Gulf Pine CathOLIC VOLUME 31 / NUMBER 10 www.gulfpinecatholic.com January 17, 2014 Bishop Morin to dedicate Holy Family Church, Jan. 25 Left, Bishop Roger Morin will dedicate the new Holy Family Church in Pass Christian on Jan. 25 at 10 am. The $3.5 million church was designed by Carl Franco of J H&H Architects in Jackson. J.W. Puckett & Co. of Gulfport is the general con- tractor. Below, a stained glass window in the sanctuary of Holy Family Church located above the altar. See page 13 for the story and additional pictures. Photos/Terry Dickson Pope names 19 new cardinals, including six from Latin America BY FRANCIS X. ROCCA Four new cardinal electors are Vatican officials, three Catholic News Service of them in offices that traditionally entail membership in the college. VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis named 19 Another three of the new cardinals are already over new cardinals, including the archbishops of Westminster the age of 80 and, therefore, ineligible to vote in a con- and Quebec and six men from his home region of Latin clave. The pope uses such nominations to honor church- America, and announced a consistory for their formal in- men for their scholarship or other service to the church. duction into the College of Cardinals Feb. 22. Among the new so-called honorary cardinals is Car- The pope announced the nominations to the faith- dinal-designate Loris Capovilla, who served as personal ful in St. Peter’s Square shortly after noon Jan. 12, after secretary to Blessed John XXIII. praying the Angelus. Here is the list of the new cardinals: The consistory will bring the total number of cardi- ? Italian Archbishop Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary nals to 218 and the number of cardinals under age 80 to Archbishop Pietro Archbishop Gerald of state, who will turn 59 Jan. 17. 122. Until they reach their 80th birthdays, cardinals are Parolin Lacroix ? Italian Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, general sec- eligible to vote in a conclave to elect a new pope. retary of the Synod of Bishops, 73. Two current cardinal electors will turn 80 in March, region. Latin America, home to about 40 percent of the ? German Archbishop Gerhard Muller, prefect of the bringing the number of electors back to the limit of 120 world’s Catholics, will account for 16 percent of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 66. set by Pope Paul VI. (Other popes have occasionally ex- group eligible to choose the next pope. ? Italian Archbishop Beniamino Stella, prefect of the ceeded that limit for short periods of time.) Four of the new cardinal electors are from Italy, leav- Congregation for Clergy, 72. Five of the new electors are from Latin America, an ing that nation’s share practically unchanged at nearly a increase by one-third of the current number from the quarter. SEE NEW CARDINALS, pagE 8 2 DIOCESAN BRIEFS Joe Higginbotham will be the co-director and Father SVDP Raffle Winners NOTICE Mike O’Connor will be BAY ST. LOUIS -- Pictured are Every volunteer who works with minors and every the spiritual director. Fred and Linda Hornsby of Biloxi ac- employee of all parishes and Catholic schools of For more information, cepting the keys to the Ford Escape as January 17, 2014 the Diocese of Biloxi must receive a copy of the send email to Matthew. • winners of The Bay St. Louis Society [email protected] or call Policy of the Diocese of Biloxi Regarding Complaints of St. Vincent de Paul Fundraiser. Pic- (228) 255-7560. of Abuse of Minors. Copies of this policy are avail- tured in photo are l-r, Bill McIntyre able from any pastor or principal. If any volunteer (St. Vincent de Paul), Joe Henderson who serves with minors or any employee did not Installation of (Henderson Ford), Linda and Fred receive this policy, please contact your pastor or Father Nutter Hornsby, and Herb Dubuisson (St. principal, or call 228-702-2126/27. A copy of the Vincent de Paul). policy is also available to any interested person. In GULFPORT -- Bishop Roger Morin will install Gulf Pine Catholic addition, a copy of the Diocesan Code of Conduct lege students who are seeking a greater Regarding Contact with Minors and the Diocesan Father Charles Nutter as understanding of their role in charity and Experience Lourdes pastor of St. James Parish, Policy Concerning Supervision of Youth Trips and justice issues. WAVELAND -- Experience Lourdes, Other Youth Functions are also available from your 366 Cowan Rd, on Jan. 19 a Virtual Pilgrimage Experience in 90 pastor or principal, or by calling 228-702-2126/27. at the 11 am Mass. A re- Minutes, at St. Clare’s Church, 236 ception will follow. Catholics Returning Home South Beach Blvd., Thursday, January 23, at 7 pm. You can touch the Grotto How to report a