*****************ECRWSS**** PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE POSTAL CUSTOMER PAID SHAWANO, WI PERMIT NO. 135 SEPTEMBER 4, 2019 x OSHKOSHHERALD.COM VOLUME 2, ISSUE 35 INSIDE University widens its geography New beer boss Fond du Lac, Menasha Fox River Brewing campuses in UWO fold has new brewmaster By Jack Tierney Page 4 Oshkosh Herald The University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and its branch campuses entered their Transit talk second phase of a two-part restructuring Residents give input to bring the UW’s Fond du Lac and Fox Cities campuses together under one on getting around UW-Oshkosh umbrella. Page 3 The merger is a result of a 2017 UW Sys- tems decision to take the 13 UW access campuses and place them with a parent Photo by Michael Cooney four-year university in their geographic National test region. West track girls Summer leisure “This isn’t something new that is hap- took N.C. challenge Boating activity in the Oshkosh area was steady last week during the final surge of pening,” UWO Chancellor Andrew summer with pleasant weather ahead of the Labor Day weekend. Celebrate Oshkosh Leavitt said. “Students have been transfer- Page 16 was featured at the Leach Amphitheater Saturday, from where this photo was taken. ring from the two-year campuses to UWO since the ’60s.” The UW-Fond du Lac campus underwent Leadership expert brings it home a multimillion-dollar renovation to modern- when she visits Oshkosh for an Excellence tion’s largest churches — the Antigo area ize its classrooms, labs Author, coach helps in Leadership seminar next month. native and her family decided to make and facilities. UW-Fox Catron, the featured speaker Oct. 15 at Neenah their home base near other rela- Cities has a renowned Leavitt cultivate influence the Excellence in Leadership (EIL) event tives. planetarium and 17:1 at the Oshkosh Convention Center, has “Most of my family had ended up here student-to-faculty ratio. Both campuses By Dan Roherty been making connections to people and in the Fox Valley area. We just decided that have scholarship, athletic opportunities Oshkosh Herald organizations here after moving to the being close to family made a lot of sense and new counseling services at $1,000 less Author and leadership coach Jenni Ca- area two years ago. since I’m traveling so often,” she said. “We per 12 credits than UW-Oshkosh for resi- tron shares her expertise with small teams After 20 years in Nashville and three in wanted home to be close.” dential students. and large groups alike across the country, California — she was a brand manager She knew Pastor Dennis Episcopo of Counseling services at the access cam- and artistic director in the music industry and is especially looking forward to speak- SEE Leadership ON PAGE 14 SEE University ON PAGE 19 ing to a group with some familiar faces and an executive director of two of the na- Rainwater system shows natural flow By Rob Zimmer Coughlin Center. parking areas, preventing rapid runoff and Herald contributor Differing from classic rain gardens, or slowly filtering toxins naturally through native plantings that are seamlessly ar- Chances are you’ve heard of rain gar- bio swales, in which water is stored in a dens, specially designed gardens created standing, pondlike depression, this new ranged along the edges or in islands of in a shallow depression with native wild- design alternative, known as a prairie green within the lot. flowers and grasses designed to collect planting system, is used directly in paved Parking lots and large paved areas are and filter rainwater runoff to prevent tox- areas where stormwater picks up the ma- the places where rainfall collects the high- ins and sediment from reaching our pre- jority of the toxins and sediments that est concentration of harmful toxins, salt Photo by Rob Zimmer cious waterways. wash into streams, rivers and Lake Win- and sediment that wash into waterways. Like rain gardens, the prairie planting The newest trend in green construction nebago. During a rain event, parking lots without system utilizes colorful, beneficial native the benefit of rain gardens, or this new wildflowers and grasses, prized for their to conserve and cleanse rainwater is on This convenient and easily integrated system uses an array of permeable pavers extensive root systems that filter and cleanse display with a fully functioning demon- SEE Rainwater project ON PAGE 13 rainwater runoff. stration model in Oshkosh at the J.P. that replace classic asphalt or concrete ‘SUMMER FUN SPECIAL’ THIS MONTH ONLY 1 Month FREE on 3 Bed Apartments with up to 1300SF of Luxurious Living Space On Pearl Ave. in Downtown Oshkosh Free High Speed Fiber Internet & Cable TV Find more details in our Ad on Page 4 www.MorganCrossingApartments.com 920.235.7368 Herald Banner 2019 - 2.indd 1 7/1/2019 12:36:05 PM PAGE 2 x OSHKOSHHERALD.COM SEPTEMBER 4, 2019 City growth, neighborhoods reviewed By Tom Ekvall Creative Hiring Strategies in Manufactur- Neighborhood residents contributed Herald contributor ing. He also cited the agency’s involve- 3,176 hours, valued at $80,753, to improve ment with the Winnebago Catch-A-Ride their neighborhoods during the first six Economic development and neighbor- program that provides drivers for people months of the year, according to Ruder. 