USOO5403606A United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,403,606 Kurachi 45 Date of Patent: Apr. 4, 1995 54 PROCESS OF MAKING ENRCHED 3,628,966 12/1971 Katsuya et al...................... 426/302 ARTIFICAL RICE 4,192,900 3/1980 Cheng ............. ... 426/579 5,211,977 5/1993 Hauser et al. ....................... 426/557 (75) Inventor: Hideo Kurachi, Nagoya, Japan FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Assignee: Japan Corn Starch Co., Ltd., Nagoya, (73) 4-69267 10/1991 Japan . Japan 4-13986 3/1992 Japan. 21 Appl. No.: 134,031 Primary Examiner-Helen Pratt 22 Filed: Oct. 12, 1993 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Reising, Ethington, Barnard, Perry & Milton 51) Int. C. ............................................... A2D 2/36 (52) U.S. C. .................................... 426/446; 426/450; 57 ABSTRACT 426/451; 426/452; 426/455; 426/463; 426/464; A process of making an enriched artificial rice product 426/465 comprising by dry weight 50% to 98% of at least one 58 Field of Search ............... 426/549, 550, 555, 557, starch or starch derivative, 2% to 45% of at least one 426/560, 74, 72, 650, 803, 446, 450, 451, 452, enriching material, and 0.1% to 10% of at least one 455, 456, 463,464, 465 gelling hydrocolloid whereby the enriched artificial (56. References Cited rice product can be prepared with the cooking water U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS being at least twice the volume of the rice. 3,620,762 11/1971. Yoshida et al. ..................... 426/626 11 Claims, No Drawings 5,403,606 1. 2 granules have a pasta-like texture. The high shear of the PROCESS OF MAKING ENRICHED ARTIFICIAL extrusion method used to form the granules destroys the RCE starch micro-particles giving rise to a product with a gummy texture unlike that of native rice. TECHNICAL FIELD U.S. Pat. No. 5,211,977 discloses a method of prepar This invention relates to the formation of enriched ing a starch-based mixture that includes a starch source, artificial rice granules. flavorings including vegetable powders, from 3% to 10% dried weight, an emulsifier and hydrocolioid BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION which is used to form a pasta product. The pasta is Artificial rice can be produced using a variety of 0 formed using a pressure extrusion process. However, methods from a variety of starch sources. An artificial this starch-based 10 mixture cannot be used in a rolling rice allows the introduction of additional nutrients and granulator. If the granulator is maintained at an ele flavorings into the granule that are not present natu vated temperature, i.e. above 60 C., the starch-based rally. mixture will adhere to the granulator. If the granulator U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,620,762 and 3,628,966 provide a 15 is maintained at a cooler temperature, i.e. below 60 C., method for producing an enriched rice product. The the mixture is too hard to form granules. method includes forming an enriched rice starch, heat ing the mixture so that it is partially gelatinized SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION AND (semigelatinized) and taking this viscous product and ADVANTAGES forming it into granules resembling rice granules and According to the present invention, an enriched arti coating each granule with a waterproof coating. This ficial rice product is made comprising, by dry weight, method is cumbersome, and the requirements of the 50% to 98% of at least one starch or starch derivative; Semigelatinizing step and coating step increase the cost 2% to 45% of at least one enriching material; and 0.1% of production. to 10% of at least one gelling hydrocolloid. The en Japanese patent HEI 4-13986, assigned to the assignee 25 of the present invention, discloses a method of forming riched artificial rice product can be prepared using shaped granules of starch from non-rice sources. The cooking water that is at least twice the volume of the starch is isolated, mixed with water and kneaded and Ce. then formed into artificial rice granules using a rolling The present invention further includes the method of granulator. The artificial rice granules do not require a 30 preparing such an enriched artificial rice product in coating nor is a semigelatinizing step required. The cluding the steps of mixing together 50% to 98% by dry artificial rice that is formed retains a rice-like texture weight of at least one starch or starch derivatives with and consistency upon cooking. 