Draft Environmental Impact Assessment May 2017 People’s Republic of China: Heilongjiang Green Urban and Economic Revitalization Project Part 3 Prepared by the Heilongjiang Provincial Government for the Asian Development Bank. 293. JX 4.3 Gonggu Flyover: air quality. Table VI-24 presents the predicted maximum pollutant concentrations near the Gonggu Flyover boundary, with modeling results shown in Figure VI-13. The results indicate that the maximum CO and NO2 ground-level concentration values will comply with Class II standard limits of Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB 3095-2012) during future operation. Table VI-24: Maximum pollutant concentration projections for Gongqu Flyover (Jixi) Sensitive Pollutant Year Predicted value Contribution mg Baseline mg/m3 Prediction Standard Receptor mg /m3 /m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 Baoquanwei NO2 Short term 1h 0.0162 0.02024 0.062 0.08224 0.2 (2022) 24h 0.0162 0.00452 0.055 0.05952 0.08 Annual 0.00163 0.00163 0.04 Medium term 1h 0.0207 0.02450 0.062 0.08650 0.2 (2027) 24h 0.0207 0.00547 0.055 0.06047 0.08 Annual 0.00197 0.00197 0.04 Long term 1h 0.0256 0.03160 0.062 0.09360 0.2 (2037) 24h 0.0256 0.00705 0.055 0.06205 0.08 Annual 0.00254 0.00254 0.04 6.36 CO Short term 1h 0.1015 0.12461 1.2 1.32461 10 (2022) 24h 0.1015 0.02780 1.1 1.12780 4 Medium term 1h 0.1275 0.15088 1.2 1.35088 10 (2027) 24h 0.1275 0.03367 1.1 1.13367 4 Long term 1h 0.1579 0.19525 1.2 1.39525 10 (2037) 24h 0.1579 0.04357 1.1 1.14357 4 Maximum NO2 Short term 1h 0.0162 0.04695 0.062 0.10895 0.2 ground (2022) 24h 0.0162 0.00854 0.055 0.06354 0.08 concentration Annual 0.00328 0.0328 0.04 location Medium term 1h 0.0207 0.05684 0.062 0.11884 0.2 (2027) 24h 0.0207 0.01033 0.055 0.06533 0.08 Annual 0.00397 0.00397 0.04 Long term 1h 0.0256 0.07331 0.062 0.13531 0.2 (2037) 24h 0.0256 0.01333 0.055 0.06833 0.08 Annual 0.00512 0.00512 0.04 CO Short term 1h 0.1015 0.28912 1.2 1.48912 10 (2022) 24h 0.1015 0.05256 1.1 1.15256 4 Medium term 1h 0.1275 0.35088 1.2 1.55008 10 (2027) 24h 0.1275 0.06364 1.1 1.16364 4 Long term 1h 0.1579 0.45304 1.2 1.65304 10 (2037) 24h 0.1579 0.08236 1.1 1.18236 4 1h NO2 contour (short term) 1h CO contour (short term) 24h NO2 contour (short term) 24h CO contour (short term) Annual NO2 contour (short term) 1h CO contour (medium term) 1h NO2 contour (medium term) 24h CO contour (medium term) 24h NO2 contour (medium term) 1h contour (long term) Annual NO2 contour (medium term) 24h contour (long term) 1h NO2 contour (long term) Annual NO2 contour (long term) 24h NO2 contour (long term) Figure VI-13: Predicted air quality contours for Gonggu Flyover during operation 294. JX 4.3 Gonggu flyover: noise. There are 156 households in the Baonquanwei district within 200 m of Gonggu flyover right-of-way, including 60 households within 35 m of the road boundary. Table VI-25 presents the predicted noise levels at selected households, with modeling results shown in Figure VI-14. The predictions indicate that the noise levels will exceed the standards in short, medium and long term in nighttime for the Class 4a area. For the Class 2 area, the noise level will exceed standards for night time noise in the medium