LONG BEACH -- St. Thomas the Rock, “Wash of the Water” of Lourdes, Faith and Justice Apostle Catholic Church in Long Beach, and receive the Eucharistic Blessing. The complaint of abuse Ms., will conduct an ongoing series program is presented by North American Conference called Catholics Returning Home on six January 25 Lourdes Volunteers, (315) 476-0026 The clergy, religious, and laity who serve in the consecutive Monday evenings at 7 pm www.LourdesVolunteers.org. ministries of the Diocese of Biloxi are committed beginning January 13. These sessions HATTIESBURG -- For information, please call (228) to making Church ministries safe for young are for nonpracticing Catholics who 467-9275. people. Allegations of misconduct with minors Sacred Heart Parish Hat- are seeking answers to questions about are reported as the law requires and an internal tiesburg is hosting a Faith returning to the Church. There will be investigation is conducted. A copy of the diocesan and Justice Conference informal sharing and an update of the Willwoods’ Married policy is available on the diocesan website (www. Saturday, January 25, Catholic faith. For more details, call Cin- Couples Retreat biloxidiocese.org) or by contacting your pastor. from 8:45 am - 3 pm. The dy Vogt at (228) 860-5250. A complaint of misconduct should be reported conference will be held at COVINGTON, LA. -- Would you directly to civil authorities. In addition, a com- Sacred Heart High School, like to break away with your spouse and plaint should be reported to the Diocese of Biloxi 510 W. Pine Street, Hat- Theology on Tap spend quality time enriching your mar- riage? Then join us on our upcoming by calling the phone numbers on the diocesan tiesburg. Fr. Fred Kam- OCEAN SPRINGS -- Theology on Married Couples Retreat February 1 and website or by calling 228-702-2112 or to the State mer, S.J., J.D., Director of Tap is a discussion series for Catholic of Mississippi’s Hot Line: 1-800-222-8000. 2 at the St. Joseph Abbey’s Christian Life the Jesuit Social Research young adults and their friends, married Center. The retreat begins on Saturday at Institute, Loyola Universi- and single, in their 20s & 30s. The next 9 am and ends at 1 pm on Sunday. To Service for Christian Unity ty New Orleans, will present the keynote meeting is January 21 at Al Fresco’s Ital- register or for information call Jason An- address, “The Bible, Pope Francis, and ian Bistro at 6:30 pm. Speakers will be gelette at (504) 830-3716 or visit www. BILOXI -- Nativity BVM Cathedral, the Least among Us: Scriptural Roots of Rob and Mara Russo. faithandmarriage.org. Suggested do- 870 Howard Ave., will host the Ecumeni- Faithjustice.” Dr. Wes Johnson, USM For information go to http://www. nation of $275 is requested but not re- cal Prayer Service for Christian Unity facebook.com/YAMBiloxi. This Theol- professor of criminal justice, will speak quired. Pre-registration deposit, which is on Thursday, January 23, at 6 pm. ogy on Tap Series is sponsored by the part of the donation, is $50. on “Criminalization of Mental Illness: Young Adult Ministry of St. Alphonsus Crisis and Opportunity for Faith-Based Parish. Installation of Communities.” Afternoon breakout ses- 2014 Diocesan Directory Father Kunat sions will focus on responding to our The 2014 Diocesan Directory has DEDEAUX -- Bishop Roger Morin call as people who are sent forth. The Lenten Study of conference fee/offering of $20/person been sent to the printer and will be will install Father Bartosz Kunat as pas- Gaudium Evangelii available in late January. The directory tor of Sacred Heart Parish, 14595 Vidalia includes a continental breakfast, lunch, is being published later than usual in Rd, on Jan. 18 at the 4 pm Mass. and snacks. To register, please contact OCEAN SPRINGS -- St. Alphonsus order to provide the most current infor- Monique Rowell at Sacred Heart Par- parochial vicar Father Thomas White will lead a discussion of Pope Fran- mation, including the changes in pas- ish, at (601) 583-9404, or register on Sacred Heart Boys’ cis’ Apostolic Exhortation “Gaudium tors, which went into effect on Jan. 15. the parish website at http://www.sacred- Retreat #76 Evangelii” during some of the Adult If you haven’t already ordered your hearthattiesburg.com. Office hours are Religious Education Classes (Sunday’s directory, there will be a very limited DEDEAUX -- Sacred Heart Boys’ 9–4:30 pm Monday through Friday. This 10:10-11:10 am) of Lent. It would be number available on a first come, first Retreat #76 will be held March 14-16 will help us plan appropriately for each most beneficial if you have first read the serve basis. at the Sacred Heart Cursillo Center. participant. We welcome all who wish to document.
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