m i Bulk Rate 1 U.S. Postage Paid Ithaca, NY 14851 MMMP ^^ Permit No. 746 WAAOTIPO Box 6483, Ithaca, NY 14851 607-273-8519 SUMMER 1995 NEWSLETTER AND CATALOG SUPPLEMENT Statement from A Treasure for Our Time His Holiness the H.H. Orgyen Dalai Lama on the Kusum Lingpa Reincarnation of the Teaches in America Panchen Lama by Victoria Huckenpahler Today is the auspicious day the recent years, I have with great when the Buddha first gave the care performed all necessary reli- His bulldog face can vary its ex- Kalachakra teaching. The Kala- gious procedures for this purpose pression from wrath to radiant chakra teachings have special con- and have made supplications to the compassion to childlike glee in nection with the Panchen Lamas. infallible Three Jewels. rapid succession; he calls himself On this occasion, which also hap- I am fully convinced of the a "beggar lama" and a "son of pens to be the Vaisaki, it is with unanimous outcome of all these Vajrapani." These apparent contra- great joy that I am able to proclaim recognition procedures performed dictions are but facets of one wis- the reincarnation of Panchen strictly in accordance with our re- dom display continually enacted Rinpoche. I have recognized ligious tradition. according to the needs of students Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, born on I have given Rinpoche the name by one of Tibet's greatest living la- April 25, 1989, whose father is of "Tenzin Gedhun Yeshe Thrinley mas, H. H. Orgyen Kusum Lingpa. Konchok Phuntsog, and mother Phuntsog Pal Sangpo" and have To be in His Holiness's presence H.H. Orgyen Kusum Lingpa and Kelly Lynch, Director of Orgyen Kachod Ling. Dechen Chodon, of Lhari district composed a long-life prayer titled is to touch the face of ancient, in Nagchu, Tibet, as the true rein- "Spontaneous Fulfillment of magical Tibet in its undiluted merely pitched at different levels carnations: "At the time of Gesar carnation of Panchen Rinpoche. Wishes." power. In him one experiences not on the scale of consciousness. of Ling [the Tibetan epic hero], I In accordance with the histori- The search and recognition of only the full weight of an unbroken With the vajra pride of one who was one of his thirty principal war- cal and spiritual relationship be- Panchen Rinpoche's reincarnation tradition, but a vastness of view has realized Dharma practice riors; I was so strong that I could tween the Dalai Lamas and the is a religious matter and not pol- which effaces the dividing line be- through innumerable lifetimes, His pick up an elephant with one hand Panchen Lamas the Search Com- itical. It is my hope that the Chi- tween what is generally termed Holiness matter-of-factly recounts and was thus one of the few not mittee for the Reincarnation, pri- nese Government with whom myth, and reality; the two are his succession of extraordinary in- Continued on page 2 marily represented by the Tashi I have kept contact regarding Lhunpo Monastery in exile in In- this matter through various chan- dia and various groups and indi- nels over the recent years, will ex- The Buddha's path to human rial on topics such as: Bringing viduals from all the regions of Ti- tend its understanding, coopera- fWArlflr*. transformation declares women Dharma into Relationships, Deal- bet as well as from outside, have tion and assistance to the Tashi and men equally capable of spiri- ing with Stress, Abortion, Bud- approached me to perform the ex- Lhunpo Monastery in enabling tual realization, yet throughout his- dhism and the Twelve Steps, amination and divination to deter- Rinpoche to receive proper reli- tory most exemplars of this tradi- Bodhisattva Peace Training, The mine the reincarnation. gious training and to assume his tion have been men. Now, as Bud- Monastic Experience, and Forging I have taken upon myself this spiritual responsibilities. dhism is transmitted to North a Kind Heart in an Age of Alien- historical and spiritual task with a Dharamsala, May 14, 1995 America, women are playing a ation. Among the voices are: strong sense of responsibility. Over major role in its adaptation and Karuna Dharma, Ayya Khema, development. Michelle Levey, Yvonne Rand, The discussion presented in Tsering Everest, and Eko Susan Buddhism through American Noble. LETTER FROM Women's Eyes takes place among "Bravo! This book is so engag- women from the Theravada, Japa- ing, so readable, and so genuinely Thubten Jigme Norbu nese Zen, Shingon, Chinese Pure helpful I read it in one sitting. Land, and various Tibetan tradi- These are wonderful voices, brim- Dear Colleagues: tions. These experienced practitio- ming with life-experience and prac- On May 14, 1995, His Holiness While the discovery of the 11th ners share their understanding of tical on-the-ground advice. These the Dalai Lama recognized Gendun Panchen Lama is an exciting dis- Buddhist