LINTON PARISH COUNCIL Interim Clerk: Mrs Marilyn Strand The Village Hall, Coles Lane, Linton, Cambridge. CB21 4JS. Tel: 01223 891001 Email: [email protected] Chairman: Mrs Enid Bald. Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of Linton Parish Council held at the Cathodeon Centre on Thursday 10th September 2015 at 7pm. Present: Cllr. Alison Walker (AW) (Chairman); Cllr. Nicola Miller (NM) (Vice-Chair); Cllr. Enid Bald (EB); Cllr. Jan Bumstead (JB); Cllr. David Champion (DC); Cllr. Amy Smith (AS); Cllr Beatrice Ward (Dr) (BW). Clerk: Marilyn Strand Members of the Public: 18 County Cllr. Roger Hickford. The meeting was opened at 7pm. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr. Jacque Wilson (unwell) 2. COUNCILLORS’ DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DC declared a personal interest in item 6 (b) S/1963/15/OL. This had been confirmed by SCDC’s Monitoring Officer and CAPALC. 3. OPEN FORUM FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Residents from Bartlow Road, Horseheath Road, Kenwood Gardens, Lonsdale, Emsons Close and Horn Lane had attended the meeting in order to express objections to planning applications S/1969/15/OL – Ely Diocese, and S/1963/15/OL – Pembroke College, University of Cambridge & G W. Balaam & Sons Ltd. Their objections are summarised as follows: The infrastructure is already at or near capacity for schools and the medical centre, as well as roads, water and sewage, making the proposed developments unsustainable. The sewage system in this area is overwhelmed which frequently causes the sewers to overflow and flood properties in Emsons Close. Almost half of the proposed development on Bartlow Road is situated within a flood plain which floods annually. There is insufficient evidence in the submission that this has been sufficiently ameliorated. An increase in the volume of traffic using the Horseheath & Bartlow road junctions onto the A1307 will increase the likelihood of serious road traffic accidents, particularly during rush hour in the mornings and evenings. Development in Haverhill also contributes to the volume of traffic on the A1307 further aggravating this issue. An increase in the volume of traffic using Horseheath Road would further impact upon existing safety concerns for children trying to cross the road when walking to school. It is already extremely dangerous due to parked cars, poor sight lines and the speed of traffic which is likely to result in a serious accident. The proposed developments are outside of the village envelope and if granted would give opportunity for further developments thus spoiling the character of the village. Concerns over the way these applications are being handled by SCDC were also expressed: SCDC’s website had gone down and emails to planning officers expressing objections had been ignored. A telephone call had only resulted in the response that an officer would ‘be in touch in a few days’ time’. Siting of notices on trees in the area did not seem adequate for developments of this size. The siting of one planning notice was in an area where there is no footpath making it unlikely that this would have been seen or read by residents. 1 Cllr. Roger Hickford stated that if residents were having difficulties submitting comments about these applications then they could sent them directly to him to be passed onto the appropriate individuals. He also encouraged residents to be sure to submit material planning considerations. A resident expressed concern that the workload for the PC regarding these applications is excessive and that there didn’t seem to be time for the PC to gather evidence to back up its comments. EB stated that the deadline for comments is 22nd September and that the PC was doing everything possible to make a meaningful submission before this date. This includes the possibility of employing a planning consultant, and all comments made would be in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). EB also encouraged residents to become involved with Linton’s Neighbourhood Plan. (Please email the Clerk if you are interested in this.) One resident had attended the meeting in support of application S/1960/15/FL (1 Rivey Way) and stated that a previous application on this site had been refused not on principle but on design. The current proposal addresses this issue as the design reflects the street pattern and visually aligns with neighbouring properties, slotting into the existing estate’s pattern. One resident had attended the meeting to express an objection to application S/1491/15/FL (16 Hollybush Way), stating that the amendment did not go far enough to alleviate concerns over the sight lines from his neighbouring property when exiting the driveway. 4. TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 20TH AUGUST 2015 The minutes of the meeting held on 20th August were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by DC and seconded by EB. All agreed. 