5 questions to ask provider before getting a mammogram ~y Donne Welker cer are reported annually in mography done at a particular against a stundard to make exam done correctly, or having accredited by the American ,taft Wnter the state, and that more than facility: This year, approximately sure that radiatIOn doses and it read wrong by the technolo- College of Radiologists, as 1,500 Michigan women die of 175,900 women in the United • Are you certified by the measurements are correct.) gists," said Monalee Prange, confumed by the Cancer Infor. the disease each year. States will be diagnosed as hav- American College of Radiology • Have the radiologists who director of education for the mation Service, a division of Mammography exams can 109 breast cancer, and of those or the American Osteopathic shoot and read the mammo- Amencan Cancer Society in the National Cancer Institute. detect breast cancer early, be- Board of Radiology? cases, 44,800 will1:l#lfatal, ac- grams taken specIal courses m Southfield. In addItion, their mammo- fore a tumor is large enough to cording to the American Can- • Is your equipment certified mammography? (They should Locally, Bon Secours HospI- graphIC technologists receive be felt. The earlier the detec. cer Society. by the state licensing board also be lIcensed by the state or tal, Cottage Hospital, Lake- continuing education in their tion, the better the chances are In Michigan, breast cancer is (the Michigan Department of certified by the American Re- shore Mammography Center field, and their mammography that the patient will survive. Public Health)? the second leading cause of gIstry of Radiological Technolo- and Eastpomte Radiologist PC. equipment is calibrated regu- But how can a woman be death among women, ranking • Is your X-ray equipment gists, the NCI says). at St John HospItal are some larly by certified radiological sure that her mammography dedicated to or specifically de- just under heart disease, said • Is mammography part of of the places that offer mam phySICIsts, spokespersons for test will be accurate? signed for mammography ex- Jean Chabut, chief of the Mich. your regular practice? (The NCI mography eAams. the medIcal facilitIes saId. ams? Igan Department of Public suggests that a facility should How well do they measure "Our exams are very accu. The American Cancer Soci. • Is your X.ray equipment Health's center of health pro- perform at least 10 mammo- up on the six questions posed rate, because the people who ety and the National Cancer calibrated regularly by a certI- motion and chronic disease pre. grams a week.) by the Amencan Cancer Soci. read the exams are certified Institute (NCD say that a fied radiologIcal physicist? (The vention. "If they don't answer yes to ety and the NatIOnal Cancer and so is our equipment," said woman should ask a staff mem- NCI recommends that mammo- She said that approximately all six questions, I'd say go Institute? Very well Vanu Bagchi, vice president of ber the following six questions gram machines be calibrated at 5,000 new cases of breast can- someplace else. It's way too im- Bon Secours, Cottage, Lake- before electing to have a roam. least once a year and checked portant to nsk not havmg the shore and Eastpomte are all See TESTS, page lOA A Community Newspaper Grosse Pointe News Vol. 53, No.8 48 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 February 20, 1992 Schools pledge caution in spending av John Minnis renewal for the libraries was tive side of the library renewal. to schedule another electlOn, Assistant Editor passed by a wider 984-vote The results came in late on Grosse Pointe public school poSSIbly in June. Marr said margin - 4,750 to 3,766. election night because two vot- that because the renewal was officials are breathing sighs of A total of 8,539 ballots were ing machines at Parcells Mid. relief after the narrow passage approved on the first round, the cast. The voter turnout was dle School broke down, Marr of the mlliage renewal Feb. 11. school board and administra. about 20 percent. said. A repairman had be "We did it and we're reo tion have more time to devote The Park favored the school called from Sterling Heights. lieved," said school board presi. to drafting a budget millage renewal by 424 votes, She said the board members dent Carol Marr. "On behalf of Earlier, the school adminis- and Harper Woods voters were were not confident as they the school board, we're most tration was looking at a 1992- on the affirmative side by 130 gathered at the school adminis- appreciative of the support 93 budget that would be 5.6 votes. The Farms approved