Bern Flughafen − Rubigen Bahnhof − Konolfingen Dorf

Bern Flughafen − Rubigen Bahnhof − Konolfingen Dorf

2222 BrünnenBrünnen Westside Westside Bahnhof Bahnhof160160160 − -Kleinwabern KleinwabernBernBern BernFlughafen Flughafen Flughafen − Rubigen − − Rubigen Rubigen Bahnhof Bahnhof Bahnhof − Konolfingen − − Konolfingen Konolfingen Dorf Dorf Dorf 160 Bern Flughafen − Rubigen Bahnhof − Konolfingen Dorf Brünnen Westside BahnhofBern FlughafenBernBern05.59 Flughafen Flughafen06.28 06.58 07.28 07.5805.4805.4805.48 08.2906.1808.5906.1806.1806.3309.2906.3306.3306.4809.5906.4806.4807.0307.0310.2907.03 10.59 11.2907.1811.5907.1807.1807.3312.2907.3307.3307.4812.5907.4807.4808.0313.2908.0308.0308.1813.5908.1808.1808.3314.2908.3308.3308.4814.5908.4808.4809.0315.2909.0309.0309.18Bern09.1809.1809.48 Flughafen09.4809.4810.0310.0310.0310.1810.1810.1810.4810.4810.4811.0311.1811.0311.0311.48 12.03 12.18 12.48 13.03 13.18 13.48 14.03 14.18 14.48 15.03 15.18 15.33 15.48 16.03 16.18 16.33 16.48 17.03 17.18 Niederbottigen Belp GiessenbadBelpBelp 06.01Giessenbad Giessenbad06.31 07.01 07.31 08.0105.49 05.4905.49 08.3106.19 09.0106.1906.1906.34 09.3106.3406.3406.49 10.0106.4906.4907.04 07.0410.3107.04 11.01 11.3107.19 12.0107.1907.1907.34 12.3107.3407.3407.49 13.0107.4907.4908.04 13.3108.0408.0408.19 14.0108.1908.1908.34 14.3108.3408.3408.49 15.0108.4908.4909.04 15.3109.0409.0409.19Belp09.1909.19 Giessenbad09.49 09.4909.4910.04 10.0410.0410.19 10.1910.1910.49 10.4910.4911.0411.19 11.0411.0411.49 12.04 12.19 12.49 13.04 13.19 13.49 14.04 14.19 14.49 15.04 15.19 15.34 15.49 16.04 16.19 16.34 16.49 17.04 17.19 Moosweg Belp AemmenmattBelpBelp 06.02Aemmenmatt Aemmenmatt06.32 07.02 07.32 08.0205.50 05.5005.50 08.3206.20 09.0206.2006.2006.35 09.3206.3506.3506.50 10.0206.5006.5007.05 07.0510.3207.05 11.02 11.3207.20 12.0207.2007.2007.35 12.3207.3507.3507.50 13.0207.5007.5008.05 13.3208.0508.0508.20 14.0208.2008.2008.35 14.3208.3508.3508.50 15.0208.5008.5009.05 15.3209.0509.0509.20Belp09.2009.20 Aemmenmatt09.50 09.5009.5010.05 10.0510.0510.20 10.2010.2010.50 10.5010.5011.0511.20 11.0511.0511.50 12.05 12.20 12.50 13.05 13.20 13.50 14.05 14.20 14.50 15.05 15.20 15.35 15.50 16.05 16.20 16.35 16.50 17.05 17.20 Niederwangen Erle / Brunnadernstrasse Riedmoosstrasse Belp MuristrasseBelpBelp 06.04Muristrasse Muristrasse Süd 06.33 Süd Süd 07.03 07.33 08.0305.51 05.5105.51 08.3406.21 09.0406.2106.2106.36 09.3406.3606.3606.51 10.0406.5106.5107.06 