饒宗頤百歲藝術展p2-3 from the Editor

饒宗頤百歲藝術展p2-3 from the Editor

Exhibition of Jao Tsung-I’s Artistic Attainments 學藝融通—饒宗頤百歲藝術展 p2-3 The Art of Yueju (Cantonese Opera) : an Introduction 粵劇藝術簡介 p11-18 From the Editor : the Significance of Guan Di Festival 編者的話 :《關帝誕談關帝》 p4 香港中國語文課程改革下的粵劇劇本教材 The Incorporation of Cantonese Opera Scripts into Course 興建道家文化公園——「太極園」計劃 p5 Materials for the Teaching of Chinese Language and Literature in Secondary Schools in Hong Kong p19 An Initial Plan for the Establishment of the Tai Chi Park : a Daoist Theme Cultural Park p6 Hidden Dragon : A few notes from China 潛藏的龍 : 漫遊中國隨筆 p20-21 The Chinese in North East Tasmania and the Chinese Collection in the Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery 我的繪畫老師 (四) : 鮑少游先生和劉秉衡先生 東北塔省的中國移民及維多利亞皇后博物及藝術館 My Teachers in Chinese Painting (4) : Master Bao Shaoyou and 關帝廟藏品 p7-10 Master Liu Bingheng p22-23 Reminiscences of Memorable Moments 活動重溫 p24 P. 2 Exhibition of Jao Tsung-I’s Artistic Attainments Christine To * 學藝融通— 饒宗頤百歲藝術展 杜英華 # In honour of Professor Jao Tsung-i’s 饒 To date this exhibition is the most large- This website includes the actual scenes of the 宗頤教授 100th birthday, the Jao Tsung-I Petite scale and comprehensive presentation of Professor exhibition space and the video of the opening Ecole at the University of Hong Kong 香港大學饒 Jao’s artistic and academic achievements for the ceremony. The Museum also provides a video 宗頤學術館, has organised several celebration past 80 years. The artworks contain various subjects clip recording the seminar and uploaded it to the events. The highlight is a touring Exhibition of Jao including landscapes of the world, landscapes of following link: Tsung-I’s Artistic Attainments (學藝融通—饒宗 China, paintings in ancient style, Dunhuang style, http://www.chnmuseum.cn/tabid/310/InfoID/105 頤百歲藝術展), held at the National Museum Zen painting, Buddhist and Dao figures, Northwestern 508/frtid/303/Default.aspx of China 國家博物館 in Beijing from 29th April to School landscapes, flower and bird, animal, lotus 28th June. To celebrate this occasion, there were about painting, as well as collaborative works; while the 200 guests from Hong Kong who made a special trip calligraphic works consist of those done in official, to Beijing. This event was also highly valued by the seal, regular, running, cursive, Han bamboo slip, Chinese government that on the day of opening, a Han stone inscriptions, bronze, oracle bone and meeting between Professor Jao and Li Keqiang 李 needle point seal script. This exhibition also displays 克強, the Premier of the State Council of the People’s different types of artefacts derived from Professor Republic of China, was arranged. Jao’s painting and calligraphy, such as guqin, a type of ancient Chinese musical instrument, teaware, bamboo Premier Li Significant publications of Professor Jao Keqiang carving works, furniture engraved with Professor met with 1 Jao’s works, ink slab, and other studio objects such Professor Jao as wrist-rest, water-dropper, water container, brush pot and so on. The photos below demonstrate the scenes of the exhibition. For Professor Jao’s publications, the exhibits included exhibition catalogues, academic research, literary compositions, books, edited works, The