Fly Eagles Fly Booksale is Philadelphia Eagles win Win-Win-Win their first Super Bowl. SPORTS BARS department holds book sale ‘Man of the Woods’ to fund missions. Timberlake’s new album LIFE falls short. ENTERTAINMENT The Friday, February 9, 2018 CollegianThe Grove City College Student Newspaper Vol. 103, No. 11 Focus Okie Dokie on love Aly Kruger dent body is excited to Sports Editor begin this year’s focus week, which focuses on Grove City College’s one of Christ’s two most fourth annual Focus important commands Week will begin Feb. in the Bible. It seems 12, with a theme will so simple, yet it is actu- be “Loving Your Neigh- ally very hard and most bor”. of the students are busy This is the fourth year and usually occupied. that this event has come “We want to look more to Grove City, and the fully at who our neigh- community is looking bor is and how we love forward to the chance to as Christ commands” reconnect as a student said Wintrode. body. “We are excited The week will begin to have the continuity on Monday and con- of this event,” said De- tinue through to Friday, vayani Wintrode. “Stu- with the themes of the dents now anticipate it days being as follows: each year.” The Grove City stu- FOCUS WEEK 2 Perfect pitches Paige Fay Staff Writer The final round of Grove City College’s annual Elevator Pitch Gustafson Bailey Competition took place on Nov. 28, 2017. about the product. Judged by Grove “The competition is City’s staff, adminis- an opportunity for all tration and faculty, students to pitch an 22 students from the idea, either for profit or original 200 made it not for profit, to a panel past the qualifying and of judges,” said Adam semi-final rounds with Densmore, a freshman their ideas. The eleva- Accounting & Finance tor pitches were two major. “The key skills minutes long and many that it emphasizes are pitchers engaged the innovation and creativ- audience with a fun sto- ity, communication, ANDREW STEIN ry while still giving the Members of the Omicron Xi fraternity call and congratulate their new members from windows in Hopeman at the necessary information PITCHES 2 beginning of Greek Unity Week. Conference celebrates Tutors go pro bono Austrian tradition Jonathan Skee been modified to make Contributing Writer it more accessible. Elsie Becker share their own papers ested in economics—or perience.” “The goal is to make Contributing Writer in an academic confer- social science in gener- Besides student pre- ence setting. During the al—should come enjoy senters, the conference Grove City College’s tutoring accessible Grove City College conference, students this discourse on the will feature two keynote tutoring program is un- to all students,” said will host the 14th an- from eight schools will ideas of the Austrian lecturers – Dr. Guido dergoing a major tran- Kathy Leonard, Direc- nual Austrian Student present research papers School.” Truitt will be Hülsmann and Dr. G.P. sition this semester: it tor of Academic Advis- Scholars Conference to attendees as well as presenting his paper Manish. Dr. Hülsmann is free now. ing. “We didn’t want (ASSC) Friday, Feb. 16, participate in live Q&A. titled Epistemic Barri- is a senior fellow of the Previously, students cost to be an obstacle.” through Saturday, Feb. This year’s conference ers to Legislation. He Mises Institute and had to pay tutors $10 By eliminating the 17. will close with a show- says he’s very excited to author of “Mises: The per hour for their ser- direct cost of the pro- Beginning as a spi- ing of a documentary have the opportunity to Last Knight of Liberal- vices, and the program gram, the hope is that noff of the prestigious film. participate in the con- ism” and “The Ethics was essentially based more students who Austrian Scholars Con- One of this year’s ference because, “There of Money Production.” on a personal interac- need help with their ference, the ASSC was student presenters, are so many interesting Dr. Manish is an asso- tion between tutors and studies will take advan- created to provide stu- freshman Tegan Truitt, discussions to be had. It students. Now, how- dents with a place to says, “Anyone inter- will be an awesome ex- CONFERENCE 2 ever, the program has TUTORING 2 Page 2 The Collegian Feb. 9, 2018 PITCHES the calculations,” said Faculty member recognized continued from 1 Gustafson. “This way they are being exposed and presentation.” to math every day, pro- Densmore was the moting and encour- second-place winner aging kids to become of the Commercial En- terprise category. His more skilled in math.” business is TeleTalk, an Zachary LaValla was online speech-coaching the second-place win- program that assists ner of the Social Enter- its