the Observer The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s Volume 44 : Issue 108 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 ndsmcobserver.com New department proposed Faculty members talk homosexuality der identity. We are here to By KATIE PERALTA share our ideas and knowl- Assistant News Editor edge.” Assistant professor of psy- Four Notre Dame faculty chology Michelle Wirth opened members from different fields the panel discussion with an of study responded to the overview of biopsychology and recent Mobile Party comic the natural causes of sexual controversy and addressed orientation. campus attitudes toward “Our sexual orientation is a homosexuality in a discussion feature of our brains,” Wirth titled “Gay Penguins and ‘No said. “Our brain is changing Homo,’” held Tuesday in the all the time as we learn Carey Auditorium of the things.” Hesburgh Library. Wirth detailed the brain’s “Many among the faculty involvement in sexual orienta- were as upset as students and tion, citing the influence of staff about the cartoon earlier certain hormones in a baby’s this year,” professor of brain development. SOFIA ITURBE | Observer Graphic American Studies Heidi “Exposure to androgens like Ardizzone said. “We are not testosterone during brain sion of research and educa- The department will ini- done talking about issues of By JOHN TIERNEY tion in applied and computa- tially consist of seven faculty humor, homophobia and gen- see FACULTY/page 9 News Writer tional mathematics,” the members already at the proposal said. University, Gregory The College of Science will DACMS would include an Crawford, dean of the propose the creation of a undergraduate degree pro- College of Science, said in new Department of Applied gram awarding students the proposal. and Computational with a Bachelor of Science Research and education in Mathematics and Statistics degree in applied and com- the proposed department (DACMS) at Thursday’s putational mathematics and will be interdisciplinary in Academic Council meeting. statistics, according to the focus and will recruit profes- The proposed department proposal. This proposed sors who “engage in both was approved by the College degree program has been interdisciplinary research of Science Council on Oct. 26 approved by the College’s and methodological develop- and would be formally estab- Undergraduate Studies ment, which pushes the fron- lished gradually over the Committee, and will next be tier of knowledge in applied course of the next three considered by the College and computational mathe- years, if approved by the Council. matics or statistics,” the pro- Academic Council. If approved, the depart- posal said. The department’s role, ment would begin recruiting DACMS is envisioned as a which is outlined in a pro- students currently enrolled resource for professors posal the College submitted in the First Year of Studies doing research in other dis- to members of the Academic to join the program. ciplines. Statistics is used in Council, would be focused on The new department will research in all four colleges, both research and education. also sponsor masters and and DACMS “will create a “[Establishing the depart- doctoral degrees, according formal consulting service in ment] represents the most to the proposal. The College both statistics and applied cost-effective way to bring to is currently working to and computational mathe- Notre Dame the critically design a “professional mas- matics,” the proposal said. important field of statistics, ter’s degree” in applied and The department will help PAT COVENEY/The Observer while at the same time cre- computational mathematics Anthropology professor Agustin Fuentes speaks at the “Gay ating a platform for expan- and statistics. see COUNCIL/page 4 Penguins and ‘No Homo’” lecture Tuesday. Students prepare for College receives service honor of the Office of Civic and Social Call said the College believes it St. Patrick’s celebrations By ALICIA SMITH Engagement (OCSE). is important for students to par- News Writer “This is a national designation ticipate in service. Senior Michelle Perone said awarded yearly to institutions of “It helps students come to By IRENA ZAJICKOVA she has thought about what With 80 percent of students higher education that meet cer- understand what their passions News Writer her St. Patrick’s Day plans will participating in community serv- tain requirements for communi- and what they want to do in be since Saturday. ice prior to graduating, Saint ty engagement and volunteer their lives,” she said. “Another Notre Dame students will “Right when Spring Break Mary’s was nationally recog- service,” Call said. “We gained it important reason is that it gives celebrate their Irish heritage ended, my priorities turned to nized as a member of the 2009 by the