exhibition title, Xueyi Rongtong academic papers, and manuscripts. Due to the space (學藝融通), means “the integration of the limitations, only the important ones were selected. attainments which have been achieved in the On 28th April the exhibition was grandly academic and art field.” As Professor Chack-fan Lee opened at the West Hall. Before the ceremony started, The Museum prepared a birthday cake for 李焯芬, the Director of the Jao Tsung-I Petite there were already visitors crowded into the site. Professor Jao. Ecole said, “this title summarises the concept that To accompany this event, the Museum Professor Jao has integrated the knowledge of invited renowned scholars from home and abroad art and academic learning that he has acquired, to a seminar, the topic was “Jao Tsung-1’s Academic and his capability of amalgamating his research and Art Attainments”, taking place on 29th April. accomplishment into his art creation.” At this special occasion, Professor Wong Shiu Hon was invited to give a presentation. On that day, almost all seats were occupied, and the audience responded enthusiastically. If you are interested in seeing more about the exhibition, please visit http://www.chnmuseum.cn/tabid/236/Default. aspx?ExhibitionLanguageID=481 (Chinese Version). When the ceremony was concluded, all the guests moved to the exhibition halls. After that, the guests were invited to a Exhibition catalogue Brochure banquet hosted by the Museum. P. 3 1 Photo by Liu Zhen. “Li Keqiang Met with Mr. Rao Zongyi Professor Emeritus of University of Hong Kong.” * The author is Assistant Curator, Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, the University of Hong Kong. Chinese Dishes. 27 Apr. 2015. Web. 18 June 2015. <http://www.chinesedishes.tk/archives/24339>. # 作者為香港大學饒宗頤學術館助理藝術統籌主任。 P. 4 Newsletter of the Chinese Art Society, Australia #8, AUG 2015 www.chineseartsociety.net [email protected] From the Editor : Guan Di’s colourful life and his gallant 編者的話 : 熟悉的外國朋友有一個適當的 The Significance of behaviours won him the symbol of 機會體會關帝信仰甚至關帝信 Guan Di Festival “loyalty, righteousness, benevolence 《關帝誕談關帝》 仰文化,讓他們知道中國有一 and courage”, the most important values 位可與來自印度的大神觀音菩 It is with great pleasure and honour admired and upheld by all Chinese, past 關帝是指中國三國時代(220- 薩同日而語的中國「地道」大 that the Chinese Art Society, Australia and present. In Chinese eyes, to pay 265)的蜀中名將關羽(約 神——關帝。 joins with the Queen Victoria Museum respect to Guan Di is to acknowledge 160-219),就是世人所盛稱 and Art Gallery, the Launceston Chinese respect and support of the conventional 的「關公」。據說關帝的生 關帝最初只不過是一名武將, Association and the Australia China moral culture of China. Therefore, to 日是農曆六月二十四日,古時 (雖然生前被漢朝廷封為「壽 Friendship Society (Tasmanian Branch) celebrate Guan Di Festival is to recognise 以這天為祭關帝之期,適逢今 亭候」)死後卻被歷代朝廷封 to celebrate the Guan Di Festival 關 the significance and richness of Chinese 年是陽曆八月八日,故我們的 為王、為帝;又被佛教尊為「 帝誕 on 8th August 2015 Saturday traditional moral virtues and culture. 澳洲中國藝術協會,連同維多 護法神」、「古佛」,被道教 at the Queen Victoria Art Gallery, 尊為「真君」、「天尊」 Launceston. Features of the day will ,被儒教尊為「夫子」、 include Lion Dance, performances, 「聖人」。