f Mpumalanga Department of Health ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN FOR 2013/14 Date of Tabling 09/05/2013 1 MPUMALANGA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2013/14 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ACRONYMS 6 1 INTRODUCTION 10 2. BACKGROUND 10 3.1 FOREWORD BY THE MEC FOR HEALTH AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 11 3.2 STATEMENT BY THE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT 12 3.3 OFFICIAL SIGN OFF BY THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, HEAD OF STATEGIC PLANNING, 14 HEAD HEALTH AND MEC FOR HEALTH AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PART A 4. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 16 4.1 VISION 4.2 MISSION 4.3 VALUES 4.4 STRATEGIC GOALS 17 4.5 SITUATION ANALYSIS 21 4.5.1 Population Profile 4.5.2 Socio-Economic Profile 4.5.3 Epidemiological Profile 4.6 PROVINCIAL SERVICE DELIVERY ENVIRONMENT 38 4.6.1 National Health Systems (NHS) Priorities for 2009-2014: The 10 Point Plan 4.6.2 Mpumalanga Department of Health Priorities 4.6.3 Mpumalanga Contribution towards Health Sector Negotiated Service Delivery Agreement (NSDA) 4.7 PROVINCIAL ORGANISATIONAL ENVIRONMENT 58 4.8 LEGISLATIVE MANDATES AND NEW POLICY INITIATIVES 59 4.9 OVERVIEW OF THE 2012/13 BUDGET AND MTEF ESTIMATES 64 4.9.1 Expenditure Estimates 4.9.2 Relating Expenditure Trends to Specific Goals 2 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PART B – PROGRAMME AND SUB PROGRAMME PLANS 71 1. BUDGET PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 71 1.1 Programme Purpose 1.2 Priorities 1.3 Situational Analysis and Projected Performance for Human Resources 1.4 Provincial Strategic Objectives and Targets for Administration 1.5 Quarterly Targets for Administration 1.6 Reconciling Performance Targets with Expenditure Trends and Budgets 1.7 Performance and Expenditure Trends 1.8 Risk Management 2. BUDGET PROGRAMME 2: DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICES (DHS) 78 2.1 Programme Purpose 2.2 Priorities 2.3 Specific Information for DHS 2.4 Situation Analysis Indicators for District Health Services 2.4.1 Provincial Strategic Objectives, Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for DHS 2.4.2 Quarterly and Annual Targets for District Health Services 2.5 SUB PROGRAMME: DISTRICT HOSPITALS 88 2.5.1 Provincial Strategic Objectives Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for District Hospitals 2.5.2 Quarterly and Annual Targets for District Hospitals 2.6 SUB PROGRAMME: HIV & AIDS, STI AND TB CONTROL (HAST) 92 2.6.1 Provincial Strategic Objectives, Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for HAST 2.6.2 Quarterly and Annual Targets for HAST 2.7 SUB PROGRAMME: MATERNAL, CHILD AND WOMEN’S HEALTH AND 96 NUTRITION (MCWH&N) 2.7.1 Provincial Strategic Objectives, Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for MCWH & N 2.7.2 Quarterly and Annual Targets for MCWH & N 2.8 SUB PROGRAMME: DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL (DPC) 101 2.8.1 Provincial Strategic Objectives, Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for DPC 2.8.2 Quarterly and Annual Targets for DPC 2.9 Reconciling Performance Targets with Expenditure Trends 2.10 Performance and Expenditure Trends 2.11 Risk Management 104 3 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 3. BUDGET PROGRAMME 3: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 105 3.1 Programme Purpose 3.2 Priorities 3.3 Situation Analysis Indicators for EMS 3.3.1 Provincial Strategic Objectives, Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for EMS 3.3.2 Quarterly and Annual Targets for EMS 3.4 Reconciling Performance Targets with Expenditure Trends and Budgets 3.5 Performance and Expenditure Trends 3.6 Risk Management 4. BUDGET PROGRAMME 4: PROVINICAL HOSPITALS (REGIONAL AND 111 SPECIALISED) 4.1 Programme Purpose 4.2 Priorities 4.3 Provincial Strategic Objectives, Performance Indicators & Annual Targets for Regional Hospitals 4.4 Quarterly and Annual Targets for PHS 4.5 Provincial Strategic Objectives, Performance Indicators & Annual Targets for Specialised Hospitals 4.6 Reconciling Performance Targets with Expenditure Trends and Budgets 4.7 Performance and Expenditure Trends 4.8 Risk Management 5. BUDGET PROGRAMME 5: CENTRAL & TERTIARY HOSPITALS 118 5.1 Programme Purpose 5.2 Tertiary Hospitals 5.2.1 Priorities 5.2.2 Provincial Strategic Objectives, Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for Tertiary Hospitals 5.2.3 Quarterly and Annual Targets for THS 5.4 Reconciling Performance Targets with Expenditure Trends and Budgets 5.5 Performance and Expenditure Trends 5.6 Risk Management 6. BUDGET PROGRAMME 6: HEALTH SCIENCES AND TRAINING (HST) 124 6.1 Programme Purpose 6.2 Priorities 6.3 Provincial Strategic Objectives, Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for HST 6.4 Quarterly and Annual Targets for HST 6.5 Reconciling Performance Targets with Expenditure Trends 6.6 Performance and Expenditure Trends 6.7 Risk Management 4 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 7. BUDGET PROGRAMME 7: HEALTH CARE SUPPORT