2% to 45% by dry weight of at least one enriching Japanese patent HEI 3-69267, also assigned to the material and 0.1% to 10% by dry weight of at least one assignee of the present invention, discloses a method of 35 gelling hydrocolloid to form a mixture. Water is added forming a decorated artificial rice in which color is to the mixture, while the mixture is being kneaded, such introduced by combining the starch with extracts from that the final water content is 25% to 55%. The mixture vegetables, fruits, herbs, mushrooms, seafood and sea is then granulated into rice-like granules using a roll weed. The patent further discloses that these additives type granulator. The granules are then steamed for 3 to may make an enriched artificial rice by adding nutri 30 minutes at a temperature of 70° C. to 105 C. The ents. final step is to dry the granules to a water content of less Both the HEI 4-13986 and HEI 3-69267 patents pre than 20%. The enriched artificial rice granules formed pare the artificial rice so that it can be cooked using the by this method can be prepared in cooking water that is Japanese cooking method of boiling in only 1.5 times at least twice the volume of the rice. the volume of water as rice. However, in the United 45 The present invention allows the preparation of an States, the Indica strain of rice is preferred. The cook artificial rice granule containing vegetable or fruit mate ing method for the Indica strain of rice requires that the rial. The method allows the introduction of additional cooking water be at least twice the volume of the rice, nutrients and flavorings into the granule that are not which can be referred to as the American method. present naturally. Therefore, any artificial rice introduced into the United SO States should conform to the cooking method that is DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE most common in order to have consumer acceptance. PREFERRED EMBODIMENT An artificial rice which contains 2% or more of vege The present invention is an enriched artificial rice table matter and made by the above methods cannot be product that includes a starch component, enriching properly prepared using water at twice the volume of 55 matter and a gelling hydrocolloid. rice. The rice granules turn to a sticky gel and loose The starch can be isolated from corn, waxy maize, their rice-like texture or shape when cooked with the potatoes, tapioca, sago, arrowroot, rice, wheat, and American method. other cereal grains. The starch may be in the form of U.S. Pat. No. 4,129,900 discloses a method of prepar flours or seminolas of hard wheat, durum wheat, soft ing shaped granules of starch which includes water-sol 60 wheat, corn or rice. Further, modified starch products uble gelling hydrocolloids. The use disclosed for such such as esterified, etherified or crosslinked starch can be granules is in puddings which are retorted or aseptically used. The starch component is 50% to 98%, by dry packaged. The method allows the formation of translu weight, of the mixture. The starch component can be a cent pearls of gelatinized starch granules, i.e. tapioca mixture of starch or starch derivatives. Preferably the like, upon cooking. However, because of their forma 65 starch content will be 25% or more in order to provide tion and composition, the granules do not lend them a more rice-like texture. selves to use in non-pudding applications. When cooked Vegetable material can be used for enriching the using the American method for rice preparation, the artificial rice product and can be isolated from carrots, 5,403,606 3 4 spinach, tomatoes, onions and beets. Bell peppers, both for 10-60 minutes with a batch type kneader and twin red and green, can also be used, as can radishes and roll compression or at 60°-95 C. for 2-30 minutes with celery. Members of the cabbage family and the squash a continuous screw kneader. At this step, the starch is family, such as pumpkin, are also suitable sources of semigelatinized (partially gelatinized, gelatinization vegetable matter to be used. Additionally, edible sea 5 ratio is 40-80%). weeds and fruits such as oranges, pineapples, apples, The kneaded starch-based mixture is then formed into cherries, berries and the like may be used to enrich the rice-like granules using a roll-type granulator. In the ce. preferred embodiment, a twin-roll granulator is used as The enriching material can be freshly minced mate described in Japanese patent HEI 4-13986, incorporated rial or pastes, juices and dried flakes or chips. Addition 10 herein by reference. ally, powdered or freeze-dried enriching material can The method then requires steaming the granules for 3 be used. The mixture will contain from 2% to 45% of at to 30 minutes at a temperature of 70° C. to 105 C., and least one of the enriching materials. then drying the granules to a water content of less than The gelling hydrocolloid can be either egg white, 20%. curdlan, gellan gum, sodium alginate, sodium pectate, 15 The above method forms an artificial rice granule in methylcellulose, ethylcellulose, hydroxypropylcel which the starch microgranules are not destroyed, but lulose, methylhydroxypropylcellulose, methylethylcel only partially gelatinized (semigelatinized) thereby re lulose, carrageenan, furcellaran, agar, gelatin, xanthan taining the particle structure in the processed product to gum, locust bean gun, or guar gum.
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