Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-2-2006 Arbiter, March 2 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. TH U~SDAY MA~CH 2 2006 THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT VOICE OF BOISE STATE SINCE 1933 VOl.UME18 FI~ST ISSUE F.~EE ISSUE 45 , i Ie. r. ) \ " • ~~<~ ~~ • •••• , •• ' v· the p.6 Voting begins Wednesday for '06- '07 ,ASBSU election ..... BY TESSA SCHWEIGERT WednesdayandThursday. They are JeffreyDart for the Collegeof Union Building. turnout. Assistant News Editor If students need further assistancein AppliedTechnologySenateposition,which About 10percent of BSUstudentsvoted Sinceonline voting beganin 2004,Grow the voting process,help is availableat the isvacantontheballot,andTiffanyRiveraasa in last spring's election. According to last said they have seena gradual increasein All registered students will be able to ASBSUofficesfrom 8 a.m.to 5p.m. graduatestudentSenator. year'sElectionBoardChairman JimWolfe, studentvoting participatiun. cast their votes for the future Associated Three candidate pairs are seeking the At-Large Senatecandidate David Baltz averagevoterturnout atuniversitiesaround "There are so many-benefits [of online Studentsof BoiseStateUniversity leaders presidentand vice presidentpositions and withdrew his name from the ballot on the nation isonly 2 to 4 percent. voting]," Grow said. "Studentscan vote at nextWednesdayandThursday. 21 candidates are officially running for Tuesday.BaltzremainstheASBSUDirector ASBSUElection Board Advisor Jerilyn home,school,work or whereverthey have . Student voting will be exclusively on- the 16 available Senateseats.Two write- ofStudentAffairs. Grow said she hopes more students vote the Internet." line through BroncoWeb.The voting link in candidates for Senate positions were Electionresultswill beannouncedFriday online this year,though shedoesn'texpect will be active from 7 a.m. to midnight on announcedWednesday. at 12 p.m. at the BravaStageof the Student a "huge increaese"from last year's voter See VDte [page 4J EXECUTIVE CANDIDATES: PLATFO-RM, EXPERIE'NCE, RECORDS BY JESSICA WIGLEY U CHAD MENDENHALL [News Desk] Flaherty/Clark Ormond/Holdawav ' Parke/George We will be starting, right away, to work on our agenda. The The main objectives of our campaign are (0 improve the Main objectives: To stop the +/- graoing system, to put swearing in of candidates on the 22nd of March and we will quality of education at Boise State University, have an open a textbook library on campus, to make sure everyone is get right to work. Most of our platform points are issues that and efficient student government, and reform or find better assigned an advisor instead of students having to search LaTisha and I have been working on for months; we consider options for student health insurance. and find their own advisor, and to increase student involve- ~'-. them to be of the utmost importance. We will encourage Math We will accomplish each of the main objectives of our ment hear at Boise State. We hope to accomplish our main platform. We will better inform the student body by updat- objectives listed above and to unite Student Government 108 reform. We will stop the +/- grading system from going 1,~ into effect. We will stop the issuing of parking ti~kets after 5 ing the ASBSU Web site and communicating student govern- as a whole. Also, we plan to increase the Visibility p.m. and on weekends. We will work with the administration ment progress through weekly e-mail. Through collaborations of student organizations. to keep fee increases low. We will support student athletics with the Faculty Senate, we plan to establish higher standards 'and student involvement on campus. We will bring back Free for the quality of education. We will work with the Health and Wyatt Parke President (Orange Party) Pick-a-Prof.com to all students. You can learn more about our Wellness Center to research better options for student health 21 years old platform at www.gobroncos.org , insurance and implement those options as qUickly as possible. Current ASBSUSenator We look forward to accomplishing these goals while also being Tim Flaherty open to any additional student body needs. President (Team Bronco) 1. Misdemeanor 2003-unlawful entry, malicious injury to 24 years old Robert Ormond property, battery, alcohol Former ASBSUAt large senator President consumption, probation and ASBSUlobbyist, former 22 years old violation. Malicious injury to ASBSUChief of Staff . No political experience property, one count of battery, alcohol consumption and 1. Misdemeanor 2003-Grand No criminal record. probation violation dismissed. theft felony of over $1,000. Up 2. Misdemeanor 2001 -battery. front restitution payrnent of "I haven't been Involved 3. Misdemeanor 2003 - $8,183.10. Remaining balance In any situations that were malicious injury to property. of $6,885.25 paid to Bank of against the law. Leading by 4. Misdemeanor 2002 -driving America by Nov. 12, 2006. If example is a big deal and wi suspended license, contempt remaining balance isn't repaid, I do believe It's important to of court, failure to provide the State of Idaho can re- know what kind of background insurance. Failure to provide fllecharqes. Charges were someone' has." insurance and contempt of court conditionally dismissed. dismissed. Britton Holdaway 5. Eight Ada County traffic, "If you did your homework, Vice President tickets •••••••• ~ , you'll find that the State 24 years old dismissed this case against me. ASBSU Executive staff "I beat up my little brother, was I admitted no fault and I was member, Assisting Lobbyist there when my friend beat up relieved to have this situation for ASBSU,SUBOGchairman, the guy who was having sex behind me." RECBOGmember with the mother of his child, got too drunk on my 21 rim and LaTisha Clark No criminal record. beat up a linen van. I feel that Vice President I've grown since then and regret (Team Bronco) "People make mistakes, if doing those things." 21 years old they made restitution, then Current ASBSUSenator you should give them the Molly George benefit of the doubt." 1. Misdemeanor 2004-Alcohol Vice President (Orange Party) illegal possession. Bond 21_years old forfeiture. Secretary of Alpha 2. One Ada County traffic Kappa PSI ticket. 1. One Ada County traffic ticket. No comment was given regarding the charges "I don't have a comment on my traffic ticket." ' Over the past few days, post{ngs decided to perform background every candIdate. Tbe ArbIter also readIng tfJls msterts! have the '" have appeared In The Arbiter online checks for all students running for worked to make contact with every right to decide whether or not the EDIllORS forum at www.ArblterOnllne.com an executive, or legislative office. person listed. candidates' backgrounds play Into any choices made at the ballot box. .·.E alle.glng that Indlvldua.,. candidates The Information prOVided belpw The above Information Is printed In , • have criminal btstortes. was derived from public records hopes of clearing. up any confusion NOT • Due to the conflicting and obtained at the Ada County that may have resulted from the • M. Grace LUcas, Sara Bahnson, uncertain nature of these postlngs, Courthouse. It was verified by the postlngs. The Arbiter recognIzes that Tessa Schweigert, Chad Mendenhall, five members of The Arbiter have middle Initial and birth dates of student and community members , "and Jessica WIgley. 'i • , ~" . ~, ~ . N . ··.,Fln4t6~~'_~~()rI~~'r9tm~lrl?'t~r~lInj!:~ofll7,·r Cairo students protest cartoons peacefully Colleges struggle 'to recruit black males 3-day forecast ' " ...•~ .•... , .·,Students share a Job as they draw cartoons for.a dlsplay •4,.,,4''4'4 ~ lthat 'proiesls the.crintroV8~slal <-t'rlday ·::aanlrD-.t- . Muhammad cartooDS. '. High: 4B~ , ".-' .H1tlhi 46F, ~Low:·33F.. LOW:2BF. I I World/National/What the? sto- ries courtesy of KRT Campus' Wire I Services unless otherwise cred- ited. Local/BSU stories are cour- tesy of the Boise State Web site at www.bolsestate.edu. All stories are complied, b News Writers. world said Mustafa Adnan, 27, a graduate been exhibiting something le- chief of the major trials unit of the Union Barnwell Room, 7-8:30 p.m, Crimes Tribunal for Yugoslavia, engineering student from Fallujah, gal experts have identified as the Philadelphia District Attorney's Chandra Silva from the Boise State which is attempting tobring justice Sunnis say they're west of Baghdad. "It will not hap- "CSI effect." Loosely defined, it is a Office. The manifold, unscripted history department will discuss to the victims of the Balkan Wars of pen again. If the Shiites want to do jury's increasing demand for scien- • ways that those Individuals look narrative stories of Boise's sha- the I990s. mobllizfng to that again, it will be over our dead tific evidence of guilt - and it has and speak and behave, Divlny says, mans, artists, healers, teachers and The Women from the 116th combat Shiites bodies." changed the strategies that lawyers "won'tbe reflected In the entertain- activists, Speak: Student Union Jordan . Residents expressed similar sen- must employ. ment media," Thursday, March 9 - Women and Ballroom, 7-9 p.m, Female soldiers from the Idaho National Guard will ,BAGHDAD, Iraq Sunni timents In Diyala province, north of Across the country, prosecu- Resistance. Student Union Special tell stories of their deployment to Muslims from across central Iraq, Baghdad. "There is tension all over tors must now explain why they lncal/hsu Events Center, 7 p.m. A screening Iraq. The public will be invited to alarmed by how easily Shiite Diyala," said Dawood Salman, a 38- don't have photos of a 'ferrotraced" of the film "Daring to Resist: Three ask questions as part of a facilitated Muslim fighters had attacked their year-old mechanic from Baqouba.
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