philosophy, its practical teachers, these women, speak to Choekyi Nyima as the 11th covery, China's response is quite application in everyday life, and each other and to us directly with Panchen Lama of Tibet. This ex- disturbing. As reported by the the challenges of practicing Bud- the wisdom and compassion of the tremely important decision by His South China Morning Post and the dhism in the Western world. Buddhas. Heartfelt thanks to all of Holiness was the culmination of a Tibet Information Network (TIN) Thirteen women contributed a them, and to Karma Lekshe Tsomo BUDDHISM wealth of thought-provoking mate- difficult and thorough six-year pro- on May 31,1995, the Abbot of Tashi Continued on page 4 cess of searching for the incarna- Lhunpo Monastery, Chadrei THROUGH tion of the 10th Panchen Lama. Rinpoche (Cha Tsa Chagbazeling) Gendun Choekyi Nyima is a 6-year- and his Secretary, who both led the old boy from a semi-pastoral fam- search party for this incarnate, AMERICAN Catalog Contents: ily that resides in the Lhari District were taken to Chengdu on May 17 Art & Photography 17 History & Politics 17 in Kham, Tibet. We are very happy and may now be in Beijing. TIN WOMEN'S Audio Tapes 23 Language 18 about His Holiness's decision and also reported that the 6-year-old Biography 18 Music & Chants 23 Ordering Information 32 we congratulate him for discover- Pancmen Lama and his entire fam- EYES Cards 23 Children 17 Posters 23 ing the 11th Panchen Lama. More- ily may have been taken to Beijing. Edited by Complete Dharma List 29 Religion & Philosophy 18 over, His Holiness's action fulfills These sources indicate that all of Complete Title List 28 Statues 27 the wishes of Tibetans and non-Ti- these individuals could be held Karma Lekshe Tsomo Dalai Lama 17 Thangkas 27 Death & Dying 18 Travel & Adventure 18 betans throughout the world. The captive by the Chinese Govern- 180 pp. #BUAMWO $12.95 second most significant Tibetan ment for questioning. Thus, these Dharma Items 25 T-shirts 24 Buddhist teacher is now, once persons may now be political pris- Dzogchen 17 Videos 24 Available now. Health & Fitness 18 Women's Studies 22 again, in our presence. Continued on page 3 H.H. ORGYEN KUSUM LINGPA Continued from page 1 umph in a seven-day war waged country's eastern region, His Holi- THE QUINTESSENCE with bombs by the people of this ness began accepting invitations in slain in the wars waged on Hor and earth on the inhabitants of 1994 to teach at the American Jang. My name was Jamtrul Yulai Shambhala. He also received a Dharma centers of Chagdud, TANTRAS OF Topgyir because I wore armor of prophecy that in over one hundred Gyaltrul, and Trungpa Rinpoches, solid turquoise. I have also been lifetimes he would reveal one thou- and at Kunzang Palyul Choling, di- TIBETAN MEDICINE the Indian mahasiddha Trilwupa sand volumes associated with rected by the female American and Lhalung Palgyi Dorje, who the hidden treasures of the five tulku Ahkon Norbu Lhamo. On his killed King Langdarma [the perse- directions. return totheUSinthe spring of this trans, by Dr. Barry Clark Quintessence Tantras of Ti- cutor of Buddhism, slain with an Not long after, His Holiness be- year, he also founded a small cen- arrow in 842 C.E.]. During the life- gan revealing prosperity treasures, ter in Crestone, Colorado, and one foreword by H.H. the betan Medicine contains the first complete translation of the Root time of Machig Labdron (the noted practices which have the ability to in Los Angeles which he guides Dalai Lama Tantra and Explanatory Tantra of female practitioner and founder of confer bounty in degenerate times. along with his son, Tulku Hungkar Later, at the age of thirty-two, he 250 pp. #QUATI $22.95 Tibetan medicine. The most thor- Chod), I was one of her principal Dorje, who has been recognized as ough, detailed and systematic ref- students, known as Shang Murthi revealed a body treasure of the reincarnation of Do Khyentse erence for Tibetan medicine in En- Nyongpa Rangzin, or Self-Secret Vairocana which he is now offer- Yeshe Dorje, and whom His Holi- glish, it contains the Tibetan views Crazy One of Shang." ing to students in the West, the ness says will be a greater Lama and defining characteristics of In this lifetime His Holiness was practice of Orgyen Jambhala. With than he. His Holiness has person- healthy and diseased bodies. The born in 1933 in Achak Drayu on the the certitude of one who has real- ally appointed his student, Kelly remarkable diagnostic techniques Amnyi Machen Nyendop sacred ized the practice, His Holiness Lynch, to act as center director. of pulse and urine analysis are pre- mountain which is known as the states that the revelation of this During his visits to America, His sented together with the principles Kailash of Eastern Tibet.
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