2014The Book 2014 The Book DESIGN DAYS DUBAI THE VENUE, DOWNTOWN DUBAI MOHAMMED BIN RASHID BOULEVARD MARCH 17 – 20 2014, 4PM – 10PM MARCH 21 2014, 1PM – 7PM For more information please visit designdaysdubai.ae Ladies Day Under the Patronage of Her Highness Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum March 17, 1pm – 4pm Admission AED 50 per person, free for students upon presentation of ID The Book AED 50 Design Days Dubai is an event owned and managed by Art Dubai Fair LLC Art Dubai Fair LLC Board of Directors Rajesh Pareek – Chairman Benedict Floyd – CEO, Art Dubai Fair LLC Saleh Al Akrabi Savita Apte Ali Al Shabibi Fair Management Cyril Zammit, Poppy Ward, Katia de Rham, Karen Simon, Tricia Lea, Abdulla A Aljneibi, Moza Almatrooshi, Meshary Al Nassar, Sandra Lane, Muhanad Ali, Maha Ali, Karyn Macdonald 2 DESIGN DAYS DUBAI DESIGN DAYS DUBAI 1 04 Public Programme 06 Patronage 08 Director’s Welcome 10 Dubai Culture & Arts Authority 12 Van Cleef & Arpels 14 Emaar 16 Audi 26 Galleries 86 Discover CONTENTS 98 Bespoke Design 108 Exhibitors 114 Installations 128 Live Performances 136 Offsite 146 Partner Adverts 192 Acknowledgments 194 Designers’ Index 2 DESIGN DAYS DUBAI DESIGN DAYS DUBAI 3 PUBLIC PROGRAMME THURSDAY, 20 MARCH 2014 Workshop 11am – 1pm All events take place at the Studio, Design Days Dubai ‘Carpet Stories’ led by Silvia Knüppel, presented by Goethe Institut (UAE) Workshop 1.30pm – 3.30pm MONDAY, 17 MARCH 2014 ‘Introduction to Paracrafting Design: Designing by Explicit Knowledge’ led by gt2P, Workshop 11am – 1pm presented by +Coletivo Amor de Madre ‘Fold’ led by Francisco Torres Workshop 4pm – 6pm Workshop 1.30pm – 3.30pm ‘Story telling as part of Visualizing Impact’ led by Ramzi Jaber, presented by Nuqat ‘2D – 3D’ led by Aljoud Lootah (Ladies Only) Screening – 6.45pm Workshop 4pm – 6pm ‘Ten British Makers’ presented by the Crafts Council (UK) ‘A Hands-on Adventure with Terracotta’ led by Brian Dougan & ‘Xeina AlMalki Talk 7pm – 8pm Screening – 6.45pm ‘Loudspeaker Design - A historical review from the 30s until today’ led by Arne M. Färber, ‘Ten British Makers’ presented by the Crafts Council (UK) presented by J+A Gallery Panel Discussion 7pm – 8pm Talk 8pm – 9pm ‘The Future of Design in Dubai’, led by Rima Alsammarae ’Made in the UAE’ led by Faysal Tabbara, presented by FN Designs, Talk 8pm – 9pm WTD Magazine & Bloomingdales Home, Dubai ‘My Life in Design’ led by India Mahdavi, introduced by Rue Kothari FRIDAY, 21 MARCH 2014 TUESDAY, 18 MARCH 2014 Workshop 2pm – 5pm Workshop 11am – 1pm ‘Creative Process to a Better Society’ led by Gravina ‘Saucer Bowls’ led by Rolf Bruggink, presented by Galerie Judy Straten Talk 5pm – 6pm Workshop 1.30pm – 3.30pm ‘Defining the UAE through design’ led by Roanne Dods, ‘Casting Planters’ led by Chen Chen & Kai Williams, presented by +Coletivo Amor de Madre Khalid Mezaina & Anabelle de Gersigny, presented by Tashkeel Workshop 4pm – 6pm Screening – 6.30pm ‘Fold’ led by Francisco Torres ‘Ten British Makers’ presented by the Crafts Council (UK) Screening – 6.45pm ‘Ten British Makers’ presented by the Crafts Council (UK) ONGOING LIVE PERFORMANCES, INSTALLATIONS & WORKSHOPS Talk 7pm – 8pm Live Performances ‘Parametrics of Design’ led by Guto Requena & gt2p, presented by +Coletivo Amor de Madre Flowstone by Chen Chen & Kai Williams, presented by +Coletivo Amor de Madre Talk 8pm -9pm LESS CPP, by gt2p, presented by +Coletivo Amor de Madre ‘The Role & Value of Bespoke & Interior Design’ led by Giles Miller, Andy Martin and Rachael Brown Transformations, by Rolf Bruggink (Studio Rolf.fr), presented by Galerie Judy Straten, in cooperation with the General Consulate of The Netherlands WEDNESDAY, 19 MARCH 2014 Workshop 11am -1pm Installations ‘M-OTTO 3D Space Puzzle’ led by MOTOElastico, presented by VCUQatar ‘Climatology: Respired Wooden Skin’, by Elaine Ng Yan Ling, presented by the Fabrick Lab Round Table Discussion 1pm – 4pm ‘Full Turn’, by Benjamin Muzzin, presented by ECAL, supported by Baccarini Foundation ‘Design Research’ a Round Table Discussion led by Paula Zuccotti, ‘Light sculptures Castor & Pollux’, by Giles Miller Studio, presented by Capsule Arts presented by British Council in partnership with tasmena ‘Miracle Chips’, by Michael Anastassiades, presented by Carwan Gallery Panel Discussion 4pm – 5pm ‘PP Trysting Tree – Cherry Trees’, by Tom Price, presented by Industry Gallery, in cooperation with British Council ‘Voice & the Creative Economy’ led by Peter Di Sabatino, ‘TheObsessiveDrafter’, by Guillaume Crédoz & Nareg Karaoghlanian presented by British Council in partnership with tasmena Workshop 5pm – 7pm Workshop ‘Carpet Diffusion’ led by Silvia Knüppel, presented by Goethe Institut (UAE) ‘Experiencing the Art of Mock-up Making’ led by L’École, presented by Van Cleef & Arpels. Screening – 6.45pm To register, please email [email protected] or visit the Van Cleef & Arpels booth. ‘Ten British Makers’ presented by the Crafts Council (UK) Talk 8pm – 9pm TOURS & SPECIAL VISITS ‘A Conversation with Michele Lamy’ moderated by Nadia Eldasher Private Tours Guided tours for individuals and corporate will be offered daily at 5pm and 7pm. Please book your tour on [email protected] School Visits Public programme OFFSITE On request and subject to availability, guided tours will be offered on Thursday, 20 March supporter ‘Comptoir 102’ Beach Road, Jumeria 1, Dubai from 12pm – 4pm. Please contact [email protected] ‘KASA’ by Khalid Shafar, Ras Al Khor, Dubai ‘Maraya Art Centre’ Al Taawun Road, Sharjah ‘The Mine’ Al Quoz, Dubai For progamme updates visit designdaysdubai.ae 4 DESIGN DAYS DUBAI DESIGN DAYS DUBAI 5 يقام »أيام التصميم دبي« تحت رعاية سمو الشيخ حمدان بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم ولــي عـهد دبـي DESIGN DAYS DUBAI IS HELD UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF H.H. SHEIKH HAMDAN BIN MOHAMMED BIN RASHID AL MAKTOUM, CROWN PRINCE OF DUBAI 6 DESIGN DAYS DUBAI DESIGN DAYS DUBAI 7 Cyril Zammit Fair Director’s Welcome االستكشاف والتبصر، قد تبدو هاتين الكلمتين دون سواهما األكثر ًدقة لوصف الطابع المميز الذي Discovery and insight are two words that express, perhaps better than any, the يتسم به معرض »أيام التصميم دبي« ويعمل على ترسيخه منذ انطالقته؛ وها هو يعززه في النسخة distinctive character of Design Days Dubai—a character reinforced by this third الثالثة للمعرض. .edition of the fair عملنا على إدراج االستكشاف ٍكسمة ّجوهرية في نسخة المعرض لهذا العام. وفي ٍمبادرة ٍجديدة من This year we have incorporated ‘Discover’ as a core theme, with a new initiative »أيام التصميم دبي« بالتعاون مع المعهد الفرنسي في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة، سيتم إطالق that gives a platform to young voices from a single country; for this section’s برنامج »اكتشف« في نسخته األولى لهذه السنة ليكون ًمنصة للمواهب الشابة من ٍبلد معين. debut we have chosen France in collaboration with the