07.0610.3407.06 11.04 11.3407.21 12.0407.2107.2107.36 12.3407.3607.3607.51 13.0407.5107.5108.06 13.3408.0608.0608.21 14.0408.2108.2108.36 14.3408.3608.3608.51 15.0408.5108.5109.06 15.3409.0609.0609.21Belp09.2109.21 Muristrasse09.51 09.5109.5110.06 Süd 10.0610.0610.21 10.2110.2110.51 10.5110.5111.0611.21 11.0611.0611.51 12.06 12.21 12.51 13.06 13.21 13.51 14.06 14.21 14.51 15.06 15.21 15.36 15.51 16.06 16.21 16.36 16.51 17.06 17.21 Bern Belp NeumattBelpBelp 05.50Neumatt Neumatt06.20 06.50 07.20 07.5005.52 05.5205.52 08.2006.22 08.5006.2206.2206.37 09.2006.3706.3706.52 09.5006.5206.5207.07 07.0710.2007.07 10.50 11.2007.22 11.5007.2207.2207.37 12.2007.3707.3707.52 12.5007.5207.5208.07 13.2008.0708.0708.22 13.5008.2208.2208.37 14.2008.3708.3708.52 14.5008.5208.5209.07 15.2009.0709.0709.22Belp09.2209.22 Neumatt09.52 09.5209.5210.07 10.0710.0710.22 10.2210.2210.52 10.5210.5211.0711.22 11.0711.0711.52 12.07 12.22 12.52 13.07 13.22 13.52 14.07 14.22 14.52 15.07 15.22 15.37 15.52 16.07 16.22 16.37 16.52 17.07 17.22 Niederwangen Belp ZelgwegBelpBelp 05.57Zelgweg Zelgweg06.27 06.57 07.27 07.5705.53 05.5305.53 08.2706.23 08.5706.2306.2306.38 09.2706.3806.3806.53 09.5706.5306.5307.08 07.0810.2707.08 10.57 11.2707.23 11.5707.2307.2307.38 12.2707.3807.3807.53 12.5707.5307.5308.08 13.2708.0808.0808.23 13.5708.2308.2308.38 14.2708.3808.3808.53 14.5708.5308.5309.08 15.2709.0809.0809.23Belp09.2309.23 Zelgweg09.53 09.5309.5310.08 10.0810.0810.23 10.2310.2310.53 10.5310.5311.0811.23 11.0811.0811.53 12.08 12.23 12.53 13.08 13.23 13.53 14.08 14.23 14.53 15.08 15.23 15.38 15.53 16.08 16.23 16.38 16.53 17.08 17.23 Belp SchützenBelpBelp Schützen Schützen 05.40 05.4005.4005.55 05.5505.5506.10 06.1006.1006.25 06.2506.2506.40 06.4006.4006.55 06.5506.5507.10 07.1007.10 07.25 07.2507.2507.40 07.4007.4007.55 07.5507.5508.10 08.1008.1008.25 08.2508.2508.40 08.4008.4008.55 08.5508.5509.10 09.1009.1009.25Belp09.2509.25 Schützen09.55 09.5509.5510.10 10.1010.1010.25 10.2510.2510.55 10.5510.5511.1011.25 11.1011.1011.55 12.10 12.25 12.55 13.10 13.25 13.55 14.10 14.25 14.55 15.10 15.25 15.40 15.55 16.10 16.25 16.40 16.55 17.10 17.25 Flamatt Belp RiedliBelpBelp Riedli Riedli Belp BahnhofBelpBelp Bahnhof Bahnhof06.20 06.50 07.2005.4205.4207.5005.4205.5705.5705.5706.1206.1208.2006.1206.2706.2708.5006.2706.4206.4209.2006.4206.5706.5709.5006.5707.1207.1210.2007.12 10.50 