Maqr Bntiaall C h u y aoailiarjr.l VAthTYi, win bold a apciai aMattogl at u. a. a t • o^elock toawiTow aight to tha i Btata Anaocy. Iha approachiag I , 8 4 1 > aaaaMr mla Mrthday o f Praaldeat MlVHaai Me* I r titin dewly i Klaley artU ba obaeraad. ^ . __i mmt teaigM at S il m TMXXA. Am Mt- lha OsdUaa Ctub wm rabaa M ANCHESTER— A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM l* o r . tetigtat at 7:80 at the Bontta Matho* JANUARY diat cbattii to praparatkai for tha I MttjMB aad Mn. aarrioa it la to ocmduet at the State | 1 T| VOLI'VL.NO.M (OaatiSaiASvtoMd^aaragaM). MANCBBSTBB,IfANCiiBSTEB, CONN., CONN., WEDNESDAY. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY JANUARY SMM7 SQ. 1M7 (SIXTEEN(S IX T E EF Na GES).F a GES). PUCBP U C RTHRRR^iS T H R R R 1^ bftlivi PriaoB la WatberaSeld Sunday after* I I n t Bight Bt tiM Boon. Her. Eari Stoty arUI accam*| MK BhitMrt. paay them aad Anthony O’Brlgbtl win pl*7 tbe ayh^boae duriag the | OMBtar. HojfbI Arch I b - progiBBL I hob tta ngnlar oMatliig tig h t hi tiM MMOBle Iba Profoaeional OMa C3ub wni I IPm dagrMs win b« eon- meat at tl|a Center ehurdi botuM to- [ • elMB t i t it BwidhiitaB, night at h o’doek. Mi*. Ann Spaa* ■ad paat BMatan* ear of Oitard atreet win bar* eharga F. D. R RESTATES SOCIAL CREED MMti aad a aoetai o f tbe pregraiB. Mlaa floraaee Ban* I tha biMdawa aad an I I and Inaa Htiea Oarrlar win ba| at* argad to attoad. tlM bOSt6MM* Given A ll Day Wednesday Fam ous OR an05 m u TROOPE *“-And W ^, to the Best '‘of My Ability, With Cash Sales S WEDNESDAY At Real Money Sa^ng Prices HDNAPED, SLAIN Preserve, Protect, and Defend GIVES WORD TO REMOV BY E X ^ N W a TOOTH PASTES AND POW DERS the Constitution of the U. S, * PATENT MEDICINES Shop And Save In Both These SOe Psbom Tooth Psato.......... SPECIALS 1*0 • o a 4 •. .3Sc $1.00 P e tro h fa r................. g4« 40e Pemodeat Tooth Pfesto ........ ........83e J o d y d (Nficer Fonid Haad- Dm Uo Jl!9C Gnea Staaips GifM With Ouh Sales Stores O n _ W ednesday “CANCEfS OF INJUSTICES’ 25c and SOe Listoina Tooth Paiiite . ; and 39e f « ! ***8^ * ® .............. l^e A1 Day Wedacsday* f?*.5 "^ ®*® "’**'**■ 0 “ ..........SSc and 89e cilfed to a Mail Box Od eandSSe lU S aad $2J50 Irradol A ....................... $1.00 and 82.00 a iw s p a a a iw o c a a^ffaea **«*oo«*o . • . .S4e SOe j^han’s 'Tooth P w to ................. .• * ..84e f H f AbaorWne ............85e aad $1.85 Loady Nkkigan Road Th€ J W . H A U CORK 4teSi|^sToothPbste ................... •M 2 15e ........29e Pertinent Paragraphs MAHCMiaria C o m m - KohmmTooth Ptiito ........ f;*22 IH ? i% ?^ *’®*“ **........ .........79c and $1.09 Fancy lin e ^ — .• .• .S4c $1.50 S ^ on ^ ...........................79c aad $1.09 Croat Maa Hnit b O i. Cites No Specific Progr 25c Phfflip*lB Tooth Pmto .................. ....*17e 60e lodent Tooth Fhsto...................... • ••..SOc In Presidents Speech 25e and SOe I^rom'e Tboth Powder ... !aQd 25c ............^®e aad 80e Monroa, Mich.,- Jaa. 30.— (A P )— Spri^ds and Towels SOe Calox Tooth Powder...... ........ fH 2 Wampole’a Cod Liver O il...................................S7e In His Inaugural Addre C£HOUSe^SON. ........S4e Tbe bullet-pierced body of Michlgaa Waahli^t^ Jan. 30.—(AP) —i > Proapartty already testa the par- 60e and |L00 Corcca Tooth Powdw .. State Policeman Rlcharda P. Ham­ INC ! 0nd 75e f l .00 W am j^’s Phoqw Lecithin............. ................ $7c Highlights of President Roosavelt'a slatence of our progreaslv* purpoae. ONE QUARTER mond waa found handctiffed to Inaugural address: . « In ! ........ ........ ............ ®®e “ *4 $L®® maU box on a lonely country road We have come far from tha days 60c and $1.00 Nnjol’ ....................... , 45e aad 07c In taking agiUn the oat}i o f office of stagnation and despair. PresidcBl, EMteriig on Second Tern, Speaks ef today, five houra after he waa ab­ aa President o f the United Btntas, TO QNE-r^HALF SOe aad $1.25 Pstch’s Cod Liver Oil.............. 35c and 99c ducted by a former convict be OFF OINTMENTS 60e and $L00 Sqolbb’a Cod Liver (M l........... 39e aad 75c taken into cuatody. I aaauma the solemn obligation of Our taaka In the last four year* totiei Bta h jt Noduig ef SipraM Cent; Pictorai leading the American people fro- did not force democracy to tdm a “ 5 f?* J?**f**®’* Oi®***"*........ .... .23e and 40e 59* **‘®® Super D Cod Liver OH .........41c and $1.09 A poaae of more tban 300 offtoera boUday. Soiled And Odd Pieces SOe and 60c Catieiira Oiatmeht..................... 20c and 40c 50e and $1.00 Sun Sti ........................... and 67e from Indiana, Ohio -and Mlebl|^ ward along the road over which thrPIWit ef Saknerged K K eu, Dedires combed wooded nreaa for AJelde they have chosen to advance. • M mee aearfa and T u ttv aetiL doUteo.