Vol. 40, No. 12 November 21, 2014 Diocesan seminarian ordained to diaconate ROME – Cardinal Donald Wuerl recently another occasion with the priests and semi- ordained 43 seminarians from the Pontifical narians from Louisiana studying in Rome. North American College as deacons at the “They represent the dioceses of Alexandria, Altar of the Chair in St. Peter’s Basilica, in- Lafayette, New Orleans, and Lake Charles,” cluding Deacon Ruben Villarreal, a seminar- Bishop Provost noted. “Louisiana is well rep- ian of the Diocese of Lake Charles and a pa- resented in the Eternal City, with even an oc- rishioner of St. Lawrence Catholic Church in casional gumbo prepared by some of our na- Raymond. Bishop Glen John Provost concel- tives.” ebrated the liturgy with Cardinal Wuerl and The cardinal Wuerl reminded the new dea- other bishops whose seminarians were also cons to always be open to God and to live their ordained. new ministry with joy. On the morning following the diaconate “Dear deacons, never cease to be open to ordination, Bishop Provost celebrated Mass the call. Each day, renew your resolve to say, in the Chapel of the Salus Populi Romani, the ‘Yes, Lord. Here I am, Lord; send me,’” the patroness of the Roman people, in the Basili- cardinal told the new deacons during the or- ca of St. Mary Major. It was there 39 years ago dination Mass. that Bishop Provost celebrated his first Mass. “Your commitment to service will take the “Deacon Villarreal had the opportunity to form of the many tasks you will be asked to serve as deacon for the Mass on the day follow- do,” he explained. “May you always find joy in ing his diaconal ordination, joined by family the attitude, ‘Lord, whatever it takes, that is what I offer you and your Church.’” and friends who had come for the occasion,” Cardinal Wuerl, who serves as archbishop Bishop Provost said. “At the Wednesday audi- of Washington, opened his homily by refer- ence I greeted the Holy Father personally in encing the significance of receiving the sac- the name of each and everyone of you in the rament of holy orders in St. Peter’s Basilica, Diocese. He cordially accepted the greetings where he also was ordained a deacon, priest and we exchanged words of concern for those Bishop Glen John Provost greets His Holiness, Pope Francis at a Wednesday audience and bishop. in our diocese who face the challenge of drug the Bishop attended during his trip to Rome for the diaconate ordination of seminarian The words “Ibi Petrus,” or “Here is Peter,” Ruben Villarreal. Deacon Villarreal is studying theology at the Pontifical North American addiction.” that were written on the headstone marking The Bishop was also the main celebrant College. With God’s grace, Deacon Villarreal will join with Deacon Jay Alexius, M.D. next where the apostle’s remains are buried do year for their ordination to the priesthood for the Diocese of Lake Charles. (Photo courtesy for the welcoming Mass to greet visitors in not just refer to one man, but to “the reality of Servizio Fotograffico de “L’O”.) Rome for the ordination. He visited briefly on that the Office of Peter and as a “response to Jesus as missionary disci- is found in what are known as the fruits of the the ministry of his successors pleship. Each of us is called to share the Good … are still alive and thriving.” Holy Spirit,” and “among these we find love, News.” It is on the “rock” of Peter joy and peace, together with patience, kind- Bringing to mind a homily given by Bene- and “to the service of the peo- ness, generosity, gentleness and self-control.” dict XVI, the cardinal observed that each of ple of God” that you will be or- The cardinal concluded his homily by us is called to “‘re-propose’ all over again” dained, the cardinal told the quoting the day’s Gospel, in which Jesus tells the Gospel, in order to gain “a hearing from ordinandi present. his apostles: “As the Father loves me, so I also those who perhaps feel they have already ex- Reflecting on the quali- love you. … It was not you who chose me, but perienced the Gospel and it has no impact in ties needed in order to be a I who chose you. … I have told you this so that their lives.” good deacon, Cardinal Wuerl my joy may be in you and your joy may be “The continuation of the mission of Christ, turned to the example of Ste- complete.” which began with the Great Commissioning phen, who “possessed a gen- He then spoke of Pope Francis’ apostolic following his death and resurrection, is what erosity of heart and a love of exhortation “The Joy of the Gospel,” saying we are engaged in today,” he said. Christ and his Church.” that it serves