, , r , '11 --~• • ' r ¸ " :' •r .... •'' •.'' .... ~~'~ LEGISLATIVE /. • ~ PARLZMENT ~UILDING~LI~IIM~Y J • ":i" " ' g' Ytc tor.t.a, B.C. , . " . VSV IZ4 1 .~ ~: - I '.. :" ; i . ~. :i:".. : • upgra' .....d]ng ......... ...... .........be'l':''ql " ...... ~,,~,:: • , , ~ .... ~ : ~: ! : :, '"~%~,;"~ *~,,'~:~;,- m,,-,~]n'U~'~u~l d bulldln;M : ~ ! ": ':" :' : ~',:::: ;'~-' ",'. :: : : :' :':: "'~ .... ~ ' ':*' :': ::~ . :: ":'" "~ ' ~:" ' ': : ' : : ~. ': : ;-:.' ":-; ".~ : ...... :;~~'" the ~rd~oMd'~ coolzulJedl. ~' : :: :: ..', " :~: ' ........ ' • Y!~ fi~ u~wan carried out my m. yth .:, ............ : ........... ........ • ,- .,,. : ,... .......... .,.: .......... : ................ ., ........ : .. m ..... ,,, ~:~ ea~rlous~nt~nr~rdt,~t ...... •.' ~*rm' l~te~ent nt the ,rmu~st Of thesehool l~0~dingac~li~fot ~ ~wo! 10 ~ In.,.;SlW.e.U.on r~t ,,w!tbl~o~le other.~,~ memebers., • ~ot:~ly.~Vo!ve~tbe'eXisUn,~ l)uildin~,, and ter~t but =i,~, ':, • :: ..~,;;;~,:: .,' .:":-:---. -. -..?. .... :: .;: ..: ':::a~ ~'dntil ~ fl~d~tec,~o'd~ l~:Ve ~ ..... :. RickShaw .th~rdinatm'.f~the~Fa/'m, said-s~l~, :'evm.vsch00i~ildaMa~]t~atvi.~i~"th~n,,m,v.?~, . ... : . ':".: Acc0rdlngtotheroport,' :~" th!ed.. ~sflcl~m~i . e~ ' .... db;. :" :...:-.imtaHe~ : .....,.. ' .. .: ..... : :.:... .... : - :....,.::-:...~:'...,~er~t...:-. ::. ~ .: ~...~ :. have~nundertakento¢orrect.tltedefldendesoutlinedin .: .:... ..... ....: . : ; : . :., - :.:::...:. TheHart Farmiis . joea:.ted. off .the.~l .•m.IY~da!)out~o... ....... ' ' ..... - : .'. @ w o~d Imming sad- propane: hen.U~ ~. ~ .up-; Fire de~rtm~nt and soho1~ dls~et o~iciak re~used to. ' T~l~a~'~.a ~.:~, ,,:,,._ ,,.~ ,.: ,,:: .:_.., :;_. ,;.::,;: :. ktiomel~, north of.Terrace, The ~hrounds are owned by the . • ~l~(mmu~,;,mdmhtmmatmwh~chlaml~lamr~f(]~U~., m~mmt. ~..~'"lh-. ~,~',.~Lll ,*km,'zs~kNd ~m,~,~l mrL.im ~'k,mem. ' ."---. --,, ,,,~-~ v..m ,,,~m .m .m ,~pu,, .,., .-,-7 nr~! turks branch and a~e o,~rated h,, Terrace . :,' • ipmm.,m,.~u.~Ma,.m~#~ ,..m,.~,,u*~,, mienS--- ,"~-. • ~,~maM.~. ~ m~ q~l~m~, ~um q~wa ~ IS~V~ M~I~MS ' "~m'" ";'i'~" :..t...mZ--.. --..~. ~J..S.X. --.~..,;.., 6~. 611.~ 'g.,~..~--.---- r- . r--• • . ~ ",',7 ~, m~ • [V'~ llUaipV paO t ad~11=Jnilll 11v~Hl| fllN~ ~dllill~ II whioh ",~.,.-~I,;.I,,~" *^ A., .;..,' " " " ,' " : , , , : " . vv•7 m .m ~ ua;atmplg tree wmvm ir~rm uu'~ ~l, mrulmr riM~d~l~ . ..... : " :' ~ulted from idJ~e nmnber at ~nk~ contaL~b~ : ..,• :: ,.,~,::.~,temlos.eardby , :., The farm ha~ been to existenee for ;m years and sarveq aa ,~mumble and comlmalible ~ and the manner In School board chalJ:man Nauc~, Orr ~ld she hem not yet .... amwm~ma s~ m more man me mm o~ me recomenoauons a place where groups can camp with0ut being disturbed by twhtch th~ are stored on the site.. .... ' ...... : " seen the relp~/t, which she mid'would hot be made public:: ' had:alrcody been implemented. " " ~ @ The lack of flre and smoko detecti. on davices in sleeping unUlafterit~beenraimMa%aboardmenting, Orr,would : Untilla proper fire det~tim system can, be inalailed~ the.public.'In addition, to:• the: • school.: - board pro~anm, which, , am : ootindleatewhen the report would be inel~ed on a meeting ..Slmw said people Would