25816 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE July 27, 1972 In that fashion he proceeded to serve of this good American, Senator ALLEN J. caucus at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning on the Committee on Agriculture and ELLENDER. for the purpose of selecting a successor to Forestry until he became its chairman. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, will our beloved colleague as President pro After 12 years in this body he sought, in the Senator yield? tempore. his turn, membership on the Committee Mr. LONG. I yield. on Appropriations, and he served there Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, it is until he became chairman of that com- most appropriate that Senator RUSSELL RESOLUTION mittee. He served in this body until by LONG of Louisiana has been the one to Mr. LONG. Mr. President, I send tc right of seniority he became President make the remarks tonight concerning the desk a resolution and ask for its pro tempore. the passing of our late, beloved colleague, immediate consideration. He achieved a great deal, Mr. Presi- Senator ALLEN ELLENDER, of Louisiana. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there dent, not because of seniority, but be- I say most appropriate, not because he objection to the present consideration of cause of his love and loyalty to his State, was Senator ELLENDER'S colleague, but the resolution? his Nation, his fellow man, and his rec- because Senator ELLENDER was so close There being no objection, the resolu- ord here will be one which all of us will to his father, Senator Huey Long, and to tion was considered and unanirnousl3 seek to emulate as time goes by. his mother, Senator Rose Long. agreed to, as follows: I will have more to say about that at a Senator ELL·ENDER was a unique Sena- Resolved, That the S enate has heard w ith later date, Mr. President, to be set by tor in many respects. He was diligent, profound sorrow and regret the announce- the majority leader for tributes to my he was a workhorse, he was, as we used m en t o f th e d eath o f H o n o rable A llen J. senior colleague. to say, "a little bull," but he was a man Ellender, late President pro tempore of the At this time I extend my condolences of integrity, devotion, and dedication. Senate and late a Senator from the State of to his son Dr. Allen J. Ellender, Jr. and The Senate will remember him for what Louisiana. to his grandchildren at Houma, Lou- he has done, not in the field of appro- Resolved, That the President of the Senate isiana. His son is a very dear boyhood priations alone, but also in the area of appoint a committee, of w hich he shall be a m e m b e r, to a tte n d th e fu n e ra l o f th e friend of mine, near to my age, with his knowledge of world affairs. He was deceased Senator. whom I enjoyed much of my time when truly a giant in many respects. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate ALLEN ELLENDER was the leader in the The State of Louisiana, the Senate of these resolutions to the House of R epresenta- Louisiana House of Representatives and the United States, and the United States tiv e s a n d tra n sm it a c o p y th e re o f to th e my father, the late Huey Long, was of America are the losers because of the family of the deceased. Governor. passing of this man who contributed so Resolved, That, as a further mark of respec; ALLEN ELLENDER succeeded my father, much to so many and who all too often to the memory of the deceased, the S enate the late Huey P. Long, in this body, and received too little credit. stands adjourned. all of us can be proud of the magnificent Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, as a per- record he made here. sonal friend and as his admirer, as well Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, will the ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. as a neighbor, and I speak for the people TOMORROW Senator yield? of Mississippi, too, we send condolences Mr. LONG. I yield to the Senator from to the late Senator's family and express The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuan'r, Pennsylvania. the highest esteem for him in a personal to the last resolving clause of the reso- Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, we are all way. tion and under the previous order, the very much grieved to learn of the passing I believe of all the men I have known Senate will stand adjourned until 10 of our distinguished President pro tern- in Government I could not find one any o'clock tomorrow morning pore and our beloved colleague, Senator more dedicated or who had a higher Thereupon, at 8:31 p.m., the Senate ELLENDER. We have known him for his sense of duty to his office. Duty—that adjourned until tomorrow , Friday, vitality and diligence, for his everlasting was the Senator's main guide and light, July 28, 1972, at 10 a.m. service to move the responsibilities of the the light on his path that he followed Senate successfully forward. We know with tremendous courage. that he was a man joyous in action and I will mention just one thing about NOMINATIONS popular, and respected by all of his col- his many, many sided career. People Executive nominations received by the leagues. throughout these 50 States will benefit, Senate July 27, 1972: It is a comfort to know that he passed yes, even for centuries, for his fine, un- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COURT OF APPEALS away quietly in his sleep, and that he en- tiring work on flood control, rivers and ters upon another life after having en- harbors, water resources, and all kindred Stanley S. Harris, of Maryland, to be asso- joyed and served to the fullest here on c ia te ju d g e o f th e D istric t o f C o lu m b ia matters that went with them. He had Court of Appeals for the term of 15 years, this earth. the finest knowledge of anyone I have vice Andrew McCaughrin Hood, retired. Our sympathy and condolences, and known here of those projects throughout our affectionate understanding, go to his U.S. ARMY family and to all of his loved ones. this country. The follow ing-nam ed officer under the I thank the Senator for yielding. I could say much more but I feel very provisions of title 10, U nited S tates Code, much this personal loss. section 3066, to be assignee to a position of The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. AL- importance and responsibility designated by ANNOUNCEMENT OF DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS AT LEN) . The Chair will state that this is, the President under subsection (a) of sec- indeed, sad news that the Senate has re- 9 A.M., JULY 28, 1972, TO SELECT PRESIDENT tion 3066, in grade as follows: PRO TEMPORE ceived. Certainly the S tate of Lou- To be general isiana and the entire Nation have lost an Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I Lt. G en. Donald Vivian B ennett, xxx-xx-xx... outstanding statesman and patriot, and wish to announce to the Senate that the xxx-x... , A rm y o f th e U n ited S tates (m ajo r the entire Nation is saddened at the loss Democrats in the Senate will hold a general, U.S. Army) . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Thursday, July 27, 1972 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. who have elected them. Give to them ings both for our physical and spiritual Rev. Omar F. J. Rau, Trinity Lutheran humility that they understand that You well-being. Church, Evansville, Ind., offered the fol- have placed them in this place of honor We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. lowing prayer: to do Your will. Bless the Nation as You have done for Dear Father in heaven. W e come to THE JOURNAL You in behalf of those who have been so many years. Control the wills of our elected to govern our Nation. Give to people so that they might live together The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- them wisdom and understanding so that in harmony and peace and so be an ex- ined the Journal of the last day's pro- they might make decisions for the wel- ample to the world. ceedings and announces to the House his fare of our Nation and for the people Give us the wisdom to use these bless- approval thereof. July 27, 1972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 25817 Without objection, the Journal stands bill <H.R. 15417) making appropriations ment insert "$53,000,000"; a.nd the Senate approved. for the Departments of Labor, and agree to the same. There was no objection. Health, Education, and Welfare, and re­ Amendment numbered 20: Tha.t the House recede !rom its disagreement to the amend­ lated agencies for the fiscal year end­ ment of the Senate numbered 20, a.nd agree ing June 30, 1973 and for other purposes, to the same with an amendment, a.s follows: MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE may have until midnight tonight to file In lieu of the sum proposed by sa.id amend­ A message from the Senate by Mr. a conference report on that bill. ment insert "$2,600,900,000"; a.nd the Senate Arrington, one of its clerks, announced The SPEAKER. Is there objection to agree to the same.
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