
Bibliography of Academic Writings in 2019, ZChinR 2020 Bibliography of Academic Writings in the Field of Chinese Law in Western Languages in 2019 Knut Benjamin Pißler / Benjamin Julius Groth / Arthur Helwich / SUN Lingjing 1 This bibliography aims at providing an overview of jour- IV. Judicial System, Practice and Procedure, Civil Pro- nal articles, edited books and monographs on Chinese law cedure (Gerichtsverfassung, allgemeines Prozess- published in English and German.2 The structure of the recht und Zivilprozess) bibliography follows the classification scheme of the leading V. Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure (Strafrecht German law bibliography “Karlsruher Juristische Bibliogra- und Strafverfahren) phie”.3 VI. Theory of the State, Sociology, Politics (Staats- und Classification Scheme Gesellschaftslehre, Politik) I. Law and Jurisprudence (Recht und Rechtswis- VII. Public Law and Constitutional Law (Staats- und senschaft) Verfassungsrecht) II. Legal and Constitutional History (Rechts- und Ver- VIII. Administrative Law (Allgemeines Verwal- fassungsgeschichte) tungsrecht) III. Private Law (Privatrecht) IX. Administrative Law – Individual Branches (Beson- deres Verwaltungsrecht) 1. In General (Allgemein) X. Economic Law (Wirtschaftsrecht) 2. General Part of the Civil Code (Allgemeiner Teil des Zivilrechts) XI. Traffic Laws (Verkehrsrecht) 3. Law of Obligations (Schuldrecht) XII. Financial Laws and Taxation (Finanz- und Steuer- 4. Law of Property (Sachenrecht) recht) 5. Family Law (Familienrecht) XIII. Labor Law (Arbeitsrecht) 6. Law of Succession (Erbrecht) XIV. Social Legislation (Sozialrecht) 7. Commercial Law (Handelsrecht) XV. Public International Law (Völkerrecht) 8. Business Organisations (Gesellschaftsrecht) 9. Insurance (Privatversicherungsrecht) I. Law and Jurisprudence (Recht und Rechtswis- 10. Negotiable Instruments (Wertpapierrecht) senschaft) 11. Industrial Property, Copyright and Publish- ing (Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, Urheber- Bu, Yuanshi, Dissertationen deutscher Juristen zum und Verlagsrecht) chinesischen Recht – Bestandsaufnahme, Themenwahl und Bearbeitung. In: Zeitschrift für Chinesisches 12. Unfair Competition, Trademarks, Anti-trust Recht, Vol. 26 (2019), pp. 263 et seq. Legislation (Wettbewerbs- und Warenzei- chenrecht, Kartellrecht) Cao, Deborah, Dilemmas in Translating Legal Terms 13. Conflicts of Laws, Uniform Private Law (In- between Chinese and English. In: Simonnæs, Ingrid / ternationales Privatrecht, Einheitsrecht) Kristiansen, Marita (eds.), Legal Translation: Current Issues and Challenges in Research, Methods and Ap- 1 Prof. Dr. iur. Knut Benjamin Pißler, M.A. (Sinology), research plication. Berlin: Frank & Timme 2019, pp. 301 et seq. fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Private Inter- national Law in Hamburg (e-mail: <[email protected]>). Benjamin Coendet, Thomas, Critical Legal Orientalism: Re- Julius Groth and Arthur Helwich are student research assistants at thinking the Comparative Discourse on Chinese Law. the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg. Sun Lingjing, LL.M. student In: American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 67 of European and European Legal Studies at the University of Ham- burg; she served as an intern at the China unit of the Max Planck (2019), pp. 775 et seq. Institute in February and March 2020. Fisher, Michael J., Text, Cases and Commentary on 2 Writings in other European languages could only partly be con- sidered. the Hong Kong Legal System. Hong Kong: Hong Kong 3 We admit that this bibliography does not comprehensively in- University Press 2019. clude all literature in western languages on Chinese law in the year Li, Bin, The development of Chinese law from the 2019. Readers are explicitly encouraged to point out to us entries we failed to identify. We will include these in the next bibliography to perspective of the new Silk Roads. In: International be published in the second issue of this journal in the year 2021. Business Law Journal 2019, pp. 137 et seq. 170 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3714153 Bibliography of Academic Writings in 2019, ZChinR 2020 Liu, Han, Book review: The Beijing Consensus? How Chen, Li, Shattering the glass ceiling: The world’s China Has Changed Western Ideas of Law Develop- first Chinese PhD graduate. In: Law Teacher, Vol.53 ment. Weitseng Chen (ed.). Cambridge University (2019), pp. 321 et seq. Press, 2017. 353 pp. In: International Journal of Consti- Du, Yue, Book review: Xiaoping Cong, Marriage, tutional Law, Vol. 17 (2019), pp. 375 et seq. Law, and Gender in Revolutionary China, 1940–1960, Liu, Sida / Hsu, Ching-fang / Halliday, Terence C., New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018. pp. 346. Law as a Sword, Law as a Shield: Politically Liberal In: Law and History Review, Vol. 37 (2019), pp. 963 et Lawyers and the Rule of Law in China. In: China Per- seq. spectives 2019 No. 1, pp. 65 et seq. Ho, Norman P., A Look into Traditional Chinese Pißler, Knut Benjamin, Das chinesische Handbuch Administrative Law and Bureaucracy: Feeding the der Rechtsförmlichkeit: Empfehlungen für den Ge- Emperor in Tang Dynasty China. In: University of setzgeber & Perle für die sinojuristische Forschung. Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 15 (2019), pp. 125 et seq. In: Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht, Vol. 26 (2019), Horowitz, Richard S., Protege Problems: Qing Of- pp. 133 et seq. ficials, Extraterritoriality, and Global Integration in Sun, Ying / Zhang Xiang, Strategic Openness: An Nineteenth-Century China. In: Margolies, Daniel S. / Overview of Open-Door Legislation in PRC. In: Fu, Özsu, Umut / Pal, Maïa / Tzouvala, Ntina (eds.), The Hualing / Palmer, Michael / Zhang, Xianchu (eds.), Extraterritoriality of Law. London etc.: Routledge 2019, Transparency challenges facing China. London etc.: pp. 104 et seq. Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing 2019, pp. 123 et Leese, Daniel, Recht und Gerechtigkeit im Gefolge seq. der Kulturrevolution. In: Leese, Daniel / Pawlik, Mi- Thomson, Stephen, Going Global: An International chael, Das Strafrechtssystem der Volksrepublik China. Profile of Legal Research in Hong Kong’s Law Schools. Historische Genese und aktuelle Herausforderungen. In: Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol. 49 (2019), pp. 29 et Baden-Baden: Nomos 2019, pp. 191 et seq. seq. Li, Lin / Tian, He / Lü, Yanbin, Rule of Law in Trevaskes, Susan, Socialist Law. In: Sorace, Chris- China – A Ten-year Review (2002–2012). Singapore: tian / Franceschini, Ivan / Loubere, Nicholas (eds), Af- Springer 2019. terlives of Chinese Communism: Political concepts Li, Xiuqing, Der Transfer des sowjetischen Modells in from Mao to Xi. London and Canberra: Verso Press die chinesische Strafgesetzgebung der 1950er Jahre. In: and ANU Press 2019), pp. 242 et seq. Leese, Daniel / Pawlik, Michael, Das Strafrechtssystem Zhang, Taisu, The Development of Comparative Law der Volksrepublik China. Historische Genese und ak- in Modern China. In: Reimann, Mathias / Zimmer- tuelle Herausforderungen. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2019, mann, Reinhard (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Com- pp. 112 et seq. parative Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2019, Potter, Pitman B., Book Review: Legal Lessons: pp. 228 et seq. Popularizing Laws in the People’s Republic of China, Zhang, Taisu / Ginsburg, Tom, China’s Turn Toward 1949–1989. Jennifer Altehenger. Cambridge MA: Har- Law. In: Virginia Journal of International Law, Vol. 59 vard University Press, 2018 xviii + 388 pp. In: The (2019), pp 307 et seq. China Quarterly, Vol. 237 (2019), pp. 264 et seq. Zhang, Wenxian, Forty Themes on the Innovation Sprick, Daniel, Wandel von Theorie und Praxis der and Development of Chinese Legal Research in the Re- richterlichen Auslegung des Strafrechts im China des form and Opening Up Era. In: Frontiers of Law in frühen 20. Jahrhunderts. In: Leese, Daniel / Pawlik, Mi- China, Vol. 14 (2019), pp. 2 et seq. chael, Das Strafrechtssystem der Volksrepublik China. Historische Genese und aktuelle Herausforderungen. II. Legal and Constitutional History (Rechts- Baden-Baden: Nomos 2019, pp. 19 et seq. und Verfassungsgeschichte) Tiffert, Glenn, Book Review: Jennifer Altehenger, Legal Lessons: Popularizing Laws in the People’s Angle, Stephen C., Human rights in Chinese tradi- Republic of China, 1949–1989, Cambridge: Harvard tion. In: Biddulph, Sarah/Rosenzweig, Joshua (eds.), University Press, 2018. pp. 406. In: Law and History Handbook on Human Rights in China, Cheltenham: Review, Vol. 37 (2019), pp. 966 et seq. Edward Elgar 2019, pp. 14 et seq. Wang, Yang/Li, Beini, Property System in Traditional Cao, Deborah, Desperately Seeking ‘Justice’ in Clas- China and Its Enlightenment. In: Tsinghua China Law sical Chinese: On the Meanings of Yi. In: International Review, Vol. 12 (2019), pp. 87 et seq. Journal for the Semiotics of Law, Vol. 32 (2019), pp.13 Whiting, Susan H., Book Review: Rural Land Tak- et seq. ings Law in Modern China: Origin and Evolution Chun Chen, Li, Chinese Crusaders’ Lawfare against Chi- Peng Cambridge and New York: Cambridge Univer- nese Exclusion Laws. In: UCLA Pacific Basin Law sity Press, 2018 xv + 336 pp. In: The China Quarterly, Journal, Vol. 36 (2019), pp. 139 et seq. Vol. 237 (2019), pp. 263 et seq. 171 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3714153 Bibliography of Academic Writings in 2019, ZChinR 2020 Xu, Lizhi, Quellen des Strafrechts vor Verabschie- Schubert, Claudia, Der Grundsatz von Treu und dung des Strafgesetzbuchs in China. In: Leese, Daniel / Glauben (§§ 6, 7 AT ZGB). In: Zeitschrift für Chinesi- Pawlik, Michael, Das Strafrechtssystem der Volksrepu- sches Recht,
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