«» ■l i » ^ « The J W H l i l C CORK I M f 7^*****e Compound ................... $1.00 IFrenchy) Benoit, allaa Joe In Baa, Nearly all o f ua recognise that aa I S *I!5 “ "**•....................... 24e and SOe $1.25 Gnde a Pepto M aagan.......................... .............ose Intrlcades of human rdatlonahlps iM t tabtodoUMi towilig «ta M i U M M i a m i C o m m - SSc and 75e M oatertie................................. 27c and SOe who wai paroled from the Uicblgaa The teat of our progress is not Antecnb Are Belm Made SikerdiBate to tte P( 66c and $1.20 Scott’s Emulsion..................... 40e and 80e state Reformatory at Ionia a Increase, so power to govern them SOe and 60c Mentholatam............................ 20e and 40e whether we add mors to the abund­ also must increase. 60e and 11.25 Zerao.......................................40^ aw«i ao« 00c and $1.20 Father John’s Medicine___ .42e and 84c ago. ance o f thoae who hava much; It la Waahlagtoa, Jaa. SO — (A P ) — ^ 0 0 M am n.............................. .. g n j |2.30 60e and $1.00 Rem .......................................... and 67c Alrplanee piloted by Detroit po­ wrhather we provide enough fo r PREsmcN* TORm D om ir Wednesday Spe^als lice and Indiana atata police Joined The eesentlsl democracy of our President Franklin D. RooaevaR 50c Rcsiimm............... ................................... ...40c 22! W.00Eno Salta.......................■.... 39e and 79e thoae who hava too Uttl*.. nation and the eafety of our people APPEAL TO GO lorful Lunch Cloths the aenrch and Michigan state police I ______ dadkatsd htmatif anew at tha start I N T H E 75e Banme Bengde................... ................................. soe 60c Tme’a E lixir...................................................... 45* lesued radio appeala for farmeta to depend not upon tte ahaenoe of MaSO". Tbaae riotha would brighten If I know aught of tha spirit and power but upon lodging It wtth of hla aaoond admlnlatrathm today Waahtagtan^ Jan. 88/—(^ aay kttebea. Smart plaid pattama SELF SERVE AND HEALTH M ARKET 50c ^ p lm y ’a Witch Hazel Ointment..........!!!!'. !s8c 30c, OOe u ^ O e ^ m o Seltzer............. 20^ 40c and SOc . arm themeelvea and aeareh their 75c Phzo Ointment..................................................... .. 35c Smith Bros. Cough Syrup ............................... 25c out'buUdinga for the' fugitive. purpose of our Nation, w* wUl not thoae whom the people can change to removal of ’Vumbera of injusttcaa" Praaidant Roesavtit tumad tad aad Hack, blue aad gold, green CS. listen to comfort, opportunism and or continue at stotad Intarvala that cauM want In the midst of today a last-mteuta appeal 1 gold, that eolora. ®®ni*i* Green Stamps Given AH Day Wednesday SOc Zinc Ointm oit................................ for 25e Stop Tw* Suspecto !2 Hammond, a husky, Nx-foot timidity. We will carry on. through aa honest aad fra* syatem tianty. he taka tha oath of m oe tt 3 9 ^ With Cash Sales. of electiona. ■aooad term tealda the trooper, with a fellow officer, Sam In hla inaugural addraaa, daUverad 8-Paand Bag n ebaet Government is competent when teataad o f on tha mln-aarapt On* «i a Kindi I f ! ^ ..................... •. .4(teiii’d $’1.00 Sinenl, baited two men while block­ beneath a storm-darkened aky to door ptetftma. S-Se, 60c and $1.25 Zem o ......................25c. 40e and 89e ading the highway nt Monroe short­ all who compose it vrork aa trustees Our progress out of the depres- thousands gatharad on tha O ^tol 25c, OOe and $1.00 Rubine............... 17^ “ d 6?S ly beforet last midnight In search of for the whole people. Sion la obvioua. plasa, he pictured uncounted poor The committao oa Pastry Flour .as* HAIR PREPARATIONS two gunmen who abducted Fred familiea living “under tha pall of manto, fearful fo r Ms ^Inffled and Flat Curtains !}-S5yi»»4».HM«> ^ «o. ................... % r n s i& WUliama,. a used car mleemaa In Today we reocnaecrata our coun­ Wa have always known that diaaster” and aald: ■uggasted tha diaiiga. heedlesa aelf-intereat waa bad formed him a larg* erawd a eob aaaaon toe accumulate a aum* 25c Golden G e I l i i o S T . 't t Detroit, and left him tied to a tree try to long cherished Ideals In a "Wa are detarminad to make iiwto of edd'eurtalna, one of a kind left Swansdown Cake Flour Special la Toledo. suddenly changed dvUlsntion. morals: w* know now that It la bad tty American cltlaen tha auMoot gathortag te tho dranebofl ^>Ooai cor regular aenii«.
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