Institut Français in the UAE. Discovery is also key among the criteria for the selection of galleries, هذا ويشكل االستكشاف الكلمة المفتاح في سياق المعايير المتبعة في اختياراتنا لصاالت العرض، .installations and live performances, as well as building the public programme واألعمال التركيبية، وعروض األداء الحية، ًإضافة إلى إعداد البرنامج العمومي للمعرض. Known as a fair that surprises and delights in equal measure, Design Days ُعرف المعرض بتقديمه لكل ما يبعث على المفاجئة والسرور على ّحد سواء، وهو ينطلق لهذا العام Dubai is bigger than ever and I am proud that, among the 33 galleries, are بأضخم نسخه على اإلطالق. إنني ألشعر بالفخر أن بين صاالت العرض الـ 34 المشاركة في هذه الدورة، representatives from eight countries that have never before exhibited in the نجد ممثلين لـ 8دول تشارك للمرة األولى في معرض للتصميم في الشرق األوسط، باإلضافة للحضور Middle East in addition to ten galleries from this region. With such new and الالفت لـ 10صاالت من المنطقة. إن تواجد مثل هذه المواهب الشابة والمتنوعة جنبًا إلى جنب مع أشهر diverse talent alongside renowned modern masters, the range of works being offered underlines the universality of the language of design. أساتذة التصميم الحداثيين على المستوى العالمي، ًإضافة إلى طيف واسع من األعمال المعروضة- إنما يؤكد على عالمية لغة التصميم. We are honoured to have the continued patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, whose ونحن هنا نتشرف بالرعاية الكريمة لصاحب السمو الشيخ حمدان بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم ولي support underlines the importance of design as a vital building block of culture. عهد دبي، والذي يؤكد عبر دعمه المستمر للمعرض على أهمية التصميم في نواحي حياتنا المختلفة- َ َ ٌ إن التصميم هو ل ِبنة أساسية في بنيان الثقافة. Under the aegis of our Strategic Partner, Dubai Culture & Art Authority, and in partnership with d3 Dubai Design District, we have expanded the Public ّ ٍبدعم من شريكنا االستراتيجي »هيئة دبي للثقافة والفنون«، وبالشراكة مع »حي دبي للتصميم« تمكنا Programme of seminars, talks and design performances. Following its من توسيع البرنامج العمومي للمعرض ليشتمل على ٍندوات عامة، وحوارات، وعروض تصميم. هذا .successful debut last year, the Bespoke Design section returns to the fair ويعود قسم »التصميم حسب الطلب« إلى المعرض بعد بدايته التي تكللت بالنجاح في العام الماضي. Our valued sponsor Van Cleef & Arpels stages an exhibition that celebrates يبقى الشكر األكبر لشركائنا على دعمهم المستمر، حيث تقيم دار »فان كليف آند آربلز«- شريكنا the profound link between craftsmanship and design, and—in association with المرموق- معرضًا لالحتفاء بالرابط العميق بين الحرفة والتصميم. ّومر ًة أخرى، ّتنظم »تشكيل« جائزة Tashkeel—has organised the Middle East Emergent Artist Award for its second »الفنان الناشئ في الشرق األوسط«. وبدورها، تؤكد شركة »إعمار« على التزامها بدعم التصميم من year. Emaar underlines its commitment to design by hosting the fair for its third خالل استضافتها للمعرض للسنة الثالثة على التوالي. كما تعود شركة »أودي« الشرق األوسط، الشركة year and Audi Middle East—a company driven by its passion for design—also المدفوعة بشغفها للتصميم، ٍكراع للمعرض. .returns as a sponsor. We thank them all for their continuing collaboration نفخر بمساهمتنا الفعالة في الحوار العالمي الدائر حول التصاميم ّالمعدة لالقتناء، كما نتطلع للترحيب We are proud to be contributing to the global conversation about collectible بكم وبجميع اسفساراتكم التي من شأنها أن تجعل تجربتكم معنا هذا العام أكثر فتنة ًوغنى.
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