POPE TO VISIT MYANMAR P -9 (NATIONAL) Vol. IV, No. 134, 8th Waxing of Tawthalin 1379 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Tuesday, 29 August 2017 N ATIONAL State Counsellor receives Commissioner Professor Ju-Ho Lee PAGE-3 NATIONAL Vice-President U Myint Swe addresses at 9th Meeting with Myanmar Entrepreneurs P AGe-6 Ethnic Rakhine people who fled from Maungtaw after extremist terrorists had attacked, cram into a car on their way to Buthidaung yesterday. PHOTO: THEIN ZAW NATIONAL Speaker Mahn Win Extremists attack, kill five Khaing Than receives JMPFA’s General Secretary Daingnet ethnic villagers PAGE-9 ONGOING violence in northern the Information Committee of Security forces were attacked rapidly escalated on Friday. Rakhine State resulted in the the State Counsellor’s Office. again yesterday with dozens of When they neared Kyaungdoe evacuation of a village, five more It was previously reported improvised explosive devices village, they were attacked by deaths and several injuries to that six members of a Hindu (IEDs), about 100 terrorists who were civilians and the military. family were killed after shots The Information Commit- armed with sticks and ma- Security forces yesterday were fired in their home on tee’s report released yesterday chetes. U Maung Ba Sein, 28, evacuated 55 surviving mem- Saturday. states that 22 Daingnet ethnic managed to escape and said NATIONAL bers of the Daingnet ethnic tribe Saturday’s killings came villagers left Yankar Zaydi vil- that security forces arrived in Round-table talks on in Rakhine State who were at- a day after an ambush of sev- lage on Saturday for Aungzan Yankar Zaydi village on Sun- revision and preparation tacked by extremists on Satur- eral police and border guard village in an effort to ensure day and rescued 38 tribespeople for Union Peace day, resulting in the death of outposts that left over 90 dead safety for their people after the who had remained. Conference five of villagers, according to across northern Rakhine State. violence in northern Rakhine SEE PAGE-6 PAGE-3 29 AUGUST 2017 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyithu Hluttaw MPs discuss responsible extraction of natural resources Myo Myint, Hmwe Kyu Zin with the companies, block types Salingyi constituency, U Sai Tun (MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY) and areas were defined but depth Aye of Mongshu constituency, to which the gems and minerals U Aung Than Sein of Khamti A motion urging the govern- are to be extracted and mined constituency, Daw San San Ei ment for systematic extraction were not specified resulting in of Mohnyin constituency, U Win and conservations of gems and deep open pit mines that dam- Naing of Mogaung constituency, minerals wealth owned by the ages the natural environment U Chin Pe Lin of Mansi constit- country and its nationals for the and as such the depth of the pit uency, U Aung Thein of Bhamo country’s future as well as fu- should be determined said Major constituency, U Lama Naw Aung ture generations was tabled by Myat Ko. of Injangyang constituency, U U Kyaw Aung Lwin of Sedoktara Gems and minerals are San Khin of Kanpetlet constit- constituency and the Hluttaw non-renewable resources and uency, U Zarni Min of Shwegu decided to approve the motion benefits and profits from extrac- constituency, U Aung Naing @ Union Minister for Natural in Pyithu Hluttaw 5th regular tion and mining of gems and min- Tatmadaw representative Major Resources and Environmental U Naing Kyaw of Mogok constit- session 51st day meeting held erals ought to be invested for the Myat Ko. PHOTO: MNA Conservation U Ohn uency and U Win Aung of Mo- yesterday. future generations’ benefit. Min- Win. PHOTO: MNA mauk constituency discussed In discussing the motion, istry need to work together with the motion. Tatmadaw representative Major states and regions governments Nu of Mindon constituency dis- and systematic for business to Responding to the discus- Myat Ko said due to illegal ex- in effectively controlling the ex- cussed on drawing up firm and do extraction works and conduct sions, Union Minister for Natural traction and mining, weaknesses traction of gems that are mainly exact laws together with locals conservation and restoration of Resources and Environmental of the enacted laws and rule of produced in areas where there is who are actually working in the the natural environment. To ena- Conservation U Ohn Win ex- laws, companies not abiding by no rule of laws. In blocks where extractive industry to properly ble future generations to extract plained that reserved gems and the rules and laws and weak- extractions are being done legal- extract and produce, obtain good gems and minerals, machinery mineral deposits were system- nesses of the joint field inspec- ly, responsible personnel should market, collect exact taxes due, usage for extraction and mining atically designated in order to tion groups, extracted and