WORLD WAR TWO STUDIES ASSOCIATION (formerly American Committee on the History ofthe Second World War) Donald S. Detwiler, Chairman Mark P. Parillo, Seerewry and Department of History Newsleller Editor Southern lIlinois Univ~jty Departmenl of Hislory at Carbondale 208 Eisenhower Hall Carbondale, Illinois 62901-4519 Kansas Stale Univ~ity [email protected]/ Manhattan, Kansas 6650&- 1002 785-532-0374 Permanent Directors FAX 785-532-7004 pari/[email protected] Charles F. Delzell Vanderbilt University Robin Higham, Archivist Department of Hislory Arthur L Funk 208 Eisenhower Hall Gainesville, Florida NEWSLETTER Kansas Slate University Manhattan, Kansas 66506- 1002 H. Stuart Hughes University of California. ISSN 0885-5668 The WWTSA is affiliated with: San Diego American Historical Association Terms expiring 1997 400 A Street, S.E. Washington, D. C. 20003 James L. Collins. Jr. Middleburg, Virginia Comite international d'histoire de la deuxieme guerre mondiale John Lewis Gaddis Henry Rousso, General Secretary Yale University Institut d'histoire du temps present (Centre national de la recherche Robin Higham seienlifique [CNRSJ) Kansas Slate University 44. rue de l'Amiral Mouehc7. 75014 Paris, France Warren F. Kimball No. 58 Fall 1997 Rutgers University, Newark H-WAR: Tile Military History Netwon (sponsored by H·Net: H"mlmitics Allan R. Milieu & Social Sciences OnLine). which Ohio State Univcrsiry supports the WWTSA's website on the internet at the following Agnes F. Peterson Contents address (URL): Hoover Institution hllp:Jlh-net2,msu.edul-Mlarlwwfsa Russell F. Weigley Temple University World War Two Studies Association Roberta Wohlstetter General Information 2 Pan Heuristics The Newsletter 2 Janet Ziegler UCLA Annual Membership Dues 2 Terms expiring 1998 News and Notes Martin Blumenson Washington, D.C. 1998 Elections and Membership 3 D'Ann Campbell Donations to WWTSA 3 Sage Colleges Annual Business Meeting 3 Stanley L. Fatk Alexandria, Virginia 1998 AHA Scholarly Session 3 Ernest R. May 1999 AHA Scholarly Session(s) 3 Harvard University Dennis Showalter WWTSA Membership Directory 4 Colorado College Mark A. Stoler Archival Releases University ofVennont Dec1assifications 29 Gerhard L. Weinberg University of North Carolina Accessions and Openings 29 at Chapel Hill Earl F. Ziemke Recently Published Articles 33 University of Georgia Terms expiring 1999 Recently Published Books 39 Dean C. Allard Naval Historical Center Election Ballot 47 Stephen E. Ambrose University of New Orleans Membership Renewal Form 49 Edward 1. Drea Center of Military Hislory Waldo Heinrichs San Diego Stale University David Kahn Great Neck. New York Carol M. Petillo Boston College Ronald H. Spector George Washington University David F. Trask Washington, D,C. Roben Wolfe Natioll.J.1 Archives General Information Established in 1967 "to promote historical research in the period of World War II in all its aspects," the World War Two Studies Association, whose original name was the American Committee on the History of the Second World War, is a private organization supported by the dues and donations of its members. It is affiliated with the American Historical Association, with the International Committee for the History of the Second World War, and with corresponding national committees in other countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, and the Vatican. The Newsletter The WWTSA issues a semiannual newsletter, which is assigned International Standard Serial Number [ISSNl 0885-5668 by the Library of Congress. Back issues of the Newsletter are available from Robin Higham, WWTSA Archivist, through Sunflower University Press, 1531 Yuma (or Box 1009), Manhattan, KS 66502-4228. Please send information for the Newsletter to: Mark Parillo Department of History Kansas State University Eisenhower Hall Manhattan, KS 66506-1002 Tel.: (785) 532-0374 Fax: (785) 532-7004 E-mail: [email protected] Annual Membership Dues Membership is open to all who are interested in the era of the Second World War. Annual membership dues of $15.00 are payable at the beginning of each calendar year. Students with U.S. addresses may, if their circumstances require it, pay annual dues of$5.00 for up to six years. There is no surcharge for members abroad, but it is requested that dues be remitted directly to the secretary of the WWTSA (not through an agency or subscription service) in U.S. dollars. The Newsletter, which is mailed at bulk rates within the United States, will be sent by surface mail to foreign addresses unless special arrangements are made to cover the cost of airmail postage. Fall 1997 - 3 News and Notes This meeting is not listed in the frontrnatter of the 1998 AHA conference program guide, so 1998 WWTSA Elections and Membership those planning to attend should make a note of Renewal the time and place of the meeting. All members of the World War Two Studies Association are eligible to vote for the eight WWTSA Panel at the 1998 