and long term. To mitigate these impacts, noise insulation windows will be installed for affected households, which are predicted to reduce interior noise levels to below the relevant standards (Table VI-26). The total cost for the insulation windows is estimated at RMB 318,000, which is included in the total cost of Gongqu Bridge. The impacts on sensitive receivers will be tracked by PIU. If further exceedances are detected in the long term (due to increased traffic volume), further mitigation measures will be adopted. Table VI-25: Predicted noise levels at sensitive receptors in Baonquanwei close to Gonggu flyover (without mitigation) (dB) Receptor Short term (2020) Middle term (2026) Long term (2034) Applicable Distance Time Baseline Standard Contribution Predicted Exceedance Increment Contribution Predicted Exceedance Increment Contribution Predicted Exceedance Increment (m) Class 60 Day 60.6 51.45 61.10 6.10 0.5 52.54 61.23 6.23 0.63 53.43 61.36 6.36 0.76 77 2 50 Night 50.8 45.10 51.82 1.82 1.02 46.05 52.05 2.05 1.25 46.92 52.29 2.29 1.49 Class 70 Day 65.8 60.61 66.95 0 1.15 61.70 67.23 0 1.43 62.59 67.49 0 1.69 20 4a 55 Night 56.2 54.17 58.31 3.31 2.11 55.21 58.74 3.74 2.54 56.08 59.15 4.15 2.95 Class 60 Day 58.6 48.95 59.05 0 0.45 50.03 59.17 0 0.57 50.92 59.28 0 0.68 35 2 50 Night 48.4 42.51 49.39 0 0.99 43.54 49.63 0 1.23 44.42 49.86 0 1.46 Class 70 Day 58.36 62.39 63.82 0 5.46 63.48 64.63 0 6.27 64.37 65.33 0 6.97 17 4a 55 Night 49.6 55.95 56.86 1.86 7.26 56.99 57.72 2.72 8.12 57.86 58.47 3.47 8.87 Class 60 Day 55.4 48.09 56.14 0 0.74 49.18 56.33 0 0.93 50.07 56.52 0 1.12 2 35 Class 50 Night 46.2 41.65 47.51 0 1.31 42.69 47.80 0 1.6 43.57 48.09 0 1.89 4a Class 70 Day 58.3 60.97 62.85 0 4.55 62.06 63.58 0 5.28 62.94 64.22 0 5.92 18 4a 55 Night 49.6 54.53 55.74 0.74 6.14 55.56 56.54 1.54 6.94 56.44 57.26 2.26 7.66 Class 60 Day 55.4 43.77 55.69 0 0.29 44.85 55.77 0 0.37 45.74 55.85 0 0.45 2 35 Class 50 Night 46.2 37.33 46.73 0 0.53 38.36 46.86 0 0.66 39.24 47.00 0 0.8 4a Table VI-26: Predicted noise levels at sensitive receptors in Baonquanwei close to Gonggu flyover (with mitigation) (dB) Before mitigation After mitigation* Number sound Number Applicable Cost Time insulation of HH standard Short Exceedance Medium Exceedance Short Medium windows (CNY)** Day 61.10 6.10 61.23 6.23 36.1 36.23 1 Class 2 4 8000 Night 51.82 1.82 52.05 2.05 26.82 27.05 Day 66.95 0 67.23 0 41.95 42.23 2 Class 4a 5 10000 Night 58.31 3.31 58.74 3.74 33.31 33.74 Day 63.82 0 64.63 0 38.82 39.63 33 Class 4a 80 160000 Night 56.86 1.86 57.72 2.72 31.86 32.72 Day 62.85 0 63.58 0 37.85 38.58 25 Class 4a 70 140000 Night 55.74 0.74 56.54 1.54 30.74 31.54 *Sound insulation window 25dB( A ). Interior sound will meet the code for sound insulation design of civil buildings (GB50118-2010 ) and indoor standards (day 45dB ( A ), night 37dB ( A )) **The cost for sound insulation window is 2000 CNY each window (assuming the area is 1.2 m2) Noise contours at daytime (2020) Noise contours at night time (2020) Noise contours at daytime (2026) Noise contours at night time (2026) Noise contours at daytime (2034) Noise contours at night time (2034) Figure VI-14: Predicted noise contours for Gonggu flyover