DECEMBER 24, 1898.] J Citutific �tUtricau. THE TALLEST OF sight of the Park MODERN OFFICE Row building to BUILDINGS. exclaim, "What Although New a monstrosity! " York city did not And it cannot be u n del' t a k e the denied that their construction 0 f exaggerated verti­ lofty office build­ c a J proportioll' ings until they _ _ render it impossi­ had become a fa­ �_ ble to judge these miliar feature in buildings by the the architecture ordinary canons of some Western and pronounce cities, it has run PARK ROW BUILDING COMPARED WITH THE "KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE." them beautiful. them up in such 'l'he modern office n umbers and to Park Row Buildinl':: Distance from bottom of piles to top of flagpole, 501 feet; weight, 20.000 tons. building, h Q w - s u c h unprece- " Kaiser Wilhelm": Extreme length on deck, 649 feet; weight, 20,000 tons. ever, is not to be Trinity Church, New York. Grant's Tomb, New York_ Dome of Capitol, WashIngton. Park Row Building, New Yurk_ The Paris Wheel. World Building. New York. 288 feet. 287� feet. 390 fe et_ 305 feet. 294 feet. NOTABLE BUILDINGS COMPARED WITH THE GREAT PYRAMID OF EGYPT-HEIGHT, 450 FEET; BASE, 746 FEET. dented heights in the last judged by the usual archi­ ten years that they have tectural standards. It pro­ now beeome the most char­ fesses to be nothing more acteristic and obtrusive or less than it is-a strictly feature of its architecture. utilitarian structure, ad­ The sky line of New York mirably adapted to its pur­ to-day is so changed from pose of housing the great­ that of twoscore years ago est possible number of that a former resident, re­ business men upon a limit­ turning from abroad after ed area in the city's busiest an absence of twenty years, center. The ever-increas­ would be quite unable to ing value of property, the recognize the city as he tendency of business to steamed up the waters of concentrate within certain the bay. The sky line of circumscribed areas, and former years was deter­ the possibility opened up mined by the uniform level by the modern fast-run­ of the five-story buildings ning elevator, have con­ which composed the bulk spired to render necessary of the down-town districts, and possible the stupend­ broken by such familiar ous office buildings of to­ landmarks as the spires day. of Trinity Church and As regards the engineer­ St. Paul's Chapel, one or ing and architectural prob­ two shot towers, and a few lems presented, it must be church and chapel towers confessed that the first of less conspicuous height. have been easier of solu­ To-day the eye follows a tion than the second. It picturesquely i I' re g u Ja r is a simple matter to pile line of cornice and roof story upon story and so tops, much of which is over proportion columns and two hundred feet and not girders to loads that the a little of it over three structure shall posse s s hundred feet above the eternal stability; but it IS street level. an altogether different Towering high above the problem for the architect tallest 01 Lllese great struc­ to clothe the "skeleton" tures 18 the vast bulk of with a mantle of stone and the Park Row buildmg, glass that !;hall appeal' di­ which lIfts its twin towers versified, yet dignified and 390 feet into mid-air and appropriate. un fur J8 its two tlags over It wili, we think, be ad­ the city at a height of 447 mitted that in hIS treat­ teet above the sidewalk! ment of the towering pIle We can imagine that the of the Park. Row building, New Yorker already re­ the architect, Mr. R. H. fe rred to, on returning to Robertson, has produced his native city after twen­ a very satisfactory effect. ty years of absence, espe­ The bald, tower-like im­ cially if he had lived pression which w 0 u I d among the exquisite archi­ Astor Souse. Park RowB uilding. St. Paul Bulldillfl:. St. Paul's Chapel naturally be con "eyed by tecture of the old world, Erected 1834. Erected 18118. Erected 1896. Erected 1764. a fa«;ade nearly 400 feet would be tempted at first THE OLD AND THE NEW, AS SEEN FROIl ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. high on a base of about © 1898 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. 410 Jtitutifit �mtritau. 100 feet is modified by treating these stories in sets of "distributing girders" were placed between the foun­ four or five and accentuating the width of the building dations and the footings of the vertical columns of the Name, Number of Stories. Tower, Height. by heavy mouldings and projecting balconies. This building. These girders are from 8 feet to 47 feet long ---- ---- accentuation:of the horizontal as against the perpen- and vary from 4 feet to 87a' feet in depth. The heaviest Feet dicular lines is successful, for, impressive as it is, the of these, which is placed beneath the wall on Theater ParkRow ........... ........... .. 