5. MATTERS ARISING (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) The planned course “Writing Effective Responses to Planning Application Consultations” had been cancelled earlier in the week and will be re-scheduled as soon as practicable. 6. PLANNING MATTERS (a) Consideration of Decisions Received S/1683/15/FL Mr & Mrs Howard, 5 Keene Fields – two roof lights in rear of roof slope. Permission granted. It was noted that the PC’s comment that this should never become a dormer window had not been made a condition of permission. The Clerk will write to the Planning Officer concerning this. S/1804/15/FL Mr & Mrs S Barrett, 11 Lonsdale – alterations & rear extension to detached garage to form granny annexe. Permission granted. It was noted that the PC’s comment that the annexe should never become a separate dwelling had been made a condition of permission. S/1676/15/FL Mr & Mrs Jones, 63 Back Road – first floor side and rear extension, extension to front porch and alterations. Permission granted. It was noted that the first floor side window, serving the bathroom, should be fixed shut, fitted and permanently glazed with obscure glass to prevent overlooking of adjoining properties. (b) Consideration of Planning Applications Received S/1969/15/OL Mr J Green, Ely Diocesan Board of Finance, Horseheath Road – outline planning application with all matters reserved for up to 50 houses and 30 allotments. PC Decision: To NOT support The proposed development is outside of the village envelope and was rejected in the SHLAA assessments as having no development potential. Linton is classified a Minor Rural Centre which allows a maximum of 30 houses in any one development. The position of the development would affect the long views from the east out of the village, and its setting in rural landscape. Building here will neither conserve nor enhance the amenity of the village’s natural, built and historic environment and resources. It would certainly not “improve” the edge of Linton and would impact on the Conservation Area and character of the village. The housing needs of the village are predominantly for bungalows (for disabled access and for older residents wishing to downsize) and for smaller, affordable homes. The housing mix here should reflect the needs of our current population. The development offers no potential for employment within the village and will probably attract incoming commuters, adding to the burden on the infrastructure. The site is approximately three quarters of a mile, or one kilometre, from the village centre and further from recreation areas, schools and other amenities. This means that is likely that these will be accessed by car rather than on foot, adding to the current traffic and parking problems within the village. 2 The junction with the A1307 is difficult and dangerous and therefore traffic from the development would leave by the safer route through the village, adversely affecting our Conservation Area and historic buildings. The site access is onto a 50mph area, adding to safety issues. In addition, other proposed developments in the vicinity which provide insufficient parking would compound the traffic issues in the area. The infrastructure is already at or near capacity for schools and the medical centre, as well as roads, water and sewage. The piecemeal and cumulative infill developments in the village will absorb any current capacity. In particular, Linton Infants’ School has little scope for expansion. Allotments form part of the proposals however, these will be leased and therefore potentially lost in the future. Linton has already lost three or more potential allotments sites and is pursuing purchase of this land for village food production. There has been no archaeological assessment despite the potential archaeological importance of the site (a Roman Villa). We note errors in the planning statement for example: 29 shops. Water run off caused by loss of green space might affect neighbouring properties, especially due to the slope of the site. This site is not sustainable by the criteria applied in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Housing developments in Haverhill and Saffron Walden are also adding to traffic on the A1307. The 2013 police traffic survey noted 500 vehicle movements per day from Horseheath Road onto the A1307 If permission to build is granted here, LPC would ask for the following conditions to be put in place: A full historic, environmental and ecological assessment of the area should be carried out. Noise mitigation for the site and for the village. Landscape mitigation (trees and hedges). Road safety issues to be addressed. A long lease on the allotments land. Design to be in keeping with current housing needs and the wider architectural character of the area. Site traffic would have to access the development from the A1307 and not through the village. S/1963/15/OL Pembroke College, University of Cambridge & G.W. Balaam & Sons Ltd, land to north and south of, and immediate, Linton – residential development for up to 78 dwellings with landscape buffer and new vehicular accesses from Bartlow Road.
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