and Concordia after graduation* The 70-voice Concordia chapel Jennings, "Salvation is Che- Moorhead Symphony Orchestra Gaining increased financial resources is not the sole purpose of choir, under the direction of ated" by Tschemokoi, "Uinea under the direction of Sigvald Continguency C-400 and it is most certainly not just an "easy Gordon H. Carlson, will present mea Electa" by Poulenc, "The Thompson. There will be a buf- payment plan" for regular C-400 membership. a series of concerts in Fargo and Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee" fet supper in the Commons from Through the program, members will be constantly kept inform- the surrounding area March 21- by Berger, "My God How 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. ed on the hopes, proposed endeavors, as well as present programs April 7. Wonderful Thou Art" by The concert choir and concert of the school. They will be in contact with the college learning Sunday, March 21, they will Psalter, arr. by Overby, "The band will present a concert in of its needs and accomplishments. perform at Our Savior's Luth- Last Spring" by Grieg, "A Memorial Auditorium at 8:00 Funds from Contingent members will be divided between eran Church, Valley City, N. D. Christmas Madrigal" by Kock, p.m. There will be no admission the C-400 Club's current building project and Concordia's Great "Step Dear Son of Heaven" and at the Halstad Lutheran charge. Teacher Program. Church, Halstad, Minn. On Sun- arr. by Carlson, "I Got a Key" arr. by Shaw-Parker and "O Baccalaureate services be- Dave Lerberg, C-400 Contingency chairman, commented, "This day, March 28, they will present gin 11:00 a.m. on May 2 in program merits the serious consideration of every member of the a concert at Sargent Central Day Full of Grace" arr. by Melius Christiansen. Memorial Auditorium. Presi- 1965 graduating class. It is a big decision, but one which must be High School, Forman, N. D. The dent Knutson will preach the made. The financial considerations may seem large at first, but home concert will be 8:15 p.m., Carlson completed his Bache- sermon and music will be pre- talk to a member whose name is on the thermometer. You may Sunday, March 28, in First Lu- lor of Music degree at Concor- sented by the concert choir find that instead of asking 'Can I afford to do it,' you may be theran Church, Fargo. dia, where he held scholar- and band. All local ALC con- stating, 'I can't afford not to!'" The concert program in- ships in choral conducting and cludes: "O Sing Ye to the piano. He earned his Master of Lord" by Piloni, "Jesu Price- Music degree at Northwestern less Treasure" by Bach/'Bless- University, Evanston, 111., and ing, "Glory and Wisdom" by has pursued further study at Stahl, Childs Combine Piano Talent Wagner, "My Jesus" by Bach- Northwestern University and Teaming up for an exceptional musical exper- written for two pianos; this can be evidenced by Christiansen, "He is the Lone- Syracuse University under the ience tonight are Roy Stahl and Dale Childs, both selections included on the program. ly Greatness" by Benjamin, auspices of the summer choral faculty members at Concordia College. Their duo- Two-piano works were written to achieve "With a Voice of Singing" by workshop at Chautauqua, N. Y. piano performance will begin at 8:15 in the Re- a greater sonority and increase tonal possibil- His past teaching experiences cital Hall of the Hvidsten Hall of Music on the ities. However, there are a number of difficul- include Waldorf College, Forest Campus. ties to surmount in perfecting this type of Chaplain Lectures City Iowa, Thiel Lutheran Col- Their diversified program includes compos- ensemble work. Mr. Childs commented, "Two lege, Greenville, Penn., and di- itions for two pianos from Barojue to contem- piano performance demands the closest, type of rector of choral music, First Lu- porary. Following works by W. F. Bach, Mozart, ensemble work as the feeling and phrasing of On Literature, Art theran Church, Fargo. In addi- and Stravinsky, the recital will be concluded each individual performer must be blended into The Reverend William J. Dur- tion to his duties as director of wtih Rachmaninoff's "Fantasy," which is based an entity." Mr. Stahl added, "The greatest prob- kin, Roman Catholic chaplain the chapel choir, he teaches pi- on a series of poems by Byron Lermontov, lem involves working with exactly the same from North Dakota State Uni- ano and accompanies faculty re- Tyntchev, and Khomyakov. Their titles, "Baca- sounds which have to amalgamate into a single versity, will be the featured citals. The choir will also sing at rolle/' "A Night for Love/' "Tears/' and "Rus- sound, with one not distinguishable from the speaker at the next meeting of Wednesday evening services in sian Easier," are reflective of the character of other." Bard, Book and Canto on Mon- five churches during the lenten the composition. This music was expressly Such an exacting form of ensemble work de- day, March 15, at 8:00 p.m. in season. They will sing at Mes- written for two pianos with both parts intricate mands high calibre performers; a due-piano team the Frieda Nielsen Lounge. siah Lutheran Church, Fargo, at and equally important. on a college campus is quite unusual. Mr. Stahl Father Durkin will present 7 p.m., March 17. This recital results from an effort to introduce and Mr. Childs both have impressive backgrounds a talk dealing with the possi- many types of music and is intended to present of education, achievement, to present a two piano ble ethical and religious prin- March 24, they will sing at two lenten services, at 6:30 and literature that is not ordinarily performed and recital, they agreed enthusiastically, "We really ciples ingrained in twentieth heard. Many of the outstanding composers have enjoy it!" century literature and art. An 8 p.m., Bethel Lutheran Church, open discussion will follow Wahpeton, N. D., March 31, at the presentation in which all First Lutheran Church, Fargo at are invited to partake. 8 p.m. and April 7, at 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Moor- Father Durkin attended col- head. lege and seminary at St. John's University at Collegeville, Minn. He has previously presented lec- Buckley Ph.D. tures which point out the fact Wendell D. Buckley, a that seemingly immoral or athe- member of the music faculty istic works of literature and since 1954, recently received drama often reveal basic reli- the Doctor of Philosophy De- gious and ethical truths. He has gree in music literature and also spoken on the subject of performance from the State modern art. University of Iowa. His dis- A special invitation is extend- sertation is a historical and ed to students and faculty mem- analytical survey of the solo bers whose field of interest may song cycle. As part of the de- be encompassed by Father Dur- gree requirements, he also kin's presentation. English, phi- presented three voice recitals losophy, drama, art and religion and was tenor soloist with students are urged to attend the the University Symphony meeting. After the discussion a Orchestra and Chorus in two lunch will be served by mem- major choral works.
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