Welcome to the Centennial Meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ODAY, the Watch Tower In Bible times the locations of T Society is known around important happenings were of- the world wherever the work of ten marked as reminders of such Jehovah's Witnesses is known. events and their significance. In 205 countries people are tak- Many of the activities of Jeho- ing in Bible instruction in some vah's Witnesses today had their 190 different languages. Their beginnings in the original class, lives are greatly benefited from or congregation, of Bible Stu- dissemination of Bible truths by dents here in Pittsburgh, Penn- the Watch Tower Society. sylvania. It is thus appropriate that the 100th anniversary of Through the initiative and the the Watch Tower Society be coordinating efforts of this So- Watch Tower Building, ciety, the work that began with held in this city, and that we use 4100 Bigelow Blvd., Pittsburgh the opportunity to reflect on one congregation in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, in the 1870's has what has taken place during the last 100 years with benefit to the spread to 46,235 congregations throughout the world. The So- work ahead. ciety has worked closely with There is, indeed, much evidence the Bible Students, now Jeho- that Jehovah has proved to be vah's Witnesses, during times of with his people and that he has trial and testing from within blessed and established the work and persecution from without, of their hands-accomplished through two world wars and by the instrumentality of the countless local upheavals and Watch Tower Society. There- times of trouble. It has provided fore, in accord with the Jehovah's Witnesses Assembly Hall continuity to the work of re- thoughts of Psalm 78:2-7, it is at Coraopolis, Pennsylvania storing basic Bible truths in appropriate that we use this oc- these last days. casion to relate to the newer This annual meeting, which also generation the "praises of Jeho- marks the 100th anniversary of vah . and his wonderful the Watch Tower Society, pro- things that he has done." vides an opportunity of review- ing how well the Society has fulfilled its purpose, and of looking ahead to the work yet to be done. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 6, 1984 L F Watch Tower Society Takes Over a Work Already Begun HE Watch Tower Society sociates published, in 1873, the T did not create the Bible bookiet The Objmt and Manner Students, nor did it begin the of the Lord's Retum. Four years work of disseminating Bible later a book was published enti- truths and preparing men for tled Three WmlrkF or Plan of Re- the return of Our Lord. The So- demption. In 1879 Russell, along ciety was formed to expand the with fellow contributors, began work already begun by Charles publishing the Wat&mer mag- Taze Russell and his associates. azine under the tirle Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of As a young man Russell fol- '.'y:q--r. lowed the command of Jesus to Christ 3 Presence. ' _& his followers to "keep on the This magazine was published to watch." (Matthew 24:42) He keep to the fore the doctrine of felt strongly that certain de- the ransom and also the bless- nominational creeds, such as ings to come to mankind as a predestination and eternal dam- result of it. The printing of the nation, were contrary to Gd's first issue was 6,000. Russell love. pledged that, in connection Through a search of the Scrip with the publishing of this mag- tures, Russell and several like- azine, they would not beg for minded friends came to un- money but depend entirely on derstand that God purposed voluntary contributions. This to redeem mankind from death principle was als:, applied to al1 through the ransom sacrifice of meetings, which were advertised his only-begotten Son, Christ with the slogan "Seats Free-No Jesus. He also came to see that Collections. " the object of the Lord's return Further nondenominational Bi- was not to destroy but to bless ble research resulted in the pub- al1 families of the earth by lishing of many tracts and pam- means of God's Kingdom, and phlets, some being called Bible that the manner of the Lord's Stzldent's Tracts, Old Theology presence would be invisible as a Quarterb, Tabernacle Teachings, spirit in heaven, not visible in and Food for Thinking Chris- the flesh.