ENTERTAINMENT | ATTRACTIONS | HISTORY Catch Some Fun in COUNTY 2014 VISITOR’S GUIDE IOWA ACKLEY | ALEXANDER | COULTER | DOWS | GENEVA | HAMPTON | HANSELL LATIMER | POPEJOY | SHEFFIELD WWW.FRANKLINCOUNTYTOURISM.COM Catch some FUN in Franklin County • Tuesdays on the Town Tuesdays in June • Franklin County Fair July 16-20 • Summerfest August 8-9 Call 641-456-5668 for more information WWW.HAMPTONIOWA.ORG WWW. FRANKLINCOUNTYTOURISM.COM 2 FRANKLIN COUNTY VISITOR’S GUIDE | 2014 WWW.FRANKLINCOUNTYTOURISM.COM A Big Franklin County Welcome! Welcome! We at the Greater Frank- teres ng shops, along with warm hos- In addi on, the center of the booklet lin County Chamber of Commerce are pitality, throughout the county. includes a lis ng by category of the excited to provide this Visitor’s Guide The Chamber’s mission is to support businesses that belong to the Chamber, for your convenience and pleasure economic growth by improving the followed by an alphabe cal lis ng of all when visi ng our area. quality of life and business climate in businesses in greater Franklin County. The Greater Franklin County Cham- the Franklin County area. We achieve You can also learn more about us ber of Commerce includes all of Frank- this, thanks to the mo vated volun- on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ lin County and actually extends beyond teers who serve on our Promo on, GreaterFranklinCounty, or at either of our county lines; it includes the school Design, Business Improvement, Organi- two websites: www.Franklin County- districts of CAL (Coulter, Alexander, za on and Tourism Communi es, thus Tourism.com or www.HamptonIowa. La mer), Hampton-Dumont, and West keeping the Chamber strong and rel- org. Fork. evant for the Franklin County area. We If you don’t see what you need, We are proud that the downtown of encourage you to visit with our great please give us a call at 641-456-5660. our historic county seat, Hampton, is business people who con nue to invest We are here to serve you. designated as a Main Street Iowa dis- both me and money to make greater trict. Through our Main Street projects, Franklin County the place where we Kim Price current residents build on the eff orts of feel blessed to live and work. President Greater Franklin County our ancestors as we inten onally work We invite you to stay awhile in Frank- Chamber of Commerce to share our past and present with you, lin County. This guide highlights some CEO Franklin General Hospital as well as look forward to the future. of the key a rac ons and events in our Similarly, the other communi es that community. Included are the beau ful make up the Greater Franklin County Beeds Lake State Park, along with nu- Chamber of Commerce also work to merous city and county parks, and the keep their business districts dynamic Rolling Prairie Bike Trail that is so popu- and vibrant. You’ll fi nd unique and in- lar with bikers from around the region. Dear Visitors and Readers, live music) Hotels and motels including a family Beeds Lake Restora on Run (Au- heritage bed and breakfast Welcome to Franklin County! We gust, running, walking, food and fun) Dine at a choice of unique restau- hope you enjoy your visit, the diversity Highway 3 corridor yard sale (1st rants of what our area has to off er, and have weekend of September, covers 3 coun- Check out www.FranklinCounty- some fun in Franklin County. es, search for treasures) Tourism.com for more specifi c infor- What can I do in Franklin County, Hollydazzle (kick off the holiday ma on about Franklin County and a you ask? Here are only 12 of the many season, lighted parade, wine walk, live schedule of things to do while you are things to see and do while you are here: theater, Franklin Chorale performance, here. Or feel free to call 641-456-5668 Tuesday on the Town (live music and more) and we can provide addi onal informa- and fes vi es held in June) Recrea onal areas including Beeds on. Hampton Municipal Band (perfor- Lake, Mayne’s Grove, Rolling Prairie Franklin County is a great place to mance in historic band shell, down- Trail, Hampton Aqua c Center, Frank- have some fun! town Hampton, Tuesday throughout lin Wellness Center (boa ng, camping, June and early July) fi shing, swimming, running, walking, Donnis Borcherding Specialty shops including Main biking, fi tness) President, Franklin County Tourism Street district in downtown Hampton Historical areas (fi rst Rural Electric (spring and fall open houses, shopping, Coopera ve west of the Mississippi, wine tas ng) Harriman Nielsen Historic Farm, The Franklin County Fair (July, dubbed Old Stone House, GAR Memorial Hall, one of the top fairs in Iowa) The Windsor Theatre and several other Summerfest (August, family fun and points of interest) WWW.FRANKLINCOUNTYTOURISM.COM FRANKLIN COUNTY VISITOR’S GUIDE | 2014 3 Visitor Resources FRANKLIN COUNTY MORE COUNTY DEPARTMENTS CITY OF COULTER FRANKLIN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER MAYOR SUPERVISORS - ELECTED 641-456-2128 Jim Warwick • 641-866-6997 District 1, Mike Nolte • 641-456-5444 CONSERVATION & PARKS COUNCIL District 2, Jerry Plagge • 641-579-6060 641-456-4375 Dan Tilkes, Dallas Paris, Terry Turner, District 3, Corey Eberling • 641-892-4726 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Kevin Erickson, George Eddy. 641-456-6035 Council meets the second Wednesday at The board meets Mondays at 8:30 a.m. in ENGINEER’S OFFICE 6:30 p.m. the supervisors’ boardroom, lower level of 641-456-4671 the courthouse, 12 1st Ave. NW, Hampton. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & SANITATION CITY CLERK Supervisors’ boardroom • 641-456-5624 641-425-8394 LaDonna Jorges EXTENSION SERVICE Mail: PO Box 5, Coulter, IA 50431 FRANKLIN COUNTY ASSESSOR 641-456-4811 Phone: 641-866-6942 Gwana Wirtjes GIS & MAPPING Email: [email protected] 12 - 1st Ave. NW, PO Box 575 641-456-6045 Hampton, IA 50441 HOME CARE SERVICES CITY OF DOWS Phone: 641-456-5118 641-456-5830 MAYOR Fax: 641-456-6005 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Larry Klatt • 641-373-6981 641-456-6044 COUNCIL FRANKLIN COUNTY ATTORNEY PLANNING & PROGRAMMING Don Bosch, Ray Kracht, Judy Gorder, Daniel F. Wiechmann, Jr. 641-456-2128 Loren Lienemann, Don Lane. 24½ 1st St. NW, PO Box 315 PUBLIC HEALTH Council meets fi rst Monday at 7 p.m. Hampton, IA 50441 641-456-5820 Phone: 641-456-4658 VETERANS AFFAIRS CITY CLERK 641-456-5670 Jeanette Wenzel FRANKLIN COUNTY AUDITOR ZONING Mail: PO Box 395, Dows, IA 50071 Michelle Giddings 641-456-2128 Phone: 515-852-4327 12 - 1st Ave NW, PO Box 26 Email: [email protected] Hampton, IA 50441 CITY OF ACKLEY Phone: 641-456-5622 MAYOR: Jim Daggs CITY OF GENEVA Fax: 641-456-6001 COUNCIL: Dale Brass, Dan Robert MAYOR Harms, Keith DeVries, Arlene Thuente, Sean Porter STATE OF IOWA CLERK OF COURT Susan Ibeling. COUNCIL Deb Bausman Council meets second Wednesday of Desiree Johnson, Jesse Viet, Todd PO Box 28 month at 7 p.m. Pilchard, Steve Love, Todd Olmstead. Hampton, IA 50441 Council meets second Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Phone: 641-456-5626 CITY CLERK: Cyndee Roskens Fax: 641-456-5628 CITY HALL: 208 State, Ackley, IA 50601 CITY CLERK Phone: 641-847-3332 Deanna Genz FRANKLIN COUNTY RECORDER Email: [email protected] Mail: 115 Franklin St. Hansell, IA 50441 Toni Wilkinson City Hall: 641-580-0427 12 1st Ave NW, PO Box 26 CITY ADMINISTRATOR/ECONOMIC Email: [email protected] Hampton, IA 50441 DEVELOPMENT Phone: 641-456-5675 Glenn Anderson • 641-847-2214 CITY OF HANSELL Fax: 641-456-6009 Email: [email protected] MAYOR Jason Harper FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF CITY OF ALEXANDER FIRE CHIEF: Michael Norman. Larry Richtsmeier MAYOR ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF: Joe Hanna. PO Box 57 Darrel Baxter COUNCIL: Delores Cunningham, Jess Hampton, IA 50441 COUNCIL Harlan, Colten Harper, Michael Norman, Phone: 641-456-2731 (dispatch) Jacob Mc Nutt, Thomas Shear, Jeannie Joe Hanna. 641-456-6035 (offi ce) Arends, Quinton Bohman, Virgil Larsen. Council meets second Monday at 7 p.m. Council meets fi rst Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. FRANKLIN COUNTY TREASURER CITY CLERK Chad Murray CITY CLERK Deanna Genz 12 - 1st Ave NW, PO Box 26 Rozanne Bird Mail: 1466 Timber Ave, Hansell, IA 50441 Hampton, IA 50441 Mail: PO Box 1, Alexander, IA 50420 Phone: 641-580-0427 Phone: 641-456-5678 Mobile: 515-571-1120 Email: [email protected] Fax: 641-456-6003 [email protected] 4 FRANKLIN COUNTY VISITOR’S GUIDE | 2014 WWW.FRANKLINCOUNTYTOURISM.COM Visitor Resources CITY OF HAMPTON CITY OF POPEJOY FRANKLIN COUNTY TOURISM BOARD MAYOR MAYOR PRESIDENT Brook Boehmler Dale Maas Donnis Borcherding - Hampton State COUNCIL: COUNCIL: Dennis Bradley, Ronald Allen, Bank Jay Hickman, Steve Harms, Valerie Jason Nohrenberg, Dave Larsen, Scott VICE-PRESIDENT Haugebak, Dick Lukensmeyer, Dyanne Bradley. Brody Bertram - Franklin County Pralle, Jim Davies. Council meets the second Tuesday at 6 p.m. Conservation Council meets the second Thursday at 6 p.m. TREASURER CITY CLERK: Jolene Nohrenberg. Cindy Mollenbeck - First Bank Hampton ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF City Hall: 1006 Main St., PO Box 15 A, MEMBERS CITY MANAGER: Ron Dunt Popejoy, IA 50027 Jim Davies - Creative Solutions PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: Doug Tarr Phone: 515-859-3365 Shannon Latham - Latham Hi-Tech Seeds OFFICE STAFF: Rozann Herwig, Robbi Mobile: 641-373-6660 Brian Stevens Stevens, Carrie Blau. Email: [email protected] Judy Wrolson, Cornerstone Cottage 122 1st Ave. NW, Hampton, IA 50441 EX OFFICIO Phone: 641-456-4853 TOWN OF SHEFFIELD Mike Nolte - Franklin County Supervisor Fax: 641-456-3216 MAYOR CITY REPRESENTATIVE Email: [email protected] Nick Wilson Dyanne Pralle - City of Hampton COUNCIL: Mike McKee, JC McCaslin, STAFF POLICE DEPARTMENT Kenny Berding, Ron Simmons.
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