SARVA SIKSHA ABHIYAN DISTRICT: HAILAKANDI DISTRICT ELEMENTARY EDUCATION PLAN (DEEP) (2002-2003 to 2009-2010) AXOM SARBA SIKSHA ABHIJAN MISSION GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM Page 1 of 1 “STRICT ... IT"* • c-isTRicr b h u n p ^.r y O P n C> R C A P • SAfi-WAy l)N£’ • AMi stream • C/STRICT HEAD pt/A^fSR • BLOCK. H ^ .D 9uAer£R • Ei-f'CK SCJNr'ARy • T E A StARDEn/ • S.C..^«CA • S.T./A«£A • Fo«£tr Aur R£i.ilR'/S fORilST L • floow h K''t).Z AkSA • INTER-ST/^TE eoUNDARY • UiiTSICT eouMDARY • p w o POAJy 0 M i l WAY i» w f • fVlvt K S t fr-LAM • DISTRICT MEAD pUARTER • BLOCK h e a d q u a r t e r © 0 BLOCK BoUNiJARy •7feAS.ARDEN • S.C -AREA BS • G .T . • F orest AMD j?£s£Rve f o r e s t • FLOOD PROHE AREA r f C A C C D b y : ) MCL-AM C» D c ' i . / . n i^iTEf^-SxATe pCUWOAkY J > iS tp .ict B o u n d a r y ^W O POUMD fiAILkt^Y UHf ftw fc R AK<|, 2 1 A M d is tric t WTAD q u a r t e r *4 =0 C K HeM^a^UARTEH IS C k BoLKNOARy C A S m ^R D C W C - a r e a ,T . A R E A >«ESTAWO ^ESe;?vE FOREST -SOD PROfJEAREA t ^:a c e d r y ; ; j-.i s l a m c m o u d h l ^x " M > \ I u K /V j /.:y~^“!l ;■• '( ■ .■•■; /r\ MOT£S l . p w r ^ c > A S > 5 r a il w a y ^ uimi >wuw**»»«« g p f e 0 t 4 ^ . 9.C . /JREA. , T . 6 . A«tA. £: i ,. p(feoi> .^T F «cr€t> 0 A « f A . K <>i V' 2/ ' O / » i-ALA S lock flAluAXANDI BLOCK . CACHAR r ' I t>I^TR,CT INOICATONS b lo c k Boundary --------------- V / I - L A S - E 8 0 UN 0 A R Y ---------------------------- Pwo ROAD I " Railway line Riv ER^ ST»?eAM TEA garden KARIM&ANJ S.C.AREA O lS T R lc r S.T. >\REA FOREST A.R£A tlood pronc a r e a K a t l i c h e r r a s l o c k -M'^p Of K / ^ t l i c m e j ^ r- 4 C i r c l e -^C^Lfc . I'L 6l<^L. L L 4 r f/ - y V / . ' ;■ (•^/O 'f f ,7 ■ / A V- - > i. r , > ^ - J 1 ' , / ^ !' A 1 0 . /O'/ S' I-->■ / ( O 7 o> a-Z-4 ^ . u - 7i I / ■ ‘ / f - V-;' / :ik^iv/o'\o' > i r ' . v i > \ , v V .•■/Iv'i .■TT~n3K'»-! . , • , . •"' l l 0 .0 '• -n ^ > ' < O A k y . I . " -^'^r R)CT.. ^ . 3. ., ^■iKrLt.. A. U- ^ Konfj.. ’'l-f-. K.'/I IL > -''• V 5y JUy - - = • ! - V.II.'r '~ ‘ : ] 2 (j C j J > l A p O F K-ATLiCHEJ^KA C i r c l e . ' 2 > C A \ - t - 1 — 6 fNt. A L 4 ‘ !l ^ ^ 1 v . ’ ., ' i » i7 J *»7 ‘ i-^-i I f ■ V - 'W/V / / V- < ,>\''>/ lifes-'.v/,-- ,V’’ , 7 V»w^i * 1 1 > '1 -< • 1. JiC O M [)A fcy <rj- Ac*--;?v !; V >■’ N . f l\ 'X \ ; ^ ; I ^ • '’ ‘- P »S r I *) r T ----- -- I • : ,'/ i 3 . '» <^>KCLt-. ■v^. /'■' : ^ ; ' 5 l(>> ' ^i . f"u L- 1^ , - . < ^ x \ 5'. P- Vv . i) K 00i) . ^-. ,. ^ • ^!. F . K/^ ! Ly__ -/ • K V V c t 5 -1 . _ ’■ ' • vcriuf I , D^.^f: < . As-k^l- .<Lc,<-, 9 . S- i c. c 2_ 5 CJ>> T ' Vv^/, C 1 DISTRICT AT A GLANCE Se^grAphy .ocatiop, Southern corner of Assam in the North East India Disance from the state capital 336 kms. 'otal Area 1326 10 SCI. km. (132700 ha) l/laor rivers Katakhal, Dhaleswari. Another two rivers Pola & Jita & Tributaries 'otal Forest Cover 74115 Ha (55.8%) Cul'ivated Area 44670 Ha (33.6%0 Uncer Paddy Cultivation 36500 Ha (82%) Uncer Tea Plantation 5920 Ha (13.4%) /dninistrAtion he^'^ quarter Hailakandi town No. 3f Sub-divisions 1 (Hailakandi) No. 3f CircleS'Tehsil 4 Nan e of Circles/Tehsils Hailakandi. Algapur, Katlicherra & Lala No. of CD Block 5 Niarre of CD Block Hailakandi. Algapur, Katlicherra. Lala & south Hailakandi No. of Zila Parishad 1 Ni^tre of Zila Parishad Hailakandi Zila Parishad Nd. of Police Station 4 Names of the Police Station Hailakandi, Algapur. Katlicherra & Lala N >. of A.P. 5 N.ima of A.P Hailakandi. Algapur, Katlicherra. Lala south Hailakandi. No. of GP 62 No. of villages 394 No. cf towns 2 Name of the Town Hailakandi & Lala N?me of Municipality Hailakandi Municipal Board Name of Town Committee Lala Town Committee Major language Bengali Nr. of revenue villages 366'’ Nc. of forest villages 34 No. of tea garden 19 To al PWD road length 440. / -t 7 km s. To a! road length (surface) 118,676 kms. Ea then road 2995 kms. Graveled road 2.995 kms VVi'hir' municipality area 18.277 kms. Ma:alled road (HG road) 16 kms K 3 3 road 15 kms. Maor Railway Station Katakb.H.i. hiailakandi and Lala Nearest Airport Kiimhh'rgrani (Silchar) Health Infrastructure C'Vi Hosi:)itai 1100 bed) CHC {30 :.)ed) F^KiC (Block - 6 bed) Paqe 9 of 9 PHC (New - 2 bed) 5 State Dispensary 2 Medical Sub-center 4 FW Sub-center 103 Bank No. of Scheduled Banks 25 No. of Sei.ii-urban branches 8 No. of Rural branches 17 1991 census 2001 census Total Population 449084 542978 Muslim 236098 (52%) Hindu 212950 (48%) Rural 414910 (92.4%) 501478 Urban 34138 (7.6%) 41500 SC 54107(12%) 63832 ST 715 1063 Density 339 per sq km 409 per sq km Female per 1000 males 929 939 Literacy rate 53.07 59.84 Literacy rate (male) 64.08 68.47 Literacy rate (female) 41.04 50.65 Page 10 of 10 ChApter-1: DISTRICT PROFILE GenerAl And PhysicAl FeAtures: LDcAtion Tie Hailakandi district is situated in the southern part of Assam in North East India. The distance of the state capital from the district Head Quarter is 330 KM. BAundArles The Hailakandi district is bounded by River Barak & Cachar district in the North & East. Mzoram State in the south & east and Karimganj district in the v\/est. The inter state border is stretched over 76 KM in ihe southeast. HistoricAl bAckground of the district According to historians, the Kukies are the first inhabitant of the district of Hailakandi. Subsequently, the Bodo-Kacharies (Dimasas) entered into the plains and settled in different places scattered in the northern part of the district. The name ‘Hailakandi" derives from the Kuke word “Halam" which means a small state and Kundia” a Bodo-Kacahari word which means a plot of land for temporary ploughing; according to the opinions of the historians like Rajmohan Nath and others. There are some other opinions in regard to nomenclature of Hailakandi. These are : i. That the area .vas abundant in paddy cultivation, particularly shair peddy was more in production and was the granary of the area as a whole. For that reason it was C0lled Shailkandi' - Kundi a Kuki word meaning a a bunch’- a land of the Kukis. From this it turns into Hailakandi. ii. The western portion of present Hailakandi was known as Boroibari. It was under the occupation of one Ipra Queen ‘Hail’. She was the Zamidar of the estate and from her name it became ‘Halirkandi’ & then turns into Hailkandi. Hailakandi - a leanifig plot of land, though it is difficult to decide which is historically correct yet according to majority opinion the combination of the derivatives of ‘Halam' and ' Kundina' was the origin. In the known period of history most parts of the erstwhile state of Cachar was under Tripuri administration. Existence of Sakala Dighi near Lala ( in the 5 km. South) is symbol of Tripuri reign. Other parts of the state were captured by the Kochs during the early i^iedievai period and continued as a Koch province til! the Dimacha occupied it. But. Hailakandi particularly its southern part remains under Tripura. According to Krishnamala it was then named as pLirbakul. But Tnpuries cou'Ici tiot continue for any longer period due to constant attack by ilie kukis who were domir people in the southern part of Hailakandi and gradually they receded froni ‘heir Purba-::.i province when they did a lot of works for public interest & Dimasas. Tlie Dimasas ca :‘wred Hailakandi, 1' the northern part and then towards the end of their ^uie over Cachar. tr.e southern part was also brought under their rule. Hailakandi .vent under the British rule -i 1830 with Silchar the other part of the state of Cachar. The Britishers built tiheir native c.hi.b at Monactierra. Hailakandi and Polo Ground at Ginn Tilla, vvhicl'i is Stiii 111 e \ ‘Stet>ce. Pace 11 of 11 During 2“ ' world war (1942 -43) the first Airport of the valley was built at Chandrapur - Bhabanipur village near Lala & 2'’^ airport was built at Kanchanpur, both are now used as paddy fields. Hailakandi district is i?nd of diversity where people of different cast, tribe, creed and religion live with unity from time immemorial. DAte of EstAblishment: Hailakandi was the one of the oldest Sub-division of the state which was constituted as Civil Sub-division on I'’' June 1869.
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