NOL Collection 1, A sequence 1 Discovery Investigations (Discovery Investigations and National Institute of Oceanography (Late 1920s, some 1930s, 1940-1960) Director’s office A1 National Institute of Oceanography: papers 1951-9 A2 Discovery Committee: winding up 1949 A3 National Institute of Oceanography: executive committee visiting 1948-52 sub-committee A4 National Institute of Oceanography: memorandum by Dr Feb 1948 Mackintosh A5 National Institute of Oceanography Charter: a Royal Charter for 1949-51 creating the members of the National Oceanographic Council a Body Corporate, final draft of Charter. London Times 8.2.51 Press release about formation of NOC, and *scientific work of RRS Discovery and RRS William Scoresby and *press statement notes by Neil MacKintosh. National Oceanographic Council logo A6 National Institute of Oceanography: correspondence about 1949-57 committee meetings A7 National Institute of Oceanography: financial statements and 1949-53 estimates A8 National Institute of Oceanography: arrangements for transfer, 1949 1949: future of Discovery Committee scientific staff when work is taken over by the National Institute of Oceanography A9 National Institute of Oceanography: annual report, 1949-50 plus 1949-51 some correspondence A10 National Institute of Oceanography: annual report, 1950-1 1950-2 A11 National Institute of Oceanography: correspondence with Admiralty 1947-8 and Colonial Office regarding the formation of the National Institute of Oceanography A12 Discovery Committee: minutes and correspondence 1945-8 A13 National Institute of Oceanography: Edgell Committee (Vice 1944 Admiral Sir John A. Edgell, K.B.E., C.B., F.R.S., Hydrographic Department, Admiralty) A14 Discovery Committee: pre-Second World War moves for extension 1938-9 of activities A15 National Institute of Oceanography: Abercrombie’s meeting and 1947-8 Deacon’s memorandum, 1948 (Mr N.J. Abercrombie, Head of M. branch and Dr G.E.R. Deacon, ORNSS) A16 National Institute of Oceanography: selecting location of the 1948-51 Institute A17 National Institute of Oceanography: National Oceanographic Oct 1950-Dec 1952; Council: list of members and agenda for first council meeting Jul 1960 A18 National Institute of Oceanography store records: wartime 1943-6 evacuation of material: contents of cupboard at the Natural History Museum; Scott Polar Research Unit, Cambridge and Stratfield Saye, Reading, Berkshire NOL Collection 1, A sequence 2 A19 Discovery Committee: Science Sub-Committee’s memorandum on 1940-44 future prospects A20 Discovery Committee: letters to the Secretary of State on future 1944 activities and other correspondence and reports Dominions A21 Correspondence with George W.Rayner, Commonwealth Scientific 1947-54 and Industrial Research Organisation, Division of Fisheries, Marine Biological Laboratory, New South Wales, Australia A22 Discovery Committee co-operation with Dominions: Australia, New 1937-49 Zealand, South Africa and Canada A23 National Institute of Oceanography: co-operation with Dominions: 1949-54 New Zealand and Australia A24 Indexing systems: design of punch card, particularly for whale 1956-62 records A25 Minutes and correspondence: notes form an informal meetings and Aug 1947 – Jan comments about the wide distribution of S.C. minutes sent to 1948 Dominions A26 Discovery Committee: correspondence about meetings, especially 1937-49 arrangements for meetings and agenda items A27 Correspondence about meetings Jul 1949 A28 Discovery Committee: news bulletins 1933-7 A29 Discovery Committee: news bulletins 1930-2 A30 Discovery Committee: news bulletins and reports of business and 1925-9 progress to committee A31 British-Norwegian collaboration: correspondence with Professor 1925-30 Johan Hjort, F.R.S., Biologisk Laboratorium, Universitetet, Oslo A32 Scientific equipment sub-committee preliminary estimates and 1925-36 correspondence with Colonial Office A33 Discovery Committee personnel: notes about staff (particularly 1937-60 Colonial staff) including about retirement. Includes a photograph of the launch of RRS Discovery II A34 Information sent from the Royal Naval Scientific Service 1949 A35 Customs and Excise Office: examination of packages before c. 1924-47 exportation and about customs duties A36 Petty cash: accounts and reimbursements 1941-8 A37 Statement of expenditure/disbursements for the Discovery 1937-9 Investigations, scientific A38 Collections: wartime evacuation: Stratfield Saye, Reading, 1939-45 Berkshire (The Duke of Wellington provided some wartime accommodation for the collections) A39 Collections: wartime evacuation: Scott Polar Research Unit, 1939-45 Cambridge: correspondence and lists of material A40 Inventories of equipment and furniture stored in various locations 1939 throughout the war A41 Staff: wartime arrangements, including staff assisting with the war 1939-40, 1947 effort A42 Stationary orders: mainly office and B.M. (British Museum?) 