
.6 ,-. MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1960 Average Daily Net Press Ron PAGE SIXTEEN For tiM Week Ibided The WnatlNV Jane 4th, 1860 FereeuS of V. S. Unfton Rldfe Country Club to­ motor vehicle department of a Ihir aad cooler 1 « # ( change of address was noUed.' Don't Nogloet Slipping 13,125 morrow at 8 p.m. at the elub’a tour from Town Dyer New Assistant Director Several Showers 86. W oOM dey 1 About Town terrace and poolaide. Ranald W. Felber, 16, of 170 Member oC ths Audit Honor. Students Green Rd. was fined 19 for failure For Miss Ridolfi FALSE TEETH B ureu o f Oirenlktloa High hi see. _ to pass to ths left. Do fsiM tMtb drop, slip or wobble . Manchetier— A City o f VUtago Charm lin . Mary Boika from Poi^* Mra. Roae Schwoerar, 108 Math­ Of State Employment Service when you talk. eat. lauch or snaaaaf Martin F. Brandt, 17, of 14 Goa­ Don’t be annoyed and embanaiaed down. County Annaffh, Ireland; la er St, will give a luncheon and. Four MwChester students at lee Dr. was fined $6 for driving niree showers were given re- vlaltlim with her aunt, Mrs. Mary cenUy for Miss Avis Ridolfl, 117 W. by auob handleapa. FASm TB, aa card party Wedneaday at 13:30 t h e University of Connecticut with a defective or improper muf­ Joseph P. Dyer, 46 Fairviaw StA necticut undev the university's ex- alkaline (non-aold) powder to n rla - (dfiootflcd AdvortMug en Ps|o U) McCann, BO Wetherell St., for were on the list of those from this Middle Tpke., who will wed Emil kle on your plates, keeps ti3a» team VOL. LXXIX, NO. 282 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1960 PRICE FIVE CENTB p.m. aa a benefit for the Siatera fler. field supervisor of the Connecticut tension service. He is married to three montha. area who did honors work for the V. Dletx of Manchester Sept. 10 at mors flr^ y set. Olvee confident feel- of Good Shepherd. Robert McCloud, 19, of Hartford State Employment Service since the former Cora Warren of Man­ ’ ins of security and addad eomfort. 1959-60 school year. S t Bridget’s Church. was fined II for failure to carry hla 1951, has been named assistant chester. and they have six children. No tummy, gooey, pasty taste or fesl- Taahlona from the Fair will be Miaa Marilyn Taylor, 56 Henry Frederick Baker, 39 Lyndale registration. A surprise personal shower waa Int. Oat FASrimTH today at drug director of the service. His oldest son, Joseph, is a Junior given Saturday night at the home ootmters sverywhera. modeled by membera of the El- St., left by plane from Bradley St.; Harrison Griswold, 15C For­ Judgment was suspended in the Announcement of the promotion Reported in Russia at Brown University and is a of Mrs. James Slater, 6 Charter State News State Labor Field Friday night for Seattle, est St.: Gerald Ryan, 46 Lenox charge of passing a stm sign, was made by State teibor Oom- St.; and Earl Werdelin, 49 against Gladys M. Von Deck, of member of the varsity football Oak St. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Waah., to vlatt Mlaa Kate Matheny, mlssioner Renato E. Rlcdutl, un­ and track teams. her roommate at Mt. Holyoke Col­ Pleasant St., were the honor stu­ Willlmantic. Raymond Ridolfi, Wapplng, wife of Charges of breach of peace and der whose administration the em­ Miss Ridolfl’a cousin, and Mra. lege. Both girls will return In Sep­ dents. ployment service, fells. Roundup Council for Others from the Manchester intoxication against Anthony Colby, Richard Simmons, 28 Flower. St., AUTO tember for their Junior year. Dyer has been with tba|t branch BINGO House Conferees Bar area were Harold Jarvis Jr., 81, of 404 Summit St. and John her matron of honor. ' of the Connecticut Labor Depart­ Muiseners .Mark EVERY WEDNESDAY Pair Defected OLurs BODY French Rd., and Joan King, Car­ Murphy, 83, of 403 Summit St., were Two miscellaneous showers were ment for 22 }rears, entering the 7:80 P.M. IRON LUNGS FOR JAPAN penter Rd., both of Bolton; John nolled. Silver Wedding also given recently. A “ Jack and D em ocrats i t WELDING Chltoae, Japan, Aug. 39 US— The E. Fardal and James Knotter, Five cases were continued, all to department at the employment Jill’’ shower was held at her Sponsored by the Gambling Probe United States flew In four more Coventry; William Schaefer, El­ Sept. 7. service’s Norwich office in 1938. mother’s home, and she was guest VFW POST 7d59 ^ AUTO BODY ond Mr. and Mrs.' James Muisener, iron lungs and a dozen chest lington; Mrs. Dianne Osgood, 15 They were, Gregory G. Chaves, From Norwich, he advanced to of honor at a shower given at Wap­ Set for Hartford Hartford, Aug. 30 (IP)— 93 Glenwood St., will celebrate FENDER REPAIRS resp lra t^ last night to aid. in Windsor Ave., Rockville: Peter 54, of 91 Bissell St., for trial on a the position of Interviewer in the plng Hall by her fiance’s sisters. At Delegates at the biennial State their silver wedding anniversary With U.S. Code i t COMPLETE CAR Japan's worst record^ polio, epi­ charge© f driving while under the Danielson office. He was then pro Mitchell, Colonial Rd., Vernon; Wednesday. The couple was mar­ ADVANCE CATERERS Hartffird, Aug. 30 — Labor Council Legislative, Po­ demic. Four other iron lungs from and Gerald Nlcoletta, 9 Vernon influence of liquor or drugs; moted to the central office of the Accord on Wage Bill PAINTING ried Aug. 31, 1936, In Hartford. 