1935 MAROON Ex Librnis The MAROON AND GOLD Published by the ANNUAL STAFF or the GRADUATING CLASS or JOHN ADAMS HIGH SCHOOL in JUNE 1935 DEDICATION TN this, the year of our Lord nine­ teen hundred and thirty-Five, in which we celebrate the three hun­ dredth anniversary of the founding of the First American High School, we humbly dedicate this book, the MAROON AND GOLD, to the pioneer spirit of progress and enlightenment which has characterized the history of the secondary school in America, and to E. E. Butterfield, principal, who has so admirably typified this spirit in his administration at John Adams High School. ^i^ p*^\A-'" ^- . > E. E. BUTTERFIELD, Principal ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS AND SENIOR CLASS ADVISERS TOP PANEL Dwight W. Lott, Miss Lillian Niebes, Assistant Principals LOWER PANEL Miss Florence Stehn, Mark D. Gordon, Miss Verda Evans, Senior Class Advisers four MAROON AND GOLD STAFF TOP PANEL Chairmen: Sophia Kolodziej Robert J. Hrabak LOWER PANEL Richard James Baumgartl, Dan Vincent Carducci, Carolyn Giallombardo, Gladys Carolyn Hanningan, Theda Kirk, Ethel May Lister, Alfred London, Hyman Joseph Nathanson, Emil Matthew Ozimec, Helen E. Sekerak, Jack Baxter Williams, Anne Woldman hve CLASS OFFICERS SOLOMON ALLAN LAME 12A President ROBERT J. HRABAK 12B President ROBERT CARL STREETER Vice President MARY ANGELA VINCI Secretary WILLIAM A. DENBROCK Treasu rer PRESENTING MAROON AND GOLD Abela, Micheal Frank Abela, Marie Violet "The world knows nothing of its "Her friendship is a sheltering tree- greatest men." Merit Roll. Intramural Athletics. Allenick, Minnie- "Her smile was sweetened by her grav­ Alosi, Mary Ann ity." Choral Club. Friendship Club. Forum "A friend in need Club. Hall Guard. Girls' Service Club. Is a friend indeed." Honor Roll. Homeroom Office. Merit Homeroom Athletic Teams. Roll. Operetta Chorus. 12A Publicity Committee. Shorthand Awards. Stu­ dent Council. Swimming Club. Anderle, Merle Jane Anderson, Harriet Adele "She's quite a captain, neat and trim: "Her hair, like the setting sun, Is all red gold spun." She has a hobby and it's gym." Athletic Awards. Gym Captains Club. Athletic Awards. Student Council. Athletic Club, Friendship Club Cabi­ Friendship Club. Gym Captains Club net. Homeroom President. Student Offices. Homeroom Offices. Choral Club. Council. Homeroom Athletic Manager. Homeroom Athletic Manager. Journal Collector. Hall Guard. Antoszkow, Veronica Lee Antalocy, Ethel Margaret "The only reward of virtue is virtue: "Beware her fair, for she excels The only way to have a friend is to be All women in the magic of her curls." Merit Roll. Shorthand Awards. one." Friendship Club. Esperanto Club. Journal Typist. Homeroom Treasurer. Arcoria, Angelina Marie Arrigo, Marie Virginia "Love thy neighbor as thyself." "Fair words gladden so many a heart." Shorthand Awards. Friendship Club. Friendship Club. Homeroom Athletic Homeroom Athletic Teams. Journal Manager. Honor Study Hall Vice Presi­ Collector. dent. Banalys, Bertha Marie "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing Baboryk, Leona well." Senior Nursing Club. Friendship Club. "Quiet, with a will to succeed." Homeroom Athletic Manager. eight MAROON AND GOLD Barsa, Anastasia Josephine Bartell, Pearl L. '"Tis well to be honest and true." "Her zeal, her virtues magnified, Shorthand Awards. Hall Guard. Home­ f.ver quiet and dignilied.' room Office. Girls' Service Club. Merit Roll. Baumgartl, Richard James Barnett, George "I've tried hard, so this I've found. "My mind's my kingdom That many things are within my Forum Club. Debating. £lu. bound." Collector. Homerooi)j_j?ask'|tl^a Journal Collector. Merit Roll. Hall tain. f\ IntramuraJ jf ounc Guard. Chemistry Club. Choral Club. Smada Club. I 2A Album Committee. Bayer, Isadore Edward "Attempt the end and never stand to doubt; Behrens, Eugene Wallace Nothing's so hard but search will find it out." "They also serve who stand and wait. Homeroom Athletic Teams. Chess Club. Student Council. Esperanto Club. Hall Guard. Journal Collector. Benes, George William "/ am not of that feather to shake off Beran, John Fred my friend when he must need me." "His traits are such that we admire. Orchestra Medal. Orchestra Club. Beranek, Ethel Celia Biganosky, Josephine "Dark hair, dark eyes, but we hope "But I am constant as the northern Your future will be bright." star." Lost and Found Guard. Choral Club. Friendship Club. Bilfield, Albert J^ , Blaha, Florence Marie "And what he greatly thought, "Wen spirit overflows with pep. He nobly dared." There's merriment in efery step." Summer School Graduate. Cheer Lead­ Shorthand Awards. Merit Roll. Friend­ ers Club. Band. Orchestra. ship Club. Hall Guard. Choral Club. Homeroom Office. MAROON AND GOLD Blaha, William G. Blaine, Adeline Sophie "Every way makes my gam. "Eyes bright like a magnet draw: Chemistry Club. Shorthand Awards. Bobula, Lottie Patricia "All she does, she does well: Yet her head does not swell." Boers, Marion Josephine Merit Roll. Journal Pin. National "\'irtue's her own reward." Honor Society. Honor Study Hall Sec­ Merit Roll. Debating Club. Rifle Club. retary. Homeroom President. Journal Hall Guard. Collector. First Page Editor of the Journal. Girls' Service Club. Friend­ ship Club. 12B Mixer Committee. 