SERVICES (HCSS) 129 7.1 Programme Purpose 7.2 Priorities 7.3 Provincial Strategic Objectives, Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for HCSS 7.4 Quarterly and Annual Targets for HCSS 7.5 Reconciling Performance Targets with Expenditure Trends 7.6 Performance and Expenditure Trends 7.7 Risk Management 8. BUDGET PROGRAMME 8: HEALTH FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (HFM) 134 8.1 Programme Purpose 8.2 Priorities 8.3 Provincial Strategic Objectives, Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for HFM 8.4 Quarterly and Annual Targets for HFM 8.5 Reconciling Performance Targets with Expenditure Trends 8.6 Performance and Expenditure Trends 8.7 Risk Management PART C: LINKS TO OTHER PLANS 141 1. LINKS TO LONG TERM INFRASTRUCTURE & OTHR CAPITAL PLANS 141 2. CONDITIONAL GRANTS 150 3. PUBLIC ENTITIES 152 4. PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS (PPPs) 152 5. CONCLUSIONS 152 NON NEGOTIABLES 153 INDICATOR DEFINITIONS – ANNEXURE E 156 5 ACRONYMS AEA Ambulance Emergency Assistants ABET Adult Basic Education and Training AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ALOS Average Length of Stay APP Annual Performance Plan ARI Acute Respiratory Infections ART Anti-retroviral Treatment AZT Zidovudine BANC Basic Antenatal Care BAS Basic Accounting System BOD Burden of Disease BOR Bed Occupancy Rate CARMMA Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal and Child Mortality in Africa CDC Community Day Centre CEO Chief Executive Officer CFM Clinical Forensic Medicine CFO Chief Financial Officer CHC Community Health Centre CHWs Community Health Workers CMR Child Mortality Rate CoE Compensation of Employees CoMMiC Committee on Morbidity and Mortality in Children CPIX Consumer Price Index CRDP Comprehensive Rural Development Programme CTOP Choice of Termination of Pregnancy CSR Cataract Surgery Rate DHC District Health Council DHER District Health Expenditure Review DHP District Health Plan DHS District Health Services DHIS District Health Information System DHMIS District Health Management Information System DoE Department of Education DOH Department of Health DORA Division of Revenue Act DOTS Directly Observed Treatment Sort Course DPC Disease Prevention and Control DPSA Department of Public Service and Administration DPWR&T Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport DR Drug Resistant DSD Department of Social Development ESMOE Essential Steps in Managing Obstetric Emergencies 6 ACRONYMS ETR.Net Electronic TB Register EDL Essential Drug List EMS Emergency Medical Services FPS Forensic Pathology Services GDP Gross Domestic Product HAART Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy HAST HIV & AIDS, STI and TB Control HCSS Health Care Support Services HCT Health Care Provider Initiated Counseling and Testing HFM Health Facilities Management HHCC Household Community Components HIV Human Immuno-deficiency Virus HOD Head of Department HPCSA Health Professions Council of South Africa HPS Health Promoting Schools HPTDG Health Professional Training and Development Grant HR Human Resources HRD Human Resource Development HRM Human Resource Management HST Health Sciences and Training HTA High Transmission Area ICT Information Communication Technology IDP Integrated Development Plan IHPF Integrated Health Planning Framework IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses IMR Infant Mortality Rate IPT Isoniazid Preventive Therapy KMC Kangaroo Mother Care KZN Kwazulu-Natal MBFI Mother and Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative MCWH&N Maternal, Child, Women’s Health and Nutrition MDGs Millennium Development Goals MDR Multi-drug Resistant MEC Minister of Executive Council MESH Management Economic Social and Human Resource MMC Male Medical Circumcision MMR Maternal Mortality Rate MOP Medical Orthotic and Prosthetic MPAC Mpumalanga Provincial AIDS Council MRC Medical Research Council MTEF Medium-term Expenditure Framework MTSF Medium-term Strategic Framework NDOH National Department of Health 7 ACRONYMS NCD Non Communicable Diseases NDP National Development Plan NGO Non-governmental Organisation NHA National Health Act NHI National Health Insurance NHIRD National Health Repository and Data Warehousing NHLS National Health Laboratory Services NHS National Health Systems NPO Non-profit Organisation NSDA Negotiated Service Delivery Agreement NSP National Strategic Plan NTSG National Tertiary Services Grant OPD Outpatient Department OSD Occupational Specific Dispensation OTP Office of the Premier PAAB Patient Administration and Billing System PCCEMD Provincial Committee for Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction (a laboratory HIV detection Test) PCV Pneumococcal Vaccine PDE Patient Day Equivalent PDOH Provincial Department of Health PMDS Performance Management and Development System PEP Post Exposure Prophylaxis PFMA Public Finance Management Act PHREC Provincial Health Research and Ethics Committee PHISC Provincial Health Information System Committee PHIRD Provincial Health Information Repository and Data
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