lJ A. P. P.M. Orders 470, 500 FIRST INFORMATION REPORT (Under Section 154 &. 157 Cr,P,C,l 1 . District Potice Station Year FIR No. Date ACB, Visakhapatnam 2017 04tRcT'YsPt2o17 10.01 .2017 Visakhapatnam Range 11J0 hrs 2.(i) Act : 7 &, 12 of Prevention of Corruption Act,1988 (ii) Act: NIL Sections: NIL (iii) Act: NIL Sections: NIL (lV) Other Acts & Sections: NIL 3. (a) Occurrence of Date Time offence: .?:I Prior to 09.01.2017 Time Period: NIL Time from: -- Time to: (b) lnformation received at the Date: Time: 1500 hrs Potice Station: 09.o1 .2017 (c )General Diary Reference: Entry No. (s) Time: 4. Type of information: Written 5. Ptace of occurrence: 6. Direction and Distance Beat No ...... West 45 kms (b) Address : Office of Tahsildar, Atchutapuram Mandal, VisakhaPatnam dist. 7. lf outside the timits of this Potice Station, then the name of concerned Potice Station : --- District: 8. Comptainant / Name : Sri Lingareddy Viswanath Reddy lnformant: (b) Father's / Husband's Name : S/o Raghunath Reddy o Date / Year of Birth: 56 years (d) Nationatity : lndian (e) Passport No: -- Date of lssue: -- Ptace of lssue: -- (f) Occupation: M/s Viswanath Reddy Builders & Contractor. (g) Address: R/o Flat No.301, Sirisha Residency, D.No.10-2-289/23 Shanthinagar, Masab Tank, Hyderabad, Now at Clo K.Bhaskar Reddl', Plot No.25, Sector-VIII, M.V.P.Colony, Visakhapatnam city. 9. Detaits of known / suspected / unknown accused with futt particutars. (Attach separate sheet if necessary): Srl E.Ramachandra Rao, Tahslldar, AtchutaPuram Mandal, Sri Venkata Ramana, Mandal Surveyor, Atchutapuram of Visakhapatnam district. 'iiltlulwy ,1 tT flerthltau , Dtfl) D t- 2 PhysicaI features, deformities and other detaits of the suspect: Height Date/Year Sex Build in Complexion Identification Marks(s) of Birth Cms. 1 2. 4. 5. 6. Male Deformities / Teeth Hair Eyes Habits(s) Dress Habits Peculiarities 7. 8. 9. 10. l1 12. Languages PLACE OF Dialect Burn Mark Leucoderma Mole Scar Tattoo 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. These fietds witt be entered onty if comptainant/informant gives any one or more particutars about the suspect. This witt be onty for the purpose of pretiminary retrievat to assist LO. A date base created witt subsequentty link one suspect in several cases, if any A comprehensive and comptete data on atl fietds witl again be prepared when any accused is arrested irrespective of previous suspicion. 8. Reasons for detay in reporting by the Comptainant / lnformant -No detay- 9. Particulars of properties stoten/invotved (Attach separate sheet, if necessary): -NA- 10. Totatvatue of properties stolen / invotved: Demanded bribe Of Rs.7,50,000/- 11. lnquest Report/U.D. Case No., if any: -NA- 12. Contents of the complaint / Statement of the comptainant or informant (Attach separate Sheets, if required): That the Accused Officers demanded bribe of Rs.7,50,000/- out of which cash of Rs.4,00,000/- and 3,50,000/- in the form of cheques from the comptainant for doing official favour of sending of two rePorts to District Collector, Visakhapatnam pertaining to two files in Sy.Nos.100, 37 &?6 at A.Somavaram vi[[age, Atchutapuram Mandal pending with Tahsildar. - Separate sheet is herewith enctosed- 13. Action Taken: Since the above report reveats commission offence (s) U/s. as mentioned at item No.2. registered the case and took up investigation / direct NIL-Rank-NlL-to take up the investigation' Refused investigation / transferred to Police Station NIL on the point of jurisdiction. F.l.R. read over to the Comptainant / lnformant, admitted to be correctty recorded and coPY given to the Comptainant / lnformant free of cost. F,\,1,* signature",ffiRiJll;". '14. Signature / Thumb imPression Name : K.V.R.K.Prasad, of the Comptainant / lnformant Rank : Dv.Supdt.of Police ACB, Visakhapatnam Range 15. Date & Time of dispatch to the court on 10.01.2017. Originat FIR atong with complainant's originat report submitted to the Hon'bte lll ADJ-cum-Spt. Judge for ACB cises, Visakhapatnam. Copy of FIR Submitted to the DG, ACB, AP, Hyderabad and one for office fite. t) *{%'i'1"tww ,, . I V;s"ll1cilw* g- L- z-atl Brttu /-.urrn*nAtu Raoy ;" Lfo tok. L.P46,uurve'ra Re+oy '$. De+ut7 Sup"rla'ta4^4 pouc-q- p*f *o t-s' sEcroR - I * t ot\ hi I eobny A Nlr - cogp4p't B:R&.A tr v lcALer4 P,4\rrAu VlsAul;r. P,+4Ntr1 Arc^68_ 9-x, i y.yicwtr,*rtr pa4p1 GpA to\old,-t J), grn+. ke7- 6 6'agel lrt;sAno' i! tt o,^n G R-anga.n"7.f(i wl, : "" 'L*,f"t ar^d d>ote$o< q, tt* <rl*.t,Ll *n 6 A:'3'o{(: i: 9v*1 Vo"too ; Avo?.rrnvannn v,:u1e $ n+'Uta7t"'" t4t"J^I yiEattQln,ar a,3f,.,zl , ,:1",& a)6) p"r1.J*4 Rj; tk.-.-L SJ.- w.X *ff ltr- ^Lo:s 4 3f 2-@e - AK t, a,yw crl,^+ $O *.- e 4 r 'f , c-4, @ 6r+o/-11 6'o*2.r,* Act->z c,,/"s k"tl O Se-Cfz*V €vl.* o- ql'/, C-arE + fewma,l-l' ,9,-'b - k4;rh..-r ffi'a. T htr<- rtyul,.l {D.hs;ldc,'r /t k ^vJldhr' ^"., f\ *t,<- i f,u Zort^^r. tulvt-t U ,-*rA D la-a l\:a bY */t'"fu*"}. v,a-c t|^fl l.- ^hht'c,*/A No n T uu ottsok2q+ez ol. )-t+lnf urs. -tL san<_- v.'i<c)4 v ilr-L o pw c". d;ys ot . Lz l, tl, w;H.",:[ ^)6't\/J'd .ib ) ^tot*t. p."r"r iy i+-*r, D u,_ 4t*-*.t u t'li?,''kLc 14i3k G"xt a.) il- *r,,W LtigL co.{r pctrJ a-d,-y \t';tk- W?tto.l?+qf 615.>oW d,t"",)try Tlr, lc)t),- plcLriclur.e..rv 'r<C61t;ol./t' *,Jr' f ^*S; l-o fi,,, ifsrz A,il bi.<. ycn>cns w\ k E t./u*? to una,,l-z [l- p<):hnt"s nur^<- ond {- r'sf',<- lddl"Ao* gasr flr,ole arJ 'trH- dr.4, p4, * , g w..,)c 8""" *ta, d.U- AO "6er"++ 4 7tJ'"r. L k d-e- aa,- a'fli;c,t"a'r" *t D.'r{-'+ C'l\zebt' vica,l,t-poi-.,o,* 6,n 27.7.'^tb h lt*!,c- Pf '/ lt. clr<afi^^3 lo 'o"-"*14.* 4Jilo.rwww NIL t) u^lLXti,p,t** Dffi--1D\lt-t-\] cflre!'4r ot\, Z-*-24il, fi4 Dlltno+ /L?nL "fl rrl*s,*r]-Avw do -taksLJ.t +o C-r".d-c,I ?-qiY qil %."A ;/.A lk\a,{L Rpo . lla.x;q o',^, A- G,4 od'4, t hez 4h*AJ '**A /rrrr"fl U* rna^(r /h Nc'u"'-L'<'2nlL d4t a<lo"*'2otL d-.,'-*0'i -)'* r**a;UL A ['L,hf;-*,' h l"ono,,'t G* otau g-t"J orslw'4-Gu<-elo>-- . ar-l- +hrbl.}.- ^,lN+ /" N\<,t /.t' l q|s;4h*4 e 0^, z+lrrl o-ott, -Sk-,r,u^ ! ^' Cl'*s A. R. **, el.n d* B"-- a^J' e,qr;t-'t &*l u:E'J db t"* r<$rsc.^&,t ot $, , l^-+ ^'xruJ l4rt "fi.-[ 'yuu *u- "l* h^rry a/"-h,^ kt. d"AY b Y&*JW- 6'vTl;) e1 w:s 31 ) ?t) zr -< kt 4- o4"t & Aw san*,-*'u*- F t q/" \Pl'^l' 6l gs +1-'JJ b"L l-' Wl .:_. ViLt A+.L.tf:,-*' , ct' /." s ^*.1*tts d' D"sd"rl- Qu'J* ' 4fu4** ath'l^''"d"/J /r\<' f b;b. 6.0t, e,s.,,obl- a^J 9a" i *,JLiH^J) g;* 8--' V"""\'J R,'^* l-*-- ot\ -fi,'s a9pc,t- *r 3^rt1 h' C-bLJ L V^ L.* Q.cuna, @'J ;{'"*-l-hv'n l' '-' ^ lk;s A,e G^&ool A;"'' /"1*"{ on ^tP*'*' orJ uA- o^ UJ i r"r* g^" Vb'W Ra^'*n^ Ly ,"l-$J tL,.L *fl \Dt"u dl k fi'"c-rJ f*JcaL+ c-olv*^t b..L ,6;"fusl,@,ooo/- a^) ruar^t-rL b f , b*, - F +" (; , /trcc-r.&517 tu\ 3o't)-.2-61L 3 m':f , D d/^,O$ tL - h: r" ai l"'f [Yle\- ar*l 3*t pa r, oo, ooa f- Lt L--- t< . k czssvr'<l w\2. k,/ 9o,'" -U. -k ),rJ,t k 1>"-lut--t a"- th jo,^"1t1 2it1 I tmo1.;-n y,,<,L trt T&a-!;sd*r a.,rL 1". 6ge"'.L I..- //'r 1- t^*''* tJ,L ^(-lro{tt a\1- r<^11 q^J esll'l r"- d' )l- !.,rr,,702-. ly).% A n.t h:m, L hl"l 1/^* b. y,ph ,,-rl * L d,l W b ^7 ^,t" ,ny l--e.lo+ 9-ll*t/,(l t^. tLuh w,,ul ,lcl : h.- Qar*/J b pry #' kk Y*-*"1 4 tu zsu, o,t/- , r[ rt' ).J"'L Qs a,oo, nof- i c AeL4 q'/ /2s 3dU'o"o/- La ofia\r,,l- t"- b^ d^ ^ /b' cL,-y.,/ o. l0' t' t2- 3. 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