12A Commencement Committee. Boerwinkle, Gertrude T. Bosacki, Sophie Jean "Her nimble fingers brought forth "The better you know her the better melodies. you like her." As lightly they tapped the ivories." Friendship Club. Choral Club. Friendship Club Accom­ panist. * K& \tevi Branning, Edward Lloyd Brezina, Pauline Elizabeth "He isn't forward. He isn't bold "To see how fine she really is. His promise is as good as gold. You must get to know this miss." Brodsky, Sidney "He's another athletic Brown, Roy Clarence Who favors not our "A good name is better than riches.' Intramura/Letter. Bj Merit Roll. Homeroom President. Baseball Ribbon roontjj Atlletk Basket t»irT^r Broz, Albert Bucciere, Agnes Alice "Having to study does make him sad. "Virtue is a jewel of great price.' But having fun does make him glad. Friendship Club. Model Airplane Club. Swimming Club. MAROON AND GOLD Buckantz, Nathan "To lengthen to the last a sunny Bulone, Angelo Dominick mood." Homeroom Offices. Student Council. "Given to hospitality." Journal Collector. Merit Roll. Home­ room Athletic Teams. Bur, Armand Butler, Basil Willis "Sometimes he smiles and sometimes he "Something between a hindrance and grins, a help." But wherever he is, friendship he Homeroom Athletic Teams. Intramural wins." Athletics. Student Council. Butler, Forrest Eugene Bych, Paul Joseph "Cheerful company shortens the mile." "Worth makes the man." Hall Guard. Movie Manager. Choral Club. Homeroom Athletic Teams. Cadkin, Frieda Sterna Cacolici, Anthony Joseph "This lassie with her hair so dark, "Sir rather down with loss, than rise Is quite an active, glowing spark." unjust." Girls' Service Club. Merit Roll. Honor Roll. Guard Captain Pin. Friendship Gym Leaders Club. Club. Esperanto Club. Drama Club. Student Council. Homeroom Offices. 1 ^y. '.-/<^./ —•- Callody, Ruth Anne "When I think, I must talk— Camillo, Carl D. For am I not a woman?" "A loyal good fellow in work or fun, Girls' Service Club. Choral Club. Op­ He'll help until the task is done." eretta Chorus. 12B Prom Committee. Band. Poster Club. Hall Guard. Movie 12A Distinction Day Committee. Guard. Homeroom Offices. Merit Roll. Campbell, David Brownlie "A likeable fellow, this we can't deny." Carbeck, Howard Philip Orchestra Club. Dance Orchestra. Kap­ "When in doubt, win the trick." pa Sigma Beta Hi-Y Secretary. Band, Merit Roll. Homeroom Athletic Teams. Orchestra Medals. eleven MAROON AND GOLD Carducci, Dan Vincent "/ am sure care's an enemy to life." Homeroom Secretary. Hall Guard. Case, Earl Movie Guard. 1 2B Dance Committee. "A healthy mind in a healthy body: 12A Album Committee. Homeroom Athletic Teams. Catullo, Erma Jean "A tew words well spoken ewe! nninu Cermak, Frank Charles foolish acts." "He travels in his own paths." Athletic Club. Homeroom Athletic Teams. 4fc*fcfc Charkov, Irene Theodora Charvat, Virginia Lillian "Be good, sweet mi/id, and l^trfifbrff will "Kindness' is Wijsdom." be clever. Mcrk R'oll. Shorthand Awards. Shorthand- Awa t Roll. Hall Gu^ptf. Chopp, Ethel Mae "Men. the little things of life mag ie. But they're essential for you and me." Chizmar, Albert William Merit Roll. Shorthand Awards. Home­ "No man so busy as he there was, room President. Student Council. Girls' And yet he seemed busier than he was. Service Club. Friendship Club. 12B Dance Committee. 12A Publicity Com­ Homeroom Athletic Teams. mittee. Journal Collector. Honor Study Hall Offices. Christopher, Eleanor Ruth Chrzescijanek, Henry Joseph "A likeable kind of boy." "To the musical mind all things are Homeroom Athletic Teams. Hall musical." Summer School Graduate. Band. Or­ Guard. Swimming Club. chestra Medals. Homeroom President. Occozzi, John Joseph Chuha, Edward G. "Life's a /est; let's have more jest." "His heart runs away with his head. Hall Guard. Homeroom Secretary. Summer School Graduate. Student Movie Guard. Council. Homeroom Athletic Teams. twelve MAROON AND GOLD Cohen, Sylvia Salome Cornelia, Madeline Frances "The world is a comedy to those who "Contentment opens the source of every think, a tragedy to those who feel." toy." Friendship Club. Hall Guard. Esper­ Friendship Club. Homeroom Offices. anto Club. Conners, Edith Virginia "The power of thought—the magic of Corke, Robert the mind." "They are happy men whose natures Poster Club Offices. Homeroom Offices. sort with their vocations." Girls' Service Club. Merit Roll. Costanzo, Josephine "A coy coquette who captivates with Cremona, Josephine Marie catchy charms." "Mirthful and kindly to everybody. Summer School Graduate. Homeroom Friendship Club. Athletic Teams. Crump, Essie Juanita Csuti, Anna Margaret "/ like a thing, and then I build it up." "Accepts, whatever her lot. without Merit Roll. Shorthand Awards. Friend­ a bit of fuss." ship Club. Homeroom Secretary. Merit Roll. Curey, Ada "/ flee from pleasure. Czajkowski, Edmund I fly to work." "A live wire with a heavy charge." Friendship Club.
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