Index Accessory movement Autonomic aspects of myofascial pain syndrome, component motions, 12 138–139, 144–145 defi nition and origin of term, 10 Autonomic eff ects of massage, 83 historical development, 4 Avicenna, 6 joint play motions, 12 Axial fl exion of cervical spine, 305–306, 307 types of, 12 ACR (American College of Rheumatology), 149 Back pain. See Low-back pain (LBP) Active movement analysis, 193–194 Barker, Herbert, 8 Acupuncture Biceps for fi bromyalgia, 155 biceps stretch, 300 for myofascial pain management, 146 transverse fascial stretch of, 299–300 Acute pain, 111. See also Pain Biceps stretch, 300 Aeschylus, 91 Bilateral sacral release, 222–223 Aff erent neurology of connective tissue Bilateral upper thoracic release, 283–284 free nerve endings, 93 Bindegewebsmassage, 18–20 Golgi tendon organs (GTOs), 92, 93, 99–101, 118, Bindegewebsmassage-type stroke, 205–207 120 Biomechanics hair receptors, 93, 96–97 of connective tissue, 4, 40–54 joint capsule receptors, 92, 93, 101–102, 108–109 of junctional zones, 59–63 mechanoreceptors, 92–104 of muscles, 56–58 Meissner’s corpuscles, 92–95 Biotensegrity of musculoskeletal system, 61–63 Merkel’s receptors, 93, 96 Blood fl ow, massage’s eff ects on, 80–82 muscle spindles, 92, 93, 97–101 Body posture. See Postural and structural nociceptors, 104–105 evaluation Pacinian corpuscles, 93, 95–96, 101, 118, 119, Bohm, Max, 20 120 Bone setters (17th–19th centuries), 6–8 Ruffi ni corpuscles, 50, 93, 96, 101, 119, 120 Bony clearing small-diameter muscle aff erents (III and IV), 93, of iliac crest, 217–219 102–104, 121 of tibia, 271–274 Alexander, F. Matthias, 25–27 Borthwick, E. K., 91 Alexander technique, 25–27, 201 American College of Rheumatology (ACR), 149 Cells of connective tissue, 35–37 American Physical Th erapy Association, 125 Central sensitization Anterolateral fascial elongation, 117–118, 288–289 fi bromyalgia, 153–154 Antidepressants, 155 myofascial pain syndrome, 142–144 Aponeuroses, 47 Cervical cervicothoracic myofascia, diagonal stretch Arthrokinematics, 4, 10, 11–12, 199–200 of, 308 Assessment of myofascial system. See Evaluation of Cervical laminar release, 306–308 myofascial system Cervical spine ASTYM (augmented soft tissue manipulation), 85 axial fl exion of, 305–306, 307 Augmented soft tissue manipulation (ASTYM), 85 cervical laminar release, 306–308 Autonomic approaches to myofascial manipulation, diagonal stretch of cervical cervicothoracic myo- 17–21 fascia, 308 317 318 Index Cervical spine (continued) functions of, 33–34 elongation of paravertebral muscles, 305 general characteristics of, and defi nitions of evaluation of, 190–191 terms, 40–46 frontal facial decompression, 311–312 histology of, 34–40 manipulation of subcranial and OA myofascia, insertion of, to bone, 59–61 308–309 loose irregular connective tissue, 47–48 masseter manipulation, 309–310 pathophysiology of soft tissue repair, 69–72 retro-orbital decompression, 312–313 percentage of body weight and storage of water sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle play, 313–314 content by, 33 temporalis manipulation, 310–311 photomicrograph of, 37 therapeutic techniques, 305–314 plasticity of, 50 Cervicothoracic area, muscle agonist/antagonist response of, to immobilization, 73–80 groups of, 192 stress–strain curve, 41, 44–45 Chila, Anthony, 24 types of, 34 Chiropractic, 9–10, 12, 155 types of injuries to, 40 Chisel grip, 202, 203 viscoelastic model of, 41–45 Chondroitin, 38 Wolff ’s law, 45 Chronic fatigue syndrome, 151 Connective tissue massage (CTM), 18–20 Citalopram, 155 Contractility of connective tissue, 48–49 Collagen Contraction of muscles, 50–51, 131, 139–140 in basement membrane, 59 Contractures of trigger points, 131, 140–142 biosynthesis of, 38–40 Convex/concave rule for joint mobilization, 12 critical interfi ber distance, 74 Creep and relaxation, 43–44 cross-links and, 71, 74, 75 Critical interfi ber distance, 74 in dense irregular connective tissue, 47 Cross-friction of gastrocnemius–soleus musculo- in dense regular connective tissue, 46 tendinous junction, 275–276 diagram of, 34 Cross-friction of piriformis insertion, 263–264 distribution of, 85–86 Cross-links, 71, 74, 75 in extracellular matrix, 35, 37–40 CTM (connective tissue massage), 18–20 half-life of, 45, 74 Cutaneous pain, 125 in loose irregular connective tissue, 48 Cyclobenzaprine, 155 lubrication of, 74 Cyriax, Edgar, 10 massage’s eff ects on, 83–86 Cyriax, James, 10–12, 184 response of, to immobilization, 74–75 types of, 35, 38 Dense irregular connective tissue, 47 viscoelastic model of connective tissue and, 43, 45 Dense regular connective tissue, 46–47 weave pattern of, 43 Diagnosis. See also Evaluation of myofascial system wound healing and, 71–72, 83–85 of dysfunction, 183–184 Compression, defi nition of, 40 of fi bromyalgia (FMS), 149–152, 153 Compressive