122 Naobno Ave., Otoetonbery litical and Educational Con­ America arrived last week on Hok­ Center Heights, Vernon. Charles H. Hildebrand Jr. of 801 department’a Employment Secur' Councilman George J. Ritter LACQUER and ENAMEL kaido, Japan’s northernmost island Main St., charged with driving Ity division as a research asaociate Mrs. Mulsener’s sister, Mrs. Ray­ Um Washington, Aug. 30 (JP) The Pentagon said early thla announced today a man he de­ vention today voted to back Free bus leaVea eomer Cen­ month that it now presumes they TEL MI B-6025 and the hardest hit by the epi­ while his license was under suspen­ on the research and information mond Jolle, was hostess yesterday ter and Main Sta. at 6:M pjn. Two missing employes of the all six Connecticut Democratic demic. A total of 8SB persons, most­ at a party honoring the couple at Your have gone behind the Iron Curtain. scribed as a “ Mafia enforcer” sion: Bruce A. Cordner, 23, of 146 section. National Security Agency, would be called before the candidates for Congress. The 281 ADAMS ST. ly children, haye been stricken and Park St., charged with evading re­ In 1944, Dyer Joined 'the central her summer home at Bolton Lake. Chorg* Pbn CUp this ad for Free ganie eard McCormack said In his letter to presumed to have defected to Walter that there was reason to voice vote w’as practically 1 63 have died. G)urt Cases sponsibility and reckless driving: office staff of the employment William Andiulot, 307 Cooper HtU For council’s Traffic and Public Dims Hope Robert B. Stephenson, 16, of service as supervisor of technical St., best man at the couple’s wed­ Russia, were reported today believe the two men may have been Safety Committee. unanimous in ever.v case, with Camp Meeting Rd., Bolton,' charg­ services. He was next promoted ding, and Mrs. Emil Knapp, Hart­ Dolivtrlts to have taken “ valuable cryp­ In contact with Soviet agents since He identified the “ enforcer” the exception of a few scat­ ed with breaking and entering ford, maid of honor, attended the last December, He further told Bernard J. Flke, 36, of Hartford to field supervisor, a post he held Jnst telephone ^onr order for tographic information” with I as “ on the payroll of a syndi­ tered “ nays.” (four counts), and theft (three for nine years until his new ap' celebration. Sixty-five relatives and Walter: was sentenced to six months in Jail them. “Information furnished me from cate involved in gambling 'The voting took only about 10 On Senate’s each on charges of obtaining money counts): George B. Frank. 21, of polntment. friends were present drag needs and bosmetlcs—giv­ MEN’S HATS The couple has two sons, Donald, WM. DICKSON Rep. John W. MeOwmSek of usually reliable sources leaves no operations in Hartford.” minutes and came following a by false pretenses and fraudulently 18 Trotter St., charged with Dyer has been active in Man­ ing yonr Charge Piaa number. unanimous recommendation by the evading responsibility and for trial 20, stationed in Hawaii with the Maasachusettz, the Hoviie Demo­ doubt that the two employes have issuing checks, with execution sus­ chester civic affairs, particularly Committee oti political Education CLEANED ani BLOCKED on a charge of driving a motor U.S. Marines, and Gerald, 13. Get cratic leader, aaid he had learned 81.15 VALUE pended. He was also placed on pro­ the polio, heart and cancer cam­ thla from usually reliable sources, I Hartford, Aug. 30 (IP)— The (COPE). Legislation bation for one year. vehicle with defective equipment. Mr. and Mra. Muisener were giv­ Immediate &S0N (Contlnuedon Page Seven) SPECIAL TUBS, and WEDc^ paigns. He waa bom in New Lon' en a money tree of silver dollars. and declared that the loss of cryp­ i probe of syndicated gambling The powerful 75-member COPE, John H. Walrath, 18, of 112 Maple Delivery 260 TOLLAND TPKE. made up of all AFL-CIO leaders ONLY $ 1 2 5 POUO KILLS STATE WOMAN don, attended schools there and tographic information “ is far more land other criminal activity in Washington, Aug.
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