mined cooperate and work with local improve in gem technology and should be limited. be extracted and mined in the gems and minerals went to black people to ensure that rules, laws long term conservation for the Similarly Dr. U Khin Maung future for the benefit of the coun- markets while the government is and agreements were followed benefit of future generation. Gem Thin of Ayadaw constituency, Dr. try and future generation and left with incomplete collection of and effective action taken for Law ought to have sections and U Aung Khin of Pyin Oo Lwin therefore the motion should be taxes. In the agreements signed any breaches. Daw Khin Than sub-sections that are practical constituency, U Win Thein Zaw of approved. Amyotha Hluttaw 2nd Amyotha Hluttaw 5th Regular Session Holds its 50th Day Meeting Aung Ye Thwin, Aye Aye use Myanmar Kyat Currency, and the development of human Thant US Dollars and Thailand Baht resources, parliamentarians dis- (MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY) under notification 6/2000, with cussed respectively. Myanmar Economic Bank al- U Maung Maung Ohn, of At the 50th day meeting of 2nd lowing for export and import in- constituency 5 in Ayeyawady Re- Amyotha Hluttaw 5th regular dustries at the Bank (branches) gion discussed, “The motion can session held yesterday, U Bo Bo of Myanmar-Thailand Border be categorized into two groups. Nge, Deputy Governor Central Area, to open bank accounts As it is a long term plan, it takes Bank of Myanmar replied to the in Myanmar, US and Thailand time and professionals. For re- question raised by Daw Nan Ni Currency, for the convenience search, innovations are needed. Ni Aye of constituency 6, in Kayin of bank payments for export Being a university, it will take 4 State as to how Central Bank and import enterprises. So as or 5 years. Only when people of Myanmar has been manag- to reduce spending in Thailand have acquired good results of ing to use Myanmar Currency Baht currency not only in the U Bo Bo Nge, Deputy U Hla Kyaw, Deputy Minister fish breeding, such a university Governor Central Bank of for Agriculture, Livestock and Notes for foreign currencies at areas touching with Thailand should be opened. Myanmar. PHOTO: MNA Irrigation. PHOTO: MNA the border towns—Muse, Tachil- Border but also in other areas The essential need for the ek, Myawady, Kawthoung, Tamu of the country, industries have development of fishery is legis- and etc. been allowed to spend Myanmar lation. It is necessary to accom- At the meeting, the Deputy Currency Kyat only, by chang- The essential need for plish for fish breeders to acquire Governor said, “Central Bank of ing Baht into Myanmar Kyat at the development of fishery is legislation. the rights in accord with the Myanmar had already opened the authorized money exchange existing rules and laws. And, it 1345 authorized money exchange counters. Legal actions will be It is necessary to accomplish for fish also needs to ease restrictions, counters nationwide till 7th July, taken against spending Baht in breeders to acquire the rights in accord which are hindrances to fishery 2017, with a view to raise the val- the country. Preparations are be- industries, so that lands can be ue of Myanmar Currency and for ing made to officially purchase, with the existing rules and laws. easily utilized according to land potential Dollarization so as not sell or exchange Rupee and Yuan law and law on vacant, fallow and to emerge in the country, due at the authorized money chang- MP U Maung Muang Ohn virgin lands. Prior to opening the to broader use of US dollars at ers. By laying down plans to take fishery university, student should home.” actions over upgrading the value Region and State Cabinets to Fishery University with a view to be sent to foreign universities The Deputy Governor add- of Myanmar Currency and pay- take actions and to co-operate.” sustainable development of fish- as state scholarship students.” ed, “With a view to developing ex- ing only with Myanmar Curren- Regarding the motion raised ery in the country, conservation At today’s meeting, con- port and import industries at the cy, Myanmar Central Bank has by Dr Win Myint, of constituency of fishery resources, abundance cerning the substitution of com- areas in Kayin and Shan states arranged to inform the public in 11 in Bago Region, secretary of of fish for domestic consumption, mittee members in committee touching with Thailand, the Min- advance, for respective minis- agricultural, livestock and fish- increases of foreign income, ac- on people’s complaints, it was istry of Commerce permitted tries to take legal actions against ery development committee urg- quisition of opportunities for job submitted to Amyotha Hluttaw export and import industries to their related enterprises and for ing the government to open the creations, alleviation of poverty and approved by Hluttaw.
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