extensive involvement of us the opportunity to give some- — real or invented — this St. figuring out St. Patrick’s Day President’s Higher Education our students.” thing back to our communities. Patrick’s Day. plans. There’s so much to do,” Community Service Honor Roll Call said OCSE hopes to con- Catholic Social Teaching tells us Many students, like sopho- Perone said. “I’ll have to deco- on Feb. 25, a College press tinue the tradition of service on that we are ‘all really responsi- more Ashley Amarosa, have rate my apartment for when I release said. campus by offering a variety of ble for all’ and so our service in been looking forward to this have people over, and I need to The Honor Roll is the highest opportunities for student the community allows us to act day for weeks. buy supplies and food and stuff achievement that a college or engagement at many different out that sense of responsibility “I’ve definitely planned my like that. I’m pretty excited university can accomplish for its levels within the community. and solidarity.” entire day around celebrating about it. It’s going to be a good dedication to community service. “The opportunities have Call said she was excited about St. Patrick’s Day. I just hope day.” The College has received the grown in the past years for our the award because it reflects the my classes don’t interfere,” award in each of the past four students and we want to contin- Amarosa said. see HOLIDAY/page 6 years, said Carrie Call, director ue that,” Call said. see SERVICE/page 6 INSIDE TODAY’S PAPER Marketing Symposium page 3 N Men’s lacrosse opens stadium page 24 N St. Patrick’s Day tidbits page 13 N Viewpoint page 10 page 2 The Observer N PAGE 2 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHEN DO YOUR ST. PATRICK’S DAY FESTIVITIES BEGIN? Bring on the brackets It’s illegal to gamble on sports. Such is fact. That aside, allow me to encourage you Jazmin Hall Killian O’Brien Brandy Mader Paul Capretta Matthew Corcoran Victoria Deneke to gamble on sports, with The Observer’s help. After all, it is March, the month freshman sophomore sophomore freshman junior freshman where companies Lyons Keenan Badin Morrissey Keenan Breen-Phillips across the country lose millions of dollars and teachers lose “When practice “6:30 ... at “As soon as I “Probably not “Probably like “Tomorrow patience, as people is done at six.” night.” wake up!” until around eight ... in the night at the like me elevate col- six.” morning!” Shamrock!” lege basketball games between Temple and Cornell above their jobs, classes and even significant oth- Douglas Farmer ers. This year The Sports Editor Observer is proud to hold a March Have an idea for Question of the Day? E-mail [email protected] Madness pool distinctly for you — our readers, specifically you Notre Dame stu- dents and alumni. Just think, in a campus-wide pool, fin- IN BRIEF ishing in the top half will earn you brag- ging rights over 50 percent of the people An exhibit titled “All Art is you see on the quad. Suddenly 50 percent Propaganda” will open at 8 of those awkward encounters could be tri- a.m. today in the Special umphant awkward encounters. Collections Room 102 of But why settle there? Win the whole Hesburgh Library. thing! Finish first! I challenge you. Yes, I hereby challenge ALL of you to do “Microstructural Control to better than each and every member of Achieve High Performance The Observer Sports department. We walk MFI Type Zeolite Inorganic around talking like we know sports better Membranes” will be discussed than the rest of you — I know I do — so today in Room 129 of how about you put us in our place? I’m DeBartolo Hall. The seminar looking at you Scholastic, and you soulless will begin at 8:15 a.m. business majors, and you arrogant profes- sors who constantly belittle sports journal- Photographs from “Caroline ism. Prove that anybody can do it! Chiu: Polaroids as Chinese Or, simply prove to your boyfriend that Ink Painting” will be dis- he spends too much time watching sports played in the Milly and Fritz by showing him you know college basket- Kaeser Mestrovic Studio ball better than he does. Or prove to your Gallery in the Snite Museum friends that you really are smartest at the of Art. The exhibit will open at things that count, even if your GPA might 10 a.m. today. be the lowest in your dorm. How do you get into the pool? It’s simple: “Yin Yu Tang: A Chinese http://apps.facebook.com/bracket/group/ PAT COVENEY/The Observer Home” will be on exhibit in detail/5494241. Members of the Notre Dame Marching Band inspire cheering fans last week as the Scholz Family Works on Or go to Facebook and find the the men’s basketball team traveled to Madison Square Garden for the Big East Paper Gallery in the Snite “Observer Sports” page.
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