到了十九世紀 an introduction and talk on the 關帝更獲得清廷一個長達 Guan Di Temple Collection by history 二十六字的最尊貴封號, curator Jon Addison, and a public 而到了二十世紀中期關帝 talk given by myself “On the Worship 竟晉升為「協天上帝」, of Guan Di and Chinese Culture”. I 更有不少關帝信仰以關帝 am most indebted to all those who 取代玉皇大帝的地位,成 make this special function a reality; 為中國神界最高的領袖! my sincere thanks to all. 關帝是歷代各階層崇拜祭 Guan Di, originally named Guan Yu 祀的大神,無論統治者、 關羽 (c.160-219) and commonly 政界、文人、學士、商 known as Guan Gong 關公 was a 人、工人、農人、軍人、 historical figure who flourished in 幫會、商會、會館、酒 the Three Kingdoms Period (220- 樓、茶室各行各業,都崇 265) in Chinese history. It was 祀關帝!衪被世人崇祀的 believed that the twenty-fourth 程度遠遠超過中國最偉大 day of the sixth month of the lunar 的教育家孔聖人,而關帝 year was the birthday of Guan Di, 廟的數量在中國和中國以 th and this year that day falls on 8 外的華人聚居地方亦遠遠 August of the Georgian Calendar. 多於孔子廟。為甚麼會如 By celebrating the festival, it is our 此?因為關帝是中國傳統 aim to take this opportunity to share 道德「忠、義、仁、勇」 with the community, especially 的化身,是這四大德的最 those who are interested in Chinese 具體象徵,是「忠、義、 culture and all things Chinese, the 仁、勇人格」的完成,其 background, history and culture 表現是最顯明和活生生 related to the worship of this 的。 popular deity. 尊崇關帝,便是尊崇中國 Guan Di was originally a general, 的傳統道德;祭祀關帝, active during the turbulent years in 便是信仰和追認中國固有 Chinese history but after his death 的道德文化;紀念和慶祝 he was gradually and widely revered 關帝誕,便是意識到中國 by the common people, the ruling 傳統道德和固有文化的精 class, Buddhists, Daoists and even 彩處和重要性。怪不得 Confucians as the supreme deity. 2012年有關人士(或可說 The popularity of the worship of 為認識關帝信仰文化重要 this historical figure outshone the 性的人士)已向聯合國教科文 adoration of China’s greatest educationist It is therefore not surprising that in 利亞博物及藝術館、朗塞華人 組織申報列入「人類非物質文 and philosopher, Confucius (551-479 2012 supporters lodged an application 協會及澳中友好協會(塔省分 化遺產代表名錄」。 B.C.). Temples worshipping Guan Di to UNESCO to inscribe the worship of 會),於是日舉辦慶祝關帝誕 within and without China outnumbered Guan Di onto the “Representative List 多項活動。其中包括公開講座 those dedicated to Confucius. As a of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of (黃兆漢教授主講:「關帝信 實際上,「關帝信仰」已不限 matter of fact, Guan Di was adored by Humanities”. In fact, the worship of 仰與中國文化」)和參觀維多 於中國境內或中國人,而早已 all sectors and all walks of life, no matter Guan Di is not confined to China or the 利亞博物及藝術館所收藏的塔 成為世界性的文化了!只要我 who: emperors, politicians, scholars, Chinese people, it has become a 省東北部關帝廟遺留下來的文 們稍為注意,關帝神像,無論 businessmen, workers, farmers, soldiers worldwide culture. The representation 物等等。我們深盼通過這些活 是畫像或塑像,到處可以見 and gangsters alike. Therefore, it is of Guan Di, whether it is a portrait or a 動讓世人認識或更進一步認識 到,就算在霍巴特和朗塞市都 indeed important to look into the statue can be seen everywhere, even in 這位中國的「全能大神」,更 可以見到! reasons for this phenomenon. the cities of Hobart and Launceston. 希望一些對中國傳統文化不 P. 5 Newsletter of the Chinese Art Society, Australia #8, AUG 2015 www.chineseartsociety.net [email protected] 興建道家文化公園—— 「太極園」計劃 崔立 # An Initial Plan for the Establishment of the Tai Chi Park : a Daoist Theme Cultural Park Leo Cui * 計劃中的「太極園」的位置 霍伯特(Hobart)這個美麗優雅的城 市,有著濃厚的歐洲文化色彩,在原 居民質樸文化的襯托下更顯出其獨特 的韻味。當今,世界大同,東方文化 亦漸融入這座城市,令它更加和諧舒 服。 「太極」是東方文化多種理念的代表 之一;老子(約生於西元前六世紀,與 孔子同時而為孔子之長輩。孔子曾問 禮於老子)所著之《道德經》有云: 老子圖像 致虛極,守靜篤。萬物並作,吾以 觀其復。(復命章第十六) 意思是:當能達到致虛極空,堅守 著清靜無為時,我們便可從萬物的

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