testing of spine, 195 in modern times, 10–13 Connective tissue of myofascial pain syndrome, 129–132 aff erent neurology of, 92–105 of soft tissue lesion and mechanical dysfunction, biomechanics of, 40–54 127 cells of, 35–37 Diagonal stretch of cervical cervicothoracic myo- classifi cation of, 47 fascia, 308 collagen, 35, 37–40 Diaphragm release, 241–244 contractility of, 48–49 Diaphragmatic techniques, 119–120 dense irregular connective tissue, 47 Dicke, Elizabeth, 18–19 dense regular connective tissue, 46–47 Distraction, 12 diagram of, 34 Dry needling. See Physical therapy dry needling extracellular matrix, 35, 37–40 Duloxetine, 155 fascia as force transmitter, 50–54 Dupuytren disease, 50 fi brosis cycle and decreasing mobility in, 72–73, Dysfunction 77–78 criteria for somatic dysfunction, 127 Index 319 defi nition of, 183 postural and structural evaluation, 185–193 defi nition of somatic dysfunction, 183 questions for, 184 diagnosis of, 183–184 skin rolling, 196, 197 motor and mechanical dysfunction in myofascial thoracic spine, 191, 192 pain syndrome, 133–135 Exercise myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome, 128 for fi bromyalgia, 155–157 sensory dysfunction in myofascial pain syn- for low-back pain (LBP), 13 drome, 135–138 Extension exercises, 4–6 soft tissue lesion and mechanical dysfunction, Extracellular matrix, 35, 37–40 126–128 somatic dysfunction, 127, 183 Facet hypothesis, 10 Fascia as force transmitter, 50–54 Ebner, Maria, 18 Fascial contraction loop, 50, 51 Effl eurage massage techniques, 20 Fascial sheaths, 47 Elastin, 35, 37, 38 Fasciculi, 56 Electrogenic muscle tone, 112–113 FCU (fl exor carpi ulnaris), 53 Electromyograms (EMGs), 183 Feldenkrais method, 24, 27–28, 201 Elongation Fibroblastic phase of wound healing, 71–72 anterolateral fascial elongation, 288–289 Fibroblasts lateral elongation of peroneal tissue, 274–275 contractility of connective tissue, 48–49 lateral elongation of upper thoracic area, 279–281 description and functions of, 35–36 lower extremity/posterior quadrant fascial elon- during healing process, 71–73, 83–85 gation, 276–277 massage’s eff ects on, during healing process, medial–lateral fascial elongation, 209–211 83–85 of paravertebral muscles, 305 Fibrocytes, 35 in sequencing of treatment, 201 Fibromyalgia (FMS) side-bending elongation quadratus stretch, comorbidities with, 151 225–229 defi nition of, 126, 149 upper extremity and posterior quadrant fascial diagnosis of, 149–152, 153 elongation, 296–298 incidence of, 149 EMGs (electromyograms), 183 management of, 155–157 End feel, 11 nonpharmacological management of, 155–157 Endomysium, 56 pathogenesis of, 152–154 Endplate (integrated) hypothesis, 147 pharmacological management of, 155 Energy crisis hypothesis, 140–141 tender points, 150–151 Epimysium, 56 treatment costs for, 149 Erector spinae Fibrosis cycle, 72–73, 77–78 “ironing” of, 216–217 Fibrositis, 149 long axis laminar release, 212–214 First rib shoulder depression technique, 282–283 muscle play of, 214–216 Flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU), 53 quadratus lateral erector spinae release, 224–225, Fluoroscopy, 12–13 226 Fluoxetine, 155 Erector spinae muscle play, 120–121 FMS. See Fibromyalgia (FMS) Evaluation of myofascial system. See also Diagnosis Forearm active movement analysis, 193–194 forearm “ironing,” 300–301 cervical spine, 190–191 muscle splay of, 301–303 compressive testing of spine, 195 transverse muscle bending of, 303 forward-head posture, 186–190 Forearm “ironing,” 300–301 history of, 184 Forward-bending laminar release, 230–232 lateral shear examination, 239–240 Forward-bending laminar release—quadruped, layer palpation, 195–197 232–235 lumbar spine, 191–193 Forward-bending laminar release—sitting, 236–237 observation of posture, 185–193 Forward-head posture, 186–190 palpatory examination, 195–197 Free nerve endings, 93 320 Index Frontal facial decompression, 311–312 Histopathology Frozen shoulder, 50 fi brosis cycle and decreasing mobility in connec- Fuller, Buckminster, 13, 61–62 tive tissue, 72–73, 77–78 Functional imaging techniques, 154 of myofascia, 69–80 pathophysiology of soft tissue repair, 69–72 GAGs (glycosaminoglycans), 35, 38, 113–114, 116 response of myofascial tissue to immobilization, Gain adjustment of muscle spindles, 98–99 73–80 Galen, 6, 91 scar formation, 77–78 Gastrocnemius–soleus, transverse muscle play of, Historical basis for evaluation of myofascial system, 268–270 184 Gastrocnemius–soleus musculotendinous junction, Historical basis for myofascial manipulation cross-friction of, 275–276 ancient times, 3–6 Gel–sol principle, 50 bone setters (17th–19th centuries), 6–8 Ghormley, R. K., 10 chiropractic, 9–10, 12 Gluteal fascial plane manipulation, 262–263 modern trend toward mobility and diagnosis
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