during operation c. Shuangyashan 295. SY 4.3 Southern ring road: air quality. Table VI-27 presents the predicted maximum pollutant concentrations near the Southern Ring road boundary, and Table VI-28 shows maximum pollutant concentrations at the closest sensitive receiver (Anshan Community). Modeling results are shown in Figure VI-15. The results indicate that the maximum CO and NO2 ground-level concentration values will comply with Class II standard limits of Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB 3095-2012) during future operation. 175 Table VI-27: Maximum pollutant concentration projections for Southern ring road Maximum Ground Pollutant Year Concentration Contribution Baseline Predicted value Standard % of standard Maximum CO Short term 1h 0.333512 0.390000 0.723512 10 7.24 ground 24h 0.031138 0.180000 0.2111338 4 5.28 concentration Annual 0.006496 / 0.006496 / / Medium term 1h 0.402001 0.390000 0.792001 10 7.92 24h 0.030882 0.180000 0.217532 4 5.44 Annual 0.007830 / 0.007830 / / Long term 1h 0.474003 0.390000 0.864003 10 8.64 24h 0.044254 0.180000 0.224254 4 5.61 Annual 0.009232 / 0.009232 / / NO2 Short term 1h 0.105472 0.015000 0.120472 0.2 60.24 24h 0.012290 0.009000 0.021290 0.08 26.61 Annual 0.002654 / 0.002654 0.04 6.64 Medium term 1h 0.124742 0.015000 0.139742 0.2 69.87 24h 0.014535 0.009000 0.023535 0.08 29.42 Annual 0.003139 / 0.003139 0.04 7.85 Long term 1h 0.133413 0.015000 0.148413 0.2 74.21 24h 0.015545 0.009000 0.024545 0.08 30.68 Annual 0.003358 / 0.003358 0.04 8.40 176 Table VI-28: Maximum pollutant concentration projections at the nearest sensitive receiver (Anshan Community) to the for Southern ring road Pollutant Year Maximum Ground Contribution Baseline Predicted value Standard % of standard Concentration Anshan CO Short term 1h 0.143821 0.390000 0.533821 10 5.34 Community 24h 0.023603 0.180000 0.203603 4 5.09 Annual 0.003227 / 0.003227 / / Medium term 1h 0.173355 0.390000 0.563355 10 5.63 24h 0.028451 0.180000 0.208451 4 5.21 Annual 0.003890 / 0.003890 / / Long term 1h 0.204404 0.390000 0.5944041 10 5.94 24h 0.033546 0.180000 0.213546 4 5.34 Annual 0.004586 / 0.004586 / / NO2 Short term 1h 0.055811 0.015000 0.070811 0.2 35.41 24h 0.009604 0.009000 0.018604 0.08 23.25 Annual 0.001353 / 0.001353 0.04 3.38 Medium term 1h 0.066007 0.015000 0.081007 0.2 40.50 24h 0.011358 0.009000 0.020358 0.08 25.45 Annual 0.001600 / 0.001600 0.04 4.00 Long term 1h 0.070596 0.015000 0.085596 0.2 42.80 24h 0.012148 0.009000 0.021148 0.08 26.43 Annual 0.001711 / 0.001711 0.04 4.28 177 1h NO2 contour (short term) 24h NO2 contour (short term) Annual NO2 contour (short term) 1h CO contour (short term) 24h CO contour (short term) Annual CO contour (short term) 1h NO2 contour (medium term) 24h NO2 contour (medium term) Annual NO2 contour (medium term) 1h CO contour (medium term) 24h CO contour (medium term) Annual CO contour (medium term) 178 1h NO2 contour (medium term) 24h NO2 contour (medium term) Annual NO2 contour (long term) 1h CO contour (long term) 24h CO contour (long term) Annual CO contour (long term) Figure VI-15: Predicted air quality contours for Southern ring road during operation 296.
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