1932-49 A43 Office arrangements: furniture, social events, equipment, 1930-56 maintenance, pay arrangements, attendance books, telephone extensions and a floor plan of Queen Anne’s Chambers NOL Collection 1, A sequence 3 A44 General arrangements for scientific work at home: 1925 Notes to the equipment subcommittee about accommodation at the Polar Research Unit, Cambridge and the Natural History Museum; Minutes of the equipment subcommittee on Dr Kemp’s notes of the preparation and publication of the results of the Discovery expedition A45 Farewell function by Colonial Office to Discovery staff: cocktail Mar 1949 party, 24 Mar 1949 A46 Marine laboratories general: 1945, 1956-7 Course in fish population studies; Description of model used to demonstrate dynamics of exploited fish stocks A47 Festival of Britain, 1951: arrangements for the Dome of Discovery 1948-51 and work of the Zoological panel A48 Challenger Society for the Promotion of Oceanography: minutes, 1929, 1942-56 agendas, arrangements for events, copies of journal A49 Challenger Society for the Promotion of Oceanography: annual 1950-72 reports, agendas, notices, programmes A50 British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics and 1954-60 Physical Oceanography subcommittee: reports from the Royal Society and National Committee for Oceanic research A51 International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, The Royal Society 1961-8 British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics and the Physical Sciences of the Ocean/the Oceanography subcommittee A52 Papers of the Antarctic: Royal Geographical Society subcommittee 1950-3 on Antarctic Nomenclature A53 The Royal Geographical Society and the Geographical Club 1928-58 including: Research and Expeditions Committee; The Joint Polar Subcommittee; A54 Royal Geographical Society: Council and Committees: Joint Polar 1945-53 Subcommittee, Finance Committee, Research and Expeditions Committee, Education Committee, Council Meetings A55 Royal Geographical Society: Research and Expeditions Committee: 1956-8 minutes and correspondence A56 Natural History Museum: papers and correspondence with staff 1927-58 including Dr H.W.Parker, Dr W.J.Rees, Dr H.E.Bargamnn, Sir Gavin de Beel and Dr A.B.Hastings A57 British Glaciological Society (the Association for the Study of 1950-72 Snow and Ice): list of members, arrangements for annual general meeting, accounts, minutes from meetings A58 British Glaciological Society (the Association for the Study of 1938-49 Snow and Ice): accounts, rules, correspondence, reports, list of members A59 Antarctic Club: list of members, reports, social events, 1947-57 correspondence A60 Records of biological work at the National Institute of 1962-78 Oceanography (NIO) and the Institute of Oceanography Southampton (IOS) with reports from 1949 NOL Collection 1, A sequence 4 A61 Alphabetical index to the National Oceanographic Council (NOC) 1949-53, 1987 and Committee agendas and minutes, 1949-53; Plus: Draft memoranda of the work of Discovery II in the southern ocean and proposed treatment of data, Jan 1952; Memorandum on transfer of National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) to Witley, Godalming, Surrey, Jun 1951; The National Institute of Oceanography, Oct 1963; NIO: the early years of the Deacon laboratory, 1987 A62 Development Commission: appointment of Mr F.S.O.Broughton to 22 Sep 1955 replace Mr E.H.E.Havelock as Secretary of the Development Commission A63 The Colonial Office and Admiralty: the Admiralty Social Service 1944-7 Association; Colonial Office change of address; publication of some articles in Nature A64 Government Scientific service and policy: Government Scientific 1944-7 Civil Service: printed material Discovery Committee A65 Discovery Committee: questions of further commissions, 1934-7: 1934-7 papers and correspondence on the future of the Discovery Investigations A66 Discovery Committee: questions of further commissions, 1933: 1933 papers and correspondence on the future of the Discovery Investigations Symposia A67 Symposia on the biology and productivity of the sea: Institute of 1952-3 Biology, 18-19 Sep 1953: papers and correspondence A68 The Zoological Society of London: symposium on marine zoology, 1955 23-24 Mar 1966: printed programme and some handwritten notes A69 International Council for Exploration of the Sea Symposium on 1965-6 resources of the African Continental Shelf: a study of the living resources of the African Atlantic Continental Shelf, the stock of such resources and their fisheries between the Strait of Gibraltar and Cape Verde A70 Symposia including: 1957-68 Investigation and resources of the Caribbean sea and
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