SUBSCRIBE TO Executive Intelligence Review EIR EIROnline EIROnline gives subscribers one of the EIR Executive Intelligence Review most valuable publications for policymakers— November 2, 2018 Vol. 45 No. 44 www.larouchepub.com $10.00 the weekly journal that has established Lyndon LaRouche as the most authoritative economic Exxecutiveecutive IIntelligence RevieReview EOctOctoboberer 3311,, 22010144 VVool.l. 44I11 NNoo.. 4433 wwwRwww.la.larrououchecheppuubb.c.coomm $10$10.0.000 forecaster in the world today. Through this publication and the sharp interventions of the LaRoucheLaRouchePPACAC IssuesIssues EmeEmerrgencygency WWarar PlanPlan AgainstAgainst EbolaEbola AsianAsian InvestmentInvestment BankBank WWillill FinanceFinance GGrreateat PPrrojectsojects PutinPutin SpeaksSpeaks thethe TTruthruth aboutabout NNAATOTO WWarar PPrrovocationsovocations LaRouche Movement, we are changing Thehe NeNew Sililk RoRoad:ad: MankMankiind politics worldwide, day by day. 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LaRouche, Jr. , Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Robert Ingraham, Tony Papert, Gerald Rose, Dennis Small, Jeffrey Steinberg, William Wertz Co-Editors: Robert Ingraham, Tony Papert Technology: Marsha Freeman Transcriptions: Katherine Notley Ebooks: Richard Burden Graphics: Alan Yue Photos: Stuart Lewis Circulation Manager: Stanley Ezrol INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS Economics: Marcia Merry Baker, Paul Gallagher History: Anton Chaitkin Ibero-America: Dennis Small Russia and Eastern Europe: Rachel Douglas United States: Debra Freeman INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS Bogotá: Miriam Redondo Berlin: Rainer Apel From Moscow, Copenhagen: Tom Gillesberg Lima: Sara Madueño Melbourne: Robert Barwick Mexico City: Gerardo Castilleja Chávez Helga Zepp-LaRouche New Delhi: Ramtanu Maitra Paris: Christine Bierre Stockholm: Ulf Sandmark United Nations, N.Y.C.: Leni Rubinstein Calls for a New Washington, D.C.: William Jones Wiesbaden: Göran Haglund ON THE WEB Bretton-Woods e-mail: [email protected] www.larouchepub.com www.executiveintelligencereview.com www.larouchepub.com/eiw Conference Webmaster: John Sigerson Assistant Webmaster: George Hollis Editor, Arabic-language edition: Hussein Askary EIR (ISSN 0273-6314) is published weekly (50 issues), by EIR News Service, Inc., P.O. 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EI R Contents www.larouchepub.com Volume 45, Number 44, November 2, 2018 32 LaRouche Hamilton Candidates Campaign for the Future, and Defend the Presidency Cover by Dennis Speed This Week 35 OBITUARY Moscow at night. Congressman Cornelius ‘Neil’ Gallagher by Elliot Greenspan IV. Lies from the IPCC cc/Oleg Tokarev 39 The IPCC’s ‘Very Big FROM MOSCOW, Political Agenda’ Is HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE CALLS FOR A Human Extinction NEW BRETTON-WOODS CONFERENCE by Stanley Ezrol I. Our Eurasian Future 42 KEEP ’EM HIGH, WHILE THEY DIE 3 A Community of Mankind’s Shared Future: The IPCC Global Strategic Perspective of China to 2050 Warming Report and by Helga Zepp-LaRouche Drug Legalization Moves in South Africa 7 The Phenomenal Development of Xinjiang, by Ramasimong Phillip and the Feudal Lords of London Who Want Tsokolibane to Stop It by Mike Billington 44 WHILE IPCC PROMOTES MASS MURDER II. Science and Scientific Method The World Needs More People! 10 The Parker Solar Probe: Rendezvous with by Megan Beets Our Exuberant Sun by Janet G. West V. Lyndon LaRouche Speaks to You 24 LAROUCHE’S PERSONAL COLUMN A Passage From “Cloak & Dagger, 101A” 52 Are You Willing To Make the Change? III. On the Eve of the Midterm Elections by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Nov. 17, 2001 27 Update on the Coup: Desperate Measures To Stop Trump’s Momentum! by Barbara Boyd I. Our Eurasian Future A Community of Mankind’s Shared Future: Strategic Perspective of China to 2050 by Helga Zepp-LaRouche This is the presentation, as inside the United States around prepared in advance of delivery, the ongoing coup attempt against by Mrs. LaRouche in Moscow to the President of the United States, the 23rd International Academic false-flag operations, Goebbels- Conference of the Institute of Far like deception operations against Eastern Studies of the Russian entire populations, drug epi- Academy of Sciences (RAS), Aca- demics which are a new form of demic Council for Comprehen- Opium Wars, the global migration sive Studies of Contemporary crisis, terrorism and Nazism, an China, “China, Chinese Civiliza- increase of centrifugal forces in tion and the World: Past, Present, the European Union, the re-emer- and Future,” which took place on gence of aggressive, geo politically October 24 and 25. motivated efforts to defend an Lyndon LaRouche was a fea- order that no longer exists—just tured speaker at an RAS confer- to list some of the challenges. The ence in 2003 on “China in the Schiller Institute world is in dis order. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder and President 21st Century: Chances and Chal- of the Schiller Institute. In light of such a complex lenges of Globalization.” That and seemingly completely dis- conference was the 14th International Conference on united world, how realistic then is the perspective laid “China, Chinese Civilization and the World: Past, out at the 19th National Congress of the CPC by Chi- Present and Future.” nese President Xi Jinping, where he defined the goal for China to become a “strong, democratic, culturally Oct. 26—The big question which should concern all advanced, harmonious, and beautiful,” fully modern- thinking human beings on this planet, is essentially the ized country by the year 2050, and even spoke at some same as that which was hotly debated in the young point of the building of a “beautiful world” for all na- American republic as reported in the Federalist Papers, tions to participate in? “Is human society capable of an efficient form of self- If one looks at the crises and challenges listed above government?” Only this time it is not a question for just as unrelated individual problems, one ends up in a “bad one nation; it concerns all of humanity and the need for infinity,” where the solution to many of them seems im- a new paradigm in the world order. possible. But if one recognizes that all of these prob- Tensions in a world plagued by multiple crises seem lems have common threads, in that they are the deriva- to be increasing towards a breaking point: the danger of tives of the old paradigm of an epoch going under, one a new—this time systemic—financial crash of the trans- can find the solution by being informed by the princi- atlantic financial system, an unprecedented polarization ples of the new epoch. November 2, 2018 EIR From Moscow, Helga Zepp-LaRouche Calls for a New Bretton-Woods Conference 3 Two Game-Changing Pathways There are two “game-chang- ing” topics, which in the near future, create totally opposite pathways for mankind. The first one concerns the monumental battle being fought out now in the United States. The coup attempt against President
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