-Genesis 12:3; 22: 18. tian~.More than a million cop- To inform others of this timely ies of the last-mentioned pam- information Russell and his as- phlet were distributed. I WATCH TOWER Centennial In the beginning, messenger discussion and also have pencil boys were sometimes hired to and paper for making notes. distribute literature, but quite This method of conducting early the principle was applied meetings continues down to the that the message be distributed present tirne. by the unpaid, voluntary efforts It was in 1881, during the early of those who believed, servants development of these activities, of the Lord. Already in 1881 a that Zion's Watch Tower Tract cal1 was made in Zion 's Watch Society was formed as a non- Tower for volunteers, preachers. incorporated association, to In 1881 and 1882 it was empha- provide funds and direction for sized in Zion's Watch Towcr that expanding the preaching activi- ail believers should be preach- ty through distribution of Bible ers. For example, the issue of literature. In 1884 it was decided April 1882 stated: "Al1 of Our to incorporate it under the laws people are preachers . we were of the Commonwealth of Penn- a11 given the same commission: sylvania so that, as -a legal .- hstru- 'Go ye into ail the world and ment not d-dent upon the preach this glad tiding to every life of any individuals, it could creature.'" In the October 1884 better carry on the work of ex- issue the appeal was made to al1 panding distribution of Bible believers as 'fellow preachers, literature. This was finalized by ministers of the grace of God the Court of Common Pleas . , let us make full proof of our No. 1 of Allegheny County, ministry.' Pennsylvania, on Decembei: So from the date of its incorpo- b13 1884. ration in 1884, the Watch Tow- By that time the little congrega- er Society was to work closely tion in Pittsburgh, Pennsylva- with the Bible Students, a true nia, had established these basic society of ministers. principles: nondenominational Meetings were held regularly by searching for Bible truths, dis- these Bible Students. They were tributing such in printed form not content to meet just once a by voluntary workers and sup- week like many of Christen- porting this financially by vol- dom's churchgoers. In addition untary contributions. During .. to holding public talks on Sun- the four years the Society had days, they met in smaller groups existed before its incorporation, in homes at other times during nearly 200,000,000 pages of the week. A basic procedure was tracts, pamphlets and books had G put into operation for meetings been printed and distributed. ht,apart from public lectures, And this was only the begin- 1, FOREIGN MISSION II in attendance share in the ning . Watch Tower Society Incorporated for Dissemination of Bible Truths RTICLE II of the charter ness to the name, word and su- of the Watch Tower Soci- premacy of Almighty God JE- ety States: "The purpose for HOVAH; to print and distrib- which the corporation is formed ute Bibles and to disseminate is, the dissemination of Bible Bible truths in various languages truths in various languages by . explaining Bible truths and means of the publication of prophecy concerning the estab- tracts, pamphlets, papers and lishment of Jehovah's kingdom other religious documents, and under Christ Jesus." by the use of al1 other lawful The first office of the Watch means which its Board of Direc- tors, duly constituted, shall Tower Society was in a building at the corner of Federal and !!! !!! Society deem expedient for the further- ance of the purpose stated." Robinson Streets, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the location from The Society was not to seek fi- which Russell had earlier direct- nancial gain but only to finance ed his chain of clothing stores. the spreading of Bible truths. Membership was to consist of The Watch Tower Society con- 1 those who personally supporteci tinued the work of exposing this activity by their contribu- false religious creeds and estab- tions. The Watch Tower Soci- lishing Bible truth. During a ety would continue to be time of growing infidelity in the involved in the preaching world, it presented arguments activities of the Bible Students, against the evolution teaching, later known as Jehovah's Wit- higher criticism and any other nesses. trend designed to . undermine faith in the Bible. In agreement with this principle the charter was amended in In addition to preparing tracts, 1944 to read as follows: "The pamphlets and magazines, Rus- purposes of this Society are: To sell authored a series of books act as the servant of and legal on Bible truths entitled The Mil- - world-wide governing agency lennial Dawn, later called Studies for that body of Christian per- in the Script~res.The Society en- sons known as Jehovah's Wit- couraged al1 the Bible Students nesses; to preach the gospel of to share in voluntary tract dis- God's Kingdom under Christ tribution, either on streets in Jesus unto al1 nations as a wit- front of churches or at people's Bible House, Pittsburgh WATCH TOWER Centennial homes, putting them under A mission structure at 13-17 the door.
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