as a reminder of “the joy of the He referred to the Extraordinary Synod “These traits made it pos- Gospel that should fill the hearts and minds of of Bishops on the Family, which began on sible for each to work gladly the weekend following the ordination and all who encounter Jesus.” and willingly with the apos- on Pope Francis’ October 19 beatification of “Those in holy orders should manifest joy, tles,” he said, noting that when Pope Paul VI, who instigated the synods fol- since our proclamation is that Christ is risen the priest or deacon lays pros- lowing the close of the Second Vatican Coun- and the kingdom of God is at hand.” trate during the right of ordi- cil, at the end of the Synod on the Family. “May the Holy Spirit who consecrates all nation, it is a sign of “the re- “In Evangelii Nuntiandi, (Pope Paul VI) of- the baptized, and who has further blessed you ality that you are laying down fers this assessment of our own effectiveness: who are to be ordained deacons, continue to your lives for a friend, the ‘Modern man listens more willingly to wit- inspire you to service,” he prayed. greatest friend, Jesus Christ.” nesses than to teachers, and if he does listen And may he “enrich your liturgical min- “It is also here where the to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.’” istry, deepen your life of faith and help you bones of Peter remind us that “Dear deacons, carry out your ministry in as you, through your ministry, do whatever it our first pope truly laid down joy,” he said. “A sign of the indwelling Spirit takes to build up the whole body of Christ.” his life for the Lord. To serve means to give whatever it takes to serve Christ.” Cardinal Wuerl continued, saying that in one’s ordina- Annual Red Mass celebrated tion, “You are joined to Christ LAKE CHARLES – Bishop from the Holy Spirit for all is good. The latter implies now as servant: the servant Glen John Provost was the who seek justice and offers Covenant. who nurtures, heals and re- celebrant and homilist at the the opportunity to reflect on “To protect the rights of the stores; the servant who feeds annual Red Mass held in the what Catholics believe is the innocent implies more than the hungry, gives drink to the Cathedral of the Immaculate God-given power and respon- merely determining whether thirsty, clothes the naked, vis- Conception. sibility of all in the legal pro- or not someone is not guilty,” its the sick and imprisoned.” Judges, attorneys, and fession.” the Bishop said. “It implies He then went on the ex- government officials from He noted that “historically the covenant agreed upon by plain how their ordination as the five civil parishes that law had a much broader role the state to protect the lib- Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, DC, deacons is a concrete call to make up the Diocese of Lake than simply communicating erty of its citizens. This is “lays hands” on the head of Ruben Villarreal ordaining participate in the New Evan- Charles – Calcasieu, Cam- legal content. When a king rooted in the Gospel mandate him a deacon during the celebration of the Mass in St. gelization, which requires eron, Allen, Beauregard and took his oath, he “guaran- Peter’s Basilica in Rome on October 2. (Photo by Michael what Pope Francis often coins Jefferson Davis – attended as teed” his adherence to the to embody the principles Lund, PNAC Photo Service) well as the public. law. The law was something of goodness, not out of fear The local St. Thomas More promised. The king promised but motivated by love. The Society, Judge Henry Yelver- to be faithful in exchange for responsibilities of the legal ton Chapter, along with the the fidelity of his people. profession are serious in- Diocese sponsors the event. This covenant was essential deed. The function of the law The Mass is so named be- to the ancient understanding is not merely to administer cause of the color of the vest- of law. Certainly, a concept the law. The function of the ments worn by the Bishop and of covenant is a fundamental law is to promote the proper priests, donned in symbolism presupposition of the Magna ordering of the society, to of the tongues of fire that de- Carta along with a host of oth- reflect the hopes and values scended on the Apostles. Ad- er medieval charters where that animate the society. For ditionally, Judges of the High law expressed the bond that this, a covenant exists that Court of England and all doc- existed between a people and expresses itself in those sim- tors of law wore red robes or their ruler.” academic hoods.
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