Twli*.• riMeiiU''eMN;te«i<'. /'Tiie Buokeyci Maiobltie: Co. m«kes To oitizens of MIoblgan during the tlie following atateinent in regard to past week, and reported for this OTICB IN ATTACHMENT. THECIUCUIT Court for tho Connty of Ingham. Binder Twine and tiie price tbat farm­ paper by C. A. Snow & Co., patent NLyman W.Baker, Admln-1 ers win pay for it the coming season; litrator of the Estate of Kd- lawyers, opposite tf. S. Patent Ofllce, THIS ZS WHiLT ward 0, Colbath, decoaiud, In Attachment. "InMmuob as we handle auob a large Washington, D. C.: *'A niM moy lament the monejr he ipenti Pranklln L.'jerrells. ) ' For thlnga only meant to be guile; quantity of the article we claim to OeorgeP. Puller, Kalamacoo, wash board; Oiii* Oiiistoiiiei*is ^a.y: Notice Is hereby elvun thut ou tho 4th day of But never oi yet did a Ihrmer regret, know a little more in regard to the P. B. Hall, Detroit, telephone supporl; O, A. March, A. D. 1B89, a writ of attachment was Jenliou, Lansing, latoli; O. II. Land, Detroit, duly lasned out of the circuit court fur the The money expended (or tile." Binder Twine situation than, any of Cuuuty of Ingham at the suit of Lyman W, artlflelal tooth; J. W. Loree, Fenwiob, poutto "It is a fact, we can buy better Boots and Shoes 1*^ 1 , —FnoK BABKKB dt Co. Bukur. administrator of tlic estate uf Edward O. these rural editors tbat have lately ap­ digger; J. It. Ryan, Suult Bt. Marie, snap Colbath, dccoaacd, Itiu abovo uniued plaintllT, for less money at Brown Bros. Shoe House against the lands, tenements, I'oodii nnd chattels, N0BTIIE.18T ALAIEDON. peared to be going orazy over the mat­ book; W. F. Fisher, Flint, hydrocarbon moneys and elTects, of Pranklln L, Jerrells, the ter. We know what we're talking burner. defendant shove named, for tho sum ol one than at any other place not excepting Jack hundred and t.wonty-llvo dollars, which aald writ VOL. XXXL-NO. IT. MASON. MICH.. THUESDAY, APRIL 25.1889. Sowing oata Is order of the day. WHOLE NO. 1581'. about wben we say there ia no "truat" Hnrrlnwe LIOCIIMVM. wns roturnablo on tho aucond day of April, A. ]}. son, Lansing, Eaton Rapids or Mason." 1880. John KIlBoii lum moved on Jim or "corner" or "combination" of any No. Name and Residence. Age. Dated this Olh day of April, 18811. Tumor's farm In Luiisiiif;. kind on Binding Twine. Sensible 38 J. T. OAMPBKLL, saf^Mfiiur.'' Ingham County News $1.00. Wanted Wedrilnir Bella. WE GELEBBATE.. Wm. Oould ia ou the sick liat. farmers understand, that there la the 20 I.ITOwr Attorney for Plalnttfl'. gg| 3o\\n Rusninii, Stookbrldge... ia Our Stock is all Purchased Direc That book account tbat you owe me A few Intimate friends assembled nt Wm. Blanclmrd ia at work for O. same chance for fluctuation in the val> i Anna Bveara, Btookbrldge.. 26 OBTOAGB 8ALK.-WI1EUEA8, DEFAULT Subscription rates to the INQHAM and should have paid long ago. the residence of Mr. and Mra. Thomp­ At a meeting of the citizens at the True thia aeuaon ; he gets (SO a month. hna boon made tu tho payment of the Bntered at Ihe Potlofflee al Maaon at ue of the produola out of which twine n, / John H. Dellz, Lansing 20 M Seeand^Uui mailer. court house last evenlngj whiob' was from the Manufacturers inoiiey secured hy n mortngo dated the IMth doy COUNTY NEWS are ns follows for the 1548tf C. G. HUNTINGTON. son on Oak-st., last evening to witness Ford's Bazaar. W. M. Oould has friends visiting is made as there ia iu any other materi­ \ Lldwlna Zabiicr, Lansing „ ',12 of January. A. D., 18811. executed by Ocorgo B. I- held for the purpose of making ar- Crnpo to Curtis Bocman. which aald mortgage present: Oue dollar, if paid in ad The marriage ceremonies of their biin from Fowlerville. al. John H. Parks of Alaledon died at PVBLIBBBD BVKBY TBtrBaDAY, BV was recorded In thu otlicu ol thn rogistur of Our 25-ceiit tea can't be beat nt A. daughter. Kittle C, to Milo Lyman of rangeiuents for celebrating tlie IttOth Several of our road districts are talk­ Lemuel Pierce's In Vevay last evening. AXD FOU SPOT CASH, Everything is warranted as rcpic duuds »f tho county ol Ingbnm.ln llbsrOllor vance. One dollar and fifty cents If —Call and See our Bargaina in— The world'a consumption of rope mortgages, on page 6I'2, on tho 2Utb day of Jan­ L. Vandercook'B. Roulette, Pennsylvania. anniversary of Washington'b^ Inaugu­ ing of buylug a road umohlne. It Is sented and courteous treatment to nil. and cordage of all kinds has been rap­ The funeral will be held ut the M. E. uary, A. D., im. And, wtioroaa, the amount not paid In advance. ral, wbloh takes place next Tuesday, the right thing iu the right place. claimed to bo due on aald mortgage at tbo date ot Judge M. D. Cbatterton of Lansing At elglit o'clock Myrta Jean Coy Wall Papers %^ idly augmenting. The enormously church at two p. M. to-morrow. thla noUco la tho anm of iilnuty-nlno 'and eeven- to*. y*>r> II.SO) tlx inontht, 79 •..