29 Yes 390 building does not really" look" its full height of 447 Manhattan Life .................. .. 18 Yes 348 St. Paul ............ ............... feet to the top of the flagpole. 26 No 313 21 No 312 It is not our intention in the present article to enter �cia�'g:�r�·::::::.::::::·::: 20 Yes 304' Gillender ..........., . ..... .. ... 19 Yes aoo into a detailed description of the constructional features ---- of the building, which do not differ in any important particulars from the standard work put into buildings World building,the dome of the Capitol at Washington, of this class. We will rather draw attention to what and the spire of Trinity Church, NewYork,it requiresall might be called the sensa! ional and spectacular features of its 57 feet of flagstaff to bring its highest point within of this, the most remaJ'kable commercial building ever 3 feetof the top of the Pyramid. Omitting the Pyramid, erected, or, in respect of its height, likely to be erected. however, it is conspicuously the tallest inhabited build­ The plan of the bui Iding, as will be seen from the en­ ing in the world, for while the cornice of the American graving, presents much ir('egularity, due to the cupidity Surety building is 313 feet above the level of the street, of some of the adjoining property owners, who asked pro­ the floor of the restaurant at the top of the Park Row hibitive prices. It has a frontage of 103 feet 11 inches building will be 308 feet above the street, while the floor on Park Row, 23 feet on An.n Street, and 47 feet 10� of the topmost oflices in the towers (fine, well-lighted inches on Theater Alley. 'l'wo of our illustrations were rooms 24feet in diameter) will be 340feet above the same taken from the Ann Street side, another was taken from level. The main part of the building will have twenty· the western end of SL Paul's Churchyard, while that five stories, while the Park Row front will be twenty­ on the front page was taken from the roof of the Astor seven stories high, the space between the two towers House, looking across the junction of Park Row being occupied by a ki tchen for use in connection wit h and Broadway. The area of the lot is 15,000 ·square a restaurant below it, which will occupy the full feet., and the vast bulk that towers above it, weighing, wid! h of the building. The cornice of this f!'Ont is with the maximum loads that can be placed on the 336 feet above the sidewalk, while the top of the twenty-nine floors, some 54,000 tons, stands (it may cupola on the towers is 390 feet above the same le vel. surprise some of our readers to know) upon a founda­ The flagpole truck is 57 feet above the cupola, while tion of sand. No such fate as befell the Biblical the feet of the pilps are 54 feet below the street le\-el ; house that was built, not upon the rock. but upon the hence the total heil!ht of the building from shoe of sand, will ever overtake this .. end of the century" piling to truck of flagpole is over 500 feet. structure, for the duty of carrying t.he building is in­ The point of view from which the building shows its trusted to SOUle four thousand, 12-inch piles, which were driven into the sand by the pile-driver until they ('efused to budge any further. As the average load that is ever likely to come upon the piles is about 7 tons, while their maximum bearing capacity is oveJ' 20 STATUE FOR FACADE BY J, MASSEY RHIND. Alley, weighs 52� tons. While on the subject of the steel work, it will be of interest to state that the heaviest load borne by any one column is 1,450 tons. Park Row Building. The Great Pyramid. VERTICAL HEIGHT.-The Park Row building is COMPARATIVE BULK OF PARK ROW BUILDING AND considerably the tallest commercial building in the THE GREAT PYRAMID, world. The following table gives the names and TYPICAL PLAN OF A FLOOR. heights of those New York office buildings whose tons, it will be seen that even if the rain descends, and highest point is 300 feet or more above the street level. vast proportions to best advantage is that from which the floods come, and the winds blow and beat upon The sketch on the adJoining page, which is drawn our front page engraving was made.
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