11.2007.2707.2711.5007.2707.4207.4212.2007.4207.5707.5712.5007.5708.1208.1213.2008.1208.2708.2713.5008.2708.4208.4214.2008.4208.57Belp08.5714.50 Riedli08.5709.12 09.1215.2009.1209.27 Belp09.2709.2709.57 Bahnhof09.5709.5710.1210.1210.1210.2710.2710.2710.5710.5710.5711.1211.2711.1211.1211.57 12.12 12.27 12.57 13.12 13.27 13.57 14.12 14.27 14.57 15.12 15.27 15.42 15.57 16.12 16.27 16.42 16.57 17.12 17.27 Niederwangen 06.29 06.59 07.29 07.59 08.29 08.59 09.29 09.59 10.29 10.59 11.29 11.59 12.29 12.59 13.29 13.59 14.29 14.59 15.29 Belp AemmenmattBelpBelp Aemmenmatt Aemmenmatt Belp BelpBelp 05.52 05.5205.5206.07 06.0706.0706.22 06.2206.2206.37 06.3706.3706.52 06.5206.5207.07 07.0707.0707.22 07.2207.22 07.37 07.3707.3707.52 07.5207.5208.07 08.0708.07 08.37 08.3708.37Belp Aemmenmatt09.07 09.0709.07 09.37Belp09.3709.3710.07 10.0710.07 10.37 10.3710.3711.07 11.0711.0711.37 12.07 12.37 13.07 13.37 14.07 14.37 15.07 15.37 16.07 16.22 16.37 16.52 17.07 17.22 17.37 Riedmoosbrücke Bern BernBern06.04 06.34 07.04 07.3406.1208.0406.1206.1206.28 06.2806.2806.4208.3506.4206.4206.5809.0506.5806.5807.1209.3507.1207.1207.2810.0507.2807.2807.4210.3507.4207.42 11.05 11.3507.5812.0507.5807.5808.1212.3508.1208.1208.2813.0508.2808.28 13.3508.5814.0508.5808.58 14.3509.2815.0509.2809.28 15.3509.58Bern09.5809.5810.28 10.2810.28 10.58 10.5810.5811.28 11.2811.2811.58 12.28 12.58 13.28 13.58 14.28 14.58 15.28 15.58 16.28 16.42 16.58 17.12 17.28 17.42 17.58 Köniz Leen 06.06 06.36 07.06 07.36 08.06 08.37 09.07 09.37 10.07 10.37 11.07 11.37 12.07 12.37 13.07 13.37 14.07 14.37 15.07 15.37 Köniz Landorf Belp BelpBelp06.07 06.37 07.07 07.3705.54 08.0705.5405.54 06.24 08.3706.2406.24 09.0706.54 09.3706.5406.54 10.0707.24 07.2410.3707.24 11.07 11.37 12.0707.54 12.3707.5407.54 13.0708.24 13.3708.2408.24 14.0708.54 14.3708.5408.54 15.0709.24 15.3709.2409.24Belp 10.24 10.2410.24 11.24 11.2411.24 12.24 13.24 14.24 15.24 15.54 16.24 16.54 17.24 Köniz Mösliweg Thun ThunThun06.08 06.38 07.08 07.3806.21 08.0806.2106.21 06.51 08.3806.5106.51 09.0807.21 09.3807.2107.21 10.0807.51 07.5110.3807.51 11.08 11.38 12.0808.21 12.3808.2108.21 13.0808.51 13.3808.5108.51 14.0809.21 14.3809.2109.21 15.0809.51 15.3809.5109.51Thun 10.51 10.5110.51 11.51 11.5111.51 12.51 13.51 14.51 15.51 16.21 16.51 17.21 17.51 Bern Bahnhof Köniz Weiermatt Belp BahnhofBelpBelp06.09 Bahnhof Bahnhof06.39 07.09 07.3905.4205.4208.0905.42 06.1206.1208.3906.12 09.0906.4206.4209.3906.42 10.0907.1207.1210.3907.12 11.09 11.39 12.0907.4207.4212.3907.42 