PUBLISHED DAZLr under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE TNITED ST.&TES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMdITION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. GOVERNMENT Activities [VOL. 2 WASHINGTON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1918. No. 465 NO CHANGE INCOPPER PRICES Felicitations to Belgium DEVELOPMENT BATTALIONS OR EXISTING SCALE OF WAGES Tendered by President AT ALL .CAMPS ARE TO BE OF LABOR BEFORE JANUARY I The following telegram has FIRST UNITS DEMOBILIZED, FEDERAL CONTROL TO CONTINUE been sent: The White House, SECRETARY OF WAR STATES Conference Between Leaders of the November 15, 1918. Industry and War Industries His Majesty, WONORABLE DISCHARGE Board Develops Fact.That Euro- The King of the Belgians, BUT NO FURLOUGHS Brussels. pean Demand WillRemain Large. Never has a national holiday Every Man to Have Careful The War Industries Board authorizes occurred at a more auspicious Physical Examination for the following: moment, and never have felicita- Bernard M. Baruch, chairman of the tions been more heartfelt than Statistical Purposes-No War Industries Board, conferred yester- day with a committee of the copper in- those which it is my high privi- Certain Date for Begin- dustry of America. The meeting was at- lege to tender to Your Majesty ning Discharges and No tended by Daniel Guggenheim, of the on this day. American Smelting & Refining Co.; C. When facing imminent de- Priorities to be Consider- F. Kelley, of the Anaconda Co.; Daniel struction, C. Jackling, of the Utah Copper Go,; and Belgium by her self- ed- Gen. March Gives R. L. Agassiz, of the Calumet & Heckla sacriftce won for herself a place Co. of honor among nations,a crown Details of Mustering Out This is the second meeting of the kind of glory, imperishable, though and Answers Many Ques- to be held since the armistice was de- all else were lost. clared, the first having been the steel tions-Month's Pay for meeting, which took place on Thursday. The danger is averted, the hour of victory come, and with Each Man. Spirit of Cooperation Present, it the General industrial conditions, to which promise of a new life, PRESs INTERVIEW, SECRETARY OF WAR, the use of copper is intimately related, fuller, greater, nobler than has NoVMBER 15, 1918. were reviewed, the discussion being par- been known before. ticularly directed to the immediate situa- In answer to inquiries the Secretary of The blood of Belgiwm's heroic War says: tion that America and the rest of the sons has not been shed in vain. world is facing. The same spirit of co- " The first units to be demobilized will operation that characterized the copper WooRow WiLsON. be the development battalions at all producers throughout the war in the camps. The development battalions are supply of the metal to America and the made up of men who were under physical allies was present. requirements or who needed some special The meeting brought out the following drill or discipline to bring them into full points, which are to remain effective until INSTRUCTIONS TO ARMY SUPPLY military value-underdeveloped physi- January 1, and then be subject to renewal cally largely. There are something like or revision, as already agreed upon: BUREAUS OUTLINING PROCEDURE 50,000 altogether. (A) The present rate of production is "No furloughs will be granted, but to be maintained in the mines, smelters, INCANCELING OF CONTRACTS they will be honorably discharged, of and refineries, continuous employment course. There is no certain date." being thus insured during the first period WAR INDUSTRIES BOARD TO ASSIST Rules for Discharge. of the transition from a war to a peace "Every man who is discharged from basis. exami- (B) The present level of prices of the Circulars Issued by Maj. Gen. Goe- the Army has to have a physical nation and a very careful record made metal and the existing wage scale of thals, Director of Purchase, Stor- for statistical status, and instead of fur- labor are to be preserved. loughing them and then discharging they (C) The War Industries Board, or age, and Tragc-Points That will be discharged, so that there may be such other governmental agency as may Must be Taken into Consideration. no subsequent claims against the Govern- be designated, is to continue regulation ment. All ol those men will have to be of prices and allocation of the material. The War Department authorizes the examined by the doctors and the medical European Demand to Be Large. department is prepared to take over the One of the allied Governments within following: question of rapid examination and dis- the last 24 hours has requested informa- Additional instructions regarding re- charge. No date has been set for exam- tion on delivery of 200,000 tons of the duction and cancellation of contracts ination, but I have an idea it will be commoiity, which was accepted as a sign have been issued to the Supply Bureaus soon. It is not contingent upon any- that the European demand would not of the Army by Maj. Gen. George W. thing, but will be done as soon as con- only be large but immediate. Another Goethals, Director of Purchase, Storage venient. point given consideration n as the pros- and Traffic. The new circulars deal with "It is difficult to grant requests from pective requirements for civilian con- the relations between the War Depart- business institutions, etc., for men, be- sumption, due to the curtailment of the ment and the War Industries Board and cause it breaks up units and creates an (Continued on page 2.) (Continued on page 5.) (Continued on page 0.) 