Mar. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 troops in the theater of operations, and new Thank you for listening. high-tech munitions to replace the ones we have used in the war. The supplemental would also provide funds to assist in the reconstruction of Iraq and to help protect NOTE: The address was recorded at 10:31 the American homeland in this time of high a.m. on March 28 in the Cabinet Room at alert. I hope the Congress will act quickly the White House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. to pass this essential measure. on March 29. The transcript was made avail- The people who serve in the military are able by the Office of the Press Secretary on giving their best to this country. We have March 28 but was embargoed for release the responsibility to give them our full sup- until the broadcast. In his remarks, the Presi- port as they fight for the liberty of an op- dent referred to President Saddam Hussein pressed people, for the security of the of Iraq. The Office of the Press Secretary United States, and for the peace of the also released a Spanish language transcript world. of this address. Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Transmitting a Subsidy Budget Authority Request for US Airways, Inc. March 28, 2003 Dear Mr. Speaker: et and Emergency Deficit Control Act of In accordance with provisions of Public 1985. Law 107–42, the Air Transportation Safety The details of this request are set forth and System Stabilization Act, I hereby sub- in the enclosed letter from the Director mit a request pursuant to section 101(b) of the Office of Management and Budget. of that Act, for support of a $1 billion Fed- Sincerely, eral credit instrument for US Airways, Inc. I hereby designate this subsidy budget GEORGE W. BUSH authority, currently estimated at $137.6 mil- lion, as an emergency requirement pursu- NOTE: This letter was released by the Office ant to section 252(e) of the Balanced Budg- of the Press Secretary on March 31. Remarks at the Port of Philadelphia in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania March 31, 2003 Thank you very much for that warm wel- After all, it was in this place that we first come. It is an honor to be here at one declared our dedication to liberty. We still of our Nation’s busiest ports and one of believe that all men are created equal and our country’s greatest cities. have the right to be free. And that is true Philadelphia and its port shows the hard- for Americans, and that is true for men working spirit of this country. It speaks to and women in Iraq. our economic might. Most importantly, We know that liberty must be defended Philadelphia talks about a proud history. by every generation. Today, in the Middle 312 Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 / Mar. 31 East and on other fronts in the war on Today I had the honor of meeting John terror, this generation of Americans is fight- Susanin. John is a volunteer for the Amer- ing bravely in the cause of freedom. And ican Red Cross. He, like thousands of our that includes the good people of the United fellow citizens all across the country, are States Coast Guard. willing to dedicate time to help in this The men and women of our Coast Guard cause of making sure our homeland is se- are showing once again that you are ‘‘always cure. The Red Cross, American Red Cross, ready.’’ You’re always ready to serve with plays a vital role. And I want to thank John courage and excellence. You are always for his service to our community. ready to place your country’s safety above There’s a lot of room for opportunity your own. You shield your fellow Americans for our fellow citizens, people who want from the danger of this world, and America to do something for America. You can vol- is grateful. unteer. You can volunteer to help watch It’s my honor to be here with Tom neighborhoods. You can volunteer to help Ridge, the first Secretary of the Depart- neighborhoods become better prepared. ment of Homeland Security. People of You can volunteer for the Red Cross. You Pennsylvania trained him well. [Laughter] could love a neighbor just like you’d like He’s doing a fabulous job, and I appreciate to be loved yourself. It’s happening all across America. And John, thank you for his service. coming. I’m honored to be with the leadership And I also want to thank Manny of the United States Coast Guard: Admiral Greenwald for being here as well. Manny Tom Collins; Vice Admiral Jim Hull. Most is of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. I was importantly, I’m glad to be with the men briefed today by Admiral Hull, who told and women who proudly wear the uniform me there’s auxiliarists all across the country of the United States Coast Guard. who are helping the Coast Guard achieve I appreciate the Members of the United their vital mission. I want to thank all the States Congress who have joined us here: Mannys across America who are helping Senator Arlen Specter—thank you for com- our Coast Guard do its job. Manny’s only ing, Senator Specter; Members of Congress 92 years old—[laughter]—and he’s still Robert Brady and Jim Gerlach, Jim Green- working hard. wood, Don Sherwood, and Joe Hoeffel. This is a time of great consequence for Thank you all very much for being here. our country. Right now, men and women I appreciate you coming. from every part of America, supported by Members from the statehouse, the State a strong coalition, are fighting to disarm government, are here: the Lieutenant a dangerous regime and to liberate an op- Governor Knoll, Attorney General Fisher pressed people. are with us today. Thank you both for com- It has been 11 days since the major ing. And the mayor came, Mayor Street. ground war began. In this short time, our Thank you, I’m honored you’re here, Mr. troops have performed brilliantly, with skill Mayor. I appreciate you coming. and with bravery. They make us proud. In I also want to thank employees of the 11 days, coalition forces have taken control Bureau of Customs and Border Protection of most of western and southern Iraq. In for being here, as well as my Federal em- 11 days, we’ve seized key bridges, opened ployees, Federal workers of the Bureau of a northern front, achieved—nearly achieved Immigration and Customs. I’m honored to complete air superiority, and are delivering have you here. I want to thank you for tons of humanitarian aid. By quick and de- your dedication and hard work for our Gov- cisive action, our troops are preventing Sad- ernment. dam Hussein from destroying the Iraqi 313 Mar. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 people’s oilfields. Our forces moved into Members of the Coast Guard are per- Iraqi missile launch areas that threatened forming their duties with bravery and excel- neighboring countries. Many dangers lie lence, and America appreciates your fine ahead, but day by day, we are moving clos- service. er to Baghdad. Day by day, we are moving In this time of war, the Coast Guard’s closer to victory. service in America’s waters is more impor- Our victory will mean the end of a tyrant tant than ever. We still count on you to who rules by fear and torture. Our victory rescue fishermen and others at sea. We will remove a sponsor of terror armed with still count on you to enforce maritime law weapons of terror. Our victory will uphold and to fight drug smuggling. Yet now, as the just demands of the United Nations part of the Department of Homeland Secu- and the civilized world. And when victory comes, it will be shared by the long-suf- rity, you have taken on a new and vital fering people of Iraq, who deserve freedom mission, a mission as important as any in and dignity. your 213-year history, the mission of de- The dictator’s regime has ruled by fear fending our country against terrorist attack. and continues to use fear as a tool of domi- In the finest traditions of the Coast Guard, nation to the end. Many Iraqis have been you are rising to the challenge. ordered to fight or die by Saddam’s death This is a vital task and a massive under- squads. Others are pressed into service by taking. More than 90 percent of our com- threats against their children. Iraqi civilians bat materials and our trade moves by sea. attempting to flee to liberated areas have At this port alone, thousands of cargo con- been shot and shelled from behind by tainers arrive every day. Your job of pro- Saddam’s thugs. Schools and hospitals have tecting our Nation’s port is essential to our been used to store military equipment. economic security and to our national secu- They serve as bases for military operations. rity. Iraqis who show friendship toward coalition The appropriations bill I signed into law troops are murdered in cold blood by the earlier this year increased Coast Guard regime’s enforcers. funding to over $6 billion, the highest level The people of Iraq have lived in this ever. We’re directing new resources to pay nightmare world for more than two dec- for better intelligence capabilities, new ades.
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