users in preparing prise category. He is for events that require a freshman Entrepre- a speech. It is more af- neurship and Finance fordable and accessible double major who came than having a coach in up with an idea called person. Densmore was Missing Link. His idea inspired to create the is an interactive data- product from his own base that allows non- experiences. profit organizations to “I was prompted to this because over the search for for-profit years I competed in businesses to help fund speech and debate, their non-profit mis- I spent a lot of time sion. It “would give a coaching other students sense of security and – much of this was done perpetuity to the non- from distant locations profit as its funds would so we were forced to use be less variable,” said Skype and similar plat- LaValla. forms,” said Densmore. LaValla’s past expe- Alexandria Bailey, a riences heavily influ- sophomore Entrepre- enced his business idea. neurship major, was “My inspiration comes the first-place winner of the Commercial En- from years of being part terprise category with of churches that ar- JULIA KNEPPER her business idea called gue about money, and President McNulty poses with this year’s recipients of the annual Florence E. MacKenzie Campus-Community the Shammy Shield. watching archaic meth- Awards: Dr. Constance Nichols, professor and chair of the Department of Education, and Olde Town Grove City, The Shammy Shield is ods of fundraising still whose award was accepted by Mary Jo Palmer of Broad Street business B’gifted. a shammy designed for be used so frequently,” female divers to protect he said. “I think there is their back, shoulders a ton of opportunity for the economist Lud- of Ludwig von Mises will serve as judges CONFERENCE and lower neck from innovation in regard to wig van Mises built on himself, Grove City Col- who will select the top continued from 1 the intense impact of fundraising.” Menger’s foundation lege soon became the three papers and award the water. It can be put In addition to these ciate professor of eco- and further developed world’s leading under- cash prizes of $1,500, on under their swim- winners, senior Han- nomics and a member Austrian theory. Today, graduate institution $1,000 and $500, re- suits so they can dive nah Vaccaro won third- of the Manuel H. John- Mises is often acknowl- for the study of Aus- spectively. without fear of injury. son Center of Political edged as the greatest trian Economics. After The ASSC is open to “It’s a really simple place in Commercial Economy at Troy Uni- Austrian economist of Mises’ death, Grove the public. All GCC stu- idea, but it could make Enterprise while fourth versity and the recipi- the 20th century. After City College acquired dents, no matter their a huge difference,” said place went to freshman ent of several Mises his death in 1973, his 20,000 pages of his pa- discipline, are welcome Bailey. Heather Hondel. For Institute prizes in po- wife gave her blessing pers, which are part of to sit in on any sessions. Bailey was required the Social Enterprise litical economy. for the founding of the the Ludwig von Mises The conference begins to participate in the category, seniors Abby For those unfamiliar Mises Institute, which collection stored in the Friday night at 7 pm competition for Profes- Messinger and Michae- with the topic, the Aus- exists to assist in the archives on campus. in Sticht Lecture Hall. sor Timothy Sweet’s la Cashmer won third trian School of Econom- education of Austrian While Mises Saturday sessions begin Entrepreneurial Mind and fourth place, re- ics is a branch of eco- economists around the is always a topic of at 9 pm in the Hall of class but enjoyed the spectively. nomics begun by a man world. discussion among Arts and Letters (HAL) experience of compet- Although many par- named Carl Menger in ing so much that she Grove City College’s Austrian economics and run throughout the ticipants are students 1871. Unlike modern Economics depart- students, during the day in HAL 114 and 116. looks forward to partic- with majors related to quantitative economic ment began its Aus- conference, students Sessions end at 5:15 ipating next year also. business, anyone can theories, Austrian eco- trian economics em- will present papers on pm. The awards cer- Bailey loved partici- participate in the com- nomic theory is found- phasis in 1956 when a variety of topics, in- emony begins at 6:45 pating in the competi- ed on the qualitative, J. Howard Pew hired cluding cryptocurrency pm in Sticht Lecture tion not only to present petition and share their fundamental truths of Hans Sennholz to head and immigration.
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