13.0908.1208.1213.3908.12 14.09 14.39 15.0909.1209.1215.3909.12Belp Bahnhof10.1210.1210.12 11.1211.1211.12 12.12 13.12 14.12 15.12 15.42 16.12 16.42 17.12 Wabern Lindenweg Köniz Bahnhof Belp KäsereistrasseBelpBelp 06.11Käsereistrasse Käsereistrasse06.41 07.11 07.4105.4508.1105.4505.45 06.1508.4106.1506.15 09.1106.4509.4106.4506.45 10.1107.1510.4107.1507.15 11.11 11.41 12.1107.4512.4107.4507.45 13.1108.1513.4108.1508.15 14.11 14.41 15.1109.1515.4109.1509.15Belp Käsereistrasse10.15 10.1510.15 11.15 11.1511.15 12.15 13.15 14.15 15.15 15.45 16.15 16.45 17.15 Riggisberg Post Köniz Belp HoliebiBelpBelp 06.17Holiebi Holiebi 06.47 07.17 07.4705.46 08.1705.4605.46 06.16 08.4706.1606.16 09.1706.46 09.4706.4606.46 10.1707.16 07.1610.4707.16 11.17 11.47 12.1707.46 12.4707.4607.46 13.1708.16 13.4708.1608.16 14.17 14.47 15.1709.16 15.4709.1609.16Belp Holiebi 10.16 10.1610.16 11.16 11.1611.16 12.16 13.16 14.16 15.16 15.46 16.16 16.46 17.16 Schwarzenburg Belp BützackerBelpBelp 06.41Bützacker Bützacker07.11 07.41 08.1105.47 08.4105.4705.47 06.17 09.1106.1706.17 09.4106.47 10.1106.4706.47 10.4107.17 07.1711.1107.17 11.41 12.11 12.4107.47 13.1107.4707.47 13.4108.17 14.1108.1708.17 14.41 15.11 15.4109.17 16.1109.1709.17Belp Bützacker10.17 10.1710.17 11.17 11.1711.17 12.17 13.17 14.17 15.17 15.47 16.17 16.47 17.17 Belp FahrhubelwegBelpBelp Fahrhubelweg Fahrhubelweg 05.47 05.4705.47 06.17 06.1706.17 06.47 06.4706.47 07.17 07.1707.17 07.47 07.4707.47 08.17 08.1708.17 09.17 09.1709.17Belp Fahrhubelweg10.17 10.1710.17 11.17 11.1711.17 12.17 13.17 14.17 15.17 15.47 16.17 16.47 17.17 Köniz Belp LehnBelpBelp 06.14Lehn Lehn 06.44 07.14 07.4405.48 08.1405.4805.48 06.18 08.4406.1806.18 09.1406.48 09.4406.4806.48 10.1407.18 07.1810.4407.18 11.14 11.44 12.1407.48 12.4407.4807.48 13.1408.18 13.4408.1808.18 14.14 14.44 15.1409.18 15.4409.1809.18Belp Lehn 10.18 10.1810.18 11.18 11.1811.18 12.18 13.18 14.18 15.18 15.48 16.18 16.48 17.18 Bern RubigenRubigen HunzigenbrüggRubigen06.24 Hunzigenbrügg Hunzigenbrügg06.54 07.24 07.5405.49 08.2405.4905.49 06.19 08.5406.1906.19 09.2406.49 09.5406.4906.49 10.2407.19 07.1910.5407.19 11.24 11.54 12.2407.49 12.5407.4907.49 13.2408.19 13.5408.1908.19 14.24 14.54 15.2409.19 15.5409.1909.19Rubigen Hunzigenbrügg10.19 10.1910.19 11.19 11.1911.19 12.19 13.19 14.19 15.19 15.49 16.19 16.49 17.19 Köniz Bahnhof RubigenRubigen DorfmatteRubigen06.11 Dorfmatte

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