Tide, Sun, Temp. Weather Forecast Partly cloudy AMLHh Vd-2:5pm . A.A-AL with widely lowghi-:58pm Low tAie --6:58pm UE10 showers. Winds Sun6tz----t7:57pmtSW at 8-12 knots. High------ 84 Bay conditions Low-------73 The Navy 4 only hhone-b ed daity 1-3 feet. Vol. 31 No. 67 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Thursday, April 8, 1976 Pennsylvania next stop on campaign trail Story by'AP--Henry Jackson and World News Digest he had made have 178 Democratic Morris Udall -- the candidate who a major target with convention campaign money and votes. In addition, woke up a loser -- plunged without time. But the there is a sweetness didn't last. presidential preference primary, pause yesterday into the campaign LEBANON (AP)--Police say 68 per- Nonetheless, matching the for Pennsylvania's presidential Udall said yester- candidates themselves sons were killed and 52 wounded day that he in Pennsylvania. primary, a contest that could had stopped the Carter yesterday on the sixth day of the bandwagon with his 36 per cent be their Democratic showdown. of Jackson said, "I believe that we latest -- and often-broken -- cease the vote, just behind Carter. There are other candidates wait- will carry Pennsylvania." He said fire. They say fighting was worst Jackson won a commanding, ing to test them later, and there 104- his victory in New-York, a state northeast of Beirut, and invol- vote share of the Democratic is Sen. Hubert Humphrey, biding dele- he called a symbol of political ved the use of morters, bazookas, gates awarded in Tuesday's his time and looking for running New power and movement, will boost his hand grenades and machine guns. York primary, room after the primary season is and he said he would standing in Pennsylvania. have more votes from over. nominally Given the Tuesday verdicts, WASHINGTON (AP)--A Senate sub- uncommitted delegates. But it is evident now that the Udall sup- Jackson said, he, Carter and Udall committee begins hearings today porters captured 70 , ~ennsylvania balloting on April national con- will all be there. "I think it will into whether former Presidential vention seats, uncommitted will sort things out among the entries be an all-out, three-way fight in- Campaign Manager Howard "Bo" won 65 and Carter had current crop of primary contenders. 35. stead of what otherwise might Callaway used undue influence in The New York Carter won Tuesday's Wisconsin system offered a have been one on one." getting the government to reverse test among delegates, presidential primary with 37 per listed with President Ford won the Wisconsin its plans to put off expansion of their candidate preferences. cent of the vote, edging Udall, who But Republican primary, easily out- his Colorado ski area. there was no direct test held a premature victory celebra- of the distancing challenger Ronald Reagan presidential contenders tion election night. Early yester- since the -- and sweeping the state's 45 IRAN (AP)--Iran has severed dip- three major entries day, late-counted ballots turned had varying Republican nominating delegates. lomatic relations with Cuba. The numbers of things around. delegate entries. Ford is entered in Pennsylvania, break was over Fidel Castro's Carter had gone to bed in Milwau- which will have 103 Republican alleged interference in Iran's in- Jackson said in an interview kee talking as though he had been delegate votes, but Reagan is not ternal affairs. It follows reports yesterday that defeated, although he never con- the New York out- running again until the May 1 that Castro met with the leader of come means ceded. He got up to tell his sup- a tough, three-way Texas primary, which now looms as the outlawed Iranian Communist par- contest porters: "We're No. 1," and to in Pennsylvania, which will his make-or break test. ty during the Soviet Union's 25th wave a newspaper with a banner Communist party congress that ended headline saying he had been upset. last month. "And we won anyhow," the former Georgia governor said. WASHINGTON (AP)--Talks are expect- For Udall, it was a night of ed to resume today between the Na- disappointment. "Oh, how sweet it tional Broadcasting Company and its is," the Arizona congressman had technicians' union. Yesterday, in said when he was leading in the New York federal court, NBC filed a partial vote count and pronounced $550,000 damage suit charging the the winner in the projections of union with sabotage to company ABC and NBC. It would have been his equipment and loss of revenue. first primary victory, in a state WEST POINT,N.Y. (AP)--Some West Point cadets, suspected of violat- ing the honor code, were notified yesterday of charges they cheated on a take-home assignment. The *red Harris quits assignment was given to more than 800 cadets last month. An