not be using any ~ the buildings to earrted out, church groups, service clube and other com- ~ • ~e,quata f~ m)aratio""b~v~ ~.e ~ arm. ~ ' '" : . ' +' ":" " ' .' ' ~ : ' ', * . .. " 'r. " , M~in, but would insteadcamp o~. oa the grounds.. munitygroups from across the regiou have used the , However, 'theHeral~ has learned that a special meeting . "H I[.is not mooting the standards tl~n it will have:to be facilities extensively in recent years, • . / ...... • . ; ":, . , ' -~ ::'$6iv/ng the ' ,t Prooress/veq . / . ..... ;. 1 ~', , :Northwest ]s,~m ...... 25 cents Established 190t..:~ ....... Volume 76 NO 117 " Make.' ' ' .... work prolec• • t Stopped ,n: red .,tape (/ Herald Staff WHter scheme after a similar program .was VICTORIA -- The federal-provincial 'unveiled in Ontario/atelast winter. _ forestry make-work program is hung up in "If the province had moved last red tape, and Skeena ~ Frank Howard February or March .the program would be is blaming the provinclai governmentfor in effect right now and people employed," not acting fast enough to get.tmemplqyed Howard said, "Every day it is dehiyed loggers back to work. , means the guy who needs the money won't Howardsays the provincial government be getting a~." • . "dilly-dailied" last winter and delayed Projects must I~e submitted to the siKalng'an agreqnent ~ the,federai district office and forwarded unto government in rimeto get the Era- .forestry the.. provincis~ ailvaculture, branch r, for ployment Bridging Assistance Program approval. They must then be approved by-. (EBAP) in. action this sum~e~. "Days are running on and n~dy's the Canadtan Forest Set~ieebefo~going ..~,_.~ ,, .-. __., _ ~ ,,.~ ±~_ _. • onto the Unemployment Insurance ' ~=mpz~¢u; nuwaru says. ~ ~'nugm~r m. • /,,..,~.,;,*s~ ~ .~..~ .... .,.! ~r~ci~a~ in the piogram ~ ~e .... E~rd says abeut ~0 proposals have , their UIC benefllS, rum out by the Ume.it. • been dubmitted from the Terrace du~ict gets going;meaningit will be theeed of the o(flce and are now under consi~retien by program for' them." the provincial silvaculture department. The EBAP scheme couples ~0 million in Two of those projectb ~ be approved federal funds and $1o milli.m in provinciai .shortly and. submitted-to the Canadian :One of a number Of carvings just off the road between Tlell and Skidegate, Q:C.I. - to boost payments made to UIC Forest service, meaning ~oy are still ' I recipients who agree to take part. in weeks away from actually getting under forestry make-wbrl/projects. In order to way, Howard aaid, qualify for the program a person must be .... "If our government hadn't had Its' feet receiving uIc bene~ite. stuck In frozen .syrup this winter which Howa~ bfarn_m .the l~i'ovincisl govern- ...... l~evented it from .acting quickly,, the Ottawa will not make Am ax cut tailings Jment for reacting slowly In apprea.ching projects could bein effect right now," he the federal government to.tqke part in the said, VANCOUVER (CP)--The closureof a B.C. LeBlanc also indicated at the conference that enhancement p~gram. Packers ~ plant in Prince Rupert, resulting he has no intention of making Ama~ of Canada He also held out the possibility that Fraser in the lcu of 300 jobs, waa