<•! Ikr.. the Mayor was elected a»-offlceror the toon hundretha dollara ($1)9.17) of principal and MOMm, 40—i. advM.i. spent last Tuesday in Mason. seated herself at the organ and as the We Want Money t day, and Col. Snook, inarshal with WKST AmtElilllS. increased use of bindera and conse­ UNCLE SANPS CONDITION Interest, and the further sum of Hftocn dollars wedding march proceeded the happy Window Shadiest WE ABE SOLE AQENTS ($IS) provided fur In auid mortgngu and hy law as ADVERTliiNO RATEt. Last Saturday David Southwlck was quently increased consumption of POWDER will cure Distempers, All indebted to us must call and set­ Dr. S. H. Culver and C. F. Brown as a reaaonablo allnrnoy fee for tlio lorocloauro of OarttdvortlslDK rat«i made known nlofflae. couple appeared. The ceremony waa Mrs. Emum Smith and daughter of Coughs, Colds, Fevers and most ot tlio said mortgage, and nu suit or procouding having tle ns we want money. Bespectfiilly, granted an Increase of pension. assistants. F. J. Brown wa» made a twine has advanced the price of tho FOF the Celebrated Pingree Jb Smith Shoes. They arc hoen iiistltuled at law to rccovurthu doht now .aucinMS oardi tl a line per year. performed by Rev. J. A. Barnes and I CVf^ Goods Just' received. Lake Odessa nre visiting liere. diseases to whicli Horses, Cattlc.Shcei BtMlnesB local! Uv. eenU per line eaob and BHOWN BROS. Monarch Canned Strawberries are raw material as well as the manufac­ reinalning seciirad by nuld mortgago, or any part committee to securea place for holding LUllj The best Mop StiOk made 10 Hogs and Poultry are subject. Soj iiiicqiiancd. Every pair warranted and highly recommended ttieroof, whereby thu iinwer of aulu contained In •arery Inaertlon. after congratulations had been receiv­ H. Smith nnd wife of Kingaland tured rope and cordage. In obedience Uaniage, birth, and death notloei firee. very flne at A. L. Vaiidercook's. the meeting. An invitatloni was ax- by all druggists. by all who wear them for Style, Fit and Service. said mortgage hna nocome oporntlvo. Mow. Our 25-cent Coflfee is extra at A. L. ed and the young couple lionoretl by cents each. A spjeudld Bus­ visited here lust Tuesduy. thoruforo, notlco la horuby given, thnt by virtue Obituary notloan, resolution, of reipeot, Mayor Turner of Lansing was seen tended to the cornet band, and to all to the natural laws of supply and de­ of tho anid powor of sale, and In pHreunnco ol «ar(ti ofthank*. etc., flve cent, a line, innny rich and beautiful gifts, a boun­ tle only 10 cents. Beautiful'£aoe» 5 LolsHulHpy will tench utNo. Sugalu Old Newspapers ii.y the dozen Vanderoook's. the military and civic organizations In mand. In ordinary wlieat a pound tho atatnte In anch caao rondu and provided, the on the streets of Mason last Monday. tiful supper wns served. The bride and 10 cents a yard. The'flnest Hand­ this spring. hundred—cheap—ut this olHce. said mortgage will bu forocluacd by a aalc of the Mrs. Wm. Cllne of Lansing is visit­ the city to join in the meeting. and a half lo two pounds of good proiniacs thuruin duecrihcd, at public auction, THE NEWS JOB BOOM Judge Humphrey of Lansing looked nnd groom then bid their Mason kerchiefs only 10 cents. John Hulnes took u trip to the Sagi­ We Have AU Styles-^^L'-^^^'^Stri" to thu highoet bidder, ut thu front diior of thu ing friends in Mason. standard twine aro required to the court house In tho City of Miiaon, In suid connty tn .upplled with the best machinery that after business matters In Mason last friends "good by" and the south bound The program offered by ftav. Mr. naw valley this week. acre. During last season the genuine of Ingham, un the •J4tli «l»y uf April nexi. money can buy, fitted tor steam power, a large Everything goes at H. C. Coe's. Tuesday. Barnes was then adopted,, which is as Best Bargaito ite MlGHIGAiy fTENTRAL at onu o'clock in thu afternoon uf that day passenger soon bore them away toward Lew Prtitt Is on the rond peddling "half and half" twine ranged from 1-1 Jackson flour at 55 cents.
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