the trative offices early in the eve. shown by the community. percent to 9 percent higher renewal by just two votes. The ning. It was not until 10 p.m. "We realize these are diffi- than this year's spending plan. City's margin of approval was that the Grosse Pointe Woods cult times. More than ever, The increase would offset 45 votes. vote was in and the board we're going to be very, very losses of FICA (Social Security) Shores, Grosse Pointe Woods knew it had succeeded in con- careful in our spending." payments from the state and and absentee voters came down vincing the voters of the need half of commercial property The 27 55.mill renewal was against renewal of the school for the renewal. approved 4,424 to 4,115 - a mills. The Shores and absentee Had the measure failed, the 309-vote margin. The 1.30.mill voters also were on the nega- board would have been forced See MILLAGE, page 21A SMART ~hopeful'about finding new ~ash By RonaldJ. Bemu Since then, all the GroSElEl Meanwhile. SMART offiCIals have no effect on current reti- Staff Wnter Pointe city councils have dis- have approached the state Leg- rees or on current employees March 27 is the day SMART cussed or will discuss the situa- islature with a request to allow who will some day want to is expected to make its last tion soon, but none has taken them to withdTaw more than take advantage of the pension," dropoff before parking its buses action. $10 million in surplus funds Aho saId. for good. But if acting director "We've received a number of the bus company has in its pen- "I'm not optimistic. But I'm James L. Aho isn't optimistic, calls from residents," said Tom sion fund. That money could hopeful. There's only a small he's at least hopeful that the Kressbach, city manager in get the firm back on its feet. window of time between now bus line may not have to close. Grosse Pointe City. ''They're ''The surplus comes from the and March 27." The bus company sent a re- concerned but I don't know money we have after some serio Matt Wirgau, chairman of port in November to all the what's going to happen." ous personnel cutbacks in the the SMART board of directors, municipalities in the three That sentiment was echoed 1980s and from good invest. will make a presentation to the counties It serves telling them by the managers of the four ments," Aho said. executive committee of SEM. that on March 27, the company other Pointes. They said resi- Because it can-'t slmply with- COG, the Southeast Michigan Photo by Suzy Ber9chbecll would close because of a lack of dents have called the city of. draw the money, SMART is Councll of Governments, on cash. fices and registered their con- asking the Legislature for per- Friday, Feb. 21, at 2 p.m. in And cut SMART officials asked for ci- cerns, but nothing has been mission to end its association the SEMCOG office at 600 ties to come to their aid, but done yet, because no one is with the Municipal Employees Plaza Drive m Detroit. Wirgau Andrew Scavone was director for a day as part of a just what kind of help they quite sure what action, JJ: any, Retirement System and then will discuss proposed service grand tour of the Grosse Pointe War Memorial. Scavone - wanted was never spelled out to take. rejoin the pension fund the cuts or discontinuation of ser- and the rest of the students from Nancy Swartz' second and the response was less than The Park city council has di. same day. In effect, it would be vice and the impact on local grade class at Richard Elementary School learned about overwhelming, a ~MART rected the city administration making a $10 million with- governments. The meeting is the history and significance of the facility. For more pho- spokesman told city offiCials at to look into options to provide drawal, Aho said. open to the pubhc. Call 961- tos, see page xxA. a regional meeting of the Mich- some kind of bus service if "We can do this and it would 4266 for informatlOn. igan Municipal League last SMART should cease opera- month. tions. Pointer of Interest Eric Miller Tough Devil By Donna Walker Miller, 38, is director of vocal Staft Wnter music at Lincoln High &hooJ Eric MIller of Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe South's Jesse in Warren and the manager of Farms felt several callings Culver works over an oppo- District 16 of the Michigan while growing up. nent from Warren Cousino School Vocal Association. He wanted to be a farmer, during last weekend's Ma- District 16 includes all of the like his lDaternal grandfather comb Area (',onference Blue Grosse Pointes and Macomb and uncle.
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