unavoidable because Ltd. cut theamouut of toxic mine tailings it is River chinook fishermen mayget more fishing of-dimini~ed profits, Fisheries Minister releasing into Alice Arm. time.this year. Romeo I~Blene satd Thursday. They are limited to six days fishing between A joint Senate-Commons committee has - Britain gets guarantee Commenting on the closure of the Seal Cove April and Novembcr. They are seeking six chastised LeBlane for granting a special groundlish ~g plant, Leblanc said .the weeks dqring this period. \ . permit toAmax to dump the fail'rags,. ,'he WNDON (c~) -~ Britain 1,100 Idlometres south of Foreign Office spokesman greundflsh industry is undergoing considerable "I agreed to take a secondlonk," the minister permitallow.s/kmax to dump 12,000 tonnes of has received a~Ruurantee of Buenos Aires. kaid. difficulty. said. "There's the possibility we'll go back with tailings from its molybdenum mine daily, safe passage for B.ritlsh Officials said the .ships . Thatcher told Parliament "The answer is to look at the cost factor of counter-proposals." ships to retum ,~'gentine. would' have to make other that the provtMonal:flgure production and the volume of gro~dfish~" he. The heavy metsl particles contained in the United Fishermen and Allied Workers ~Union "prisoners'of" war. directly ,runs "to. c0_mplete the- for: the number of ,~rgept~e presidant Jack ~Niehol said ~,fter meeting with .t#ld- a n~,('s-eonferenee. "It's, not a large waste material e.~ceed by 8,000 times the levels from:" Argentina from the repatriation of more. than prisoners is I0,860: volume. The Government of canada can't allowed upder federal regulations. the' nfldister that there will be cutbacks' in Falkland. Ialands, a 10,000 prisoners taken when . Meanwhile, the BBC said order'a plant to alayin business." fisheries enforcement vessels from Rivers LeBlanc said he believedbe made the right spokesman ,for Prime the-Argentine garrison on Argentine soldiers waiting /i'! .LeBlane .-was here to ,meet Inlet to blilbanke Sound and that-the 'sports z with- -Minister . Margaret That; the Falklands.surrender _ed aboard the Canberra ' ministerial, advisory committee, comprising decisinn, fishing charter.boat industry will benefit. eher said today. The ships Monday. clapped and cheered_ fishermen and fishing industry represen clearl Nzchbl ---~:. ............ :: . : . :.... --. :-:.:=He~s-:-s~id:~)y-e~6-Usl~r-th~t-the-law ..... y-:- ....... .. said.'he's seen- sports fishermen: on- were exPeeted-~--Sail-later---Th~r~)~.ejgn Ministry in Thursday when they heard tstives.. - : " • .... ~•~rmits the fisheries minister to exem-tv chartem" 'fishing continually' seven idays u al week" i-. mc"- ua~,.a ..... l:luenos Pdres salcl.--- Tllursoay .............. mat ~en. L,eOpolao ~aluerl [ Union fishermen are :demanding that the certain owations from r~"aations -overnin" -- they re canning salmon cant n ous y -- "We've :'~ei -^a a- in • -- -- - ; .... ....... , .. - , v,, . us-, s b . .. •~ v~-~ . " mgnt. mat me Argenune wm oe replacen as army.: government reveree the April 30 closure of the the dtm)--in- of mine tatl;-"s and that the, flsherms department
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