AHA Conference directors of the association who will serve three­ year tenns through 2000. Please indicate your The World War Two Studies Association will choices on the ballot included in this newsletter, host a scholarly session in conjunction with the detach it, and mail it as directed by January 31, 1998 American Historical Association 1998. conference in Seattle. The session will be held in the Sheraton, Suite 428, from 9:30 to 11 :30 a.m. Also included in the newsletter is the 1998 on Saturday, January 10. membership renewal form. Membership dues are payable at the begirming of the calendar year. The session is entitled "Teaching World War II with the Internet," and will be presented by the following participants: Donations to the World War Two Studies Association Chair: Gordon R. Mark, Purdue U. "Listservs, Web Sites, and the History of World To help defray costs of the WWTSA that may War II," Mark P. Parillo, Kansas State U. not be not covered by membership dues, the Comment: MarkA. Stoler, U. ofVennont Kansas State University Foundation, which is eligible to receive contributions that are tax­ Since this is not an official AHA-sponsored deductible to the extent provided by law, has event but rather a session conducted by an kindly established a dedicated account to which affiliated society, WWTSA members may attend donations may be made for the use of the World even if not registered for the AHA conference. War Two Studies Association. Members and This panel is being co-sponsored by the supporters of the association are invited to send Committee for History in the Classroom. to the secretary, together with their membership dues, separate checks or money orders made out to the "KSU Foundation," indicating (on the WWTSA Panel(s) at the 1999 AHA "purpose" line) that they are for "Friends of the Conference WWTSA" or "Account No. F40752." As in the past, such donations could facilitate keeping The World War Two Studies Association will dues, particularly for students, at a relatively host one or more scholarly sessions in modest level, and could, in addition, provide conjunction with the 1999 American Historical welcome means to cover otherwise Association conference in Washington, D.C., unreirnbursed association expenses. January 7-10, 1999. Those wishing to present papers or organize panels should contact WWTSA secretary Mark Parillo to coordinate Annual Business Meeting their efforts and facilitate communications with the AHA conference organizers. Those The World War Two Studies Association will interested are reminded that the AHA deadlines hold its armual business meeting in conjunction for proposals are 1 February 1998 for panels with the American Historical Association sponsored by affiliated societies. conference at the Sheraton Hotel, 1400 6th Avenue, Seattle, in January 1998. The meeting will be from 4:45 to 6:30 p.m. on Friday, January 9, in the Boardroom, 4th floor, Sheraton. All WWTSA members are welcome to attend. 4 - Fall 1997 WWTSA Membership Directory This directory includes members in good standing; any who are not listed but renew on receipt ofthis newsletter, using the attached membership form, will be listed in the supplement in the spring issue. Entries include name, address, and, when available, e-mail address, telephone number, fax number, institutional affiliation (when different from address), and areas ofinterest within the field ofWorld War II studies. ALAN AIMONE DAVID ALVAREZ 4 Coronation Path Dept. of Government Newburgh, NY 12550 Saint Mary's College of California [email protected]. westpoint-emh2 Moraga, CA 94575 t: 914-938-2954 f: 914-938-3752 STEPHEN AMBROSE U.S. Military Academy Library Eisenhower Center Historiography and u.s. Army history University of New Orleans Lakefront KANn AKAG! New Orleans, LA 70148 3-31-10 Fukasawa Setagaya-Ku CHARLESR.ANDERSON Tokyo 158 1099 14th Street NW JAPAN Room 250 [email protected] Washington, DC 20005-3402 t: (+)81-3-5706-0288 t: 205-761-5365 f: (+)81-3-3798-7480 f: 202-761-5358 Keio University U.S. Army Center of Military History Strategy & policy; intelligence; Asia-Pacific Pacific war; US Army & USMC planning; theater Japanese planning DEAN ALLARD KATHY ARTNER 2701 N. Quincy Street 418 Wallace Ave. Arlington, VA 22207 Louisville, KY 40207 [email protected] t: 703-525-4233 JOHN C. AUSLAND U.S. Naval Historical Center (ret.) Sondreveien 4 Entry 2 Naval operations and strategy; social 378 Oslo 3 0378 Norway JOSE ALVAREZ European & Pacific campaigns Office S-1082 University of Houston-Downtown Dept. of Social Sciences HELEN M. BAILEY One Main Street 9451 Lee Highway Apt. 415 Houston, TX 77002 Farrfax, VA 22031-1812 [email protected] t: 703-591-4060 t: 713-221-8649 Joint Chiefs of Staff, DoD (ret.) f: 713-221-8144 Strategic planning; defense organization Spanish Army (Blue Division); Wehrmacht (weapons, equipment, militaria) CHARLES BAKER 11804 Bignonia Ct.
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