923 S. Main St. Suite C hood revitalization presentations were to get to work and back home as well as for In other action, the council: Oshkosh, WI 54902 made before the Common Council at its other scheduled appointments. • Heard a report from University of Wis- Aug. 27 regular meeting. White added that second- and third- consin-Oshkosh Chancellor Andrew Lev- General information/customer Jason White, executive director of shift day care remains an important issue itt noting that 3,000 students — includ- service: Julie Vandenberg Greater Oshkosh Economic Develop- for the community, noting some child ing 1,700 freshmen — are moving onto [email protected] ment Corp., said his agency has either care agencies have more than a year wait the campus for the new semester. He also Phone: 920-508-9000 assisted or reviewed business expansion for providing that help. described benefits of several projects that Website: www.oshkoshherald.com totaling more than 155,000 square feet in Promoting the economic prosperity promote student engagement in the com- the last six months, referring to his group’s of Oshkosh, he said recent reports have munity. News tips and story ideas midterm report. recognized Oshkosh as No. 2 among Best • Discussed a resolution that would add [email protected] White said the agency’s focus has been Places for Millenials to Move to (Reviews. youth members in a nonvoting capacity to on helping businesses expand and grow, org), No. 4 among the Top 10 Livable city boards and commissions to promote and that since 2015 the Greater Oshkosh Support the Oshkosh Herald Small Cities in the United States (Smart youth engagement similar to a plan by EDC has helped with 655 new jobs creat- Asset) and No. 5 among the Top 10 Cities previous Mayor Steve Cummings to add a Membership ed, 2,025 jobs retained and $138 million for Working Parents (SmartAsset). Youth Advisory Council. A $50 annual membership in total capital investment within the com- A separate presentation by Pam Rud- • Approved a land disposition of surplus supports receiving the newspaper munity. er, executive director of Greater Oshkosh property on the northeast corner of Rath weekly. Call 920-508-9000 or visit White said the group fostered five Healthy Neighborhoods Inc. (GO-HNI), Lane and North Koeller Street to Prime www.oshkoshherald.com/store events this year that connected business- described efforts by the Oshkosh Healthy Space LLC. The irregular-shaped outlot /membership. es to industry partners and available re- Neighborhoods initiative to engage resi- increases from .307 to .545 acres when sources throughout the region, including dents, empower them to be leaders in man- Rath Lane is vacated in an area undergo- a Manufacturing Night at the Menominee aging neighborhood issues, and encourag- ing redevelopment along the north side of Subscribe Nation Arena and a panel discussion titled For $70 annually the Oshkosh ing them to participate fully in determining Oshkosh Avenue west of Lakeshore Park. Herald is mailed to non-delivery the future of their neighborhoods. The council had earlier approved vacation areas via first-class mail. Go to FEATURED! Ruder said staff and volunteers work of Rath Lane east of North Koeller. www.oshkoshherald.com/shop closely with resident leaders to sponsor • Heard City Manager Mark Rohloff /subscribe or call 920-508-9000. community-building events where people report that many calls have been received can meet, have fun, and build trust and complaining about increases to monthly social capital in the neighborhood, and water bills. He said summer months tend Advertising sponsor special resident-led projects to to bring increased water use due to back- [email protected] Andrea Toms: 920-508-0030 improve physical conditions. yard pools and landscaping, and that some GO-HNI offers technical assistance, increases may be the result of leakage. He Mike Sohm: 920-508-0084 1431 JeffersonSt, Oshkosh $89,900 AmazingValue!Natural Woodwork highlights this tools and resources to existing and emerg- said information on the city’s website can 3Bedroom TurnofCenturyClassic.Manyupdates; ing neighborhood associations while help residents determine whether there is Classified advertising includingwindows&modern kitchen.Central A/C, Deck,fencedbackyard.Heated2CarGarage, developing leadership education curricu- a water leak. Rohloff said his property had [email protected] storageshed. Youreallyneedtosee this home! 920-508-9000 lums to expand skills in partnering neigh- a leak in the past, causing his own bill to Listedby: Jack Doemel 920-379-6843 borhoods.
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