Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.43.501.462 on 1 July 1967. Downloaded from Postgrad. med. J. (July 1967) 43, 462-464. Hypoglycaemic coma with chlorpropamide C. LOEHRY* I. CHISHOLM M. SUMMERHAYES M.B., M.R.C.P. M.B. M.B. The Royal South Hants Hospital, Southampton MILD hypoglycaemic reactions are well recognized to be diabetic and started on chlorpropamide as a complication of chlorpropamide therapy, and 250 mg o.d. The drug was discontinued in 1965 have been estimated as occurring in 7% of all but restarted in January 1966. A week later she cases (Stowers & Bewsher, 1962). Severe hypo- was admitted deeply unconscious with some glycaemic coma due to this drug seems, however, meningism, exaggerated deep reflexes and bilateral to have been infrequently recognized, and we extensor plantar responses. The blood sugar was have been able to find only four isolated reports of only 27 mg/100 ml and she recovered with intra- this condition in the literature (Coates & Robbins, venous glucose. She relapsed into coma after 24 hr 1959; Bloch & Lenhardt, 1959; Sackner & Balian, and required further therapy. All the abnormal 1960; Lindeman, 1960). We have admitted five signs disappeared and she is now controlled on patients with severe hypoglycaemic reactions after diet alone. taking chlorpropamide, one of whom died, during Case 3 the first 6 months of last year. None of the cases T.W., a 77-year-old man, was admitted in 1965 that occurred at home was diagnosed before with a mild and transient right hemiparesis. Hecopyright. admission, and all were considered to have suffered with chlor- some sort of cerebro-vascular accident. Several, was found to be diabetic and treated indeed, showed abnormal neurological signs. We propamide 250 mg o.d. The blood urea at this have had the to the four sur- time was 95 mg/100 ml. In March 1966 he became opportunity study confused at home and his doctor stopped the viving cases to see if there were any reasons for 2 deter- the severe reactions, and if there are any factors chlorpropamide. Over the next days he that merit consideration when this iorated and developed signs of a right hemiparesis. special using He was then admitted unconscious, and the blood drug. was found to be 5 ml. The sugar mg/100 hypo- http://pmj.bmj.com/ Case reports glycaemia was corrected with some difficulty by Case 1 continuous infusion of glucose, and, although the A.S., a 76-year-old woman, was found to be hemiparesis slightly improved, he died 2 days later. diabetic in 1964, and was treated with chlorpro- The blood urea on this admission was 109 pamide, 250 mg o.d. This dose was doubled in mg/100 ml. At necropsy the brain was normal, December 1966 because of glycosuria. In with no evidence of haemorrhage or infarction to 1966 she was admitted in explain the hemiparesis. February congestive on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected cardiac failure, and treated with diuretics and digoxin. The dose of chlorpropamide was main- Case 4 tained at 500 mg o.d. On 5 February she was M.M., a 60-year-old woman, was admitted in found unrousable at 05.00 hours. She was deeply September 1965 with pulmonary fibrosis. Diabetes unconscious, with no abnormal neurological signs. was discovered and she was discharged taking The blood sugar was 37 mg/100 ml and she re- chlorpropamide 500 mg o.d. and prednisone, re- covered after intravenous glucose. She required ducing from 25 mg q.d.s. In May 1966 phenformin further injections over the next 36 hr for recurrent 25 mg q.d.s. was added because of glycosuria. A hypoglycaemia. She is now controlled on 250 mg few days later she was admitted semi-conscious. of chlorpropamide a day. Apparently she had been getting progressively Case 2 drowsy and disorientated over the past few days G.S., a 72-year-old woman, presented in 1962 with weakness of her limbs and difficulty in swal- with a mild peripheral neuropathy. She was found lowing. On examination she appeared to have an extensive muscular weakness, was unable to move *Present address: Department of Gastroenterology, any limbs, to speak, or to swallow. The reflexes St Thomas' Hospital, London, S.E.1. were diminished and the plantar responses flexor. Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.43.501.462 on 1 July 1967. Downloaded from Hypoglycaemic coma with chlorpropamide 463 The blood sugar was 46 mg/100 ml and she re- Discussion covered after several injections of glucose. She is There are several points of interest arising from now stabilized on chlorpropamide 250 mg o.d. the clinical features shown by these cases. All the patients were elderly and four were over Case 5 the age of 70. J.S., a 72-year-old man, was found to be diabetic Four of the patients showed abnormal neuro- in March 1965 and was treated with chlorpro- logical signs, which improved to a large extent pamide, 100 mg o.d. In May 1966 he increased his after recovery from the hypoglycaemia. Persistent dose to 200 mg o.d. Over the next 3 weeks he neurological damage due to chlorpropamide hypo- complained of recurrent attacks of confusion and glycaemia has previously been recorded in one case difficulty in speaking, and was finally admitted (Sackner & Balian, 1960) and it seems possible severely confused with a right facial weakness and that the effects of hypoglycaemia are most marked dysphasia. The blood sugar was 50 mg/100 ml. He in those parts of the brain already suffering from made a full recovery with repeated injections of ischaemia. In the patient that died (Case 3), intravenous glucose. His diabetes is now controlled although the signs of a hemiplegia persisted to by diet alone. some degree, there was no gross evidence of a The following investigations have been per- vascular accident to account for this at autopsy. formed on the four surviving cases: renal func- It is interesting that his transient ischaemic attack tion has been assessed with a creatinine clearance, 1 year previously had involved the same side. In hepatic function with a bromsulphthalein excretion Case 5 the recurrent attacks of speech difficulty test, and the ability to utilize hepatic glycogen by were probably due to hypoglycaemia and he even- the response to intravenous glucagon (0*02 mg/kg). tually presented with a right facial weakness. The The patient's sensitivity to the action of the abnormal neurological features in several of the sulphonylureas has been tested by the response to cases suggested at first a less remediable condition, intravenous tolbutamide (20 mg/kg). The results and a routine 'Dextrostix' test is clearly of value are summarized in Table 1. in all cases presenting with a neurological deficit copyright. if there is any question of the administration of TABLE 1 hypoglycaemic drugs or if there is no history avail- Tolbutamide test able. Only because of this was an early diagnosis Patient Blood sugar (mg/100 ml), minutes made in the four surviving cases in this series. after injection The recurrence of severe hypoglycaemia within 0 15 30 45 60 90 120 48 hr of the initial with A.S. 108 108 108 98 80 74 70 episode compares pre- G.S. 88 62 38 32 34 50 60 viously reported cases, and is a feature that should M.M. 264 260 260 246 240 234 234 always be expected in these patients. http://pmj.bmj.com/ J.S. 112 104 96 90 92 86 86 In considering the factors responsible for the Glucagon test prolonged hypoglycaemia, a brief mention of the Patient Blood sugar (mg/100 ml), minutes pharmacology of chlorpropamide is relevant. The after injection drug is rapidly absorbed from the gastro-intestinal 0 10 20 30 60 75 tract; in the serum it is bound to protein, and the A.S. 149 167 188 200 198 185 half-life in the plasma has been estimated at 33 hr. G.S. 84 122 132 136 116 104 It is excreted the and of by kidney 70-80% on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected M.M. 142 165 186 228 220 224 35S-labelled chlorpropamide has been found un- J.S. 130 150 160 172 186 172 changed in the urine after 72 hr (Johnson et al., BSP test 1959). Patient Percentage retention, The possible aetiological factors that might have minutes after injection contributed to the severe reactions in our cases 0 25 45 are therefore: (1) abnormal metabolism or trans- A.S. 70 24 8 of the it to G.S. 60 4.5 1.1 port drug causing have a more pro- M.M. 36 4 3 found effect; (2) potentiation of the usual hypo- J.S. 66 12 5 glycaemic response by other factors; (3) failure of Creatinine clearance the compensatory glycogenolysis from the liver in to Patient Creatinine clearance response hypoglycaemia; (4) failure of (ml/min) adequate renal excretion; and (5) overdosage of A.S. 27 the drug, or a combination of several of these G.S. 54-1 factors. In order to assess the effects of the M.M. 81 sulphonylureas on our patients, we have measured J.S. 51 the effects on the blood sugar of an intravenous Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.43.501.462 on 1 July 1967. Downloaded from 464 C. Loehry, 1. Chisholm and M. Summerhayes injection of tolbutamide in the four surviving patients should be maintained on as small an cases. Case 2 (G.S.) showed a rather severe fall in amount as possible of the drug and the dose blood sugar for a diabetic subject, with a drop of should only be increased with caution, if there is over 50% after 45 min.
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