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1918, MAXIMUM PRICE LIMITS ARE Hog-Price Basis to Apply SUGAR ALLOWANCE INCREASED UNCIANGED ON COTTON GOODS Throughout December INLOUISIANA CANE SECTION The Food Administration announces Statement Issued by the Priee- In the beet sugar producing States and that after consultation with the sub- territory of committee, agricultural advisory board in the cane sugar producing Fixing Committee of War Louisiana, where there is sufficient sugar and the special swine producers' repre- available, the monthly per capita allow- Industries Board. it has sentatives, and with the packers, anee of sugar for household use will be been arranged that the November price The price-fixing committee authorizes basis increased from 3 to 4 pounds, effective for hogs shall continue through December 1. Public eating places in these the following: December. Subject to the President's approval, the sections will be granted 4 pounds of sugar It is highly desirable that the lighter- instead of 3, as at present, for every 90 price-fixing committee of the War Indus- weight hogs be held back for the next 30 tries Board makes the following an- meals served. days. If withheld at this time the pos- This increase is granted because of the nouncement: sibility of breaking down present price At a meeting of the price-fixing com- lack of cargo space for overseas shipment, levels because of excessive receipts of the together with the insufficient storage fa- mittee with the cotton manufacturers No- lighter hogs will be avoided. vember cihties in this country. 89, 1918, no agreement was All available hog products that can be The monthly allowance was increased reached for a revision of the oxisting spared will be required for foreign ship- throughout the Nation on November 1, schedule of maximum prices on cotton ment in December and January and there- goods. from 2 to 3 pounds per capita per month, after. in accordance with the Food Adminis- Absence of Agreement. tration's promise to relieve the sugar al- In the absence of agreement on new THE WEEKLY WEATHER FORECAST lowance at the earliest opportunity. prices the present maximum limits on cotton goods are left unchanged by the The Weather Bureau has issued the price-fixing committee until January 1, forecast for the period Novem- HIGHWAYS COUNCIL REliOVES 1919, except for certain revisions herein- following after referred to. In making this ar- ber 18 to 23 inclusive: RESTRICTIONS ON ROAD WORK rangement the price-fixing committee took North and lddle Atlantic States -Rain into consideration the special difficulty Monday, followed by fair until about end of week; colder Tuesday, nearly normal tem- The United States highways council which arises at the present time in de- perature theieafter. announces that no further applications termining fair prices on cotton goods. South Atlantic and East Gulf State.- need be made to it for approval of high- The price of raw cotton is fluctuating and Generaliy fair weather indicated during the week with nearly normal temperatures, al- way projects, that previous disapprovals uncertain. The differentials for the nu- though colder Monday in South Atlantic are revoked, and that pending applica- merous separate classes of cotton goods States. tions require no further action. vary greatly and can not be briought into West Gulf States.-Generally fn=r weather indicated daring the week with nearly normal Procedure in securing materials and reasonable conformity with each other ex- temperatures. transportation should follow normal cept after prolonged investigation. In Ohio Valley and Tennessee -Fair weather, practices, officials of the council said. view of these circumstances the commit- except some prospect of rain after the middle of the week in the Oho Valley. Nearly nor- The removal of restrictions does not tee finds itself unable to fix new maximum mal temperatures first half of week, with a affect highway bond issues, which are prices at the present time. moderate rise thereafter. under control of the capital issues comn-. Region of Great Lakes -air Monday ex- Qualified by Cammittee. cept probably local snows along Lower Lakes; mittee. raii probably about Wednesday northern Up- State highway departments will not In sanctioning the maintenance of the- Per Lake region, and about Thursday balance be asked to submit programs for next existing of Lake region; generally fair end of week.
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