Army spokesman has said about 100 cadets at the academy could be involved primary campaigns in the cheating scandal. WASHINGTON (AP)--It's been learn- WASHINGTON (AP) -- Former Oklahoma ed that Secretary of State Henry Sen. Fred Harris has decided to Kissinger has dropped Nigeria from withdraw from active campaigning his upcoming African trip because for the Democratic presidential of doubts that his security can be SCENIC GITMO-QUESTION:' nomination, sources said yesterday. The answer is ready--the old response, sudden and guaranteed. The change reduces the blunt and Harris will remain a declared with an irresistible force to end all argument. The answer is importance of the trip, since ready in Guantanamo as it candidate and will continue to seek was on Midway, Guadalcanal, Wake and Corregidor Nigeria is the largest African na- the nomination at the Democratic where wave upon wave, still striking the shore, measures out time and tion and the most economically im- in the national convention in New York in intervening calm suggests a question. portant outside South Africa. July, the sources said. But they said all of his active campaigning for votes in the re- maining Democratic primary elections will cease. Ford and Congress face conflict over Mid East From the start, the Harris camp- aign has been dogged by a lack of funds despite a new law providing WASHINGTON (AP)--The continuing additional funds, "I will be ional confrontation." for federal matching money. conflict between the Ford adminis- forced to exercise my veto." Brooke said he felt the conflict Congressional inaction following tration and the Congress over U.S. The President's stand was would have "only negative results the Supreme Court's partial dis- policy in the Middle East flared written in a letter to House for the United States and Israel." mantling of the Federal Election anew yesterday when Ford said he Speaker Carl Albert and released He urged Congress to delay action Commission, which disburses the would veto a foreign aid bill if by the White House. on the bill until after the Easter money, was a major factor in the it contains extra funds for recess which starts the middle of Harris decision to withdraw, the Israel. An effort is expected in the next week. sources said. House to add the extra funds to Brooke, who was the senior Repub- The commission has stopped dis- At issue is an additional $550 the foreign aid bill. Senate lican among the Senate conferees, pensing funds to presidential million for Israel which the Senate supporters have said they are said in a statement the delay candidates pending the passage of included in a $5.6 billion foreign essential to support Israel's would provide time to find a com- a new campaign finance law. aid package. The funds for Israel already strained economy. promise. Harris, an ambitious, hard-driv- are part of $772 million which the Congressional leaders of both. ing politician since his days in Senate added for the Middle East. A House-Senate conference comm- parties met with Ford at the the Oklahoma legislature, urged Ford said the extra funds "are ittee has agreed on $2.2 billion White House yesterday to discuss heavy taxation of big business and not needed to meet the essential for Israel for the fiscal 1976 the issue. the break-up of economic monopolies. needs of the recipients." year ending June 30, and the admin- Senate Minority Leader Hugh But his self-styled "people's istration is asking another $1.785 Scott, R-Pa., said Ford assured campaign," never caught on, despite In the case of Israel, he said, billion for the new year beginning congressional leaders that "he was his surprisingly strong finish in his fiscal 1976 and 1977 budget Oct. 1 under the revised fiscal not going to let Israel suffer for the Iowa delegate selection cauc- requests "provide sufficient calendar. lack of weapons at any time." uses. levels of assistance to meet that - Sen. Edward Brooke, R-Mass., The aid bill conflict with the In the Wisconsin primary on nation's needs." said that if Ford vetos the foreign administration is the latest in a Tuesday he received one per cent Ford said if he receives from aid bill, "I think we're on the series of clashes over Middle of the Democratic vote. Congress a bill that includes the brink of a major executive-congress- East policy. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, April 8, 1976 NEW LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE RIFLE AND PISTOL CLUB TO The Gitmo Ladies Scratch Bowlin HOLD EMERGENCY MEETING team will be forming a new league Anyone with a 130 average or above The Rifle and Pistol Club will may call Yvonne Pate at 97263 AT. have an emergency meeting of all members Saturday at 1 p.m.
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